
Troubles with twins !

Lorial is a normal girl with a normal life. Things change though when her mother gets remarried, and they move into a house with two new siblings. She notices that the twins are constantly harassing her and making her uncomfortable. Do they hate her or is it something else.

Alice_may · Thanh xuân
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2 Chs

Chapter two

On the way to school, Lorial got a strange yet familiar feeling. Then immediately turned around to see a beautiful girl. She had nice tan long legs, and a skinny but athletic build. Her eyes were soft and brown, and had the look of an innocent puppy. She was immediately recognized, Aya

When they locked eyes the girl behind gave the other a pleading look. Just by this look anyone could tell what she was thinking. Feeling guilty for some apparent reason, Lorial flash her a slight smile. Just then Aya runs up to hug her. Her arms are around her waist and her head is on Lorial bosom. She is sort of bent down in this position, rubbing her face with a satisfied look, up against her chest.

After a few moments she stops and grabs her hand. Locking our fingers together, she strokes the back of Lorial's hand with her thumb. This felt nice and warm, but she could never admit this. And concluded that on a cold day like this, it's only natural to keep each other warm, so she didn't withdraw her hand.

"Why did you leave without me." Aya said looking at the ground with a bitter look.

"Sorry." she didn't know why this made her feel so bad but decided that it's because Aya was so used to walking to school with her everyday that it became a habit, and it was because of this that she didn't want to go without her.

" It's okay, but don't forget about me next time. Tonight I'm going to sleep with you so you remember, 'kay!" She said the last part in a friendly tone with a sly smile.

She didn't know what to say because she is always teasing her and was not sure how to react. So Lorial just lets her do what she wants. It didn't matter to her because she basically lived in her room. A few months ago she even tried to convince her mom to let her share a room with Lorial to improve their friendship. Luckily she shut that down real quick. But sometime after she brought up again and convinced her to let her stay in her room whenever she wanted.

On their way to their school they stopped at a convenience store. As soon as Lorial walked in she felt a rush of warm air which made her sigh of relief to be out of the cold and into the warmth. Aya seeing her reaction took of her scarf and wrapped it around her and then patted her head

" Ahh.. cute." She muttered this and gave her a thumbs up

" Thanks." Lorial said shyly.

She pulled the girl down the aisle and asked what she wanted.

"Coffee." was mumbled softly

"Hot? Black? Like always" She kept walking nonchalantly leading her down to the drinks.

Lorial didn't know why but was happy that she remembered how she liked her coffee, then made a sound to confirm her. She grabbed the cup and poured the coffee. Then rushed to the cashier. They were only in there for a short amount of time.

When they continued their walk in the cold. She was still warming Lorial's hand with hers and Lorial's other hand was holding onto the cup with hot coffee. This made both her hands warm, which made her happy and content. Then as she took a sip from her coffee, burning her tongue. This caused her to stick out her tongue.


Then a chuckle escaped from beside her. Lorial looked at the charming girl laughing at her, while her tongue was still sticking out. This caused her to laugh even harder.

"It's nob pun'ny" Lorial said, sticking out her swollen tongue.

This pushed her over the edge even more. After a few laughs, she wipes her tears from her eyes and tilts her head," It is 'pun' ny.' "

"Mmmh." she pressed her lips together, then continued walking.

Not long after, They reached the school. This is where Lorial and Aya had to split paths, but after Aya walked her to her class. It was already January and the beginning of the semester but she noticed that there was a new student and usually she would pay no attention to this but he was sitting in her seat!

She walked over to the guy. His features were most definitely memorable. He had small, pink, soft lips and big golden eyes that matched his hair. To put it simply he was cute.

As Lorial taps on his shoulder. He shudders and looks up at her like a small freighted animal. "That's my seat." This short and blunt phrase made him intimidated, yet made something inside him want to respect and follow her.

At first there was no response, he was just staring at her in awe and respect like a child to mother. Then some words were muttered," wha.. where's my ….seat." His tone was soft and his word was barely recognizable, for they were so quiet.

"How should I know?" She looked at him with a look that showed pity and repulsion. She thought that it was extremely annoying to have someone claim her seat as their own.

Right after he moved she sat down and he was dismissed from her mind. However he just stood next to her next watching her. After a few minutes passed he moved his arm and tugged gently on her sleeve. She looked up and saw the boy standing there with begging eyes." may I be by you."

"Huh" This definitely surprised her. Lorial gave him a look that told him that she had no idea what he was asking.

He didn't say no more, but his ears turned bright red and pointed to an empty desk next to her.

'Did he want to sit there?" The girl thought, then she replied, "yeah."

He skipped to the desk besides her and sat, then instead of doing anything he put his hand on his face and stared at her with admiration

This made her extremely uncomfortable, but she didn't say anything, leaving him be. The school day went by slow, but was eventually over. As she packed her things, she felt a tug on her sleeve. She looked down to see two puppy dog eyes staring up at her.

" Hi." The boy whispered shyly.

"What." She was cold, as she always is.

"May I…"

Before he could say anything a pretty girl swept in and took his new idol by the hand and scurried out the door.


"Hiya. Hehehe." Aya chuckled while squeezing her hand in a playful way.


"Don't be so cold. Hehe." She insisted while poking her cheek. This made a slight smile creep over Lorial's face. Seeing this Aya flashed her brightest smile at her. "Mom's going to pick us up!"

She took her out the entrance still holding her hand, and led her to a white car that she recognized as her mothers. When they approach the car, Aya rushes up and opens the back door for her. Feeling a bit uncomfortable Lorial hops in with an awkward smile. Aya gets in immediately after, giving her a proud look. Instead of sitting on the other side leaving the middle open, she scoots close to her and grips her hand again, wearing a satisfied look on her face.They sit there for a few minutes waiting on Gabriel. Lorial never saw him at school, and started to doubt if he even went to school.

A few minutes after waiting Gabriel opens the back seat. He looks at his sister then the Lorial. He immediately got an annoyed expression, and slammed the backseat door. He opens the front door and throws his backpack in the floorboard, while getting in. After everyone was in the car and seemed ready to go, they headed home. When they got home Lorial immediately went upstairs to her room. She shut the door behind her and flopped on her bed, after a few moments she heard a knock on her door.

Knock knock knock.

"Come in."

Her door gently opened and in came the head of a radiant girl. Seeing the girl laying on the bed must've motivated her to do the same, because she jumped on the girl. Both of them are laying on the bed, with Aya on her back rubbing her face into her back.

Just then her brother walked in and dragged Aya off of Lorial. Grabbed her by the arm and pulled her to the middle of the room, before jumping on Lorial's bed next to her. Then Aya crept to the other side and laid down, before she knew it she was crammed between the two twins. At first this was uncomfortable, but once she got used to it, and the heat that the both of them radiated lolled her to sleep. When it was dark Lorial awoke to find her bed empty.

Hello~ Thanks for reading to chapter two. XD Please leave your thoughts in the comments!!

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