
Traveling Through Tales

Please support me on Patreon: I Hope to Keep Writing As many Stories as I can. https://www.patreon.com/user?u=82377700&fan_landing=true&view_as=public ***** Deep in my heart I yearned to be a player in tales of adventure, but I have buried this selfish desire with the obligation I have put upon myself to my fellow man. So, I decided to dedicate my time, my effort, my LIFE to my work in the hopes that I would be of help to my fellow man. But in a twist of fate the people I wished to help have turned on me. This left me broken with a hole in my mind and heart, but my resolve would not waver. Like every failure from before, I began to pick up the shattered pieces of myself and attempted to put myself back together, but suddenly I am reminded of what I truly wanted. ADVENTURE. To see the world and experience all that I could. Be it through fear, cold, or even nightmarish hardships. I WILL HAVE AN ADVENTURE. These 5 words rang out in my subconscious and with-it fate had turned, and I now find myself in an unknown place, my memories fractured, and my body changed? "WHERE THE HELL AM I?!" Now in an unknown world and with very few memories. Our protagonist will venture forth to find himself. The time it will take, what will occur, and even how will he be changed are all questions that run behind every tale. But interestingly, other tales run in parallel with him. They will cross paths and sparks will fly as numerous as the stars.

IslandFlare · Kỳ huyễn
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115 Chs

Chapter 86 First Time in a Hot Spring

Undice the 21st of 4831 AS

It was one day before the blacksmith's meeting and Azi was pounding away at a piece of blood steel on an anvil, he could feel the sweat on his brow drip from his face.

After shaping the metal to his specification he then tempered it and looked over to his left. On a nearby table was an hourglass he had bought during his shopping spree with Shizu and Rulu days prior. The top was completely empty of sand so Azi began to put down his hammer and stow the shaped piece of metal.

He then pulled up a chair and turned over a smaller hourglass next to the large one. Azi had bought this hourglass as he wanted to have it as a decoration in his house. It was quite small and cute but was also functional.

The large hourglass was estimated to time for 2 hour intervals while the smaller one was for half an hour. Azi used these to solve his issue of not being able to keep track of time while he worked. While he would still work and train from first light to sunset, he now had a more regulated schedule.

He stopped missing meals and actually went to bed on time which was to Shizu's delight and Kajima's relief. Using his half hour break, Azi went to the kitchen for some water. He noticed that it was going to be sunset soon and knew he wasn't going to be able to continue working.

After taking a quick bath to clean himself up, he got dressed in his casual attire. Shizu had invited him to go to a hot spring inn with her and their mutual friends tonight. He was somewhat excited as the prospect of bathing under the night sky really got him, hook line and sinker.

Ensuring he had the voucher he received, he looked at it and was reminded by its text that his stay would be only for one night so he took an extra set of sleep clothes and work clothes.

The blacksmith's meeting would be tomorrow morning, so Azi needed to ensure he had everything he needed the next morning. Luckily, he didn't have to bring much as the meeting would take place near his house, so he didn't have to bring all the tools and items he planned to use.

After locking up his house, Azi departed and met with everyone at Kajima's house. He had to rush a bit due to how he saw that the sun had already set by the time he departed as he was still bad at keeping track of time.

Over at Kajima's house, Shizu was impatiently looking at the now darkened horizon. With a somewhat chilling tone she stated.

"He's late!"

This made Yashimu and his 4 younger brothers shiver a bit, but luckily Rulu placated her.

"It's alright sister. We can just go get him."

"You are right but I don't like it. He said he got his act together, but it seems he's still bad at keeping track of ....time? Oh there he is."

Noticing the figure that was running towards them, Shizu picked up on the familiar tone of voice.

"Sorry everyone, I had to lock up and it took longer than… Hmf"

Before he could finish his sentence, Azi was grabbed up by Shizu who began to bear hug him.

"You are still late Azi! It's punishment time."

"Wait Shizu, please stop. That hurts. Ouch."

After a few more seconds of pain, Azi was released as he gasped for air.

To his side came Ougi, who offered a canteen of water and a placating pat on his back. It had been a while since Azi had seen Ougi as he had kept himself busy with his work. But seeing the grin he had on his face irked him.

Ougi took Azi's torment in stride and while Azi was somewhat glad that Ougi was quite the diligent person, he could not prevent himself from retorting.

"Thanks, but I could do without the grin you have on your face Ougi."

"My condolences, but my face is always like this."

Azi laughed at Ougi's blatant lie, but nonetheless accepted the drink of water. Shizu had invited everyone at Kajima's house which included Nosuri, Ougi, Rulu, Kajima, Yashimu, and the group of 4 brothers.

After Shizu and Azi vacated their room with Kajima, the group of 4 brothers took over their room. It was impressive how they could all tolerate each other but they had all grown up while in close proximity to each other for the most part of their lives.

Seeing that everyone was here, they began to board the wagon pulled by Kokona. Kajima was at the helm, gently pulling on the reins, which prompted Kokona to give a chirp of affirmation, the wagon began to move and everyone in the wagon busied themselves by chatting about the recent goings on.

Nosuri and Ougi had been making money through a few odd jobs and monster subjugations which were again on the rise.

Shizu explained that this might be caused by spies from the nation of Uzuru which surprised Azi as he thought that the empire's power was absolute. The tales of the emperor's power made it seem like a foolish endeavor to challenge him.

It was only after Shizu explained the history they had with Uzuru, that the situation became clear.

"A slave nation? That does not seem…. right."

"Correct Azi." Said Kajima at the front. "The emperor thought the same, which is why it was outlawed here in the empire, but the other foreign nations still cling to it for how profitable the "business" venture is."

Azi grimaced at the idea of people being sold off like cattle and treated like tools.

