
Traveler of Worlds (English)

The MC has experience in dangerous trips in his past life, since his life always liked adventures, taking risks on each trip. This was done to test his luck. Now that he had reincarnated in the world of Naruto, he aims to surpass everyone and venture into new places. He will travel to other worlds…. ******************** I don't know English, I hope you understand, If you don't understand some parts, don't read. If you can, you can help me correct it. Thanks. ********************* The MC will only be in the Shinobi World for a short time, then he will go to another world…. This story is going to have romance, and action in every place you go. The personality of the MC, you can see in chapter 2. I do this story for a hobby, it's like a test. If you don't like it, don't read it, and please don't insult. If you like it, I await your criticism and advice to improve the story. Most importantly, this story will have a survey, the route we can all choose by the majority. Remember, if the MC wins something, he is going to lose something too. At the end of the saga, you will see what was lost. Each chapter will have a small summary if you do not like to read a lot. Please read the chapter “Read This First!” As you will find every detail important. Without another word, I hope you like the story.

Janjo24 · Tranh châm biếm
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107 Chs

Chapter 91 Uchiha Clan

Chapter 91 - Uchiha Clan

Summary of the previous chapter:

Max, Makoto, and Yemon are traveling for more than a week, during all this time, Max came to trust them more, since they are great people, and trustworthy. The route of their journey that they had taken was the longest, as they did not want to get to Konoha right away. Makoto started telling Max about her daughter, and how great she is. Max found out that Mikoto is strong. Makoto also talked a bit about Uchiha Fugaku. The three arrive near Konoha, and Makoto informs Max. After a while, Max had detected several presences, and he informs the two Uchiha. The three of them were surrounded, by the ninjas of Root's organization, and had stopped their advance to reach Konoha. Makoto starts talking to the leader of Root with a cold tone. After a while, more ninjas appear, and Anbu and they start to surround everyone. The leader of the Anbu appears, and it's Hatake Sakumo, and starts arguing with the Root leader; During the discussion, Danzo appears, and Sakumo questioned Danzo about his orders. At the crucial moment, Hiruzen appears and stops the discussion. Hiruzen watches how the three Uchiha were doing. Max, Makoto, and Yemon leave, since Hiruzen permitted them, and go to Konoha. Makoto invites Max to meet his Clan. Max is using the name, Ryu.



If you find an error, comment in the paragraph and I will correct it.



[October 18, 14 A.N.N.]

When we enter Konoha, the whole place is quiet, and the infrastructure of the houses is made of wood with an ancient design.

When we started to walk, I could see many people walking calmly, while they talk, and had fun.

Of these people, I also saw ninjas walking, while they talked with their wives and children.

The ninjas, and civilians of Konoha, began to greet Makoto and ask about his health, and he just greeted them calmly and said that he was fine, while he was being carried by Yemon.

Yemon was in charge of carrying Makoto since he was still injured from the fight we had.

As we kept moving forward, Makoto and Yemon were leading me, and they started to go to the center of the Konoha village, and I thought 'Weird!... Why is he heading to the center? ' I followed them without saying anything.

When we arrived at the center of Konoha, from far away I could see the emblem of the Uchiha Clan, and I could feel many people.

'Strange!... The territory of the Uchiha Clan, it wasn't in this direction, since the mall was in this place...' I thought, and continued 'So, why was the location of the Uchiha Clan changed? '.

After thinking for a while, while recalling the memories of the clone, when he went to the mall to shop but hadn't seen anything strange, a thought came to me, and I thought 'Ohh...Could it be possible? .. So, the Uchiha Clan owned the mall, or not?", I had more doubts.

'I'll think about it later!' I thought since, at the gate of the Uchiha Clan, many people are waiting for our arrival.

When I looked at the people, most of them are young people or children, and a few adults, and in the middle of all of them is a young woman who stands out from the rest since she had a subtle shine that differentiates her from the rest, she is also very beautiful.

When the other party looked at us, they immediately perked up, but the next moment, their faces changed into sadness, as they didn't see the others from their Clan who had gone on the mission, and knew immediately what had happened.

The faces of the Uchiha turned dark with sadness, and others began to cry silently, as they watched us approach.

Makoto looked at this situation, and could only clench his fist, and thought that if he hadn't helped at that time, his Clan would have been weakened, and he would have met the same fate as the Senju Clan, and the Uzumaki Clan. He looked at me sideways, and could only thank me silently.

"Hello!" – Said Makoto with a voice of pain, and he was the first to speak, since many members of his clan had died on this trip.




"Patriarch, my..."


Many Uchiha started talking, trying to find out what had happened, and Makoto spoke up immediately.

"Hush!... Come on, and I'll tell you everything in the Clan" – Makoto said with a serious voice.

Uchiha when they heard Makoto's words, could only keep silent, and enter the Uchiha compound.

