
Chapter 7

Killian said his goodbye and watched her leave but then he followed her outside and grabbed her arm softly. "Swan?" He smiled, she was absolutely breathtaking. He took off his leather jacket and passed it over to her. "Please. Take this. I don't want you getting cold on the walk back." He said smiling, his breath showing as a cloud in the air. Emma stopped walking when she heard his voice and felt him touch her arm and turned to face him. "Yeah?" She asked when she slowly room his jacket. "Are you sure you won't get cold on your walk to the docks?" Sh wek d but she had to smile to herw me at the appreciation for it and how handsome he looked right now.

Hook smirked and nodded. "Yeah of course, I'll be fine, I'd rather you have it than me, love, besides I hav a much larger collection on my ship." He looked around and slowly reached out for her hand and squeezed it. "Goodnight Love." He said and brought her hand to his lips and kissed her knuckles. Emma smiled softly before she nodded as she pulled on his jacket and knew it smelled like him. "Thank you." She said softly before she smiled at the feeling of his lips against her knuckles. "Goodnight Killian." She whispered softly, glancing around before she leaned up and gave his cheek a kiss before she stepped away and turned, heading home. She pulled the leather jacket around herself tighter but could smell his scent on it which made her smile to herself.

Killian smiled and kissed her cheek again wishing her a final goodnight. "Goodnight Emma." He smiled and turned around after a moment. He could still taste her lips on his. It wasn't awfully long before he found his ship at the docks, he rubbed his hand across the wood, he felt like h hadn't been away, like he never left, but he knew that he had. "Hello girl." He hummed to his ship and went into his cabin, he climbed into his bed falling asleep in minutes.

When Emma for to the loft, she walked in but tried not to smile too much and to be quiet since she wasn't sure if the others were still awake. As she got inside she clothed the door behind her and took her shoes off. She didn't want to take the leather jacket off quite yet, she knew it was a little big on her but it was just like she was right there with the pirate and she was warm. Emma walked further in planning to go to her bed when she noticed that David was still awake and pissed slightly. "Is Henry asleep?" She asked. David sat up a little as he heard Emma walk in, he made sure the blanket was still over his wife. "I think he is, yeah."

Seeing her mother sleeping Emma had lowered her voice not to wake her. "I thought you'd be asleep as well." Emma admitted. For a moment she forgot she was wearing the leather jacket but decided if she was asked she would just say he let her borrow it for her walk home, which wasn't truly a lie since he gave it to her to stay warm. Emma wasn't even sure if she'd be able to sleep right away, between her thoughts going to Killian and still feeling his kisses and touches against her skin, to resting to remember something she couldn't. Her mind was bey fount from one thing to another.

David sat up and shook his head, rubbing his eyes a little. "No, not until I knew you were home safe." He said shifting a little on the bed so that he didn't risk waking Snow up. David's eyes skimmed over Emma, she looked about ready to fall asleep herself, he didn't fail to notice the pirates jacket over her shoulders or the distant look on her face as she seemed to be thinking about something. "Emma?" He asked, he sat up a little further towards the edge of the bed. "What are you thinking about?', he asked his daughter noticing the faraway look in her eyes.  Emma blinked slightly, realising she had gotten lost in her thoughts and gave an apologetic smile. "Sorry." She said before adding. "Just resting to see if there's anything else I can remember of what happened." She said which wasn't a complete lie but she wasn't about to say that she had been thinking of Hook and wanting to be next to him.

Emma had moved over to stand in her parents bedroom doorway so she could talk with David. "I still can't remember much." She said with a small sigh, she didn't like not being able to remember what happened or where they had actually been. "Have you remembered anything?" She asked him, her hands holding onto the leather jacket around her shoulders. David nodded upon hearing the reason for her absent mindedness, no matter how brief, he couldn't exactly blame her, to be fair, he was pretty sure that everyone who came through the portal had the exact same thing on their minds. Where they had been, why they had gone in the first place, why they had no memory, who knew if they were gone for a few days, weeks, months or even a year.

Not knowing what happened was a scary concept for them all. "No, I haven't remembered anything yet." He shook his head, he was hoping that he'd have something to work with, some sort of clue or vision that he could start to decipher, but there wasn't anything. He gently placed his hand on Snow's shoulder and gently rubbed his thumb over it. "Why don't you get some sleep? We might know more tomorrow." He said to Emma not wanting to keep her occupied for too long with how exhausted she looked.

Emma gav a smile before she nodded some hearing he hadn't seen or remembered anything yet, though she knew it could be a while before they could get their memories back. She just hoped it was soon. "I should get to bed." She agreed. "I'll see you in the morning. "Goodnight." She told him and after checking on Henry quickly, seeing he was fast asleep she went to her own bed and too tired to change out of her clothes, she just let herself fall onto the bed. She curled up under her blankets, though she had fallen asleep holding onto the pirate's jacket. It hadn't taken long since as soon as she hit the bed and her head on the pillow, she had fallen into a deep sleep, letting exhaustion just take over.