
Traveler of Worlds (English)

The MC has experience in dangerous trips in his past life, since his life always liked adventures, taking risks on each trip. This was done to test his luck. Now that he had reincarnated in the world of Naruto, he aims to surpass everyone and venture into new places. He will travel to other worlds…. ******************** I don't know English, I hope you understand, If you don't understand some parts, don't read. If you can, you can help me correct it. Thanks. ********************* The MC will only be in the Shinobi World for a short time, then he will go to another world…. This story is going to have romance, and action in every place you go. The personality of the MC, you can see in chapter 2. I do this story for a hobby, it's like a test. If you don't like it, don't read it, and please don't insult. If you like it, I await your criticism and advice to improve the story. Most importantly, this story will have a survey, the route we can all choose by the majority. Remember, if the MC wins something, he is going to lose something too. At the end of the saga, you will see what was lost. Each chapter will have a small summary if you do not like to read a lot. Please read the chapter “Read This First!” As you will find every detail important. Without another word, I hope you like the story.

Janjo24 · Tranh châm biếm
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107 Chs

Chapter 39 Seal

Chapter 39 - Seal

Summary of the previous chapter:

Max tells the two women that the place where they are, he had named The Cliff of Death! Max tells Kurenai and Yugao that they should hold on to him, and keep quiet; Max carries them on each arm, and can only fight with his feet. When they leave the cave, a specter, or shadow, appears and begins to attack all three. As Max fights and escapes, more shadows appear, and he begins to surround the three. The fight continued for a long time, in the end, Max realizes, that too many shadows had already accumulated, and makes an attack with all his strength him on the cliff, which opens an opening, and begins to escape. When he reaches the top, he lets out a sigh of relief, as the place was very dangerous. Kurenai and Yugao were still clinging to Max's body, they were afraid of the cliff, because of the danger. Max comforts the two women, and tells them that he will not do anything reckless.



[January 8, 1 A.N.N]

When I had told them that I was going to accompany them the closest to his village, they had become cheerful, and they nodded in approval.

At this point, I had crouched down, and placed my hands on the ground, and closed my eyes. When I get focused, I sent out a pulse of Chakra; With this pulse, I was able to communicate with the plants, it is an advantage of the Senju Clan, similar to Tobirama Senju when it detects presences.

10 Kilometers (Km)

100 Km

200 Km


When I felt all the presences for several kilometers, about 500 or 600 kilometers, I could feel various people, both ninjas, and civilians.

In some parts, the ninjas were fighting, they were only a few, and the civilians, they were walking in only one direction.

When I had detected all the presences nearby, I could feel relieved, as no one was near this place. It was very tiring to use this technique, since it needed too much concentration when they were great distances.

"No one is near this place." I thought as I stopped using the detection technique.

When I opened my eyes again; Kurenai, and Yugao were watching me, and they were watching the surroundings. The two women had not felt anything strange about what he had done.

"Come on, the road is clear, there are no people around, we will be saved." - I spoke, and I thought "I did not want to fight yet, since I will have to keep hiding my information."

"What have you done?" -Kurenai asked, she was always curious, since on my side she could be herself, and she didn't have to hide anything.

"Detect presences." - I spoke lightly, I was not so worried about this.

"Are you a sensor?" - Yugao asked me with admiration, since they are very little that are born as sensors.

"I guess ... Come on ... We have little time ... we have a few hours before it gets late." - I spoke, since it was almost noon.

Kurenai and Yugao agreed and prepared to run in the direction Kurenai had told me.

We were running separately, in a formation of three, I was in the front, they were on my side, they always stayed close to my side.

I was traveling at her pace, and they were both very slow, this was like walking for me. I followed this same rhythm, without complaining, since I could see that they were giving their best effort to go as fast as they could.

The problem was that I couldn't say anything, since they might think I want to bounce them too fast.

This lasted for a couple of hours, and the landscape began to change. When I looked aroudisdiscovers covert cover d trace of fighting, the area looked like there was a battle.

The place had burned parts, fallen trees, and in some places the fire persisted. Just raise my guard, I had instructed them to stay close to my side.

Kurenai and Yugao approached my side, as we kept running, and watching the battlefield.

