
Two days before brown is in hospital


Grace and brown are with Mr fang.

MR FANG: I don't know what I did to H. I don't even know him to begin with.

GRACE: you have never offended anybody!

MR FANG: why will I hurt anyone!

GRACE: so you are saying ( brown interrupt)

BROWN: please stop asking questions. Brandon called to inform us that H wouldn't be coming.

MR FANG: great news.

GRACE: how did he know.

BROWN: H killed Mr Rion.

GRACE: we shouldn't have get him involved.

MR FANG: am not going to die.

BROWN: sad news to you Mr fang, no one can escape H ( sweat started forming in his head)

MR FANG: stop saying trash. you guys are here to protect me!

GRACE: not really

MR FANG: then why are you here?

GRACE: to see H.

BROWN: I thought we are supposed to protect him

GRACE: how many people have we protect

BROWN: we did saved some even do they ended up dead. ( fear filled Mr fang stomach, sweat allover is face).

MR FANG: I can't survive is attack. am going to die ( tears dropping down from is eyes) am good as dead now. I can't die( a sound was heard. brown place is hand on is stomach he fell down. Grace started to panic. Mr fang fell down. Grace don't know what to do. she checked Mr fang. he was shot on the head. brown was just shot on the stomach, she carried him)

GRACE: why did you have to eat so much!( she carried him all the way from the second floor to the last one. supiter saw her, shw ran to assist)

SUPITER: what happened to brown

GRACE: I don't know how he was shot. everything just happened in a blink of the eyes.

SUPITER: Mr fang, what about him?

GRACE: he was shot on his forehead

SUPITER: he is dead ( they got to the car)

GRACE: go inform the rest. I will take him to the hospital.

( supiter nodded. they helped brown lay at the back)

SUPITER: take care of yourself. if you need anything call.

GRACE: okay