
Tread Lightly: Among Monsters And Men

In a twisted version of the Old West, where Native American fables come to life, the land is teeming with blight and cessation. Skinwalkers, Bakwas, Urayuli, and even the dreaded Wendigo roam freely, constantly terrorizing humanity. In this unforgiving landscape, survival becomes the supreme dream, luxury an impossibility. But hope lies in Ether, an eccentric substance that defies reason, and Sigils, granting individuals extraordinary abilities. So, as men and women from the burgeoning East venture into the treacherous West, they must navigate the nightmares that lurk within the wilderness and the horrors from above, below, and within. Survival becomes a battle for the mind, body, and soul. Each step must be taken lightly, lest they fall prey to a grim fate—a forgotten corpse, a demon's feast, or the plaything of ancient and incomprehensible beings. Fools tread where angels fear to gaze, yet not all fools let themselves wilt. Some are simply too stubborn to break.

Broken_Saint · Võ hiệp
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530 Chs

No Lily Livers

Eli's grin only continues to widen as a figure appears behind him, the man obviously noticing him. He speaks to his assassin without even turning his head. Each venomous word tightens the bite I have clenched already.


"What timing, Clarence! Take care of the one on the floor for me, will you? I'll deal with this one."


I breathe in again, siphoning Ether into my body as my chains loosen even further, and I allow that to spread to Blodwyn. Our heart beats with a thunderous rhythm as I press down upon Eli with even more force, spewing out hate.


"You bastard!"


Eli twists away in response, using his cane to center himself as he dodges the blade on my arm entirely. Then, he points the cane toward me. Immediately, that part in the depth of my soul shivers, and I Arbalest to the side in response, moving without any care for my own body, just as Edmund once did. Bone shatters from my speed going far beyond my body's constitution, but it's worth it.


A projectile slams against the Gate Of Death, originating from the cane. I notice a dent in the stone out of the corner of my eye. My jaw nearly drops because I know how durable that thing is.


Even Anwiye said she couldn't leave a scratch in it. But I don't have time to remain shocked. Clarence steps toward Virgil on the other side of Eli, so I dart toward the assassins as fast as I can, ignoring Eli.


I want the bastard dead, but not in exchange for my friend.


A dozen threads of steel lash out at me in response as Eli idly reloads his cane, pushing a ball of purple steel down the barrel. Meanwhile, he steps at me, proving that he doesn't need the cane at all. Moving with the speed only allowed by Tsavuk, I slide under the metal cables and bat the others away while I sprint for Virgil.


Yet as I get close, the ground beneath my feet twists, having me fall into it. Kiro's Dust! How!?


I rip my feet out of the stone that melts onto me, but it's not even close to being fast. Each movement is beset by a thousand pounds of force, slowing me to a crawl. Eli aims his cane at me while I'm stuck in the stone.


Raising my right arm, I feel where he will shoot, thanks to Shiver, the hint in my soul. The prosthetic shields my heart and Blodwyn as I layer Living Manacles over my arm.


A force so mighty that I lose my breath, my footing, and my sight collapses onto me. I roll dozens of times over before I come to a stop, only a foot from Virgil. Earl's arm that he made me is badly dented, but it's not broken.


A mocking voice shifts to genuine surprise as he compliments my dear friend.


"You thought each Ail was a singular thing? No, my boy. Most Angels have two eyes, don't they? You see—Oh... ohoho... What a lad indeed. Clarence."


Eli calls to Clarence as the man stands over Virgil and me, one blade set into a reverse grip while the other is dangerously pointed ahead as he cautiously assesses us. He's just like Virgil, never underestimating a foe and always giving it their all.


The Silent Scorpion nods, and the Underground Tree sets him a condition that makes me stare at him in awe.


"When I die, you shall guard Earl Garner. Protect him with your life. Make sure he can rise as high as possible. The boy has an even greater mind than me and far better luck to make use of it."


Clarence sputters; the assassin is brought to a stammer because of Eli. As he speaks, Virgil grabs my attention with a slight tremble in three of his fingers. Then, two.


