

"Sir, I don't see why we have to inform the Duke or anyone for the feat we've done…". (Mina)

Sitting inside my office, Mina appeared to be dissatisfied as to why I had to inform the duke and to delay the news that I have handle the bandits situations.

"we don't have to…but, all this is just a politics..Noble like their pride so much,..it's wasn't a news that the duke's has been trying to exterminate the bandits for so long…but, we have done it almost effortlessly….if we just come strolling and say 'hey guys! it's done' that would rub them the wrong way…..".

"So all this just us doing them a favor of saving their face?…". (Mina)

"Yes…remember, the duke's has high approval among his subject….we need to use that, we need the duke territory for business…with this way, we not only say to the Duke's that we are not a force to mess with, but we also appeal to the public that we are a friendly and a recognize force to the duke, which they can trust….".

"Which then not only strengthen our brand but also build the public interest to our great nation….".(Elijah)

Elijah comes in with her crutch, her appearance made Mina jump from her seat and immediately hurry to her side.

"...Elijah, I remember telling you to rest..now why are you here?..".

"I'm Still recovering sir, I just in my rehab….Rafaela said I need to start walking and take some fresh air..". (Elijah)

"Well normally people in rehab just have a walk around, not climb a 3rd floor building…well suit yourself, anyway for a greater cause…we have to sacrifice a few gold coins, as hard as it is..it had to be done…".

I have to delay handing over the bandits to the Mercenary associations, just to alerted the duke. But considering the result, I can bear losing a thousand gold coins.

"For a long term plans, I agree with your decisions sir…but, I supposed we need to launch the 'Entertainment Plan' to maximize the effect…". (Elijah)

"that is what I thought so….I guess so, we also need a distributor for this…".

"I've heard that Yvone has been offered a few partnership proposal, I don't see any harm in using that channel…as we doesn't have any capabilities to venture out ourselves…". (Elijah)

"I supposed you're right…Mina, send the patients back to the hospital first…..Bye Elijah~".

Reluctant as she was, Elijah can't muster any strength as Mina lift her up and haul her on her shoulder, and send her back to the hospital.

The Entertainment Plan Elijah said was actually a plan that I plan to realize as soon as Aeternum enter it's stable period and it has been a long time since it does. But I haven't got time to do it, or rather missed the timing, beside I don't find anyone suitable to lead the project. I planed to make a radio broadcasting program, this world need to have more kind of entertainment, entertainment was more than what it's name though, it's a powerful tool to have on your disposal especially in this world where any form of entertainment haven't been discovered. Beside it's much easier to do it as i already have a communications line up, also it's a bit boring in here.

Even on earth, when radio was first discovered it has changed the way how people see the world, wars was won because of it, countless things were invented because of it,and billions of dollars were made from it. It's a world changing technology, that's why I have to postponed the bandits handover. The only problem I had now is to find a broadcaster, somebody with a witty mouth and a sliver tongue.

[If I may, I might have a candidate for that sir..]. (T.A.S)


[Well I don't know…..but, I have a new quest…it's probably rewarding…]. (T.A.S)

"i got a lot of free time on my hand, I don't mind going on an adventure…just give it to me..".

[Sure here you go..]. (T.A.S)

{New Quest!!..|..Prejudice of Man known no bounds}

{Humanity is an impulsive being, condemning an innocent soul for the sake of personal gain was something that was normal in Fantasma. Would you stand against this blasphemy? Save the soul of innocent and be the savior it needs }

{Reward : New Followers?(Grandmaster Level), Treasure of Ancient}

{Penalty : Failure of saving the target will inflict a Curse of Undead and Tide of Undead on you and your nations}

".…..Wow, that's kinda over the top….by the way what is a Tide of Undead?..".

[Tide of Undead was a phenomenon of an attack by undead monsters, but instead of coming by a small amount..a Tide comes at least tens thousand of Undeads, their only aim was to kill and destroy…A Tide phenomenon wasn't only applies to Undead but also monsters…this phenomenon occurs every 2 years and each times it last for 3 months…some say, this phenomenon was an act of god, try to cleanse the world and prevent over populations…in my opinion it's mainly due to the spillage of dungeon monster, Fantasma have Millions of dungeons only 10% of it was discovered..the rest?…still remained untouched…naturally the mindless monster inside going to break out and when they did..all they do is follow their primal instinct…]. (T.A.S)

T.A.S long explanations, kinda shine a light to my understanding on Fantasma mysterious phenomenon, it's may be a god's act but, to be more logical I supposed dungeon spillage was more acceptable for me.

[Here's the locations where you will find the innocent soul…the place was quite desolated…]. (T.A.S)

U.A.S being an artificial assistant as he is, brought up a marked map on my smart phone. Looking at the map, the marker was 100 kilometer due north west.

"It's in the desert…wait, an oasis?…..T.A.S brought up the real time image on that marker…change the output to my Laptop…".

[Bringing the real time image on the screen…]. (T.A.S)

"Empty?…..changed the visual to infrared….well, that's a large cavity right there…".

[A dungeon..and there's a lot of activity in there..]. (T.A.S)

As the real time image comes up on my screen, just as I remember, I've already passed through this Oasis when I was leaving the Forest of the Beginning. It's quite a beautiful place but completely empty before, but after changing the image to infrared I could clearly see a large cavity at the bottom of the lake, and apparently it's a dungeon.

"This is going to be interesting…I finally able to experience how it feels to explore a dungeon….".

I always read dungeonering was an exciting and also dangerous to go at alone. I'm guessing I probably need to brought a team, I need a great line up.


"Have you heard the latest news?….".(Resource Staff)

"What is it?..".(Health Staff)

"Mr. President is establishing a new special squad, I've seen the line up, and from the look of it…it's going to be big…Director Rafaela, Vice President Elijah, General Mina, Mr. Bar and Mr. President Himself…".(Resource staff)

"Is something going to happen?…but if both Mr.President and Vice president was leaving, who's gonna take the central office?…". (Health Staff)

"Of course General Bina…she gonna be the stand in, but maybe not for a long time…". (Resource Staff)

As the expeditions team members has been announced, rumors of something big going to happened already passed around in the community. Though everyone were wondering what is actually happening, no one really worried, in fact they were quite excited, hoping that it would be a coming of a great development just like before.