
Traveling with a Beast System

We all know or have heard about people who can easily gain an animals trust. It is a fact that animals have superior senses compared to humans, meaning they can sense even the slightest bit of danger and escape. There was one human who was seemingly loved by nature and its children. It didn't matter how big or small the animal was, they would care for it and learn about them. They bought entire forrests just so the animals would have a home! They didn't do these things because they were told too, but out of pure passion and love. The MC being one the people who seemed to have a connection to animals like their role model followed in their footsteps. PLEASE NOTE: I DO NOT OWN ANY CHARACTERS BESIDES MY OWN! ANY AND ALL NAMES AND PLACES MENTIONED ARE USED IN A FICTIOUS MANNER AND SHOULD BE READ AS FICTIOUS. Stingrays are EVIL!! (If you all havent guessed who inspired this fanfiction yet then go do your research! P.S: Read the Auxillary chapters please!

HNIC409 · Tranh châm biếm
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59 Chs

One Month Later

*Whoosh* *Thud*

Raheem and Stiles could be seen practicing with wooden blades. Stiles had grown proficient in CQC. The fighting style was still the Brules Empire fighting style.



Stiles' wooden blade broke. He leaped backward and created space. Raheem rushed him. He chopped at Stiles from top to bottom. Stiles parried the blade with the back of his hand. He slid forward to hit him with his elbow.

Raheem brought the blade back to his chest to block his elbow.


The blade shattered, and Raheem stumbled. Stiles rushed him. He threw an axe kick at his head. Raheem crouched down and swept his leg outwards. He caught Stiles's heel and brought him down.


Raheem jumped in the air with his fist ready to end him. Stiles rolled to the right and used his left elbow to push Raheem off. He got up and took his stance, ready to fight back. Raheem dusted himself off. "Good, now let's use pressure."

Raheem and Stiles released their pressures. Stiles pressure had reached Rank 11 in this past month. Raheem's had condensed even further and was now Rank 5. 'Stiles is talented. He even makes me feel jealous.' Raheem knew he got this far because he had the True Human bloodline. Stiles honestly was a monster.

On a hidden cue, they both moved. Stiles swung his right fist out in a straight line. Raheem did the same. Their fists connected, and there was a loud boom.


Stiles flew out and hit the barrier. Raheem took a step back. "That's enough for today." He put down the barrier and handed Stiles a bottle of water. Scott was sitting in the circle meditating. Raheem picked up some tennis balls. He threw five of them faster than humanly possible.

Scott either caught them or deflected them. He didn't open his eyes once. "Scott, from now on, you will spar with Stiles." Scott opened his eyes, and they were a deep but bright yellow. No fangs, no claws, no losing control. He had thoroughly mastered his transformed state.

Scott blinked, and the yellow orbs went away as if they never existed in the first place. "Perfect, I owe him some payback." Stiles was laying on the ground trying to recover. Raheem overloaded his body with pressure, an advanced technique he was trying to learn.

Stiles made a thumbs-up gesture. He was confident in dealing with beta and omega werewolves should he have to. Raheem threw a knife at him. Stiles caught it by the blade and balled it up. He stood up and put it in a recycling bin.

"You have to stop throwing weapons at me." Stiles complained. "No. Your enemies won't give you any time to think in battle. They also won't play fair. Some of them will plan ambushes or poison you." Stiles didn't bother arguing with him. He has had the same conversation more times than he could count. He knew that what he was saying was true.

In this past month, Raheem made it his mission to completely make Stiles and Scott as strong as possible. He had succeeded in graduating early. He spent this time focusing on them.

Peter and Derek would stop by and spar with Scott. Raheem didn't take them on as disciples, but he allowed them to visit. Scott, for better or worse, was a part of Peter's pack.

Blake was on the side trying to learn how to channel his pressure. After he and the girls were there for a week, he asked Raheem to teach him. Raheem didn't want to at first, but Blake was persistent. He wanted the strength to protect his family.

Raheem gave in and unlocked his pressure for him. Three days later, Samantha set fire to her pillow. Her magic had awakened. She was terrified at first. She was asleep when it happened. Now she was off to the side, sitting with Frank.

Sasha was listening to Frank as he guided Samantha.

"Samantha, your affinity for fire is very strong. Fire is the element of passion, excitement, and warmth. It is also the element of destruction, rebellion, and wrath. If you do not take heed of your actions, then it will go out of control. The hardest stage of learning fire magic is accepting it for what it is."

Samantha had her eyes closed and focused. She didn't understand what Frank was talking about. To her fire was just fire. It didn't hold any higher secrets. She just wanted to blow stuff up.

She pictured a ball of fire lighting up in her palm.

*Sparks* *Sparks*

Her face was scrunched up as she tried to force it to come out.


It blew up in her face. She had black dust on her face. Everyone turned to look at her. Tatiana laughed at her out loud. Sasha covered her mouth. Raheem shook his head and then slapped Stiles across his. "You deserved it." Stiles didn't say anything, but he was about to.

Frank made her wipe her face and start over. She was mad at everyone who was laughing. Mostly at Sasha. "Stop laughing at me! You don't even have magic! You are just normal."

Blake stood up and yelled. "Apologize right now! That is your sister, and you will have some respect." He unconsciously used his pressure. Stiles waved his hand to cancel it out.

"Blake, watch your temper, man. You can crush someone's eardrums." Samantha apologized towards Sasha, but she just walked off. Blake wanted to go after her, but he honestly didn't know how to fix things.

Derek, who was sitting next to Tatiana, got up and went after her. Raheem ignored it and told Scott and Stiles to start sparring each other. He went over to Blake.

