

ANDREW how is the skating going?

SIARA I always enjoy skating with those kids. Today, I almost lost my balance

ANDREW ( caring tone) hope you didn't injure

SIARA I just told, I almost. Those children are my God for saving me ( smile). I saw a young handsome man today ( Andrew look at her annoyingly)

ANDREW I told you not to think about suzan

SIARA am not thinking about her. I just have to find someone.

ANDREW you are engaged to me.

SIARA you have someone else in your ( Andrew interrupt)

ANDREW let's not talk about this anymore ( he stood up and walk out of the room)

SIARA ( sigh) going out with suzan you didn't think about my feelings. I only just spoke about that young man, he is pissed. too heck with him ( stood up angrly) if you don't want to spoil your mood siara. chill and lax ( breath in) be my strength Lord ( heart beating fast) I can't be scared. Am siara Lipton daughter of the leader of all clan. calm down uhn uhn ( she walk to the door and breath in then she opened the door, she walk out of the restaurant. Andrew was waiting in the car) " Why is he so angry. how is the my problem! ( she tried to open the passenger door but it couldn't open. Andrew noticed, he rolled down the car window)

ANDREW sit close to me ( she quised her face and open the door, she got in without looking at him. Andrew drove away. in next Fourty two minutes he stopped in front of a grave yard. siara look around)

SIARA why are we here?

ANDREW I have some thing important to do ( he opened the door)

SIARA what could be so important that you came here. wait did you kill someone. You promise never to stain your hands with blood

ANDREW have I ever break the promises I made to you ( she rolled her eyes) siara!( he came out of the car. siara opened the door)"Stay in the car. I will be back soon.

SIARA I can't stay here alone.

ANDREW I wouldn't take time. trust me on this( siara nodded in agreement. Andrew walk into the grave yard. he walk to a grave, from the picture the boy looks like he is twenty. Andrew stood in front of the grave )

ANDREW it's been along time. Am really sorry I didn't visit all this while. I tried looking for her but I couldn't find her. you mom and brother is all I know. I tried my best. Thanks so much for what you tried to do but ended up loosen your life. that memory hurt me. I hide my existence to protect my loved ones. I ended up ruining things by letting my existence known. you didn't die alone. my world also died

" Your world will forever be dead ( he turned to where he heard the voice)

ANDREW: Mrs Ken (she was in no smiling mood to see Andrew)

MRS KEN what are you doing here?

ANDREW : I ( she interrupt)

MRS KEN stop it. you already killed my son. what do you want from him ( she walk closer to him)

ANDREW I am sorry. Is death is not something I wished for

MRS KEN it happened. The leader of the dragon is speaking nice to me. what about the people that you have killed, didn't you wish for their death?

ANDREW I keep trying to explain myself ( she slapped him)

MRS KEN you this son of a bastard ( her sentence made is mood soar, he bit is chick) it's been eight years I lost my Sammy. ( crying sad tone) "You took him away from is family. if you are truly sorry then die. Go to him. leave your loved ones just as you made him do.

ANDREW I will be glad to for him. I can't do as you say. I have alot of responsibility to ( she interrupt)

MRS KEN Responsibility my foot. he also have responsibility but he is dead, you killed him. ( raise tone) you killed my Sammy

ANDREW can I meet is woman?

MRS KEN ( laughing. Andrew look at her in shocked) you want to meet you death. fine you already met her. I promise if you don't die I will make you dependant

( Andrew kneel )

ANDREW he tried to save me. please let me help your family

MRS KEN you want to help us when you need help. you most be mad. I have everything including your happiness in my hand, my hands are wide open the day I close it that will be the day you cry. go away ( crying heavily) I hate you. leave this place

ANDREW ( he stood up. he walk to the exist and stopped. he turned back)

ANDREW if I hadn't kill him, someone would have been in is position ( he walked out. Mrs Ken broke down in tears)

(Mrs spent time crying in Sammy's grave. she wiped her tears and stood up. she went home. she drank cold orange juice when she heard the knock on the door. she opened the door to a young beautiful lady)

MRS KEN suzan!Come in ( suzan nodded and walk in. she looked around then walk to Sammy's room. she can feel his presence, she can see her past in the room. Suzan bit her lower lip trying to hold back her tears. Pain never fades, it just grows more and more till it kills you. You who is not strong might end up been the victim of pain distruction. she kneel down looking at the pictures on the walls )

SUZAN why did you leave me? you want to marry me, why leave without fulfilling your dreams. I want to be with you. dieing is not a bad option, dieing without taken revenge is!

" He came to see him.

