
Travels of the Dark Lord Through the Multiverse (starting with Naruto)

Nice guy, betrayed by close friends in previous life, reincarnated with 4 wishes, will now take what he wants, when he wants it. Decides to become a dark lord. R18 is not because of lemon, but because of some torture stuff that will probably happen I do not own any of the works mentioned within this fanfic, I only own characters, and the divine realm of Reincarnation, nothing else. Image is stock Photo This is My First Web novel, please comment as I would like some constructive criticism, also I will upload as regularly as possible, normally on Saturdays Upload schedule is Saturdays at 15:30 EST and some Mondays from 14:00-15:00

Project_Paladin · Tranh châm biếm
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16 Chs

Drifting soul

So, darkness again... Psych, I'm a soul again but this time my body's here with me, time to implement phase three of my plan.

There are a few things I need to do first, so I'll need to reverse time; check up on my Kamui dimension, to see if the stuff inside stays with me; then I need to make sure to separate my existence from the timeline, so that other forms of me don't appear; and then fix the original timeline so that I wasn't in Boruto in the first place, and bam, time anomaly that can do whatever he wants.

Ok, so time reversal done, now for the Kamui. I enter a dimension similar to what was seen in the anime, but instead of it being three dimensional it was four dimensional, so for anyone that wasn't me, their minds would probably shatter. I went to find my stuff and there it was my 10 billion ryo, (about 7 million USD), the medical resources, the other resources, the special weapons and kinjutsu, everything was there. 

Now, exiting the Kamui, I had to separate myself from the timeline, easyest way to do it was to get a god to do it for me so, one Reaper Summoning with an Uzumaki mask later and bam! I was free from the timeline.

All that was left now was to reincarnate into an appropriate body. Despite the previous plan there were still a few options, Naruto, obviously, Sasuke, Nagato?, maybe, Madara, Haku? So lots of options to narrow down, first order of buisness, trauma, as a reincarnator I won't become attached to others as mutch so there goes Nagato, Sasuke and Haku, leaving me with two options. The next criteria is the potential growth that could be achieved early on, in this case Naruto was the better choice, since, even though Madara was a genius and became really strong, since Naruto was born in the era with villages, I could just sneak into libraries or the Hokage's office as Naruto, to get jutsu, with the added bonus of no war early on, along with an excuse to look different. 

My choice being reaffirmed I decided to reincarnate as Naruto, I had to get the timing just right to be the moment right after the sealing of the 9 tails into the boy. This was so that I could make the "transformations", that would likely occur due to my reincarnation, seem like a result of the 9 tails sealing. 

-Night Of The 9 Tails Summoning

In my spirit body I view all that's happening at the moment, particularly the battle between the 4th Hokage and the Masked Man.

As the Hokage seems to phase through the Masked Man, before turning arround to attack him once again. The Masked Man (Obito) aims for Naruto and, the currently weakened, Kushina. Grabbing up Naruto before throwing the boy and coating the child's swaddle in explosive tags. The 4th then teleports to the boy, noticing the tags instants before the explosion and teleporting away to leave the boy in safety.

The 4th returns seeing that Obito now has his wife, the current container of the 9 tails, within his grasp. Using the Jinchuriki's weakened state to release the tailed beast and control it.

The beast was unleashed onto Konoha, the village hidden in the leaves, the 4th teleporting it away in an attempt to limit the amount of damage that the beast would cause to the village. Then with the help of his wife to tie the beast down, he teleported to where he had placed Naruto The 4th Hokage then invoked the strongest seal, this being the Death Reaper Seal, which sacrifices one's own life to seal any one thing. 

Sacrificing his soul and sealing the 9 tails in two equal parts, one into himself and one into his son I took advantage of the moment to enter Naruto's body and take it over. The Mindscape developing almost immediately, I found the 9 tails seal and the boy using the death reaper's mask to devour the soul and successfully merge with the body.

From the outside, the child's parents could only see the child's hair turn white, his eyes turn purple, his skin become paler and the whisker marks that had previously covered his cheeks disappear. Both parents looking in sadness at the changed appearance of their child, before succumbing to the ritual, in the 4th's case, and wounds, in Kushina's case.

The Third Hokage, arrives on scene, too late to change anything. He finds Naruto (now me) on a sealing altar, with a seal on the stomach, white hair and purple eyes. (Before he had arrived I had written Yami in blood on my forehead.) Picking me up and reading the Kanji inscribed on my forehead he called me "Yami Usumaki" before retrating to the Hokage tower to sort out the village.

If you have some ideas about my story, comment it and let me know! Don't forget to give powerstones, for more people to find out about the story!

Project_Paladincreators' thoughts