
Chapter 2

Killian nodded, his own memory matched up with exactly Emma and Snow's explanation, and Henry's point was rather valid. He frowned and looked around "But how long we were gone? Why can't we remember?" He asked them looking at Emma. "What do you remember, Love?" He'd used that nickname for her as much as possible in public, it was a rather fetching sentiment and a way to humbly know that Emma was his, all the while remaining discreet as he pretty much called everyone he met Love, though, in his heart, it meant so much more towards Emma. The true feelings grew and embedded in his heart towards the Saviour, growing from the roots that had always been there since he first laid eyes upon her.

Hearing the question about how long they were gone, Emma shook her head. "How long we were gone, I have no idea." She said, she had been trying to figure out how long they were gone for but that was one thing she couldn't figure out. Upon hearing the question about what she remembered, she thought for a moment before speaking. "Not much...what I do remember is being around a bunch of trees and opening a portal." She said. However, she did remember the particular part of when she and Hook shared a kiss. But the Savior decided to keep that to herself. Even though she knew he called everyone Love, hearing him say that to her made her heart jump ever so slightly since she knew it meant more between them. Killian nodded. "I seem to remember something familiar, perhaps the trees, I only remember coming out of the portal, I'm not even sure if I remember anything before that," Killian said slightly concerned.

David hooked his arm around his wife's waist and nodded. "Me neither, perhaps you're right Henry, but worry not...I'm positive that we will figure this out sooner than later" he turned to his wife with a charming smile. "We always do." Feeling her husband's arm around her, Snow leaned in slightly with a nod. "I'm sure we will all get our memories back soon." She agreed, nodding at the idea of going into Granny's. Regina caught Snow's eye and motioned her to the side. "Mary Margaret, a word?" She asked. Snow met her eyes with Regina's and gave a nod. "Of course," she said though she was curious about what the other female wanted to discuss. "You all head into the diner, we'll be there shortly," Snow told the others. Henry looked at his adoptive mother and grandmother out of curiosity but instead of questioning, he followed his grandfather to the diner, relieved as soon as he felt it was warmer inside.

Regina gave the others a small smile as they began to leave them, heading towards the diner. She bit at her lip nervously, all she could remember was that she knew that she was trying to be good, especially for Henry, putting the days of the evil Queen behind her and simply being Regina. She frowned slightly and turned to Snow once everyone else was out of earshot. "Do... you think it's possible I cast the curse...?" She asked, if she'd done so in the past, and what's to say she didn't do it again? "I mean, I've been trying but...I can't help but feel this is my fault." She said. She took a deep breath, her breathing coming out shakily as the pain in her side flared up again, she gritted her teeth and held her side, shaking her head. "Forget it...I suppose we should not assume. At least we are all together, right?" She said shaking off her earlier ridiculous question, of course, she'd probably have been the one to cast the curse.

Snow watched her family head off to the diner but turned to face Regina, tilting her head slightly when she heard her words. Snow couldn't help but smile since she knew how hard Regina had been trying to be good for Henry. "You are right, we should not assume anything. But I don't think you would curse it.. you've done good and are trying to be better." Snow said. "And you don't remember anything, do you? Why would you erase your own memories?" Snow asked and nodded in agreement. "At least we all ended up together." She agreed but then was curious. "Regina? Are you hurt?" Snow asked seeing how she held her side.

Regina pondered Snow's suggestions for a moment then nodded, having heard it like that, it would be foolish of her to wipe her own memories too. "Perhaps...some of what you say has a point" she agreed with a faint smile, they were better after all not coming to any conclusions before they knew anything for sure. She frowned at Snow's question. "What?" She then looked down seeing her hand against the left side of her ribs, she dropped it immediately and shook her head. "No, not at all," she said, she had a feeling her side was heavily bruised, but couldn't check it yet, and her magic didn't feel as strong as it should, she tucked some hair nervously behind her ear. "Perhaps we should join the others in the diner?" She suggested, her heart quickening, she disliked the feeling of lying to snow, and that was an entirely new sensation to her.