SUZAN ( heard the familiar voice. she understood) " I saw him. if I could shoot him, I would be happy, just don't want to implicate you

MRS KEN uhnm

SUZAN I wish Sammy's death never took place. I can't leave without him

"Mom! ( both of them turned to the familiar voice)

MRS KEN you guys are back.

JOHNSON (frowning looking at suzan) ( face Mike) " Go to your room

MIKE mom is here ( tears drop down is eyes. suzan ran to him. she wiped is tears)

SUZAN don't cry mommy is here. ( to Johnson) can't you see that am here!

JOHNSON when have you ever come to see Mike ( Mike removed her hands from his)

MIKE don't touch me. You are a bad mommy including you grandma. you don't care about me. Go to dead daddy I don't want you anymore. I will never cry for your love again. Go away

SUZAN Am sorry. please forgive momma. Am doing what's best for us

MIKE for you

SUZAN don't say that

MIKE all my friends spent time with their mothers. I don't have a father nor do I have a mommy. Am sure you do prefer me in daddy's position ( they all wide their eyes to is statement, he ran away. she was about to after her son but Johnson hold her whrist. she tried to remove his hand)

SUZAN ( struggling to remove is hand) " Leave me, let me go after my son( he pulled her closer to him)

JOHNSON don't test what I can do to you ( looking into is eyes. fear filled her stomach) " You called that little boy your son ( smiled angrly) ,( raise tone) I told you to stay away from him if you can't control your emotions ( she flinched ) look at what you turned a seven years old to. You don't deserve to be a mother. whatever happened to Sammy can't be changed. You chooses to write a story that will only burn you, I will make sure you faces the consequences of your actions alone.

SUZAN ( teary voice) I want to ruin the one person who took my Sammy away from me.

JOHNSON you alone. Everything is about you alone. why don't you always think about other people is death affected. look at mike, he as no father, God blessed him with a senseless mother. If you want to take revenge you can, till then don't ever come this house. ( tears drop down heavily from her eyes)

MRS KEN what are you asking her to do?

JOHNSON stop this madness before it's too late. don't say I didn't warn you. Don't ever think I care about you to warn you, am only told you for Mike's sake.

SUZAN you can't ask me to do that. I can't stay away from my son.

JOHNSON ( laugh) you already did, all those years. okay fine you don't want to stay away anymore, but your son wants to now.

SUZAN ( raise tone) That's because you have instigate him against me ( Johnson pushed her she fell on the floor. she winced in pain)

MRS KEN ( shocked. raise tone) " Johnson!

JOHNSON I don't different between genders. Just move on without hurting my loved ones

SUZAN what about you who doesn't know how to move on

JOHNSON this is not about me

SUZAN Then who is it about? Me! Fix your life, let me do mine

JOHNSON fifteen days is all I give you ( walk away. Suzan turned to Mrs Ken)

SUZAN mo ( Mrs Ken walked out of her. suzan was left alone)

Andrew dropped siara home. she came down

ANDREW I will be back. Don't forget me

SIARA I will if I want to

ANDREW try and let's see what happened ( she closed the door. Andrew drove away. while driving he dialed president Zain number. he didn't pick. ten minutes passed is phone started ringing. he looked at the caller and pick) ( sly tone ) " you most be busy that's why you didn't pick?

PRESIDENT ZAIN what can a man like me be busy with!

ANDREW the election preparation is going well. I can here complains.

PRESIDENT ZAIN It shows that our plan is going well.

ANDREW indeed. I don't want any mistakes. tomorrow I wouldn't be around. You can manage without me. by all means do not let the network come back. make sure it gets worst.

PRESIDENT ZAIN it's affecting the all world

ANDREW making your son win this election is all I care about ( cut the call)

"Father what did he say

PRESIDENT ZAIN ( raise is hands and shake it in happiness) you all win Zack.

ZACK I will be going to Z country tomorrow.

PRESIDENT ZAIN ( changed mood) for what?

ZACK the networks are down. Katrina will be performing for Make me a star company.

PRESIDENT ZAIN Is it not that ugly lady you are crushing on.

ZACK she is not ugly

PRESIDENT ZAIN I don't blame you for your bad eye sight. Tomorrow is the election, you can't go anywhere.

ZACK am not a kid. Everywhere will be bored.

PRESIDENT ZAIN That's why we have women

ZACK I will be going to the show no matter what!

PRESIDENT ZAIN you are too useless to rule. if I can just put someone else in your position it will be good

ZACK go get yourself another son. maybe you all gain more ( president Zain look at him. it's truth. Zack main motive of him wanting to be president is to improve is popularity. the money doesn't matter to him. since he is the only and is father is old)