
Chapter Fourteen: Quality Time in Vinewood Part One

It's another beautiful hot day here in Los Santos, especially in Vinewood. That's fucking right, you're in Vinewood, walking on the dozens of celebrity stars found on the pavement. The brochure you have in your hands says it's called the "Vinewood Walk of Fame".

You see a couple of guys playing their guitars, a guy making balloon animals, a woman offering coupons for her make-up business, a few people dressed as movie characters to take pictures with, and a guy holding a clipboard trying to convince others to sign his petition to legalize weed.

Vinewood is full of tourists like you who are happy to be here, or at least most of them. You take your phone out and take pictures of the "Oriental Theatre". You're not sure how the name hasn't been changed yet since back home if a business was called "Oriental" something, then there would be a massive protest or something.

You bought a cute tote bag earlier to put all your souvenirs in. So far you bought a couple of T-shirts, a Vinewood logo sweatpants, a mini stuffed animal, and two Vinewood posters.

As you continue walking along the ends of "Vinewood Walk of Fame" you see an Up-n-Atom Burger restaurant. You definitely remember their weird commercial on tv, but you are kind of hungry. And you could go for a milkshake, so why not?

You head in, place your order, and pretty soon you sit down with your food and drink.


Newsperson: Coming up at two, we talk to a personnel working for Merryweather about the criminals who stole a powerful super weapon last night from them and then returned it by this morning. In other news, the trial against the company "Redwood Cigarettes" is set for tomorrow morning. If they lose and you've been diagnosed with emphysema from smoking Redwood Cigarettes, then you are entitled to have your treatment costs covered. For more information, visit the site, www.GiveMeCashRedwoodCigarettes.com.


Y/n: Hmm, this burger is so good, and this milkshake too.


Maybe you should order another milkshake just for to go. Now, you're thinking about getting your hair done today. But maybe you should go see what else Vinewood has to offer you. You did see a Vinewood tour bus, but you're thinking you should ask your dad if he wants to join you when he gets back. You hope everything goes well with his business meeting.








Trevor is driving along the highway, on his way back to Los Santos. He's still pissed that he had no choice but to give up the superweapon he was going to sell to the Chinese. But he's calmed down, and he knows that Michael is going to get him a score.

His phone rings and seeing that it was a man by the name of O'Neil, he answers it.


*Trevor: Ah, brother O'Neil.*

*O'Neil: Fuck you, man!*

*Trevor: Whoa. Whoa. Whoa. You're the guy stealing contracts.*

*O'Neil: You burned down the farm! Killed my brothers!*

*Trevor: You had too many brothers, they needed culling.*

*O'Neil: You're fucking dead!*

*Trevor: Aren't we all? We live and we die, that's our curse. Hey, you wanna expedite the situation? Come fucking find me. Vespucci Beach, Los Santos, you inbred hillbilly fuck!*

*O'Neil: I'll be there man! I don't know when, but I'll be there!*


Trevor then hangs up the phone. But he's then reminded of what he has to do now. He picks up his phone again and calls you.


*Y/n: Hey Dad, how did the business meeting go?*

*Trevor: It went uh... unexpected. But I'll be back in Los Santos in a couple of hours.*

*Y/n: Really? That's great. Hey, if you have time today, I was thinking we can go on the Vinewood tour bus this afternoon.*

*Trevor: Sure, I can do that. So where are you now?*

*Y/n: I'm in Vinewood right now. I'm eating at a place called Up-n-Atom. After this I'm going to see what else is around here.*

*Trevor: Alright, I'll see ya soon kid.*

*Y/n: I'll see ya soon.*


He hangs up the phone. For some reason something tells you that he feels a little bothered by something. It couldn't be by you, could it? You hope not. He did say something went unexpected with his business meeting, so maybe that's what he's feeling mad about. Yeah, that's probably it. You don't want to think that he would be bothered by spending time with you.

After you finish your food, you grab your things and head back outside in the streets of Vinewood. There's still plenty of tourist attractions you can check out around here. You think there's even a taxidermy shop somewhere around here.




...At The Taxidermy Shop...


From a grizzly bear standing tall to a little ducking wearing an Elvis Presley costume. You're thinking about getting the piranha one.


Owner: We got it all! Possums wearing tuxedos, squirrels playing banjos, and even fire ants! Trust me, those fire ants were a complete pain to get. Ain't that right Steve?


