
Sisters fight

LARA what do you think of yourself? uhn. Beating me, do you want to die? I have ignored, that's enough. Am leaving this company, die with it. if you can take it to the after world ( Lara hold suzan hair, shaking her) Do you think, because that old demon loves you and that you are famous. ( scoff) famous. you are living in my wealth. you are nothing without me! have you forgotten am your elder. Do you think that I wouldn't stand up for myself. You this little bully ( suzan was in no mood to step down)

SUZAN Go to hell. I have everything you ever wanted.

LARA uhn. talking about the things you stole. what do I want that you have?

SUZAN that bastard Addison. He keeps following me around like a coward. you have always want him. look he is my husband ( laugh) ( Lara became emotional drained. she shows no emotions. Lara hated suzan, not because of her arrogance or what he did to her but for her mother who tried to seduce her father)


Lara father; Mr Rafael loved SUZAN mother; Mrs Michael when they were still in secondary school till they were out of University. he proposed. he proposed to her but she said no. she chooses suzan father; Mr Michael. she chooses him because he was in charged of the best model fashion company in City D. The Company was built by Mrs JOHN, both girls father's.After her death Mr JOHN took the responsibility of handling the business. When Rafael the elder son got to the age of twenty two. He was to take the responsibility of the company but he gave it to Michael who is twenty years and also a model. Mr Rafael worked so hard to build is life. Mrs Michael was do ashamed of herself for leaving Rafael. she regretted. she forced herself on him. Lara knew about it. she told her mom, on how Mrs Michael tried to force herself on her father. he became the most richest business man on Earth. He passed it to is only child Lara, but it was all taken from her. Suzan knew about it that's why she hate her mother. Apart from her no one else knew.

LARA you are nothing but a foolish lady who killed her father ( suzan remembered how her father died, it pissed her)

SUZAN you are just an illegitimate child

LARA what about you! who came from a filthy mother ( suzan pushed Lara, she hit her head on the wall. Lara stood up angrly. she grabbed suzan hair, she hold it tightly, she hit suzan head do hard on the table)

" Bang! ( the sound was so loud)

LARA ( angry raise tone) I dare you say that again and I promise to kill you. You want me to be weak right! I am ( suzan got a bump.both girls eyes became teary but none can face defeat. Suzan smiled at Lara word)

SUZAN you have always been this weak. Of I was in your position all my property would have still be with me.(suzan picked up a glass cup, she hit it on Lara head, Lara let go of her hair. Suzan stood up straight ) How can a person like you be the leader of silver clan. No one knew existence. since I took it from you, there have been a lot of changes. Even the dragon is so afraid of my attack, they all want to know me. My existence brought more cash into the clan. the success of the clan is because of me! do you get! ( it was true. Lara was speechless)

LARA I never care about the clan. that's none of my business. do you think I want to grow something I don't give a damn about! Why wouldn't the clan grow, when you have been seducing the leader of dragon clan. I know you better than anyone else. He will destroy when he finds out you are ruining him slowly.

SUZAN ( laughing) Me! why didn't you seduce him, like you have been doing to reach your goals. I wonder how they don't complain of your bad smell. You don't want to accept the fact that you did plastic surgery. you can never be this complete. your mother was never blessed with anything. I don't think you are from my family. You disgust me.

LARA what are you trying to say? Do you think, you are better than me?

SUZAN yeah! but not in seducing men ( sit on the chair)

LARA you are shameless

SUZAN not more than you. Enough with your foolishness. go get me the files.

LARA who are you to give me order?

SUZAN I am your boss or you want grandpa to remind you?

LARA Don't forget that I have quit this job, so die here while I build my life. the girl you insulted, don't forget you stole from her. you are a thief with no future. Am proud that my enemy is useless, that she is feeding from my success. you can never be greater than me. you will die in shame( she walked out. suzan hit her hand hard on the table)

( Lara was walking angrly out of the company with all eyes on her)

DAVID I knew they will fight

( she walked out. she curled up her finger into a fist. she took out her phone from her pocket. she dialed a number. in a second her call was picked up)

LARA " hello dad! Am so tired. I hate her. she is so useless. I want her dead

MR RAFAEL hmm! I know honey. I can't do anything. we lost everything, all thanks to my old man. am sorry, I couldn't protect you ( he now is head)

LARA you don't have to be sorry dad. I have quit the job. Am fine now. she will be out of my life.

MR RAFAEL you can't leave like that. what about the New year show?

LARA I don't care anymore.

MR RAFAEL don't let your hard work go in vain. the company needs you. Just this one's help the company.

LARA ( sigh) just this one's

MR RAFAEL am proud of you. I'll call you later

LARA okay! bye! love you!

MR RAFAEL love you more ( she smile. the call got disconnected. her father have always been her strength)