
Triangle Of Romance

They say every cloud has a silver lining, but in this case, Zoe has to find her one true love on her own. She met this guy, Ryan, that she likes and she also likes a guy named Frank. This is a huge love triangle because everything she wants in a man, they both posses the qualities. Who will she pick to be her one true love ?

theabdull · Thành thị
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6 Chs

I'd rather die

I was in the bathroom while I could hear banging on he door. I actually thought that It was Ryan and Frank. "So, this is the end of my relationship life ?" I said to myself. I opened the door and I saw that it was a coue of ladies, requesting that I should come out of the bathroom.

"What were you doing in there ?" She asked. "Thats none of you business you hunch" I answered angrily. The were so impudent as I walked out on them. I went straight to Frank's table and I saw that he was gone.

I began to think that was it because of my mendacious character that made Frank leave or was it because of Ryan told him that him and I had an affair ? I was worried and devastated because I didn't want to lose any of them but I'm not sure about whose truly in love with me.

It began to seem like if if was in a love triangle. I went to the bartender to ask if she knew where they went to. Shocking right ? But surprisingly, she knew where they went to because she was eavesdropping on their conversation.

"I know it's weird that I waves dropped on their conversation but do you want the information or not ?" She asked furiously. It was a very weird predicament between her and I. She told me that they both went to tans house. Sadly, I don't know where Ryan lives but I do know someone that know, Sofia.



While we were in the car, Ryan seemed suspicious and eager to know something. Possibly, he wanted to know who zoe was. "Look, Ryan, I know that you are not at all in tranquility but you don't have to be mendacious about it" I said to him.

I awaited for a response but I did not get any. He kept on driving and he ignored me through out the ride. We got to his house and we went to the mini bar in his house. His house was pretty much dark eccentric.

"Hey, turn on the lights" I asked. He didn't reply, so I keep screaming his name but he still didn't reply. I felt unwanted to I tried to get out when I heard a loud thud on my face. I woke up and I saw Ashley and Ryan. "Ashley, how did you get here ?" I asked.

"So you actually thought that I'll be dead by now after what you and your girlfriend did to me ? No hun. Now, I'm with Ryan" she said. I asked if they were dating and she said no.

"Now is not the time for that.

If you don't tell me where Zoe is this instant, I'm going to kill you piece by piece" Ryan heinously said to me and he gave me slap. I refused to give him information about Zoe's whereabouts so he made it clear to me that he will go and find Zoe himself.

Ashley asked if she could follow Ryan and he refused. He ordered her that she should keep an eye on me. He left and surprisingly, Ashley began to kiss me while I was tied up in a chair.

I'vee been waiting for this moment ever since" she said.

I felt uncomfortable but I had to kiss her so she could untie me and I could save zoe before it's too late. "Why don't you untie me and this moment could not become a memory ?" I said. She didn't even listen to me, all she did was kiss me.

She removed her gown and she untied me. Immediately she untied me, she jumped all up on me. It was like I was a strippers pole. I found an iron rod on the floor and I used to it wack her head clean. She was shivering on the floor and she was finally unconscious. I felt sorry for her but I had no choice but to leave her on the floor and find Zoe before its too late.


I finally got home after two excruciatingly long hours of liking for a cab. People didn't even realize that I was brewed with royalty. I entered the house and I saw some strangers. "Who are you guys ? And what are you doing in my house ?" I asked.

"We should be the one asking you that question. We both this house three days ago" a young lady said to me. I figured out that my dad must have sold the house and gone somewhere. He told me three months ago that he was going to sell the house because of some financial problems.

But I figured out that he sold the house because of what happened to Sofia. Maybe some of his rich friends might have heard about it and made him a laughing stock. I quickly to their centre table and took a car key before they could notice that I was still there. I quickly entered the car and drive off.

Frank's pov

I tried to find a way to open the door, but it seemed like the key was with Ashley, who was unconscious. I took her pants and tried to find the key. I found it and I opened the door.

As I opened the door, I saw Ryan, so I was shocked. Before I could say anything, he punched me right on the bridge of my nose. I woke up again and I found myself in the same chair with Ashley and Ryan standing in front of me. "So you actually thought you could escape ?" Ryan said.

He told me that the only reason he was still here was because he didn't where zoe could be, so he thought he could know where she is from the horses mouth. He kept questioning me but I told him that I don't even know where zoe is currently.

He punched me on my face, but I showed no remorse. I told him I don't know where she is,but the dent listen. "If you don't tell me where he is right now, I will cut off your head, then I will feed you to my am baby paranas" he threatened me. I pleaded with him that he shouldn't do any of that. I awaited for a miracle to happen.


