

Jed was born abnormally lucky.

He had realized this when he had been in a car accident as a child and was the only one to survive.

Now this car accident was not really your typical kind of car accident. Even though he was a child, he could still clearly remember the accident to the finest detail.

September 11th.

It was a dark night(of course), the moon was shining, people were out and about. He was just being his dumb self, the radio was on, and his parents were arguing as usual. That night the music was abnormally loud and really unsuited for the mood.

It was a Christmas carol, really unsuited for the situation, and the day.

His parent had been waiting for the green light for a while now.

And then suddenly---


A giant six-wheeler truck just zoomed past the red light smashing into 6 different cars immediately. He was PRETTYYYY sure that all of them died on impact.

But lucky for them the truck hadn't smashed their car, in fact, they watched as the truck zoomed past them and smash into the cars opposite of them.

You see the reason everyone in his family died was when a driver after seeing the accident tried to leave the area. But was slammed by another incomeing six-wheeler, that car then performed 6 flips in the air(I counted them) and then slammed on the front of their car.

Lucky for him, he was in the back, but he got to witness the bodies of his parents smashed into meat paste right in front of his eyes.

As a kid, he really did not think about this accident. But as he grew up, he realized how lucky he was to have survived.

But after that, some weirdness seemed to follow him around everywhere.

After his parent's death, he was put in a foster home. It was all going well until a year later, he came back from school to see their heads littering their porch. It was labeled as a suicidal homicide.

Turned out a random man that had been apparently following him around, had gone to his foster house killed everyone in the house, before killing himself. And this all happened when he was in school.

Put into another foster home. A year later they died from an apparent house fire when he was at daycare.

Another foster home later, this one died a particularly interesting death, you see they lived on a ranch, and one of the cows they had, managed to climb to the roof of their house, it then fell through the house killing his foster parent and so on.

But it managed to completely miss his room.

Another couple houses later, the agencies got tired of him. He was around sixteen at that time, he had already gone through six foster homes, all of them dying a bizarre death.

The agency then handed him over to area 51, and it wasn't that bad. They gave him food, and shelter and in return all they required from him was a little blood.

And then a year later, they were attacked by god knows what, and where blown up just as he was coming back for some more testing.

After that, he was taken in by the government, they had finally classified him as a 'nationally guarded secret'. Every time they wanted someone dead but couldn't kill them they would just send him.

So some of you may be thinking, I thought it took your abnormality a year to activate. Well, at my pleasant stay in area 51, I realized that I could control my power, I could hasten the event that would cause death, but I couldn't stop the fact that something bad would happen once a year.

And that is the story of my life. What's even better? My power's kept on improving more and more.

And now at the ripe age of 22, here I am in the oval office, taking orders right from the president.

"So how are you doing Sal?"

The expression on the president's face was so tense. Even though Sal was keeping a poker face on the outside, he was laughing so hard.

Calming his self on the inside, he thought to himself, 'Okay Sal, you have to act professional.'

"Good god Mr.President, You don't have to look so tense, I promise I don't bite."

But even with his reassurance, the tension of the president's face did not ease up. In fact, he rebutted him. "Say that to the six foster homes, area 51, and may I ask how many unexplained, mysterious, deaths."

That statement immediately turned Sal cold. Ever since the night of 9/11, things had not been all sugar and roses for him. His actions, the way he talked, was all a mask. It hurt him so much to see the people that took care of him to die just like that.

The indifference was just a way to mask the vulnerable side of him.

"Now listen here Mr.President, You know, and I know that I didn't ask to have this stupid curse. The only reason I'm listening to you is that I don't want to be an ungrateful little bastard. So if you don't tell me why you called me here, I'll be leaving."

Sal could see the rage that flashed through the president's eye. And just as he thought the president was about to lash out.

"Sal, please listen to me. You know that the only thing I care about is the safety of this country."

Sal softened when he started to spot the tired wrinkles on the president's face. He who bears the crown must bare its weight. That statement seemed very true at the moment.

The president sighed before continuing. "What I'm about to tell you is a national secret...NASA has been receiving mysterious messages and its really been a concern for us."

This got Sal confused, who would be sending mysterious messages to NASA, and why would it be regarded as a national secret. "Mr. President, Do we know who is sending the messages?"

"It's not a matter of who, it's a matter of where."

"What do you mean?"

"The message is from space."

That statement froze Sal. "No that's impossible, haven't we established that we are the only life inside, and outside the solar system.

Sal watched as the creases on the president's face increased. "Now don't be silly Sal. You and I both know that its impossible where the only advanced species in the universe."

"But where the message came from is not as worrying as the message itself."

The look on the president's face gave Sal goosebumps. "What did the message say?"

"The colonies are coming. The end is coming..."

Give me your stones, all of them.

ShadowYinYangcreators' thoughts