"W-what do you mean, sir? I thought—"


"All men die eventually, Clarence. It is only a precaution. Now, let us remove these two from the equation before the Covenant arrives."


Eli strides forward as Virgil, beside me, coughs up blood. The tightly-robed man clenches his fingers and gradually gets up, meeting my gaze with a nod. Then, his eyes split over to Clarence.


He's going to fight the Silent Scorpion. And he wants me to hold off Eli. Alright. Alright. I can do that.


His fingers turn to one that is trembling, and I prepare my Ether again, building Arbalests in my feet. As Eli raises his cane toward me again and Clarence dives for Virgil, my friend's fingers cease their shuddering.


An Arbalest moves me out of the way of the bullet just in time as Virgil Flickers through Clarence's dual daggers. But then, out of the corner of my eye, I see the Silent Scorpion toss his stiletto-like dagger into the air. It hovers for a moment before hurtling toward a random direction.


Virgil reappears right in front of the dagger, hastily forced to Flicker again to save himself. In response, the stiletto carves a basin-sized hole through the cavern wall before twisting around, reappearing through another similar-sized hole.


I can't worry about my friend, though. I have to focus on my own battle as the ground continues to wrap around my flesh. And to make matters worse, Eli comes in close to kill me himself.


His Coiled Steam wages war against my Living Manacles—a Lumen versus my newest skill—and I quickly realize that I'm not up to the task. The slicing claws at the end of the threads clench tightly onto my flesh, snipping open holes, but I make my way toward the man even while fighting the very ground below me.


Eli Weiss seems to have no weakness. His Ails slow and harry me while his Coiled Steam leaves wounds that add up swiftly and prevent my Living Manacles from doing any serious work. The man himself is even fast and durable using those vials at his hip. Earlier, he was hurt by Lennon, but a single vial removed the injury. Furthermore, his cane is beyond durable, matching Earl's prosthetic strike for strike. It must have Bestowing Strand or something of the like flowing through it to be so empowered. That would make sense. Eli is a Virtue, after all.


Sweat rapidly begins to drip from my body as I struggle to resist the man's overwhelming solidity. I stop pressing forward and instead fall back from the man's army-like effect of having no weaknesses.


Gradually, I fall back as I realize that Virgil and Clarence have disappeared into a side path. Even the Trio has vanished as Eli tosses me into a corner with a shot of his cane.


I bring myself to my knees with a grunt as Eli suddenly appears in front of me, his body coming in and out of reality as his other eye shimmers a dark, virulent purple. He can teleport? Fuck.


A fist is thrown at him, but the older man catches it with his cane and deflects it to the side. Then, he throws me back against the wall, holding my neck with his closed palm. The current Prime meets my gaze with a low, almost imperceptible voice.


"Stay quiet. Do not move. Just listen. I know you want me dead. Temper your anger for a moment."


I flex my strength just once and realize that the man's force is above mine. How? I look all over the man, only to find a cord of red liquid seeping into his sides. The liquid reminds me of pure, unadulterated force, like that of a shot of pure adrenaline.


He's drugging himself. That's how he's keeping up! But how? What fucking drugs does this?


My mind briefly flashes back to Sacate and how he died. There are substances in this world that push one beyond one's capabilities, but not only are they not without a dire price, but they are absurdly scarce. It does make sense that Eli would have them or be able to make them, though, the information lord that he is.


I fall limp, letting Blodwyn recover for a moment as I let the man speak. This could be a ploy, but he already has me against the wall. The only way I get out of this is with Blodwyn and me practically exploding from the force of Tsavuk and several combined gasps of Ether.


Eli Weiss nods slowly, keeping his voice direly low alongside Ether which creates a current for the noise to directly enter my ear. Still, I have to use Listen even to barely hear his whisper.


"I like you, Wyatt. Far more than any of the others who have come for my life. I do not want you dead. Plus, it would make your father seek my life. I am one of the few who knows how he really is, which is viciously vengeful. His 'deal' ends with his death if he breaks it, but he would take that certainty for you. Why survive now to die later?"


