
Make him happy

An handsome young man just finished dressing a little boy up. he had a smile of victory on is face

" Go sit in the living room. I'll go inform mother that we are going out.

Little Boy okay uncle Johnson ( smile)( Johnson look at the boy cute face, he remembered his brother, he sighed and Walk away. on getting to his mother room. he saw her crying looking at a picture on her hand. he already guess whose picture she is looking at)

JOHNSON mom!( Mrs Ken heard the familiar voice. she quickly dropped the picture beside her and wiped her tears. Johnson walked to her)( frown is evident on is face. Mrs Ken look at him, she felt scared to see is angry face) " if you keep on crying like this, how are you going to stop suzan tears whenever she comes here. Sammy is dead. your tears will never bring him back. why is Mike more mature than you and suzan ( Mrs Ken stood up)

Mrs Ken how do you expect me to forget my own son ( tears dropping from her eyes, he wiped them off) I carried him in my womb for nine months. he just left without thinking about us

JOHNSON ( angry raise tone) do you think he wants to leave. someone killed him.they took him away from us. I don't like the way you keep crying. you are hurting I and Mike

Mrs KEN I know, I can't help it

" if I can stop crying then you can ( they turn when they heard the familiar voice)

JOHNSON I asked you to wait for me Mike

MIKE I can't uncle, mom and grandma have forgotten that am the one that's ment to be crying. I don't have any memory of my father. mother is very selfish. Why am I been purnish for a death I know nothing about ( he started crying. Mrs Ken ran to him. she bent to is height. she wiped is tears)

Mrs KEN don't cry. your mother is not selfish.

MIKE you heard just the last word.mother cares about only herself. she doesn't spend time with me. whenever she comes, she goes to daddy room crying. Nobody thinks of me. You all care about dead daddy( he look at Johnson) " I'll wait outside ( he walk out. Mrs Ken couldn't say a word)

JOHNSON the child didn't lie. ( raise tone) you see what you and that foolish suzan have turned a little boy into

Mrs KEN don't shout at your mother

JOHNSON I'll continue doing that if you don't stop this I don't care life of yours. think about Mike a little ( walking away)

MRS KEN I don't live that life. I just can't can't forget my son ( she broke down into more tears. Johnson saw Mike seating on the chair looking at the ceiling)

JOHNSON let's go Mike ( Mike stood, he walked to him)

MIKE ( looking into Johnson eyes) ( sad tone) will everything be okay?

JOHNSON yes. let's go ( they both walk to the garage. Johnson opened the passenger seat for Mike, he got in. Johnson got into the driver seat. Johnson drove Mike around the bustling city. colorful blinking lights decorated the city. Johnson slowed down when he reached the traffic light. Mike smiled)

MIKE uncle!

JOHNSON yes ( he look at Mike, then turn to the road)

MIKE I want to eat ice cream

JOHNSON ice cream? ( Mike replied after ten seconds)

MIKE I really want to eat ice cream. Am not the only one that love ice cream

JOHNSON okay ( Mike happily modded) you can only have a small portion ( Mike frown)

MIKE why?

JOHNSON ( sigh) fine! you can eat as much as you want ( Mike smiled happily)

MIKE I love you Uncle

JOHNSON ( smile ) love you too ( as Johnson drove pass two traffic light, he look out for ice cream shops from the road sides. he saw a shop. he parked his car at the road side. they came down and Walk to the shop. people were filled there. he hated crowd) " Mike what flavor do you want?

MIKE I want vanilla and strawberry

JOHNSON hmm ( he remembered Sammy) Everyone loves this flavor ( smile)

MIKE yes ( he said happily)

JOHNSON I'll have two scoops, one vanilla and strawberry ( he said to the seller Everyone turns to him. he is so handsome that no one can stop looking at him. girls whisper to themselves and giggles looking at him. he is already use to it but he still finds it annoying)( After eating the ice cream, he took Mike to the cinema. he has already prepared the cartoon they are going to be watching. Johnson is also wealthy )( after watching the cartoon, they came out of the cinema)

