
Slapping Beavers.

Have you ever seen a human sized Beaver? That talk, walk on 2 legs and act like a ninja. It's extremely cute and funny at the same time, that is the scene that unfold before me right now. Though our appearance in this Beaver and Mole settlement was kind of uninvited, in fact from the look of it, they were quite hostile.

"Sir….it seems we were uninvited here..".(Bar)

Gulping in a cold breath, Bar and the others slowly get into positions, Rafaela even signalling to us that the Beaver ninja already starts to encircle us.

"Well everyone could see that Bar....Ehem, Hello there friend…can we talk for a moment?..".

[I don't think they will listen to you sir….ohh,here they come..].(T.A.S)

Though for anyone else this Ninjas were quite hard to detect, to me I can see,smells and hear every single one of them. Thanks to my newly obtains passive skills (Heightened Sense) my perceptions were off the charts, there's 5 Beavers coming towards us from the shadows, all of them apparently very dedicated to hurt us.

"Guys..could you step back a little....okay, looks like a shinobis like you beavers prefer to speak with actions…well, you guys can come at me anytime now….Whoops, to slow and obvious..".


Just as Elijah,Mina,Bar and Rafaela took a step back, one of the nearest Beaver leap out from the shadows and slashed his/her bone dagger aiming for my neck, I could see everything in slow motions before the blade come close to my neck, I moved by just an inch causing the attack hit only empty air, as the momentum moved the beavers through the air, I counter by slapping it's back, though it's just a slap the beavers drop straight down to the floor, knocked unconscious with just one slap.

"Nice, a combinations attack…but still slow…".


"GGGUUUHHHH!!!!". (Ninja Beavers)

This time seeing their comrade got slapped to unconscious, 2 beavers comes out in a rushed one appeared in front of me aiming at my eye, and one from behind aiming for the back of my thigh. I caught the forearms of the one in front of me using my right hand, and stop the back attack by back kicking at his/her arm, I simultaneously disarms both ninja at the same time, I slapped the one in front of me with my left hand, while sending the one on my back flying with another follow up kick.

This time instead of waiting for the remaining 2 to make their moves, I closed down to them. With a large stride, I send a front kick towards the one on my left, that were hiding underneath the torch shadows ,the Ninja beavers weren't expected to be seen shocked, my kick make a full contact and sending him bouncing on the wall behind him/her.


Turning 180 degree, I throw a palm strike hitting another Ninja hitting him right on the face as he pounce towards me.Instead of letting the Beaver fly I grab his head and started to strengthen my grip slowly, while looking at the old beaver at the far end of the hallway. I knew she was the leader, how? Because he/she was actually the strongest entity in the settlement and he/she demeanor was to calm, also he/she has been trying to cast {Identifying} spells on me.


The pain starts to kick in as I slowly crushing the face of the ninja with my grip. Still, me and the Old Beaver start to get into a staring contest, seeing she still hasn't move, I release a little bit of my [ Intimidation's ] aura and my [Emperor Aura] at the same time, as soon as I did, everyone kneel on their knees. The beaver on my hand already passed out, foaming on his mouth.

"Now….can we have a talk?….".

Throwing the beaver aside I run towards the old beaver, which to other may looks like I just instantaneously appeared before her.

[That is one hell of a show…thankfully no one knows that you run..it just looks like you just teleport..imagine if they saw you running…ain't that lame..LoL..].(T.A.S)

"Pardon this lowly one for not recognize your highness…".(Matriarch Kasuma )

Still kneeling, finally the old beaver spoke.

"It's fine…besides, it's kinda my fault for barging in on you guys…anyway, believe it or not…me and my team over there come here with no ill intent..I just wanted to talk…".

"But…then..why?….".(Matriach Kasuma)

Her eyes darted to the 5 beavers who's currently knocked unconscious on the floor.

"You guys move 1st even after I said I want to talk..should I just let them hit me?..no right?…I not to fond on getting physical…but I'm not backing down either…let's just say, it's my personality..Sorry about that…..RAFAELA~ HEAL THEM….".

Nodding from afar, Mina started to line up the injured and Rafaela starts casting healing magic on them.

"All good right..now let's talk business..shall we..".

"Ah…e…yes…please come inside..".(Matriarch Kasuma)

She can't wrap her head fully, as I just hastened the conversations ushered her to change location to continue our talk.

Inside the tent was quite stuffy, it's about the size of my bathroom to be precise. There's only a few things inside, a floor mat, a makeshift table made from stone, kitchen utensils made from bones, and a candle made from some kind of weird wax. There's also another person inside, an old Mole person that wears a bone goggle who also prostrating on the ground as I come in.

"Your M..ma..majesty..".(Elder Mikhail)

"Oh..hello there….there's no need to be that scared though…I'm not gonna eat you or anything..".

Still shivering in fear, both Elder mole and grandma beavers decided to stood up as I make myself comfortable sitting on the floor, Elijah also comes inside with me.

"This is your place…just sit down..it's quite uncomfortable seeing a host like this..".

"Thank you your majesty…".(Elder Mikhail & Matriarch Kasuma)

"Anyway let's introduce ourself…My name is Mies Sai, and this is Elijah An Quers, both of us comes from a nations called Aeternum…and as you already known from my persona…I am a king of my country, though I don't like that title..let's just leave the reasons and details to make this conversations proceed easily….how about you elders?..".

"this old one is the 256th Matriarch of the Shadow Beaver Clan..Kasuma Cypress, this one is the 258th Elder of the Red Mountain Mole clan Mikhail…it's an honor to meet you and her Ladyship from Aeternum…". (Matriarch Kasuma)

The atmosphere were lightened a bit as both parties knew about each others, though they lived outside the world, their social skills and court mannered were quite good.

"i've heard from the skeleton on the first floor that you guys has been ventured out in this catacombs for 300 years…..is something happened to you guys?..why took so long just to explore a simple dungeon?..".

Going around the bush aren't exactly my style, in all honesty I kinda weird out as to why this guys aren't breaking out already, if they found a treasure probably but is it worth it? But seeing how poor they environment that wasn't it. Also Paul only mentioned the beaver, not the Moles, then where were this guy came from.

"A skeleton named Paul?...Hah~..so it's true, it's not just a story…".(Matriach Kasuma)

Instead of happiness, the old beaver seems dejected. She looks as if the world has thrown her into abyss.

"is there something wrong?…".(Elijah)

Concerned the other parties become depressed, Elijah asked Elder Mikhail.

"Actually…it's Like this…".(Elder Mikhail)