I raise an eyebrow as he continues, holding my neck against the wall. Eli's arm bulges and strains while the other fiddles with something under his clothes. The position we're in counters how he speaks, the calm and composed nature of the man.


"I will soon be the target of over a dozen Angels. No, I already am. It is unlikely I survive. I am willing to take the chance, though. I am not a Gambler, but I must. There are no other ways to gain a Dominion other than to find oneself in a moment of unrivaled despair. it is in the lack of authority and power you find yours. Remember that."


Eli doesn't stop talking, only taking a break to put emphasis on his words. I nod a slight motion, the Angel holding the rest of my head into a deadlock.


"If you are careful, you can survive this—Virgil, too. I've always been quite fond of the man. Clarence is deathly perfect with his knives, but your friend is better. I've seen it. I know you've glimpsed it, too. This is all to say: Choose your allies wisely. But if you do indeed come for my life, I will defend myself—even if I do like you."


The man releases his grip on my throat, backstepping enough to separate himself from me. Then, I hear Lily warn me.


"More are coming."


Eli Weiss smiles profoundly at me before joining Lily's callout.


"Well, hello there, you three. Where ever should the rest of the Covenant be?"


The Underground Tree turns around while stepping to the side, revealing a group of three to me. I instantly recognize their faces and frame.


Sylvia Harvey.


Parker Callahan.


Joseph Jeremiah.


The Slick Slider, the Hungry Hog, and the Scalding Iron scowl at Eli and at me in turn. The Harvey, who has turned on Eli, spits out pure venom toward the older man. Her skin gleams with an acidic light as she steps forward, the other two Pillars following her closely.


"Your little fucking rat killed Johannus, Weiss. This will not go unpunished."


I flick my eyes between the two forces as I rub my neck, the bruise gradually fading. Joseph stares straight at me, and I notice him nod very slowly before shifting his gaze to Eli.


Hmm... This is a lot to deal with. I want Eli dead, though. Regardless of what he thinks of me, I will make it so he is dead. The last hour is proof he cannot live any longer. He's made so many people fight between each other while having a fraction of the forces.


It's like he exists to order chaos.


I give Joseph a slight nod. His lips so imperceptibly move I wouldn't know it was a smile other than the gleam in his eye.


Eli, however, chuckles, facing both the three Pillars and me.


"He has done his job, Sylvia. And we both already knew how this was going to go. You'd try and recruit all you could to take me down, only to fail because the truly powerful are independent. They do not want to ally with whoever, only those they deem worthy."


Sylvia squints as she flicks her eyes at me. They did try to recruit me for this, huh? That Grimes. Where is he? The Slick Slider gnashes her teeth while prepping to kill Eli, drawing the hook blades she's so famous for.


"Is that so? What about Richard Lang? The Blinded Man. Why did he refuse to help? If you know so much, tell me."


Eli's lips stretch ominously as he points above, motioning toward the surface so far beyond us.


"Richard Lang listens only to the man who beat him. The Blinded Man has followed the fading Primes into Pained Peaks. Who knows if he'll ever return? Lennon is uncontrollable. Maddox is too shrewd for his own good. Tomas... who should be here any second, follows his father's last words far too closely. The non-humans here would listen, but they have their own goals in their wretched hearts. And this one? We all know Graves follow no compass but their own. Heads bow until they dislike the strain, Harvey. And the 'common-folk' as you prefer to call them have been bent over for too long."


My skin crawls at his words, and something deep inside tells me he is lying. Instinctively. It's my Sigil itself guiding me toward the truth. What is the truth, then? What is Eli lying about? I think it's about Richard Lang, and that shard of worry sticks with me. Still, I feel myself stand a little taller as I'm finally recognized among these influential figures. Just a year ago, they wouldn't even deign themselves to look at me. Now? I'm a pivotal figure, just as they are.


Sylvia presses further into the featureless room while Eli backs up, nearing the wall. The moment all three enter the room, Sylvia sparks up a conversation with me, still staring at Eli Weiss.


"I know you hurt the Ol' Grimes fellow, but you help us with this, and all is forgotten. Harvey's word."


