
Angry Andrew 2

Getting to the place Andrew walked in leaving the people in shock. Luke Walked to him.

LUKE boss!

ANDREW I don't have time to waste. who am I fighting with ( the men look at each other ).

LUKE Lion ( lion walk to him )

LION you never told me that I will be fighting with boss. you lied.

LUKE money is involve

ANDREW who is giving the money ?

LUKE you!

ANDREW I never mentioned money.

LION I am not fighting with you. am out of here ( walking)

ANDREW I will love to see blood on the floor. breaking my rule you deserve death ( he stop walking) you agreed to fight, ( to Luke ) didn't he?

LUKE yes. I told you no one will fight with you.

ANDREW shut him.

LION boss!

ANDREW how about you fight till death or die right now.

LION I will fight.

LUKE that's why you are called lion.

LION I really don't appreciate you praising me . just don't make me die.

LUKE: boss don't kill him.

( Andrew ignore him. the matched started the remaining men thanked God they were not choosen. Andrew didn't spare him. he hit him so hard that the man was spilling out blood.the man fell on the floor calling for help. Luke was confused he don't know what to do. a man walk to Luke. Luke turned to him)

LUKE: Jerry thank God you are here do something.help the man.

JERRY: ( Raise tone) Andrew ( Andrew ignore him) you shouldn't kill an innocent man for a girl ( Andrew turned to him)

LUKE: ( whisper ) what did you do!( walk away from Jerry )

JERRY: ( whisper ) come here don't go anywhere.

LUKE: am not with you on this.( Andrew walk to him)

ANDREW: ( Angry tone ) what did you say? ( Luke use the opportunity to go check on lion, he kneel down close to him)

LUKE: are you okay lion.

LION: ( hoarse and low voice) do I look okay! am better dead than a life.

( one of the men named Zain walk to them)

ZAIN: should I call the ambulance?

LUKE: ( mocking tone) of course you should. you will be the one to explain to the police, Incase the doctors involve them. tell the police that your family beat him up.( Zain bow is head and Walk away with shame).

JERRY: you don't have to be offended by my words it's the truth, isn't it? how about I drive you home. calm down,let's talk.

ANDREW: talk about what! why are you here?

JERRY: I came here for business. I thought you will be in the base so I checked and I was right.

ANDREW: I wouldn't have been here. let's go.( they both walked out of the base. Andrew sat in Jerry car. when Jerry got to Andrew place he came down followed by Andrew. they walked into Andrew home).( Jerry sat down. Andrew opened his fridge too brought out bottle of water,he opened it and sip then he sat close to Jerry)

JERRY: siara made you almost killed someone.

ANDREW: it's not about her

JERRY: then it about who?

ANDREW: yes it's about siara. I called her so many times she refused to pick. I don't know why she is ignoring me.

JERRY: ( surprised face) wait wait I thought you had a fight with her.


JERRY: I don't understand. when last did you met her?

ANDREW: one month ago. everything was fine , I just don't know what happened.

JERRY: hope you didn't do anything. the siara I know don't get angry,she is the nicest and the sweetest.

ANDREW: stop with the praising and tell me what I should do to please her.

JERRY: I don't know it's your life. think of what she loves.give her what she deserves and treat her right. you should spend time with her.

ANDREW: ever since she lost her memory I don't know what to do. whenever am with her, I feel like I shouldn't leave her but I have responsibilities. man I don't want to hurt her. she have another man now. am really jealous.

JERRY: how did you know that ?

ANDREW: I saw a picture of her and the man.he pecked her on the cheek.

JERRY: you believed! who sent you that picture?

ANDREW: misheal.

JERRY: you are a fool man.that witch.you believed that the siara I knew has another man.

ANDREW: of course the picture is real.

JERRY: do you know that siara is in 'H' city.

ANDREW: ( stood up) what! she is in this city and I don't know. How did you know?

JERRY: I saw her but she didn't see me.

ANDREW: where?

JERRY: I don't know. I was just passing, she seems busy with her work.

ANDREW : work! what type of work?

JERRY: she is a waitress I guess.

ANDREW: that girl! why can't she act like a wealthy lady! ( pick up his phone.he dialed Cane number,he picked up) I need you to leave that work I assigned you to. Siara is in H city look for her and give me the information as soon as possible.

JERRY: are you planning to look for her ( Andrew cut the call )

ANDREW: yes. I want to make her jealous till she craw begging to come back.

JERRY: oh! you don't know siara then ( stood up ) later then . don't hurt her if you don't want to be my enemy.you know how much I love her.( walk away)

ANDREW: shit instead of increasing my anger, he shouldn't have bring me here