
Tropical Love

Elvira Pearce is a young chef mastered in her skills, who could make people lick their fingers. She was living a normal life until a grave incident took place into her perfectly planned future. She loses her job and her reasons to be happy. One day throwing the junk away she found a job offer letter which she refused earlier. She decided to take the job and she did. But she got a job in the Hotel Sixteen hours away from Breemank vale at Rouchguay Coast. Fortunately she got allocated a room inside the hotel by the HR team. Her new life with her new job, she thought would be perfect to live on. But what happens when she bumps into Shane Adkins? The ice-cold CEO of the hotel is there to make her life more miserable than she could imagine. He never saw a girl like Elvira in his whole lifetime before. He wants to torture her for crippling his image in public however he can’t make himself stay cold and harsh to her. She is like a pure , innocent angel in his eyes but he is a heartless devil in her life. How are they going to fill each other's lonely life like that? A decent impeccable girl with a stone-hearted emotionless CEO.

Elide_lee · Thành thị
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"Is this how you address your employer?" Shane asked, keeping a firm face. Clasping his hands together on the table.

"N..no, Sir." Elvira stuttered with a realization of what she did last night. Her freckles once again disappeared under the redness of her cheeks. She was immensely ashamed of herself.

"Would you like to answer my question, now?" He was making a fool out of her for sure. He is heated with yesterday's events, no doubt.

"I... I put on my own species, following the normal recipe." Elvira hesitated before explaining.

"Do you use your own brain in all of your recipes?" He mocked her. Even if he didn't, it was clearly seen as he did. This response from Shane hurt Elvira to depth. No one has ever been so rude to her about her cooking before. She has always put her mind and soul into whatever she makes. How could he insult her like that?

"I think every Chef uses their own brain to make something new and exclusive, Sir." She replied, fiercely. Shutting Shane, he was dazzled by her sudden defense. He really didn't mean in a negative way but given his personality, he never uses simple words to compliment anyone.

"I hope you teach other chefs your style too." With that last comment, he left the table, leaving Elvira confused and stunned.

"Why did you say that?" Hazel loudly whispered as Elvira watched Shane walking away disappointed by her answer.

Oh no! She messed up again.

"I... I thought he was going to fire me." Elvira was about to tear up. Keeping her eyes on the handsome jerk walking away from her.

"Girl!! He has never complimented anyone like that before." Hazel was in her own world of joy because she helped Elvira to make her masterpiece dish.

On the other hand, Elvira was still bizarre about the ice-cold jerk. Who unexpectedly was making his way on the good side of Elvira. Did I misunderstand him yesterday?

Probably, if he is used to talking like that then he would never mean anything bad by the way he said it. She concludes that she should apologize for her behavior. But where can she find him now?

"Hazel, Can I ask you something?" Elvira said to Hazel who was waiting for Elvira to prepare the order for the guests waiting outside.

"Of course." She replied, tapping her heels.

"Does the CEO live nearby?" Elvira asked, keeping her eyes on the dough.

Hazel chuckled, "He lives in the penthouse of this hotel. Just for six months a year. Then he would leave for another hotel in some mountain area. It's usually in the summers he comes here." Hazel replied, tasting the soup Elvira made earlier.

"Why's that?" Elvira asked, flashing a quick glance at Hazel.

Before Hazel could reply the Head Chef, Ned, detailed everyone on the upcoming events going to be held in their hotel. Elvira completely forgot about the CEO, hearing bunches of upcoming events awaiting her way.

She was going to get exhausted even after having a team of helpers under her. They were really slow and steady with their work. Which sometimes annoyed Elvira.

Days passed without seeing the CEO. Elvira was in relief but she didn't have a single idea of what was ahead of her.

She was working non-stop the whole day. Even her back started to give up. She felt really old. Suddenly a small thing bumped into her legs. She jumped slightly, startled by a kid.

She was stunned. What was a kid doing in the kitchen? And no one was even noticing. People here love their jobs more than their lives. She knelt down to his level and looked at his pouting little face.

"Hey, kiddo. How did you come in here?" She softly took his hands in her own. He pointed at the door. She looked in the direction and chuckled.

"Of course, you came through the door. Where are your parents?" She asked, rubbing his arms. Suddenly, she felt uncomfortable. She examined his arms carefully.

The rashed were harsh and itchy like they looked. Is he allergic to something?

"Dad said, I could play around. He was too busy to play with me." The kid replied, frowning even more. He barely looked five years old.

"What is your name?" Elvira asked, smiling at his frowning face.

"Abe." He replied, without glimpsing the smile.

"Okay, Abe. We will find your dad. First, tell me, did you scratch your arms a lot?" She asked, concerned.

He nodded, "They are really itchy." He told her, scratching more.

Elvira stood up and took the bottle of coconut oil and put on the rashes of Abe. She doesn't even know him. How could she secretly treat someone's kid like that? Her sensitive self always makes things worse. The curiosity is ruffling around what will happen this time.

Instantly the little one's stomach growled. He looked ashamed at Elvira. Elvira was amazed by how proud he is.

"Looks like someone is hungry. If he could tell me his favorite dish I might make it for them." Elvira pretended to talk to herself. Making Abe hear her.

"I like french toast." The little one jumped with felicity. Elvira chuckled, watching him overly excited. She has always loved kids and wished to have one, one day.

"Okay, go outside. Sit still on a table and I'll come with your order, Sir." She said, finishing, applying the oil on his rashes. She pitied him for suffering these worse allergies at such a young age.

The young master cheered up and agreed to her command. Elvira told her team to carry on with a quick pace the rest of the orders and she would make a special order for the kid. This made her image shine in her team's eyes.

From far away Ned was always watching her from far afar. He had surely grown deep feelings for her which he can't deny much longer. But the lack of communication due to work has always been a milestone in his way.

She prepared the food and placed it elegantly as Hazel always does. Coping her moves while watching her daily she was learning bit by bit. She served the food in front of the Little one, helping him wear the napkin, not to stain his clothes.

"Thank you for the food." Abe in his tiny voice told her, making her whole day. But whose kid is he? Why aren't his parents looking for him?


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