I open my mouth to agree, seeing no reason to, but I halt my action as I remember Eli's words.


Choose your allies wisely.


He's right. These people will backstab me the first chance they get. I'm a Graves, an Estate just like them, but that didn't stop them from fucking over the Shaws.


My father and my own personal power may keep them from turning on me, but I need to start thinking big-picture—the long-term stuff. After today, everything will change.


Why make allies with such people?


At least Lennon doesn't do betrayals. He's batshit crazy, but he's upfront. He's honest. If I am to choose an ally beyond those I already have, I suppose an honest monster is better than a dishonest man or woman.


Still, that doesn't mean I should disagree. I just shouldn't put any heart into it. There is also the chance that a few of them aren't as bad as I imagine. The old ones definitely are, though. Sylvia? There's a chance she's not as rotten. Nevertheless, I'll keep my eyes open.


I give Sylvia a nod just as pounding footsteps emerge from the hallways. A brilliant surge of light, followed by a well-built man with twin swords, sprints down the hallway, stopping just on the other side of the three Pillars.


Tomas. Bonfire.


The Underground Tree's jaw hangs open at my friend being alive and well, even as the blaze from Emmet is far more silver than they used to be. It's no longer half and half. It's closer to seventy-thirty. He's losing the battle.


How much longer does he have? I don't know. But I'll be with him the whole way.


Now, the sides are relatively even.


Tomas, Bonfire, and me. Sylvia, Parker, and Joseph. And finally, Eli is on his lonesome.


When they enter, Eli claps, and my skin crawls at the noise, remembering all the other times. I raise my prosthetic in preparation, but Eli doesn't cause an explosion or cave-in. Instead, he shakes out the looseness in his muscles.


"Now! This is a party! There comes a time when a man can no longer run. And I must say, you six, I am thrilled you are all here in attendance. Now, let us be—"




A doubled-overlayed voice cuts through the air and halts Weiss' words as the wall beside Sylvia shatters, tumbling out two figures locked in combat. Sylvia leaps away from the wall, putting her arm before her two companions, and I back up as well.


To my surprise, the slimmer figure that comes rolling out is Kwakiteh, with her blade already submerged into another Angel's stomach. A shocked gasp from beside me tells me who the other one is.




Jarvis Harvey kicks away Kate, even as her blade rips out a mountain of blood from the man. Vincent's great-grandson of a direct lineage, who all thought was only a 6th Sigiled, rolls toward Eli Weiss.


He sputters out blood as the older man reaches down, a syringe emerging and stabbing into his flesh.


"What are you doing to him!"


Sylvia rushes forward, and I won't stop her. She practically glides across the marble floor full of rubble but is halted by a cobalt-blue great axe that extends precariously from Jarvis' hands, resting upon her neck.


"Sorry, cousin. You know I do jobs for money and rewards. Eli simply has more to throw around. 'Promised me an axe. Back away now, or we'll have to fight. I don't feel my great-grandfather would appreciate us reducing the three to two."


I pause utterly, frozen by all the people appearing out of nowhere. There were—are this many human Angels all along!? What the fuck!? What were they all doing!?


Twiddling their fucking fingers!?


I inch forward, rage building inside at all the things that have been simply allowed to happen, but Eli manages to calm me without even trying to.


"Easy, Jarvis. You haven't been an Angel for long. You're not her match, nor the Wendigos. Deal with Tomas. I'll take the others, okay? I'll still make you a Lumen after all is said and done."


Jarvis' seeping wound closes before my very eyes as Kate brings her blade to bear once more. Nothing will stop Kwakiteh as Demonsbane points right for her target. Vincent's great-grandson shrinks back in poorly concealed fear of Kate while Eli steps forward in retaliation.


Eli Weiss laughs jovially before pulling two eyeballs from his pockets and crushing them with terrifying swiftness. He meets Kate and Sylvia, the two women close enough to hit him should they swing with a smile. The old man is utterly fearless against all his opponents. I'm beginning to see why Marshall respected him despite all that he's done. He's scum, but he is not without his virtues.