
Simple Mindset.

"Please Sign over here please...Thank you sir..have a nice day..". (Delivery Man)

"Thanks..you too have a nice day…".

For the last 3 days all I do, was waiting for a delivery at my home. at this point the 20K I have, already dwindle down to 5K. All the items on my list already purchased, Be it Tampons or foods I already have them stock up for 6 moths of use for 300++ people. It's surprising how cheap things are if you buy them In bulk on the web, Luckily I live near the forest far from anyone, if not people might be worried seeing countless of lorry coming in and out, moving mountain of boxes. At this point, my garage and living room to the kitchen were already filled with boxes, I can't store them inside the storage rings, because it still filled with gold bars.

That's right, I spend 3 days not only receiving delivery but also melting the gold coins into gold bars, using the small smelter I borrow from Ken, it took awhile but I manage to smelt 1000Kg of gold in to gold bars, with one bars weight at 1kg a piece.Probably i will finished smelting them all before Terry call me back.



As I was busy smelting golds, my phone rings.

"{Hello..Hey Ol'Boss..it's Terry..}". (Terry)

"Oh yeah…so how's it going?..".

"{Yeah..It's All good..Look, there's 2 news…1 good and 1 kinda ominous…}". (Terry)

"...Okay..tell me..".

"{The good News is The Krawoski Family was happy to meet you…not only that, The Lee Family of Korean also want in….}". (Terry)

"Lee Family?…oh, that Fierce looking old man..I remember him…So, what the ominous one?..".

I know the Lee Family, small underground old mafia family, quite powerful that have roots in almost all business in asia.

"{The ominous news was…they want your recommendation into the Constitution….Also, the Don probably heard about it…}". (Terry)

".…..hmmm…okay, well the recommendations is mine to give..that doesn't concern the Don or Roseta Family….so, when I can meet the Krawoski and Lee family?..".

"{Well that's true…That Don is pretty annoying lately….Both of them already waiting foryou in Stockholm..all you need is go there and meet with them..}".

"Well, That's fast…anyway thanks…tell them, I'll be there in few days….Thanks Terry..".

"{No problem…By the way I just want to let you know…Ken and Me will be tagging along with you…and you're paying for the ticket…Bye~~}". (Terry)

"Wait..wha?~~…..<Tuuutttt..>…well, that's…..hah~".

I don't really care about how the Roseta Family thinks, I already leave them, all ties has been severed so they got nothing on me. But a recommendations to entered the constitutions was a whole different things. The Constitution, Is practically a world wide underground organizations which pretty much newly establish, they acts as a connections and an enforcer to maintain the balance of criminal world, Any Criminal organizations that recognize by the Constitutions will be protected and will be able to easily establish connections and business with anyone in the world, with guarantee safety and secrecy. In the Constitutions There's 6 Elders that control and managed the Organizations, and I was once the Elder in charge of Enforcing the Constitution Laws (the job was mainly Assassination and stuff), each Elder possessed rights to recommend anyone to enter the Constitution. Although I already quit, I still have my recommendations and sound reputations in the Constitutions, giving them out wasn't a big deal for me.

I bought 3 Tickets flight to Sweden, I don't really need too many baggage for this short trip, After all I only go there to buy and sell stuff. On top of that I also rent a small warehouse by the edge of the city. Since the flight is going to be 3 days from now, I took the whole 3 days to turn all the gold coins into gold bars.

<Honk! Honk!!..>

"Mies!! Let's go!!…". (Ken)

"Yeah..yeah...<DUP!>…Let's go….".

Early in the morning both Ken and Terry waiting for me outside, I enter the Truck, immediately Ken drives away to the airport. Traveling with this 2 guys never bores you, With Ken excitable personality it's quite a merry travel to be in.

The Flight was quite taxing but bearable, after 10 hours in the air we finally arrive in Stockholm. It's already dusk as we arrive. With Ken leading us to his personally picked and recommend booked hotel, we arrive at a fairly weird looking hotel.


