
Traveling Through Tales

Please support me on Patreon: I Hope to Keep Writing As many Stories as I can. https://www.patreon.com/user?u=82377700&fan_landing=true&view_as=public ***** Deep in my heart I yearned to be a player in tales of adventure, but I have buried this selfish desire with the obligation I have put upon myself to my fellow man. So, I decided to dedicate my time, my effort, my LIFE to my work in the hopes that I would be of help to my fellow man. But in a twist of fate the people I wished to help have turned on me. This left me broken with a hole in my mind and heart, but my resolve would not waver. Like every failure from before, I began to pick up the shattered pieces of myself and attempted to put myself back together, but suddenly I am reminded of what I truly wanted. ADVENTURE. To see the world and experience all that I could. Be it through fear, cold, or even nightmarish hardships. I WILL HAVE AN ADVENTURE. These 5 words rang out in my subconscious and with-it fate had turned, and I now find myself in an unknown place, my memories fractured, and my body changed? "WHERE THE HELL AM I?!" Now in an unknown world and with very few memories. Our protagonist will venture forth to find himself. The time it will take, what will occur, and even how will he be changed are all questions that run behind every tale. But interestingly, other tales run in parallel with him. They will cross paths and sparks will fly as numerous as the stars.

IslandFlare · Kỳ huyễn
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115 Chs

Chapter 75 Keeping Score

After Shizu successfully dragged Azi into the bath, she began to strip him of his clothes with a gleeful expression. Azi, unable to resist her overbearing strength, felt immense indignation as his body was laid bare to a woman's eyes.

While both Azi and Shizu had both gotten used to seeing the naked view of each other's bodies, but it was uncomfortable in this situation as there was not an air of professionalism. Additionally, the gleeful look on Shizu's face annoyed him as he knew that this young woman got a kick out of tormenting him.

With all his strength, Azi attempted to keep the last layer of clothes that protected his manhood from sight. Shizu was straddling over Azi's body and she gripped the hem of his pants.


"OH COME ON .... AZI IT'S JUST A BATH." Shizu grunted a bit and was able to gain some ground as the pants started to slip down his waist. Azi trembled in fear as he did not want to face Shizu's antics in the bath as his heart was still somewhat wounded from her previous "punishment".



Shizu clicked her tongue which prompted Azi to further resist. Seeing the scared look that Azi was giving her, Shizu acquiesced and moved her hands away with a bit of a pout.

Azi took the chance and scooted away to the opposite side of the changing room. Shizu was still only a few paces away as it was a somewhat small room.

Shizu, who was on the opposite side of the changing room, compromised on the situation.

"Alright fine, but hurry up and get ready. I'll be waiting in the bath. I'm going to be mad if you don't come in."

Shizu began to undress as she started to peel away the layers of her attire, but she did so in a very enticing manner in an attempt to rile up her apprentice. Sitting on the wooden floor, she lifted her leg to slowly roll down her white leggings one leg at a time.

At the side, Azi could see all of Shizu's body and blushed a bit at the sight. Shizu then undid the yellow ribbon that was positioned just below her breast. With a deft pull, the yellow cloth came away and her breast somewhat swayed a bit more freely.

Shizu giggled a bit as she saw Azi's eyes had glanced at her chest and she found his expression amusing as he looked like a cute child who was flustered at the first sight of a woman's body. He was quite the naive and innocent man when it came to the more sexual kinds of topics.

Shizu did not know for sure, but she guessed that Azi was likely still a virgin which was actually correct. In Azi's 27 years of experience, he had never had any sexual relations due to his tendency to focus more on work rather than the deepening of his relationships with the woman around him.

It was only recently that Azi began to think about the topic of love and the kinds of relationships that can happen between a man and woman.

Unfastening the buttons on the back of her red and white dress, Shizu pulled the dress away from her which made her breast sway free from the confines of the cloth that supported her ample bosom. Azi noticed how Shizu's breast looked even larger when she wore no clothes and estimated that her chest looked to be at least to be over 100 centimeters in size.

He felt a sense of incongruity as he could not believe that such unbelievably huge breasts could actually exist in real life but without his previous memories of his life before he was not sure. This was only compounded as he wondered how Shizu was able to be such a skilled fighter with such a large chest.

His focus was drawn to large mounds of smooth, unblemished skin, but he realized that he was staring for too long as he had heard Shizu's giggling that tickled his eardrums.

Azi quickly turned around and faced the wall. Azi could then hear a few footsteps and then the sliding of a wooden door which was followed by the sound of it sliding shut.

