

R: Sylvia Werner.

L: Marcus, Matt, Katy, Kira, Zeke, Alfred.


Narration: it is a week since Sylvia had started working for Marcus and she was having a deep rooted feeling of regret for taking up the job.

Narration: She looks at Marcus who looks back at her with the coldest look as possible as if she was a nuisance. It was a Saturday and Marcus was in his study. She was definitely getting fed up with his neglect.

Marcus: What are you looking at me like that for? Don't you have something more useful to do with your weekend than looking at me like that?

Sylvia: As a matter of fact, I do. I am going out for the day and won't be coming back early.

Marcus: What are you telling me for? Expecting me to drop you off or something or do you want a goodbye kiss?

Sylvia: Well, I just thought you should… why do I even bother to even talk to you?

Narration: Sylvia grunted and walked out of the study slamming the door behind her. She isn't looking up and walks into Matt.

Matt: Hey what is up with you?

Sylvia: Sorry, I wasn't watching where I was going.

Matt: Oh Sylvia, I thought it was one of the maids. What is wrong? You seem like you just made it out of anger-land.

Sylvia: Tell me about it. Your friend over there is beginning to fill me up. Sometimes I wonder why I even agreed to this job. I am sorry, I shouldn't be bugging you with these.

Matt: No, it is fine. Kind of reminds me of the way we met.

Sylvia: Tell me about it. I am going to be out and will be back late.

Matt: And you are telling me because?

Sylvia: Well, in case your friend goes all cranky in my absence. He knows but I doubt it matters to him.

Matt: Okay, have fun.

Narration: Sylvia nods at him and walks out of the house into the garage. She picks a car, climbs in and drive out of the compound.

Narration: Sylvia is in a bar with Kira and Katy. She slammed her hand on the table while taking a sip from her Martinez.

Katy: Guess the saying that we should never judge a book by its cover is true.

Kira: I don't get it, how can man like that just suddenly turn cold over night? Or is it that the whole thing is just a farce?

Sylvia: Farce or not, I am getting sick of it and I doubt that is not even a farce. It all started when …

Kira: When what?

Sylvia: Well, it was going all fine but the day I moved who brought this lady in who after and introduction was fine but after shaking me, it was like she was scared. She pulled him aside and after talking to him in private, Marcus became instantly frozen over.

Katy: Well, it is as plain as it was. She must have spread a bad news about you to him.

Sylvia: she told me that she knew my mum and that they were good friends.

Kira: That is not possible. Your mum died when you were still young.

Sylvia: but she knows my mum's maiden name and even told me that I have my mother's eyes.

Kira: Well, Lady or not, I think you should confront Marcus. He is behaving Paranoid.

Katy: Am with Kira on this one. Have you told Ethan yet?

Sylvia: Nope, don't want to get him on fringes end. I will confront that dope of a boss and if possible quit.

Kira: If you quit, give me a call and I will come pick you up ASAP.

Sylvia: Thanks guys. Gotta go.

Narration: Sylvia arrives home to see Marcus in the living room with Zeke and Matt talking to him and by the way they looked at her when she walked in, she was the subject of discussion.

Sylvia: Hey guys, please can I talk you Marcus alone?

Marcus: And who do you think that you are to send my friends out of the room?

Zeke: Marcus, for once be reasonable. Sylvia, don't worry; we will excuse you.

Sylvia: On second thought, stay. I think I would like you to stay as you need to hear this.

Narration: Matt and Zeke sits down at both side of Marcus while Sylvia stands looking him straight at the face.

Marcus: And there she goes again with the looks.

Sylvia: Marcus Silverdore, listen and listen attentively. I don't know what you heard from that your friend Freya or what she told you and not that I am interested in knowing but I actually thought that you would be smarter than behaving cold just because of what you might have heard but …

Zeke: Sylvia, I think it would be better if you just calm…

Sylvia: Zeke, I am still talking and I am CALM. Obviously I might been wrong about a lot of things concerning you but one thing I am sure of that you are a cold hearted wicked freaking jerk of a boss. I am tired of being treated like scrap; even the servants don't get treated the way I am.

Matt: Sylvia I think you should take a breather.

Sylvia: Don't interrupt me again Matt, I am not even close to done. Since you have decided to be a freak of a boss, I quit. Sometimes, I even wonder why I took up a job as a personal assistant in the first place.

Marcus: All these words and not even a single point made.

Sylvia: Not a single… Good bye Mr. Silverdore.

Narration: Sylvia fumed and walked out of the living room heading straight for her room with Zeke at her heels.

Zeke: Sylvia, calm down. All you have to do is just ignore Marcus. You don't have to quit because of him. Besides, I am sure he didn't mean what he said.

Sylvia: Beat it Zeke, I have to quit because I can't work in a place where I am not comfortable besides, I am pretty sure he meant what he said.

Narration: Sylvia walked into the room and shut the door before Zeke could get in. she walked straight to the closet and brought out her boxes. She reached for her boxes and sent a quick message to Kira.

Alfred: Sylvia, do you actually think that it would be wise for you to quit?

Narration: Sylvia head spun to the door where Alfred was leaning on staring at as she shoved her clothes into her boxes.

Sylvia: Alfred, did not see you there. It's just that I am so uncomfortable with Marcus being a jerk and I think I was actually beginning to like his company.

Alfred: Then you don't have to leave. Stay and be as ignorant as hell.

Sylvia: Sorry Alfred, but in this case, leaving seems as wise as Solomon.

Alfred: Well, if I can't change your mind at least let me help you out. I will escort you out of the mansion.

Sylvia: No Alfred, you no longer work for me so I don't see any reason for you to do that.

Alfred: The least I can do. I am sure that the staff of this mansion will miss you. You made changes that made the work a lot easier for us.

Sylvia: I am glad that I still made my stay count in the mansion. And I guess I will have to make a few more changes before I leave.

Narration: She pulled out every single cloth that Marcus had bought for her and placed it on the bed then she walked out of the room.