
It wasn't Intentional, We Just Forgot

Before the situation turned worst Lee Ha Feng stood up and shoot a fierce glare towards her daughter.

"Han Na!!…control yourself!… I apologize for my daughter unruly behavior Mr. Mies..". (Lee Ha Feng)

"Don't Mind me.....Anyway, Hello there Derek Krawoski…It's been a long time…".

"Ah!..Yes, yes it is Mr. Mies…it's an honor to see you again..". (Derek)

Looking at him, I can see fear mixed with excitement in his eyes which is a bit freaky for me. As for Lee Han Na, She seems to be embarrassed as her grandfather reprimand her in public.

I stand up and change to Terry table, then sit next to Terry, Lee Ha Feng also follow the suit and sit down next to Lee Han Na and Derek. Instead of going straight into the conversations, I sit there silently sipping my coffee.

"i have to say, I've been waiting to see you Sir…Ever since the last time…Thanks to you I was able to claim the Head of Krawoski Family easily…once again thank you..". (Derek)

"i guess…..you welcome?…. But enough Pleasantries I supposed you already know why I come in contact with you from Mr. Terry over here right?…".

So that's why he was very happy to see us. We somehow help him ascend the throne, he never once show any malicious intent ever since I lay my eyes on him. I guess life as a bastard of a mafia family was to awful to the point of thanking the killer of his own father, but still I can see he's actually a smart one and a bit cunning.

"Yes.…I can assure you that we were able to buy all the gold from you….no limits…". (Derek)

"we?….you mean….".

I never anticipated the word 'we'. As I ask I twirl my finger around signaling he and Lee Han Na and Lee Ha Feng. He nodded at my indications.

"Yes, US…as you probably know..Krawoski family now, Is only a shadow of it's previous glory…to survive in this chaotic competitive world we decided to collaborate…What?". (Derek Krawoski)

Before Derek get into his story, I raised my hand stopping him.

"Look…I don't care and I'm not interested in knowing your history…What I'm interested in is doing business with you…other than that….it's your problem not mine..I heard you want my recommendation to enter The Coalitions..".

By the time I ended my speech, the whole table stays silent. Rather than wasting time speaking nonsense, better get straight to the point.

"Yes….as you're the one who were seeking for business…..don't you agree that we have the right to set the conditions..". (Lee Han Na)

"Technically yes…Actually I don't really care about the Recommendation…if you want it..sure, I can give it to you.…as everybody know, I have never issued one…Not even to Rosetta Family…..That alone shows how valuable it is...".

It's true that Rosetta Family never receive my recommendation, for a long time There's a rumor afloat that i keep the recommendation for myself, and that i don't see eye to eye with current Rosetta Don. Now that I've said it myself even Lee Ha Feng raised his eyebrows, actually Rosetta Family never really need my recommendations as they were one of the 10 family who responsible to found the Coalitions (Also that i forgot that i have one), of course this fact was never been known to public, I just said it to make this conversations more flavorful, and to make them made their own assumption, it much more fun this way.

"I see…Then I guess we need to earn that Recommendation is what you trying to say..". (Lee Ha Feng)

"Yes…Obtaining my recommendation will give you entrance to the Coalitions…By the way, I'm looking for a long time trade partner, the scale of business with me worth Millions of dollar…So How about it?..".

The reactions of Derek and the Lee pair was different, Derek was ecstatic about the business deal, while the Lee's was a bit apprehensive especially Lee Ha Feng.

"It was certainly enticing…but, if I may can I ask for one more condition?.…". (Lee Ha Feng)

Looking at his facial expression I know what he's going to ask me, a 'favor' the problem is I already had enough of being an assassin for hire, like I said I already quit and under no circumstances I will do it again (Just on earth).

".….No…Like I said old Tiger…I retired…".

The entire cafe falls silent as I stopped sipping my coffee and stare right into Lee Ha Feng eyes, and intentionally I release my Killing Intent and it made every bystander in the cafe froze up and shudder.

"Mr. Mies…it's not That 'Favor'…I only wanted your guaranteed protections for this two…". (Lee Ha Feng)

Beads of sweat falls on the side of his cheeks as he forced himself to speak to me. Hearing his request, I cancel my killing intent and everything back to normal, the atmosphere turned light and all the people around me heaves breaths of relief.

"I supposed i can do that…as long as you were in business relationship with me, I will personally try my best protect both of them..And by that i mean you each have one call to ask me for protection, I suggest only use it when you really about to die…just don't use it to make me save you from a natural death..it's not like I can cure cancer or something…".

"That's all I wanted Mr. Mies…Thank you…". (Lee Ha Feng)

A smile come back on Lee Ha Feng face after hearing my reply, Even Derek Krawoski was happy with that result. With everything back into track, I brought out a slips of paper and set it down on the table. Upon Seeing the list Lee Han Na were shocked, While Derek Krawoski looks a bit more composed, but as he look further down the list he started to look rather amused.

"As for the test, I want you to get me all the Items in this list…, The deadline is 10 am 2 days from now…All payment will be done by gold..".

"Gold?..". (Derek Krawoski)

"Yes…I will pay in gold…is there any problems?..".

"No..in fact I prefer it that way Mr.Mies..Don't Worry, I will make sure to rightfully earn your recommendation Mr.Mies..". (Derek Krawoski)

"I hope this will mark the start of a great relationship…Then I will take my leave first…Derek,Lee Han Na…Old Tiger…see you again in 2 days…".

As I speak I stood up, shook their hands and ready to leave, .

"Thank you Mr.Mies….it's a pleasure to see you again..". (Lee Ha Feng)

Nodding at his words, I leave the table followed by Terry and Ken tailing me on my back. We leave the cafe and casually head our way to the nearest restaurant for a supper, as usual ken was on the lead.

"Terry..did we forget something?…".

".….I thinks so…wait…did we just left without paying?…". (Terry)

"i guess we just did...".

"....". (Ken & Terry)

Back in the cafe.

"That's goes pretty well…But seriously Miss Han Na, you should control that temper of yours…". (Derek Krawoski)

"What did you say?!..". (Lee Han Na)

Lee Han Na raised her eyebrows as she heard Derek Krawoski comment, seeing the fierce temperament of Lee Han Na, Derek can't help but avoid her gaze by drinking his cup of coffee.

"What Mr.Derek said was right Han Na…I don't Mind if you treat any man like that…but at least, Before That man…never ever do that…". (Lee Ha Feng)

"Huh?…Why?…The way I see it..he's nothing like the rumor I've heard…Not as Bloodthirsty and savage as they said…". (Lee Han Na)

"Mr.Mies has always been a civilized gentlemen…When you met him outside his working time…But remember, he's The Coalitions First Executioner Elder, the reason why Coalitions the way it is now was mainly because of him...Isn't That so Mr.Derek..". (Lee Ha Feng)

Derek Krawoski can only nod at Lee Ha Feng words, acknowledging what he said. As for Lee Han Na, she still unable to comprehend as to why both of this men seem to act carefully around the man they just met.

"Wait...Did they just leave without paying?..". (Lee Ha Feng)

Too Many work = Late =Sorry guys

JamesLabelcreators' thoughts