Turning around, he saw Shizu's clothes lying on the ground across from him. He sighed a bit as he knew that Shizu had done so on purpose. He deduced that Shizu likely wanted to catch him in the act of doing something immoral with her clothes but he would not play into her game.

With a professional manner, he grabbed the messily laid clothing off the ground and folded them so that they would not wrinkle. Placing them in a nearby changing bin, Azi heard the sound of a small click of a tongue and turned his head quickly in the sound's direction.

He could see that the door to the bathroom was slightly slid open but found no not a shadow near its entrance. Azi grinned in victory as he knew he had won this exchange of wit with Shizu, with newfound pride Azi stripped off the pants that protected his manhood from sight and donned a towel around his waist.

After he put his own clothes away, Azi slid the bathroom door open and entered the bathing area. After closing the door behind him, he was shocked to find that the bathroom was empty. He expected that Shizu was likely planning to jump him as soon as he entered but did not anticipate how stealth she could be.

He heard no movement as he entered and saw no visible trail of water or prints on the tiled floor. Going on high alert, Azi began to carefully examine his surroundings. To his left were a few stacked stools and buckets, a few bars of blocked soap, and a few freshly cleaned towels and sponges.

In front of him was a large wooden bathtub full of water and it looked to be 20 feet long, 5 feet wide, and 3 feet tall. This was large enough to fit 4 people with plenty of room to spare.

Azi believed that Shizu was likely hiding around the left corner of the tube as he got an uncanny feeling when he looked over to that side of the tub. Wanting to keep the element of surprise, Azi tiptoed his way over in as quiet a manner as possible.

As he was about to turn the corner to jump at the hopefully unprepared Shizu, Azi steeled himself like a warrior going into battle. With a short hop, Azi turned the corner and scanned the area for the familiar figure.

But there was nothing, no one was there, not even a single hint of Shizu's could be found. He could still feel that something was off and attempted to scan his surroundings.

Finding nothing, he thought to check the other side of the tube so he took the shortest path and got up the elevated ledge of the wooden bath tube. As he was somewhat crouched over the surface of the tube water, he noticed a ripple on the surface of the water.

He could not tell at a distance as the steamy air in the bath made it difficult to see things at a distance.

"What the?..."

In the next moment, a pair of arms shot out from the surface of the water and wrapped around Azi's neck. Seeing the familiar visage of Shizu's red hair and her two glimmering red eyes, Azi could only sigh in his mind as he thought to himself.


Shizu, waiting patiently under the water of the bathtub, pounced at Azi and dragged him into the warm water of the bath. She hugged his head close to her soft chest and could feel a rising heat the longer she held his head.

Unable to breath due to a blocked airway and being submerged underwater, Azi began to feel around with his hand to gain any leverage to push away from Shizu's grip.

Feeling his hands grasp two soft mounds, Azi pushed as hard as he could and to his luck he succeeded. Letting up on her grip around Azi's head, Shizu moved her arms to loosely hold Azi's back.

Gasping for air and coughing up a bit of water, Azi's sight was then filled with the sight of Shizu's enormous breast. Reminded again of how short he was when compared to the average villager, Azi pouted a bit but was suddenly gently embraced by two soft hands against his back.

His face again felt the soft sensation of Shizu's skin, but it was less forceful than before. Looking up he could see that Shizu had righted her posture and was leaning against the inner side of the tub. She had a slight smile on her face and her eyes were closed as she looked as if she was just enjoying the moment.

Not wanting to spoil the mood, Azi accepted his defeat and nestled his head closer to the center of Shizu's chest. Putting his ear between the space between her cleavage, Azi could hear the sound of her heartbeat.

*Thu Thump* *Thu Thump* *Thu Thump*

It was a calming sound, and a sense of relaxation began to permeate between the two of them. They held this position for a few moments, but Shizu broke the silence as she asked with a playful tone.

"How long are you going to continue to grope me? You little pervert."

Still wanting to bask in the moment, Azi gave Shizu's breasts a firm squeeze and turned his head up while still nuzzling his head in between her breasts. He gave a cheeky smile and said.

"Until you say so my lady knight."

Shizu bit back the moan that had formed in her throat and was about to tighten her grip around Azi to get back at him but stopped as she saw his cheeky smile turn gentle. Azi then returned his ear to her chest and began to lightly kiss around her chest.

This playful act got a small chuckle out of Shizu and she returned the gesture with a kiss of her own that she placed atop his head. They then both thought to themselves.

'The score is 2 to 2, but I guess we'll call it a draw for now.'

What were Azi's two wins and Shizu's two wins. Comment below.

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