
Traveling the Multiverse for Fun

Just like the first author of this story, I plan to just relax and upload as I please with this. I will put thought and time still into it, and making sure I at least have things right, but I won't be making sure that I have things 120% accurate, this is purely for fun. Jack, a pretty normal guy until he learned the term 'Jack of All Trades.' When he heard that term, he decided you know what? I'm going to live up to that name, and he did. He became pretty good at a lot of things but never mastering it, that doesn't say he still didn't enjoy reading, watching shows, or Anime, just enjoying life. He made a living off his ability to be good at a little bit of everything and he lived a pretty good life. That was until he got nerfed by God himself and got cancer. He knew God was afraid of his power of course it was all a good joke to make his family and friends more light-hearted to the situation, and after a time, he fought pretty well, but he was the jack of all trades, so after a while, he passed away, happy with how he had lived his life. Picked at random by a group of gods and told some bullshit about how everything is infinite, so he could feel free to go kill a few gods, they'd be fine anyway. As long as he just enjoyed his life, and tried to make the gods laugh while he did so.

SyberisLevoca · Anime & Truyện tranh
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10 Chs

Detention - Whippin' out the AK

(Something I wanted to state, yes the quidditch scene hasn't happened yet, I move it to after christmas break, near summer when it's warmer. Stupid if you ask me to have kids fly around in bad or cold weather.)

"So, with this magical cleansing ritual, if it was reinstated, it would benefit everyone? Then why is the ministry so stupid as to take it away?"

''Do prevent the rise of dangerous wizards, or even dark lords."

Jack watched his Grandfather a very long time before he said slowly. "They do know, any dangerous wizard, or dark lord. Isn't going to follow the law, right?''

Albus snickered softly, shaking his head. ''You'd think it'd be obvious Jack, but most wizards don't have logical thinking, or common sense. Magic makes everything to easy, like for us, we know how to use a stove, correct? But there are some families that haven't touched a stove, let alone cooked their own meals in generations."

Jack scowled at that, he knew in the books there was a lot of strange things that went on. Some things that just, were out of date. One such thing was Malfoy, was he a pure blooded dolt? Sure, but only because of his Father, who is a former death eater, and strongly believes in blood purity. Malfoy was shaped to be a dolt, just like his Father. Would he attempt to help him? Maybe, but he wouldn't go out of his way to. Thankfully due to his pureblood status it was easy to interact with everyone except a few older students, but even those were small since most older students knew Jack, since he was running around the school for quite a long time even before he started school.

After some more conversation with his grandfather, he stood up and went into the dungeon, back to practicing of course.


"HAHAHAHAHA!" Jack was holding his sides, laughing, in front of him was Ron, Hermione, Harry, and the illustrate Father's boy, Malfoy. Flinch was just leaving.

Harry looked much better, a bit more filled out and tall then he was in canon, his teeth straightened, his skin a healthier shade of white. Hell even Ron looked better then canon, all be it slightly. Ron always had good gene's in him after all.

Hermione no longer had a gape in her teeth, something her parents were ecstatic to hear over the Christmas break. The magic in the dungeon had actually with time helped straighten her teeth, her hair was still unruly, but honestly Jack preferred curls to straight hair anyway.

Jack was just told about Malfoy telling on the trio only to be caught in the crossfire as well. With a sneer Malfoy spoke.

''Shut it Ripper! You're also in detention as well so you have no right to be laughing!''

''Detention? Oh no you got me all wrong. I am here to deliver the port key that was given to Hagrid so he can visit Norbert whenever he had time off. There are dragons in the lands of Hogwarts, but all of them are trained, Norbert however needs to be trained, they were planning to take him from Hagrid, however using a bit of my status I was able to make it so he had visiting rights whenever until he's at least trained up enough to be around the school. Here in a few years? We'll have a dragon to learn about!"

''And thank you again Jack, I can't thank you enough, but please, off you trot. I need to take them and head into the forest."

