
Conectivity is important!.

The total combinations of my Dimensional Storage items of right now were 20 Platinum Ring (1 ton each = 20 tons), 290 Golden Ring (500 Kg each = 145 Tons), 100 Dimensional Chest (10 tons each = 10 000 tons), all this was the whole collections, I got all of them from bandits raids, like I said robbing people certainly profitable especially the high profile bandits. I use some some of the Dimensional chest to store a small machine and tools, as for the Materials and the heavy machinery, I just bought them along with my teleport skill, that's why The whole process took 2 days.

After that, we fly back home which took only about 6 hours. The whole process was quite tiring for me, I wondered if I should told Catherine to buy an airline company stock, I love to get pass the hassle in the airport. There's nothing much to do when I get back home, after washing all my clothes and tidying my house, I back on my PC to research and planning my next step of actions.

"I guess right now I need to focus in expanding my shops and improving my country…I can't just have them relied on me to provide them foods…farming take to many people, but it was needed…I can only settle from buying wheat and rice from nearby town and village…..in the end it's all come down to people…..".

[There's at least 10 trillion people in Fantasma….we can easily search for more people to reside in Aeternum, and the easiest people to get was, the people from other races like Demi human, Elves, etc…But Aeternum will surely attract hatred from nearby human kingdom if we go ahead with this plan..…]. (T.A.S)

"I don't see why not, humans envy even on themselves…but why is human hates on other races so much?…".

I honestly don't understand, I know supremacy, stupidity and greed's probably the one of the main ingredients in this hatred but there's something make this ridiculous situations so outrageous.

[The answer to that is…The Church of Light..Humans self made religions, that has been altered with purpose to educate and fuel every humans to scorn other race…they teaches supremacy, hatred…everything ridiculous you could think of that demeaning the other races, they teach them…beside in Fantasma this Church bastard has their hands on everything..they were all rotten, if you see they did good, it's only pretense to cover their bad deeds…]. (T.A.S)

Honestly that was some messed up story, but it wasn't all that surprising. Humans have a tendency to do that, even on earth such things already happened.

"Well you know what screw them, if they come I just gonna nuke the living shit out of all of them…there's a reasons why I named my country Aeternum…got to live up to the name right?…".

[I agreed Sir….I guess I can start drafting our development plans…]. (T.A.S)

T.A.S avatar on my phone grinning like a madman, i have planed to expand my nation and to handle the Church of Light, besides more people means more consumer, and more customer means more money. I can't wait to swim inside my own sea of bills and golds. After spending 2 more days lazying myself at home, I decided to go back to Fantasma. As always the situations back in Fantasma was business as normal, nothing really big happened in the last few days, except that my shop in Merinna Town finally opened for business. As usual, right now I held Aeternum High table Meeting to discuss the development and progress each department has made.

"The operations was quite successful, every item's we had in sell selling like hot cakes…by the current trajectory, we will need to stock up by the end of next week…".(General Andrea)

Looking at the report made by Andrea, it's true, the sales was enormous the store has only been operating for 1 weeks but we already runs out of some items. Before selling the products, every products was repackage with Aeternum labeling. Aeternum Super Store not only selling a high quality items, the prices was reasonable, The opening of Aeternum Superstore took the whole Merrina town by shock, because we sold the most rare merchandise to find in the continent which is Spices, Salt and Sugar.

"I will bring more stock later, Bina what is your progress with the Operations Sword of Justice?..".

"We has successfully ended The Operations Of Justice with overwhelming victories…Department of Defence was able obliterate all bandits in the list, with no casualties on our side….we also managed to obtain various information's from the captives….as for our, next actions regarding the prisoners, I shall wait for your Order sir….". (General Bina)

Bina proudly stand and smiles as she announces her department amazing feats. She indeed perform splendidly, I praise her for that and leads a round of applause congratulating her.

"For now keep them locked up for a while…I have use for them….next up, Rafaela how's the research on combining the medicine going?…".

"It's going well for now, right now we are on our next step on experimenting the correct measurements of doses, after that we should be able to put it in practice…". (Director Rafaela)

I have assigned Department Of Health to research the combinations of Fantasma magical medicine with Earth medicine, I knew it would be more potent and effective, using the scientific approach and technologies to process magical properties in Fantasma, I believe we probably could comes up with a cure for cancer.

"I will send all my research to you to help you in that project..…Now, i have an announcement to make, in the past few days In my travels I have acquired some of my lost technologies….We now have a our own Magical Observer…".

Murmurs run across the meeting room, as everyone (Aside from Elijah) were wondering what exactly is a magical observer is.

"Mr. President, What is this magical Observer?…is it a weapon?…". (Major Colleen)

"At one time it is…Back in the era of ancient, Magical Observer was able to leveled any kingdom in any places in one strike….but of course that's was before..but, Magical Observer wasn't limited to only that…it also gave us the ability to connect with each other in long distance, sharing information's with each others..in other words, although we don't have the super weapons once provide by Magical observer…we still have something that even more important, which is connectivity…..".

Some of the Maidens understood what I said, though all of them warmly accept the news, some of them still shows a tinge of loss as I said the Weapons of mass destruction's weren't available, it can't be helped since Fantasma was more concerned with strength than anything else.

"Looks like there's some of you doubted the power of connectivity….I can't blame you entirely…since all of you don't comprehend what such things could do or capable of…Then let me Show you…Sebastian, send the map of Aeternum to all Phones in this room..".

[At your command Sir…Files send..Displaying Map..]. (Sebastian/T.A.S)

All the phones on the table starts to vibrate and all of them shows the saw display a Neat looking middle aged man appeared on the screen for a few second and turned to a detailed overhead view of a real time map focusing on Aeternum.

"Sir this is…..How?…".(Major Juliet)

Juliet was one of the few skeptical who felt depressed about the Weapons, shocked as to how the phones who to them, were nothing more than a devices to take pictures, play a simple games and for mundane paper works. Yet this time this devices is doing something new.

[To answer your muscle headed questions, this is the power of connectivity…using electronic devices like phones, we can communicate with each other, sharing files, searching for information's…all of it can be done at the end of your fingertips…..imagine a scout that can report it's finding as soon as she/he found something, that's definitely would change the result of a battle…By the way, My name Is Sebastian a personal virtual assistant to His Excellency Mr. President, nice to meet you all ladies..]. (T.A.S)

The sharp tongue of T.A.S take the room by shock, making all the maidens embarrassed by their own naivety and misconceptions of real how they look at the definitions of power. Also T.A.S now wants to be identify as Sebastian, ever since he was able to surf the internet, his obsession of Butlers like has driven him to make the decisions, he was quite adamant about it, so I have to let him have it.

"Now that you know…I want all of you to try and master how to use this technology, I don't need to remind all of you that all this is a state secret..make sure to take care of the phone…that is all, let's end the meeting here…".

Like always, as I ended the meeting everyone inside the room stood up and salute me. Leaving the room, I head outside to meet with the goblin duo to see their progress.