Snow nodded. "It is best to not jump to anything yet, not till we have a better understanding." She said before looking at her with a little concern. "Are you sure?" She asked but decided not to push. Though she did smile at her. "I am glad for you Regina, you have done a great job of becoming a better person." She told her, speaking the truth. "Yes, let's go into Granny's and get something to eat." She said and gave her another smile before she turned and headed to the diner. Regina nodded, then hesitated. "perhaps a little banged up, but nothing some food and sleep won't fix" she chuckled softly. She frowned, she'd never really expected Snow to ever see the good side in her, much less complimenting her for something they don't know whether she did or not. "Yes. Let's get something to eat." She nodded and began walking with Snow towards the diner. Once outside the main door, she paused and gently grabbed Snow's arm. "Thank you...for believing in me," she said softly, she truly appreciated it. Snow nodded some hearing what she said but smiled. "Some food sounds great about now." She said. She knew the compliment was a surprise but Snow had seen how much Regina was trying to be good and even after all that's happened, Snow knew Regina could be good. As she got to the main door, she paused slightly feeling her arm grabbed but then smiled at Regina. "I know we've had our differences and all.. but I know how hard you are working to become good. To change." Snow said softly and gave her another smile before she pulled open the door and stepped inside. Regina nodded slightly. "that we have" she agreed quietly, she still felt quite nervous and guilty for Snow being so friendly after what she put her through, but she decided not to focus on it.

Killian walked beside Emma, his little finger briefly brushing against hers as they followed David and Henry into the Diner.

Emma nodded, she was hoping it didn't seem like she was trying to hide something she did remember. It's not like she wouldn't share, she just wouldn't want anyone else but the pirate to hear this particular memory. "Like my dad said, I'm sure we'll get our memories back soon." She said and gave a smile. Although at times she was still getting used to calling David and Snow her mom or dad after all this time. When she felt his little finger brush against hers, it made her feel warmer inside despite the fact she felt like she was freezing. Seeing that Regina and Snow stayed back and that Henry and David were quite a few feet in front of them, Emma dropped her voice so only Hook would hear. "There is one particular memory I do remember.." She said. Killian's eyes were fixed on Emma's every movement, god knows how much time passed and he wouldn't take for granted any time that they shared together. Killian leaned with his shoulder against the wall at the back of Granny's and raised an eyebrow. "Oh yeah? And what might that be, Swan?" He smirked teasing her a little since it was obvious she wanted no one else to hear given she was speaking so quietly.

Emma looked up at the pirate and gave a smile, though all she wanted to do at the moment was be in his arms. Emma gave a small chuckle hearing the teasing but the smile never left her face. "I do remember this memory of us sharing a kiss." She told him, making sure no one else but him would hear her words.  Killian listened intently, jaw clenching as Emma mentioned the kiss, fighting a growl that was very close to escaping his lips, every single fiber in his being screaming at him to reach out and grab her hips and kiss her right there and then. "Is that so? Was it a good one at least?" He hummed, moving the smallest step closer to her, making sure nobody was listening in. Emma kept her eyes on him, a smile on her face as she nodded. "It was a very good kiss." She told him, she had seen how he moved closer but she didn't move away. She wanted to be closer to him, to just hold onto him. To kiss him right where they were, even if her family wasn't too far away and anyone could see.

Killian gulped, his eyes lost in hers, the voices and the presence of others in granny's gradually fading away, he wanted to grab her hand and pull her out of the diner, but he resisted. He took off his leather jacket and placed it over a chair near them. "I'm stepping out for some fresh air...you will bring out my coat claiming I've forgotten it and might be cold" he winked. He then stepped outside Granny's diner without a word to anyone, heading just around the corner but still in sight of the lovely building. Emma looked at Hook as she smiled at him, she still wore her dad's jacket. When she saw him taking off his own leather jacket, she was momentarily confused but then she smiled when she realized what he was doing and nodded, watching him step outside. She waited just a couple of minutes till he left, just to make sure nothing seemed strange about it before she grabbed the leather jacket.