At this time, a young woman stepped forward and looked at Makoto, his eyes showing relief and sadness.

"Father!... How are you feeling?" – The Young Uchiha said with concern, her voice is sweet and soft.

"Daughter, I'm fine... come on... I have to inform the Clan what happened." – Makoto said calmly, while he looked at his daughter.

"But... father you are hurt... you must rest." – Uchiha Mikoto said with a worried voice.

"My injuries can wait... I have to report what happened... Let's go!" – Said Makoto, he insisted on his daughter, and she accepted.

"Good." – Mikoto said resignedly and looked at Yemon who was helping her father, and then she looked at me for a moment, and we greeted each other.

At this time, we all enter the Uchiha compound, while looking at all the people, the atmosphere is sad since many Uchiha had died.

'So, this is Uchiha Mikoto, she is beautiful.' I thought while looking at Mikoto for a moment, and then I looked at every one since they had lost their relatives on the battlefield.

In the group of Uchiha, he can recognize a young man who is 22 or 23 years old, and his strength of him is almost-Kage level, and he is Uchiha Fugaku.

'He's very weak for his age... his son at only 13 years old had passed the Jounin level...' I thought and continued 'Konoha was going to weaken them if he didn't intervene in the fight, since most of them, are very weak.', and I began to follow them in silence, and just watched.

After a while, we arrived at a complex where the main meetings are held, and everyone entered, and I was the last to enter.

When you enter, look at everyone who sat on the wooden floor, and fall silent so that Makoto can speak.

Makoto looked at me and waited for my answer since I was standing.

When Makoto looked at me, I started to check the whole area, and I found several hidden insects, and I placed them in a Genjutsu, and I thought 'These insects are very small, it's not easy to find.'

When I checked again, I couldn't find anything else, and I looked at Makoto, nodding approvingly, and sat far away to listen to everything.

The Uchiha just looked at me strangely, as Makoto seemed to trust me.

"He sighed... Listen carefully!... In this mission, all our Clan members have died... only the three of us, we have miraculously survived" – Makoto said calmly, he was silent for a moment, and continued - "We had been surrounded by the ninjas from Sunagakure, and Kirigakure."

"..." When they heard Makoto's words, all of the Uchiha fell silent, as they listened silently.

"We couldn't fight to the fullest, since we were protecting the survivors of the Uzumaki Clan... But, in the end, they all died, since more ninjas appeared every moment, and the difference was 1 to 4..." – he said Makoto, and began to recount the entire fight in detail.

Makoto was recounting the entire fight, but he hadn't mentioned anything about me, or those who had saved the Uzumaki, or the Clan from him, as he had asked him to keep this information a secret.

He had told her to tell him the designed news first, and then look for possible infiltrators in the Uchiha Clan if they work for Danzo or Hiruzen. When we clean the plague of the Uchiha Clan, he will start telling everything that is happening in Konoha.

When Makoto had finished telling the whole story, many of the Uchiha were sad, as many had family, siblings, and friends, but this is the life of a Shinobi.

'Good thing I'm not a Shinobi... I wouldn't want to be treated like a mere tool.' I thought and continued 'Much less if someone treats my family that way. '.

The atmosphere turned gloomy and sad, everyone fell silent.

Makoto looked at this situation and asked everyone to leave since they need to rest, and he also needs to rest, because he is still injured.

The Uchiha began to leave the complex, in the end only Makoto, Yemon, Mikoto, and I remained.

Mikoto only stayed for her father, since she didn't want to leave, and Makoto was on her side, telling her to keep quiet.

At this moment, I got up and approached the insects, the insects had only listened, and had seen the conference, where Makoto explained how the mission was, and the details of the fight.

'This information will be taken to Hiruzen, that's why I let him see, if he realizes that we had found out that they were spying on us, the situation would have been serious since he will look for another method to spy.' I thought, while looking at the insects, and put him back in another Genjutsu.

In this new Genjutsu, the insects will see how all the Uchiha went to rest, and the meeting room was empty, with no one around.

After a moment, the insects began to move away in silence, while we remained silent, and at the end of the meeting room, we were left alone.

"Old man...everything is unstuck." - I spoke with clam, during all this time, they were silent, while they saw me walk since they could not detect anything.

Only Makoto could feel something with his new power, but since he was weakened, he didn't favor him much.

"..." Mikoto looked at me, and his face reflects surprise at how he treated his father, with total confidence, and without fear.

"They've been spying on us... when you've been talking... besides, the other party only knows what we want them to know." - I spoke calmly.

"..." Makoto, nodded at me as if it is the best way.

"..." Yemon was silent, and only nodded.

"What's going on?!" -Mikoto said surprised, and looked at me, and also at her father, she didn't know what was happening.

When I heard Mikoto's words, I only looked at Makoto.