As soon as we enter the hotel, we were greeted by a 'Magical' forest themed reception hall, there's tree decorations with large mushroom near the counter. 2 receptionist wearing a Tinkerbell costume behind the counter.

"This…..". (Terry)

"Well....it's him…at least it's not a sex hotel…like last time…Contact the Krawoski..set up the meeting at the old cafe near the intersection that we passed by just now…".

Terry face palm himself beside me as we look at Ken who Shockingly excited like a little puppy. Even though it was a themed hotel, the room was quite comfortable thou. After settling in, I leave the room and head down to the lobby, Ken and Terry already waiting in the lobby.

"Let's go..".

Eyeing on Terry who's sitting on the couch in the left side of the lobby, He nodded and shouts at Ken who immersing himself in taking pictures of the Tinkerbell receptionist.

"Ken!..it's Time!....So, Boss…Same old tactics?…".

Hearing Terry shouts, Ken came running to our side with long suit case in his hands. As we headed out Terry come close to me and ask.

"Yeah..Ken will be the support, you and I will meet Krawoski….I will make a round first, so talk to them for a few minutes…".

"Roger that…". (Ken & Terry)

We walk for about 15 minutes away from the hotel, and enter a small cafe near the intersection, it was quite a beautiful cafe though, it was an old Victorian themed cafe, I was observing from outside the cafe. Terry and Ken comes in and sat down on separate table. Terry sat on the table near the glass window, while Ken sitting at the corner table a little away from Terry.

After about 20 minutes, 2 SUV stop outside the cafe. 8 people comes out from the SUV and the SUV leave immediately, from the front SUV 4 man comes out 3 of them wearing a black suits, and one of them wearing a navy blue suits, young adult early 20, blond haired with sharp looking feature, wearing a thin framed glass. From the 2nd Car there's 5 people coming out, 4 woman and 1 old man who also Wearing black suits, unlike the 4 men these 4 woman are much more fierce and quite experience. I recognize the old man, it's Lee Family Head Lee Ha Feng, I was quite surprise he comes to see me.

After about 30 minutes lingering outside, Like a normal patron I entered the cafe, glancing around I can see that Terry already making contact with The man and the woman, the other entourage were sitting on another table. Meanwhile Lee Ha Feng are sitting alone at another table near where Ken was. Instead of going for Terry table, I head for the old man table.

"Quite a long way to go for an old Tiger….".

I sat down in front of him, He looked kinda stunned and annoyed but after a bit of pondering, he revealed a warm smile on his face.

"It's a must, to see an old accuaintance who dissapred finally appeared out of nowhere….". (Lee Ha Feng)

"I'm never disappeared…I'm Retired…".

"Well..it's still the same though...so, of all people..Why Krawoski and Lee Family?..". (Lee Ha Feng)

"Because my friend Terry suggest me so…. Frankly, I don't really care whom….I need someone to trade with…and your name comes up….".

"Hmmmm….I never expected someone with your reputation would have a simple mindset…..". (Lee Ha Feng)

"Shocking right…".

The tiki taka of our conversations was actually the old man probe at me, but I can see he's actually afraid to overstep his boundaries as he can't see passed me.


"WHERE IS HE!!..". (Woman in black suits)

A loud dull sound shock the whole cafe as the woman who sitting at Terry table, slammed her fist on the table. The man beside her shocked, immediately her entourage stand up and grab something on their waist.

"Miss Lee Han Na!…Control yourself!…I'm Sorry Mister Terry..very sorry…". (The Man)

Amidst the ruckus, I still sitting down with Lee Ha Feng sipping my coffee. Lee Ha Feng Smile crooked as he looked at the woman.


"No Granddaughter..also my next heir…A very impulsive one at that…". (Lee Ha Feng)

I turned back and looked at her and Terry, Terry look back at me and shrugged his shoulder. her first impressions is really bad, she also doesn't control her entourage, looks like Lee Family will have a bad time having her in the lead, Probably.