MIKE uncle bend down ( Johnson did as he was told. Mike pecked him. Johnson froze for a second. he came back to is senses. he hugged Mike tightly. how he wished he could pamper him all day. Johnson was happy that he could make him happy. when Johnson was thirteen he left to France, he stayed with is grandparents. when he was leaving, he watched how Sammy was crying. he also felt sad. his coming back after so many years he met Sammy dead body). ( tears dropped down from Johnson eyes, he immediately wiped it do that Mike wouldn't see it)( Johnson saw a long que across the cinema. he look up at the sigh on the building ; NATIONAL ICE SKATING CHAMPION)( Johnson smile)

JOHNSON ( mind) Sammy's favorite ( he pointed in the direction ahead) " there is an ice skating rink across, do you want to skate?

MIKE yes! my friends can skate( he now is head in disappoinment and sad)

JOHNSON what happened?

MIKE I can't skate.

JOHNSON ( he patted Mike bsck) Don't worry, I'll teach you ( Mike jumped in happiness. they crossed the road. he was thrust to the line light. his gorgeous look had caused ladies of all age to cast him additional glances. they didn't bring any equipment, do he purchased the full set. the store keeper passed him the complete set of equipment after he paid)

STORE KEEPER Mister, out coaches here are all from the national team (Mike smile) we also have a champion coach who is specialised in teaching children ( he look at mike) she is very nice.

JOHNSON thank you ( he held Mike hand and Walk away holding the equipment in his other hand)( they got to the changing area. he followed the signs to the changing room. he changed their shoes. Johnson stood up after they were ready. he held Mike hand, they walk carefully to the skating rink. the air was chilly with gust of winds. Mike looked around)

JOHNSON are you afraid

MIKE ( he look up at him) No ( he saw other children squealing and laughing happily. he can't be afraid seeing beautiful girls, he smiled looking at them. Johnson turned Mike to face him)


MIKE okay ( Johnson skated backward with agite movements and it surprised Mike. he carefully let go of Mike hands and slowly move away from him. suddenly, he made a rapid move in the blink of an eye. Mike was so shock and happy at the same time. Johnson stopped infront of Mike. he held is hand and guide him to the middle of the rink. Johnson and Mike were enjoying themselves when the crowd erupted with cheats a short distance away. they turned to the direction. A young beautiful lady dress in white. children surrounded her. she was making several non-stop turns. Johnson attention was on her, he couldn't see her face because she was spinning swiftly. suddenly her ponytail came loose and her hair cascaded down, accompanied by elegant turns, her hair seems to dance as well. it happened do naturally that it took the heart of the spectators. she lost her balance when she stopped spinning. the children hastily held her to prevent her from falling. with their help. she managed to gain her balance. the beautiful lady straighten her back and bowed her head. Johnson couldn't take is eyes off her. Mike walk to her)

MIKE Aunty you are beautiful ( she look at mike)

CHILDREN yes she is

MIKE you are like an angel ( all the boys crowded around her and eagerly clamored for her attention. the girl stroke Mike hair)

TEACHER Thank you. you all are so sweet ( Mike walk slowly to johnson)

MIKE uncle, do you also think that she is pretty ( Johnson look at him)

JOHNSON I thought you can't move with the skating show ( Mike smile)

MIKE for that pretty aunty I can do anything ( Johnson hit Mike head a little)

JOHNSON silly child ( they both laugh. his eyes wandered back to the lady, but she was not there. he look around, still she was no where. he pressed is lip. they both enjoyed themselves till eight pm, the skating rink closed. Johnson removed all their protective gear, then he led Mike towards the exist. he glanced at mike) " Did you have fun?

MIKE yes ( Johnson turned back to cast a longing glance at the skating rink) " do you like that teacher. she is very pretty and friendly ( Johnson was about to say something but he stopped. they strode out of the skating rink)

CHILDREN bye teacher!

TEACHER bye! ( JOHNSON and Mike turned to the direction they heard the children voice. Johnson couldn't help but lost in her. he smile looking at her)

MIKE Go to her if you love her. I'll wait for you ( Johnson snapped back to reality)

JOHNSON ( peered at mike) shut up. let's go home.

MIKE okay! but don't regret later. we will come back here this Sunday, that's final ( he walk away. Johnson laugh at his behavior. he quickly ran to Mike)