"Hey, I don't think you are very talented when you try to use fine control. I want you to release and use all your pressure at once." Blake didn't understand where he was going, but he did it anyways.


The air in a very small area stirred. Blake was only at rank 3 of pressure. He only got that far in a short amount of time because of the environment he was in. The entire place was saturated in pressure and mana. Making it extremely easy to get stronger.

Raheem watched and sensed what the problem was. He realized Blake's veins and his pressure chamber (aka his dantian) were larger than most. This was good and bad.

This meant he had an advantage. In extended battles, but battles where control was needed, he would fail six times out of ten. "Ok, you can relax." Raheem told him about his findings.

"What does any of that mean?"

"It means the path of heart and the path of mind are incredibly hard for you to learn. The path of the body will be much easier to learn."

He proceeded to show him how to focus his pressure on his body. The path of the body requires an immense amount of endurance. It forces your body muscles compact and expands rapidly. Making it tougher than steel yet more flexible than bamboo.

From what Raheem learned and comprehended, very few True Humans practiced this way to completion. The pain tolerance required is huge, let alone the mental fortitude. Raheem gave him warnings about over exerting himself and walked away.

He walked over and leaned on the wall and asked Tatiana for an update.

"How is the construction going?" Tatiana took a swig of vodka. "It's going good. I had to get rid of a few workers, though. The organization that took Nikki is a sneaky one. They have their hands and feet into every industry. No worries, once the building is finished, you will activate your dimensional token. By that time, they won't be able to get in even if they wanted to."

Raheem was happy that the building was coming along. "What about the organization? What do we know so far? How did the Argents and Hidlers respond to their invitations."

"We know the organization is over two thousand years old. They have humans, hybrids, and magic users among their ranks as well. We also know they have seven branches. One for each continent. The name and their location are still a mystery, but we know they are watching. The Argents called in Gerard from France. The Hidlers have purchased a large amount of wolfsbane and other harmful things."

"Anything I should be worried about?" He was asking about the Hidlers mainly.

"No, I've made every single seller and distributor stop selling to them. As of now, I'm the head of every black market deal. If it's illegal to own, know, or produce, come talk to me." She said this with pride.

Raheem chuckled and nodded. "Did you invite the druids?"

"Yes, they will be sending three representatives. The hybrids you asked to show are all coming. They caught wind of the Hidlers actions and heard about Gerard showing up. That was the last little push they needed."

"Any trouble makers among them I should watch out for?"

"Luther. He has a very long feud with the Hidlers. He might try something against them. His pack is only four people, including him. He is 47 years old. His pack is his wife and two kids they adopted a while back."

"How old are the kids?"

"They are 7 and 12 years old. Both are boys."

"He bit children?" Raheem voice had an edge to it. Tatiana also heard it. "I don't know, but I will find out and let you know."

Raheem sighed and dropped the subject. "What do you think I should do with the world I conquered? It's just been sitting there in my inventory?" He wasn't sure if the entire planet had shrunk and been deposited in there or not.

"It's not really in your inventory. The ownership is in there. Without ownership, a planet, galaxy, or even an entire universe is free game. You can merge these two planets together. The weaker one will be devoured, and this one will grow stronger or recover back to its peak state. It will also expand due to devouring another planet. That means new continents and more resources. You could also devour the planet yourself and gain immense strength. Though this will only give you physical strength and make the All of Karma pissed."

"The system also told me I could open up a path between the two worlds."

"I don't recommend that. Humans will just wage war. Hybrids will try to take over. The mysterious organization will just gain more power. That leaves:

A.) Merge them

B.) Devour it yourself

C.) Cultivate it

D.) Leave it as it is

Raheem thought about his options and decided to visit the planet again. He received the basic information, but he had no idea about the in-depth history of the world. Technically, it was still a child, an innocent one at that.

" I'm going to visit it again. Besides, a friend of mine still has my sword." Tatiana shrugged her shoulders. "Suit yourself, you know where I keep the money."

Raheem went and told everyone else he might be gone for a few days. He brought Scott off to the side before he departed.

"Hey, so have you decided what you are going to do? I need an answer before next month."

Scott had been thinking long and hard about this choice. The token was still in his room beneath the floorboard. The day he eavesdropped on Raheem and Peter's conversation made him realize that blood might be spilled. He didn't think he could take someone's life.

"Does Stiles realize that he might have to kill someone one day? Does he know that everyone he knows could be in constant danger because he decided to be your apostle?" Raheem didn't even respond to him. He gave him a pat on his shoulder.

"Talk to Stiles yourself. I have to get going, man." Raheem left dejected and questioned his decision in making Scott his apostle. 'Maybe Peter was right. Scott is just a good soldier.'

Peter was at the backdoor smiling. "I'm always willing to be your apostle, Raheem. Just let me know when you want me to start." He said as Raheem walked past him.

Peter looked at Scott, and they made eye contact. Peter saw the conflict and the hesitant look in his eyes. 'You gotta be kidding me. Someone offering you the chance to receive power of unfathomable levels, and you just throw it away.' He snorted as he left the house. Scott felt his emotions through the bond they had. He shook his head and went back to sparring with Stiles.

Raheem took a handful of cards and dumped them in his inventory. He then went outside and bought a new bike. His last one git totaled the day Blake first lost control of his pressure.

"System, how do I go to John's planet?"


[Host can just say door and think about any location he wants on the planets, galaxies, or universes Host conquers.]


A door appeared not far from him, and he gunned it.


Hey. I'm happy to announce that the scholarship and school I applied to accepted me! So there's that. So look please look forward to receiving chapters once a day again.

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