Malfoy spoke up, a quiver in his voice. ''So that really is going to happen?... My father will hear about this, first years aren't allowed!" Jack and them had already heard this before, at least he didn't mention the werewolves again, which Jack will add.

There IS a werewolf in the grounds of Hogwarts, but it is in a secure, hidden location that only Dumbledore, Snape, and Sprout know about. The other teachers know about the werewolf of course, he is the kind soul who's been helping them front the research for new wolfsbane potions, and even attempting to find a cure. Jack has met him before, however he has no idea where he is.

"Actually Hagrid, I'll head in as well, I know in the event you can protect the children, but if something bad happens, I'd like to at least be there, I'm no dueling champion like Professor Flitwick or hell even Headmaster, but I can help, just in case."

Hagrid gave a nod to that as he lifted the lantern and began to walk, speaking as he did so. ''A good reason, other then me and Dumbledore, you'd know the third best about the forest, do you know why we're heading in?"

Jack walked confidently, not arrogance mind you, confident because even if he may not have 'Live' combat outside of dungeon fighting, but technically it still was live combat, that he continued to ramp up the difficulty. He knew that only real dangerous things in the forest, were no where NEAR where they could get to naturally.

But in the surrounding edges, Jack will be safe.

''The dead unicorn, correct?"

"Unicorns are real?" It was Harry who spoke.

''Yes they do, though unlike legend, they are NOT immortal, they live about as long as a normal horse does, they are gentle creatures and very, very valuable to have around. Their actually what helps some of the wards in Hogwarts stay so strong. Their natural magic is very, very serene. Calming even.''

''Who would kill such a creature then?" Hermione spoke up, asking the important question.

''That's the thing, we don't know. We have a few idea's, one of them being that some nasty nargels have wondered into the school grounds."

Hagrid spoke up to this. ''One of the few creatures I don't like, I still care for them, but blimey are they a hassle."

Jack nodded, the rest looked confused but they focused on moving. Malfoy already huffing to himself, not used to the strain. The trio however was in far better shape, even Hagrid wasn't breaking a sweat. Soon they came across the silver blood, a hint of fury as his memories conflicted for a moment but he used his Occlumency to help him keep himself calm.

Hagrid growled as he lowered down. ''Blood of a unicorn... Looks like we split up here, Hermione, Ron you're with me. Harry, Malfoy, Jack, take Fang and head that way."

Hagrid pointed off into the woods, Jack nodded and soon, they were being lead by Fang through the woods, just as in the movie Jack and Harry didn't hold the lantern, letting Malfoy struggle with the hunk of metal much to Jack's amusement.

A simple levitating charm, hell an even simpler Lumos, yet hear the pureblood of a most and noble house was. Struggling to lift a lantern.

Soon, much like canon they came across the scene of Quirrell bent over the unicorn, consuming it's blood. Malfoy scream and ran off with Fang, poor dog.

Harry began to back way and it was Jack who stepped forward, pulling his wand from his cane he spoke clearly, and with meaning. "Show yourself!"

Soon, lights bubbled from his wand like soap bubbles, releasing a radius of light around them as they flew around, circling the area. Another wand wave sent a wave of air out, pushing back the robbed hood, only to show an ugly, and disfigured creature.

But, even despite that, the well lit area, it was clear to see it was the professor of the DA class.

Who also just so happened to be currently hosting Voldy-No-Nose, and have become a pseudo Horcrux. That being the reason as to why Harry's touch hurt Quirrell in the first place.

What better way to deal with a Horcrux, and to summon the strongest wizard in the area?

An unforgivable of course!

With a grin that Harry couldn't see, and the type of feral, off your rocker, unsettling the soul type grin Jack showed, he waved his wand around, gathering a huge amount of energy. He did not, however use the movements he should for this spell, significantly weakening it. His voice thundered out as he was empowered by magic.

"Avada Kedavra!"