Steve, an employee, just stared at him and said nothing as he stood behind the cash register. You can just tell just by looking at Steve that he was going to get his revenge one way or another on the owner.

You walk around the back where they keep the larger animals. A brown grizzly bear, a black bear, a cougar, a deer, an elk, a coyote, and a huge catfish about five feet long. You take pictures of almost all the taxidermy you find interesting. Maybe you should get something for Trevor, he does like hunting, and guns too. But what should you get him?



~~ A Squirrel standing up while wearing a black cowboy hat and holding a little gun. ~~

~~ A Crocodile head, about the length of your hand. ~~

~~ A Duckling wearing an Elvis Presley costume. ~~

~~ A Baby Octopus in a jar. ~~

~~ A Rattlesnake's Rattle Keychain ~~

~~ A Black Scorpion in a fancy looking black and gold frame. ~~

~~ A Chipmunk standing up and playing the banjo. ~~



After picking out which one you're going to give to Trevor, you pick out a couple of other things that you want, like the piranha, before you pay for them and leave the shop.

Okay, according to your phone, there's a hair salon about a ten-minute walk from here. You technically could call a cab to take you over there, but there's no harm in walking there. Besides, your tote bag isn't heavy, so you don't mind carrying it while you're on your way over there.




...Later that Afternoon...




After getting your hair done, you went to a few other clothing outlets nearby and bought a bunch of clothes and souvenirs. Meaning that you had to take a cab back to the hotel to put all your new stuff inside and take a cab back to Vinewood, where the tour bus is.

Now, you're standing near the tour bus waiting for your dad to come. You texted him a few minutes earlier and he replied that he's not too far.


Host: We have the best guides in Vinewood! Get the inside scoop on all the hotspots! We still have seats available. Leaving right now. Just forty dollars.


You hope he comes here in time before the tour bus leaves. You turn your head, and that's when you see your dad's old red pickup truck pull up. After putting it in park, he gets off and walks over to you.


Y/n: Hey dad, you made it.

Trevor: Wouldn't miss it.

Y/n: Heads up, each ticket is forty dollars. I can pay for my ticket if you want.

Trevor: Or we could sneak in the back and hope they don't notice.

Y/n: Ha, smart idea. But I'm pretty sure they're going to notice. The bus is not as big as you think.

Trevor: Fine. But I can get both of our tickets.


Trevor pays for both of your tickets and you two hop on the bus and sit in the back seat of the bus. That's when the woman host enters the passenger seat and the driver starts the bus.


Host: As I'm contractually obliged to say... buckle up everyone. It's showtime!


You're sitting on the seat to your right while Trevor sits next to you on the left seat. You can't wait to see where this bus is going to take you.


Y/n: I'm so glad you could make it here Dad.

Trevor: Of course, why wouldn't I want to spend some quality father-daughter time with my kid?


As the driver of the tour bus takes off, the host gets on the microphone and starts the tour.


Host: Vinewood is often referred to as the anal bleaching capital of the world. The company Lighter Hole is offering a huge discount to new patients at this time.


What the Hell kind of tour is this going to be if the first thing the host says is anal bleaching?


Host: On your right, you'll see the world-famous Gentry Manor Hotel. A legendary party hangout for actors and rock stars and people trying to have sex with actors and rock stars. Built in 1921, it's been a scene in some classic Vinewood scandals over the years. One of my personal favorites was Al Di Napoli's overdose in 2002 after a chimpanzee blasted an 8-Ball up his rear door with a water pistol. Ha! Fantastic!

Y/n: What the fuck?

Trevor: Yeah, just don't think about it.


He can definitely imagine that weird story playing in his head. But he doesn't want you thinking about that kind of stuff.


Host: They say on any given day, there are at least two dead party girls in the trash cans around back. Isn't that great?

Y/n: It's funny how it just looks like a fancy hotel, but it has some pretty... weird history.

Trevor: Looks can be deceiving. I know that from experience.

Y/n: Is it about Michael?

Trevor: Yup. You're good old backstabbing Uncle Michael. But I know he's going to make it up to me by helping me with something.

Y/n: That's good to know that he's willing to do that for you. I hope things work out between you two.

Trevor: Yeah, I hope so to.


Hell, Michael has no choice but to help Trevor in getting a good score. But even after he gets him the score, it'll take of lot of time for Trevor to even consider forgiving Michael for abandoning him.


