
13. Confrontation

R: Sylvia Werner.

L: Matt.


Narration: Matt walked up to Sylvia and smiled down at her as she ate the food in front of her.

Matt: Enjoying it?

Sylvia: Yes, thank you.

Narration: Matt sat down opposite her and joins her to eat. Sylvia watches him while he ate his food. She pushes back her plate and wipes her mouth.

Sylvia: So Matt, for your brother to have hooked you up, that means you must also know the CEO.

Matt: Oh Marcus? Somehow, why do you ask?

Sylvia: Nothing, I just thought maybe you could have been great friends with him so that you could tell me few things about him.

Matt: Well, Marcus is a great guy and he is cool but he is unusually cold to people. He lives in a mansion downtown, big enough to hold three families with space to spare. He is a good guy and I am sure that you will get to like him.

Sylvia: I never said that I hate him or I want to put up with him. I even declined one of his job offer, why then will I want to like him?

Matt: Wait you declined his offer? He told me…

Narration: Matt immediately realized what was going on and covered his mouth.

Sylvia: He told you what? That I accepted the job? I thought you just said that you were not acquainted with him.

Matt: I wasn't; and he did not tell me anything.

Sylvia: Well, thank you for the lunch. It was refreshing but I will have to go home now.

Matt: How about you wait a few more minutes then I will take you home.

Sylvia: No need, I can take a cab.

Matt: That will be inappropriate of me as a man to allow you take a cab after I brought you here in a car.

Narration: Sylvia looked at Matt in disgust. She just asked him a question and he lied bluntly to her face.

Narration: Mat hurried up his food and walks Sylvia out of the cuisine with a bottle of whiskey in his hand. They walk up to the car and get inside.

Sylvia: You know for one who isn't acquainted with Marcus, you know a hell lot about him.

Marcus: What can I say? I do my homework on my step brother's friends.

Sylvia: Ever been to his house?

Matt: Once or twice. What is up with all these question about Marcus? I bring you for lunch and you start asking question about Marcus?

Sylvia: Sorry if that offended you I just want to know more about him.

Matt: I'm not offended. But why would you want to know more about Marcus? I thought you said that you declined his job to be his Personal Assistant?

Narration: There was a deafening silence that made Matt to turn to Sylvia. He slapped his head and started the car.

Matt: You did not tell me which job offer you declined, did you?

Sylvia: Nope. Though I am flattered as to how you think I could secure a post like that?

Matt: Mercy told me about your first day at work and how you declined the hardest job in the company only to be put in another department.

Sylvia: Really? Didn't realize that I was that interesting. Doesn't explain your surprise when I told you that I had declined it.

Matt: I don't think you realize but the confirmation is a lot more shocking compared to the discovery. I never knew that someone would actually decline a job that lucrative.

Sylvia: I am one of a kind, ain't I?

Narration: Matt looks at her in silence and starts the car then he drives out of the cuisine's parking lot into the road.

{in the car}

Matt: What is with the silence?

Sylvia: Excuse me?

Matt: You are being awkwardly quiet and judging from the first ride, it is not normal.

Sylvia: There is nothing awkward about it or abnormal. I just don't have anything to say to you.

Matt: If it because of what happened earlier, I am sorry. I should have told you that I kept tabs on you since I met you this afternoon.

Sylvia: There is nothing to be sorry about I did not even take you for the lunch.

Matt: That was no problem at all. My pleasure if you may.

Sylvia: So for the way we met, was that an accident or an occurrence?

Matt: Am I supposed to know what that is meant to mean?

Sylvia: No you are not, sorry.

Narration: Matt takes a right turn and Sylvia gives him a bewildering look.

Matt: What is it?

Sylvia: I never told you the way to my home but you are taking the exact same route that I follow every day.

Matt: I am just following the way to the company.

Sylvia: Matt, we passed the company three minutes back.

Matt: Well, I guess it was an instinctive move.

Sylvia: For a pretty boy, you are a very bad liar. Just open up and say the truth.

Matt: What truth are you talking about?

Sylvia: The way we met was it an accident or it was planned in an office?

Matt: It was an accident. You are really bugging me out with these question.

Sylvia: Stop the car please. I need to get out.

Matt: Why did I say something wrong?

Sylvia: No, just stop the car.

Narration: The car moves to the side of the road and Matt kills the engine of the car. Sylvia reaches for the door handle but it was locked.

Sylvia: Open the door.

Matt: Not until you tell me what this is all about.

Sylvia: You know for someone who is employed to be a spy, you were really foolish to leave your phone behind and unlocked when visiting the restroom.

Matt: Is that supposed to mean anything to me?

Sylvia: You are still lying to my face? I saw it all, the chat you and Marcus had about you running into me, offering me dinner and taking me to the Golden Dragon Cuisine all in an attempt to spy on me.

Narration: Matt immediately searches his pockets for his phone only for Sylvia to pull it out of her bag and hand it to him.

Sylvia: I can't believe that something like this was even possible all to know if I am a capable candidate for the job, and when I asked I got lied to in the face.

Matt: Sylvia, it isn't what you think it is?

Sylvia: I think you were asked to pay a debt by spying on me to check my worthiness based on trust.

Matt: Then I guess it is what you think it is. I am so sorry.

Sylvia: I suggest you keep your apology to yourself now you might as well as let me out of this car.

Narration: Matt opens the door and Sylvia storm out of the car slamming the door then she walks down the street and around the corner. Matt hits his head on the steering twice and drives away.