"I know it's hard to accept Azi but this is how some nation's are. Your amnesia has likely made you forget how the world truly is, so be sure to keep an open mind."

"I will Kajima, thank you for the warning."

Ougi then changed the topic by asking about Azi's work, which was something Azi took to like a fish to water.

This made Shizu smile wryly as she was somewhat irked by this side of Azi. He was cute whenever she teased him, but he seemed more interested in whatever topic took his fancy. This made her somewhat frustrated by how she wished he would look her way more.

After an hour of travel, they arrived at the hot spring inn. They were promptly checked into their rooms and were given a set of clothes to use when entering the mixed gender hot spring.

At first, Azi felt that a mixed gender hot spring bath with everyone seemed over the top and immoral but due to how he knew everyone who was coming, he had no issue with bathing with others. He did worry about Rulu as she seemed delicate and somewhat pure, he noted to himself that he should try to look out for her when he could.

As Azi and Shizu were getting changed, Azi then realized that in the bundle of clothes he received was only a pair of trunks that were very short and looked more like underwear than pants. He thought that it seemed strange to call this clothing, but sensed that the attire looked familiar, he mumbled a word that came to mind.


He had no clue about what this word meant but brushed off the sense of incongruity in his mind. After putting on the pair of trunks, Azi turned to see if Shizu needed any help but his jaw dropped as he was stunned silent when he saw what she was wearing.

Hiding her womanly parts was what looked like red panties, and holding her voluminous chest was a red stringed bikini.

The attire accented her womanly curves and the bikini barely held her chest from spilling out.

"What's wrong Azi? Do you like what you see?"

Shizu approached him and with every step her chest bounced which caused his head to bob up and down as it followed its movements. Before he realized that he was staring, Shizu had grasped his hand as she giggled.

He knew that Shizu was getting a kick out of his reaction but before he could state his complaint, Shizu dragged him out of the room by his hand.

"Come on, loosen up. Tomorrow's your big day so let's have fun."

She gave him a gentle smile and tugged his hand again to guide him through the inn.

"Shizu, are you sure you want to be seen in public like this?"

"Not to worry, Saki told me that Elder Sung reserved the hot spring tonight so it will be just our group tonight."

"Elder Sung? Oh no."

Azi remembered Elder Sung's bad habits and it prompted him to be on guard the next time he saw her.

After passing through the corridors, they both arrived at the hot spring located outside. It was decorated with a few bamboo plants and foliage that added to the outdoor look and vibe it was meant to convey. It looked as if the hot spring was hidden away in a small forest.

Azi saw a few familiar faces already bathing and having a fun time in the steamy pool of water. He saw Ben and Bail drinking with Touma and Kajima, while Saki was talking with Nosuri and Rulu.

The group of 4 brothers were chatting about their days in the back of the hot spring, but it looked as if they were on guard. Azi likely deduced that they were watching out for Rulu since he heard from Shizu how overprotective her family was of Rulu.

Glancing back to the sight in front of him, he saw Nosuri and to her side was Ougi, who had a few drinks laid atop a wooden serving tray. He looked like a butler attending to everyone but Azi saw him take a few sips of alcohol to ensure that he was getting the full experience as well.

When they entered, everyone turned to welcome them.

"Welcome Azi, I see you brought your lady friend with you." Said Ben who gave a whistle of approval at Shizu.

*Bonk* *Glug Glug Glug*

"Just drink you idiot. Why do you gotta bring that up?" Said Bail as he hit Ben on the head and forced him to drink down an entire bottle of sake.

Kajima laughed aloud and looked somewhat tipsy, he had grown used to seeing the exchange between these two brothers and got a kick out of their comedy routine. Touma did much the same but was a bit more sober.

Azi smiled at the exchange but was promptly dragged into the hot spring by Shizu, they both moved through the pool of water and enjoyed the sensation of the hot water on their skin.

Bringing the water level to above their shoulders, Azi and Shizu let out a sigh of relief as the warmth of the water felt like nothing they had experienced before. They noticed a few flora scents coming from the water which smelled sweet and pleasant.

After basking a bit, they eventually ended up talking with Saki, Rulu, Nosuri, and Ougi.

Rulu and Nosuri had somewhat flushed expressions and it only got worse when Azi moved over to greet them.

"Hello everyone, What's wrong? You seem somewhat red?"

"It's nothing, but it's just that the clothing is too..."


Azi finished Rulu's words which prompted both girls nodded in agreement, Azi noticed that Rulu and Nosuri had towels covering their fronts. While this is considered bad manners when enjoying a hot spring bath, Azi had to agree that the clothes they were given were too revealing.

"Not to worry. I won't look. If I did, I think a certain someone would be jealous."

Looking over to Shizu, she predictability retorted to his provocation.

"You bet I would and don't look at my sister that way."

Azi grinned and took the chance to tease her a bit.

"So I can look at you?"


Shizu paused for a moment to think about what she just said.

"Umm well you see. Ahem. I won't…. mind?"

She stumbled her next few words which made Azi have to stifle his laugh. This made Shizu want to sock him in the face but she didn't as Azi's next actions had caught her off guard. She was too relaxed from the hot spring when Azi added.

"Alright then, If you don't mind..." He got up and began to approach Shizu who slightly backed away. While Azi was short, Shizu had submerged most of her body into the hot spring.

So, for the first time, Azi towered over Shizu.

After being plagued with work and the constant bullying from the blacksmiths and teasing from Shizu these past few days, Azi wanted to get as much stress off his chest as possible.

Rulu and Nosuri blushed at Azi's action, while at the side Ougi mumbled to himself.

"Oh how the tables have turned..." *Grin*

The fabled hot spring scene/event.

This was fun to write.

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