Host: Okay, smartphones at the ready celeb-spotters. We are now approaching the legendary nightclub The Dungeon Crawler. Opened in 1996, the club is famously owned by actor Bruce Spade, who has a custom-built elevated VIP table so that he looks the same height as everyone else.

Trevor: Must be tough needing a step stool just to reach the camera view on set.

Y/n: Or to get in their car.


You and Trevor share a good short laugh before the host says something dark.


Host: It remains one of Vinewood's hottest nightspots for the rich and famous to do drugs and date-rape impressionable fans. Play your cards right and that could be you.

Trevor: Promise me, you'll never go there.

Y/n: Yeah, I promise.

Host: The Dungeon Crawler was in the news again recently when a comedian Morgan Chester allegedly ran over a doorman in his SUV for not laughing at one of his jokes.

Y/n: Yeah, I'm not going there even when I turn 21.

Trevor: Or ever.

Y/n: And the fact that it's still open is concerning. It doesn't even look like a normal night club on the outside.


As the red light turns green, the bus continues on driving. You're glad that you're spending time with your dad, but now you're starting to regret coming to this tour bus.


Host: Oh, and now a treat for you closet glam rockers on board. We're coming up to the infamous Tequi-La-La Rock Bar. Back in the day, this was a restaurant run by the mob until it got shutdown over the "Adams apple in the soup" controversy of 1982. It reopened as the Tequi-La-La Bar in 1983, and soon became a mecca for hair metal bands and fans from across the country. It's rumored that the Love Fist song "Dangerous Bastards" was written about a night they partied here on mescaline with some transgender twins.


You thought you heard an "Ugh" used in a disgust tone from the host the second before she took her hand off the button of the microphone. Let's just assume you didn't hear that.

The bus then makes it way up the road and into the rich neighborhoods with mansions and palm trees in every direction you look at.


Host: Now, this house up ahead is one of the many private residences of action movie director Mark Fostenburg.

Y/n: Damn, the house is beautiful.

Host: Fostenburg still maintains he was out of town when a fifteen-year-old Mexican girl was found dead in his pizza oven in 2007. The case was settled out of court and all charges were dropped. The girl's family now live on the next street.


Okay, never mind. The house is nice and all but not the celebrity living in it. You'll make a note not to go anywhere near that house.


Host: So, this is the house television exercise guru, The Craze. You might have seen him degrading himself recently on Rehab Island. Do any of you remember the eighties? Strange times. People didn't go to the gym back then. They did jumping jacks in front of TV in legwarmers and headbands. The Craze swapped his gold lame leotard for a crack pipe in the nineties but is reportedly "Clean" and "In the best shape of his life". That's Vinewood's code for he's trying to make a comeback.

Trevor: Not so strange times compared to these days.

Y/n: I know right. I bet back then everything was simpler and people actually talked to each in person.

Trevor: I'm glad we share the same idea.

Host: This is the home of celebrity wild child Martha Term. Daughter of seventies comedy star Joanie Term. Martha spent her teens partying on booze, her early twenties partying on coke, and her mid-twenties staring at her shoes on heroin. Her tell-all autobiography about the difficulties of growing up really rich in Vinewood only sold thirty copies last year.


That's not a surprise. Who the Hell wants to hear rich people's problems? You've never been a fan of keeping up to date with rich people, and fake celebrities.

The tour bus drive by a few more celebrities' houses before going driving back into the streets. So far this tour has been... interesting to say the least.

The bus continues driving past more mansions and modern apartment complexes, but you're not really looking at that. You're just enjoying the view of Los Santos. From watching the palm trees rustle in calm winds, cars driving by, and birds chirping, to seeing people walk by. You even take some pictures. Then an idea comes to mind.

You switch your camera and place your phone up high in front of you and Trevor.


Y/n: Say Cheese Dad.


Trevor shows a small smile as you take the selfie.


Y/n: I can't wait to share this with my mom and grandma when I get back.

Trevor: Oh yeah, you're only staying here for the whole summer right?

Y/n: Yup. But once they see that you're a good dad and a good person, I'm sure they'll let me go with you.

Trevor: Oh I'm sure that will happen.


As if he's going to allow anyone to keep you away from him. You're his kid, the only family he has, and probably the only one that sees the good in him, regardless of what others have told you. And he knows this. Yet, you're still wanting to have him in your life when others stray away. He's learning how to be a good dad, and if there's anyone getting in the way then he'll have no choice but to make sure they don't get in the way again.




...To be Continued...