David smiled, grabbing a seat with his Grandson at the the counter. "Ruby, something for the kid?" He smiled. "And me," he said. He turned to Henry, knowing he probably had some questions. "How are you feeling Kiddo? Any operations in the works yet?" He said giving him a little nudge, of course, his mind still hadn't left what could have happened during the curse, not with what Regina wanted with his wife. Henry grinned and nodded. "I don't even know the last time we ate." He said as he sat up on a stool next to his grandfather when he heard Ruby agree to get their order. Henry had said he wanted a "Cheeseburger with fries, and a hot chocolate." He said since that sounded great after being out in the cold and hungry. Henry smiled at his grandfather and shrugged, "I'm feeling alright. Just a little confused about everything." He admitted. "Like, where were we and why were we gone from Storybrooke?" He asked before giving a smile, "Maybe we can make this into an operation and find out?" He suggested.

David asked Ruby for the same thing, Henry always did pick the best meals. "I don't know Henry, and I won't lie it is very scary...but I promise, we will figure this out" he pouted a little, and he suggested a few operation names, one of them being operation confused, he chuckled and thanked Ruby as their food and drinks came. "Perhaps you should come up with the names," he said realizing how absolutely mortifyingly bad his sounded.

Henry nodded. "It is scary, I just wish we all could remember what happened." He said before he couldn't help but laugh a little at the operation names but it made him happy. Shaking his head, he spoke, "We can call it operation confused." He said. He knew he usually picked the names but he was glad that his grandfather seemed to want to do this and suggest names with him. Thanking Ruby for his food, he picked up his burger before he took a bite, letting out a hum of content at the taste.

David nodded and watched Henry as he began to happily tuck into his food, he was glad that he seemed so carefree at the moment, at least enough to laugh, and not worry about having to save everyone all the time. "Operation confused it is then" he nodded, he reached over and quickly stole one of Henry's fries, eating it quickly. "They taste so much better from your plate" he defended quickly with a loud chuckle, he absolutely adored Henry with his entire heart. Henry smiled at the agreement to the name and nodded before he laughed some seeing how he stole one of his fries and pretended to pout but was quickly turned into a smile at the defense. He reached over and stole a fry off his grandfather's plate and smiled. "Now we're even." He said just as he saw Regina and Snow come walking in. David opened his mouth to argue but indeed this was only fair, he grinned and began eating his own fries.

"Madam mayor" David said noticing Regina, he wasn't as quick to forgive her as Snow was, but he was working on it. Regina absent-mindedly placed a hand over her bruised side and immediately walked over to Henry, kissing the top of his head. "Hungry I take it?" She chuckled taking a seat next to him with a soft but warm smile. Henry smiled when he saw his adoptive mother and gave a small laugh and nodded. "This food tastes really good." He said as he took another bite of his burger although he knew it was a big bite, but he was hungry and it tasted good. Regina smiled. "I'm sure it does," she said with a soft chuckle, a hand rubbing up and down Henry's back. "Henry! Manners!" She lightly scolded him, after all, they were in public.

Snow gave a smile as she walked inside and over to her husband and grandson. Snow pressed a quick kiss to David's cheek before she sat up on a stool next to him when she saw Emma, "Where are you going?" She asked. Emma gave a smile, "Hook stepped outside, it's freezing out and he forgot his jacket. I'll be back in a minute." Emma said, glad that her voice sounded casual so it wouldn't give anything away. David smiled the moment he saw his wife, he wrapped a hand around her waist briefly and kissed her cheek. "Finally. Everything okay?" He asked knowing she and Regina had exchanged words. He pushed the plate with the fries on over to her knowing she might be hungry too. He then heard Emma's response and looked over at his daughter with a nod. "Don't be too long. We'll order you a drink to warm you up" he smiled and went back to looking at snow, holding his wife's hand.