Where could Frank be ? I asked myself. It took me time before I could realize that this was the car that Bob used to drive me In. I stopped in a parking lot and I went to a telephone stand.

Under the panel of the car, there was a number that I wrote when I was little. It was Bob's number. Bob and I were close when I was little, so he gave me his number incase if I was lost. I called him and he picked up. "Hello Bob" I said.

"Hey Zoe. How have you been ?" He asked. "This is no time for us to exchange pleasantries, I need you to get the helicopter and pick me up" I said to him. "It won't be easy to know where you are because right now, Oh r father is worried sick about you" he said.

"I don't care if he's worried about me.

I just want you to get to my locating and help me to track someone. Is that clear ?" I asked. He assured me that he will be able track my location in about thirty minutes. I was happy but also vulnerable. I went back into the car and began to think about my life generally. The fact that Ryan and Frank made my life a living hell was really impish.

I felt like crying because my mum is so worried about me right now but I don't care. They were so.insecure about me, so why won't i be able to live my life to the fullest. While I was having this thought, I heard a loud sound and the minute I heard it, I knew that It was Bob. He dropped a ladder on the top of my car and I climbed up to meet him.

The ladder was so fragile, so I took number chances. I climbed up the ladder as slow as a snail would. I got into the helicopter and I saw that Bob had already found Ryan. "How did you know that he's the one I'm looking for ?" I asked while appalled. "Well, I was doing some research on some people that were held hostage in an unusual place.

And I only doing this guy. If he isn't the one, well, I don't think you can find him" he said. "He's the one. Take me to the place, in have to kick some ass" I said. As we were going to the location, I could hear my mom's voice in my head, telling me to come back home.

I began to cry so Bob was asking me what happened. I refused to tell him because he will tell my mom and i don't want her to know that I went on a quest to find my one true love.

"We are here" Bob said. I was wondering why Ryan and Frank were in a warehouse.

Bob gave me a pistol to threaten them because they could easily hold me captive, that If they are up to no good. I felt like Bob was my dad, because my biological father wouldn't let me go to places like this.

I figured out that the front door will be locked to I decided to jump from the helicopter to the top of the warehouse. And also, the roof was made with chopped wood so it will be easier for me to break through. Before I took the jump, I instructed Bob to park at the top of a tower and wait for my return.

He happily heeded my orders and he flew off. I jumped and I went through the roof. I sustained some injuries, but It wasn't soo fatal. I saw Frank tied up in a chair and Ashley wearing a bikini with Ryan staring at me. Ashley wanted to hit me so I shot her with my eyes closed.

Ryan was looking despondent so I didn't shoot him. I just threaten him with the gun. "If you move an inch, I swear I'm going to shoot you right in your crotch, believe you me" I said while he was in a state of shock. I untied Frank he gave me a big hug and we kissed. He was battered and bruised but he was the same guy to me.

I untied him and I looked behind me and I saw that Ryan had made a run for it. I didn't even bother to chase after him. I suddenly heard a gun shot. I thought that it was Ryan. I quickly took Frank outside and I told Bob to come a little bit closer to where we were so he could take us to the hospital. We boarded the helicopter and Frank wanted to tell me something.

"Zoe, I know that we've only been friends for like five hours, but I just wanted you to know that I love you so much" he said. I was not surprised that he was going to say that. "I love you too" I said. He smile then his eyes slowly shuttered. "Frank, Frank! Talk to me Frank" I screamed. He wasn't responding. "Drive the hell faster Bob" I yelled.

"Its not my fault that the helicopter isn't moving fast because there isn't much fuel" he said. "Then drop me off and I'll use a car" I said vigorously. He dropped me off with his ladder. It was hard for Frank to come down because he was unconscious.

I had to come down before he did so Bob could throw him down to me and hopefully I'll catch him or I will break his fall. He threw Frank don to me and I miraculously broke his fall. I sustained serious injuries. I saw a man driving a car and I stopped him. "Sir please can you help me to take this man to the hospital" I asked.

He refused so I shot him and I took over the car. The gun startled everyone but I didn't care. I drove down to the hospital and when I got there, I told the receptionist that it was an emergency. She told me I should fill out some forms. "Someone is here, dying and you're telling me to fill some stupid forms ? I think you must be stupid.

I shot the receptionist and everyone ran it of the hospital. I saw a doctor and I told him to take Frank to ward and treat him or else I will shoot his head right off clean. He heeded my advice and took him to a word while I was crying on the floor and awaited a miracle to happen.