"Don't worry…she's my daughter…she's trustworthy," Makoto said calmly.

"I'm going to formally introduce her to you...my daughter's name is...Uchiha Mikoto!" Makoto said calmly as she introduced me to her daughter.

"..." Mikoto looked at her father, and she didn't know what to do, since she knew the original person, because as Makoto's daughter she had to meet everyone from her Clan, and she looked at me confused.

"Introduce yourself...don't be rude," Makoto said calmly.

"Hello... I'm Uchiha Mikoto." – Mikoto said with her soft voice, and her face reflected doubts.

When I looked at Mikoto, and her confused demeanor, I knew that she is confused by my identity, and after thinking a lot, I didn't want to scan her, but I had to since I didn't want to have any doubts.

When Makoto saw me not responding, he noticed my hesitation, and said - "Alright... if you want, you can check...".

When I heard her words from Makoto, I calmed down and just nodded, and then I looked at Mikoto, and asked with a serious tone, "I'm going to ask you a question... and I want you to answer me with all your might." sincerity.".

"..." Mikoto didn't know what she was talking about, but she immediately understood that it was something very important, and she nodded at me.

"Have you ever thought of betraying your family?!" - I spoke calmly while concentrating on Mikoto.

"No, I had never thought of betraying my family." – Mikoto said, and answered immediately, and she didn't know, because he was asking absurd questions.

"And, if it were up to the Konoha village, would you betray your family?" I asked, and thought 'Depending on this question if she loves his family… After all, Itachi betrayed his Clan.'

"No! I don't know why you ask these questions, but I will always be on my family's side." – Mikoto said, and she spoke from the heart every word.

When I heard her words, I could feel that she was telling the truth, and it was all sincere, and I thought 'Now I understand, why Mikoto didn't want to fight with her son since she would never raise a weapon with her family...and she was in the side of the Uchiha.'.

At this time, I took out some crystals and activated them, and various barriers were formed that prevented eavesdropping.

I looked at Mikoto, she was wondering what she had said, and what she was doing.

Makoto was silent since he had realized that his daughter had gained my trust, and he was relieved, also his daughter had not gone through the other method.

"What are you doing?" – Mikoto said with doubts, and looked at me, and then she looked at her dad, and continued- "Father, what's going on?".

"You will know his true identity!" Makoto said calmly, and she smiled at her daughter.

"..." Mikoto heard the father's words from him, and didn't know what was happening, and he looked at me, and was surprised.

At this time, I began to transform into my real appearance, since I was in a safe place.

Mikoto was surprised by my appearance and looked at her father, he just smiled, and she looked back at me, as I started to speak.

"Hi...sorry for not introducing myself properly...my name is Max," I spoke calmly, as she looked at Mikoto.

"Can you explain to me what is happening?" – Mikoto said with doubts since she is very confused.

"Daughter, listen carefully to the truth, and be calm." – Makoto said, while she looked at her daughter.

"Fine" – Mikoto said in her soft voice.

"The story is this…" – Makoto said, and began to tell the original story, everything that had happened on the battlefield, what had happened on the trip, and most importantly, about the plan to exterminate his Clan, the Uchiha Clan.

After a while, Mikoto had heard the whole story, she was sad, angry, and had many mixed feelings, as she had never thought that she could go through this.

"Thank you!" – Mikoto said gratefully since she had saved many of her Clan, and also her father.

"Don't worry." - I spoke calmly, and continued - "Now your Clan works for me, and I must protect them."

"..." Mikoto heard my words, he was able to smile for a moment, and his sadness had subsided.

"..." Makoto, just watched our interaction.

After a while of talking, he explained the plan to Makoto, what to say to Hiruzen, and various precautions to avoid suspicion from the other party.

Makoto had agreed to the plan since he would protect the Clan from him, and avoid many deaths because a war was going to break out very soon.

At this time, Makoto looked at me, and then looked at his daughter, and said, "Daughter... Max's identity must be secret, and no one must find out."

"Yes, father... don't worry." – Mikoto said with a soft and tender voice.

"That's why you're going to take charge of Max's stay and be by his side so that no one bothers him." – Makoto said calmly since her daughter would be safer with me.

"Yes...father" – Mikoto said, and looked at me out of the corner of her eye, without denying her father's request for him.

"Well, take him to rest, we are traveling for a long time," Makoto said, as he nodded at me.

"Old man, tomorrow we must talk since we have to continue planning because we are fighting with vipers." – I spoke while looking at Makoto.

"Okay" - Makoto said and answered me immediately.

"Let's go"-Mikoto said with his soft voice, looked at me, and stood up.

"Let's go"

To be continued.....


Author: If you want to know more about the story, read the book in Spanish, since it is more advanced.

I don't have much time, because of my project, for this reason, I'm not posting constantly.

take care