
Troubles with twins !

Lorial is a normal girl with a normal life. Things change though when her mother gets remarried, and they move into a house with two new siblings. She notices that the twins are constantly harassing her and making her uncomfortable. Do they hate her or is it something else.

Alice_may · Thanh xuân
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2 Chs

Chapter one

As I wake from a deep sleep, which left me feeling numb and tired. The cold air bites my skin and leaves me shivers. I press my fingertips individually, The pressure that this leaves makes me realize that I'm no longer in my dreams but reality. It does nothing in essence but has become a habit to me as breathing would be to you. As I slide my smooth, pale legs through the sheets where I desperately want to stay cuddled within, I feel the warmth transfer from the sheets. When the sheets are cold and crisp I step out.

I stand there in nothing but a T-shirt, which is not particularly oversized but comfortable enough to slumber in. Adjacent to my bed is my closet. I see my ironed uniform hanging from the knob that is bound to the door. I consider myself a properly organized individual, for every night I lay out my uniform, and make sure everything is in order for the day to come. This makes mornings fairly easy except for the part that involves leaving the comfort of my bed.

I grab my clothes for the day, and I pull my mid length skirt up, that reveals around two inches above my knee, I drag it over my soft skin all the way up to my stomach directly over my umbilicus. Immediately after pulling my nightwear over my head, I put on a white thin under shirt. I slip my arms individually into a long sleeve button up shirt with my school insignia that is on the left side directly over my breast. After getting dressed, I feel a slight chill and grab a red sweater vest from my wardrobe, which also has my school crest and put it over my head and pull it down onto my torso. The vest is tight and grabs my body and all its curves and accentuates my slim waist. I do my daily hair style. My hair is deep black, straight, and reflects light causing it to simmer. My eyes are blue and are deep pools of water. All of my features are deep and well admired.

After finishing my morning schedule, which consists of brushing my hair and teeth and putting on a light amount of makeup. I walk down the hallway from my room, I reach the stairs and begin walking down. Below in the kitchen is my mom, who became a stay at home mom after getting pregnant with me. Since she is a morning person and has nothing better to do after her morning workout, she makes everyone breakfast. As I reach the stairs I hear a door open but pay no attention, for I know that I will meet them downstairs.

I put a single foot on the top stair and began to make my way down stairs, however not even one stair down two long tan, well-defined, masculine arms wrap around my waist. I suddenly get drowned into a nice cedar smell that is only detectable because my back is pushed up against his bare chest, and his head resting on my shoulder. I'm surprised at first because of the fear of falling down the stairs but I can feel his warmth and strength reassuring me of my safety as he pulled me to him.

This is a current occurrence, so I wasn't necessarily surprised. I look over to the head that is resting on my shoulder to see a bronzed brown skin tone and a black hair man with a sly smile and shut eyes. His expression tells me that he knows he's annoying me. I grab his arms trying to pry them from my waist, but instead he tightens them. I accidentally let out a moan from the sudden squeeze.

"Let go." I say with no emotion.

He lets go only to grab my hand tight with his own. His fingers interlocking with mine and warming my hands. As he holds my hand, he leads me down the stairs. Once we reach the last stair, he lets go and steps in front of me and heads to the kitchen. His stride is longer than mine, and he stands a whole head above me, so naturally he is the first there.

My mom greets me with her usual perky greeting. " Good Morning, Lorial!"

"Morning." I'm blunt, however she smiles brightly like I told her the best news.

The man who harassed me was sitting down at the table. He was my step-brother, who liked to tease me constantly. Last year my mother got remarried which caused us to move into a house with three strangers. The first was my stepfather who was currently on a business trip. I never knew how they met or how they got to know each other since he was never around. I never bothered to ask, I didn't dislike my new father but I certainly didn't like him either. The two twins that came with him were always around me, so I definitely had my opinions of them.

The younger twin, Aya was a pretty girl, she had short wavy hair and deep brown soft eyes like her brother. Even though Gabriel her brother was affectionate, she was by far the worst. I suddenly remembered a few nights back. She woke up in the middle of the night to find two deep eyes looking over her body. Examining her in every way they could without waking her. I move my arm swiftly to my nightstand which has a lamp.

The lights soon turn on, I turn to see who the person standing above me is. Expecting an intruder, I realize that it was only Aya. I ask her what she was doing, but she says nothing and only asks to sleep in the same bed as me. I say sure and I turn off the light and drift back to sleep.

I'm most positive that she was watching me for quite a long time. By remembering that night I lost all appetite and grabbed my lunch and left for school.

Thank you so much for reading chapter one! Please leave a comment with your thoughts!~<3

Alice_maycreators' thoughts