During all this time, I had not found any bodies, there was only a trace of burn, and I thought "Surely they have burned the bodies to hide their secrets ...".

The two women had their weapons ready, if a fight happens, before we left the cave, I had given them their weapons, and things so that they could defend themselves.

When we were running, they always sent a Chakra pulse, through my legs, to be able to detect enemies, only detection could reach a maximum of 10 km, and until now, I had not found anything.

When we continued advancing, Kurenai and Yugao looked at me, since my steps were calm, as if I was walking, while they ran as fast as they could.

"What happened? ... Are they tired?" - I speak, while looking at them.

"Aren't you tired?" - Kurenai, she ask with doubts, since she couldn't see my face, but my breathing was calm, and my steps were slow as if running didn't affect me.

"You have an excellent physique ... We are trying our best ... to run as fast as possible ... while you are calm" - Yugao made a cute pout.

I put my hand on the back of my head and scratched myself, and I spoke - "I have excellent stamina, and I can last a long time." I spoke with a mischievous voice.

Kurenai had understood my words, and her face had turned completely red, and she spoke- "Fool!"

While Yugao, after a moment, realized, and his face flushed, and she looked in another direction embarrassed, avoiding my gaze.

When I saw his reactions I was amused, with Kurenai I went a little more, since she was older than Yugao, and I could enjoy those moments, but we did not take the last step, since Yugao was always present.

While things were slower and more tender with Yugao, she was younger than Kurenai. I smiled at the two women for their behavior.

(Author: Kurenai should already be 14 this year and Yugao 13.)

"If you are tired ... I can take you both ..." - I spoke, with a calm voice, and slowed down

"Take me" - Kurenai, she spoke with a cheerful voice, and perked up immediately, when she heard my words.

"...." - Yugao looked at Kurenai, not saying anything.

I looked at Kurenai, and she was smiling at me, and then I looked at Yugao, and she didn't say anything.

"OK come." - I spoke calmly.

I slowed down a bit, and picked up Kurenai, and placed her on my back. Kurenai when she lay on my back, I could feel her breasts, they were so soft, I enjoyed that feeling.

At this moment, Kurenai hugged me around her neck, and her head rested on my shoulders, and her legs wrapped around my waist.

I could feel her hug, she was so tender, while she was looking at me, she did not care that she was wearing a mask, she was imagining my appearance, while she was smiling.

At all times, Yugao didn't say anything, kept running, and looked in another direction, and she spoke - "Let's go."

"Come on" - I spoke, I didn't say anything, I put my hands on Kurenai's thighs, and increased my speed to catch up with Yugao.

At all times, I could feel that Kurenai was enjoying this moment, while the air ran down her face, she had a happy smile, and she hugged me tighter.

Everything was great for both of us, but throughout the walk, I realized that Yugao was not enjoying it.

Without saying anything, I stopped holding Kurenai's thighs, and jumped up. In just a moment, I was on Yugao's side, without hesitation I charged her in princess mode, I had not asked her opinion.

(Author: A woman will never tell you, when she is upset, just pay attention to her behavior ... That's the bad thing about women, I always asked me, why don't they say it directly.)

When I had reached Yugao's side, and carried her in princess mode, she had been shocked. Without any hesitation, continue running, I had created a thin imperceptible layer of Chakra around us, as I did not want to leave any trace.

When I had bent down to see Yugao's face, I could see redness on her face, and she had an imperceptible smile on her lips, since she had paid attention to it. She said nothing and continued looking at the landscape, while her hands hold me tighter.

Kurenai didn't say anything about this event, as she was in a more comfortable place, and she continued to enjoy the moment.

(Author: If you have a date, I recommend that you be yourself for 80% of the date, but when you are about to finish 20% of the date, do something that you would never do, or something that you can surprise the woman, with This can win that she always remembers you as the best date, and not just as a boring date, and next time, you can have a better opportunity with that person. If there is an opportunity, go to a hotel .... With this, you avoid that you send to the friendzone.).

At this time, I had increased my speed, both Kurenai, and Yugao was shocked at my speed. They knew I was strong, but with the speed, their admiration for me increased, even more, they felt proud.

In this world, strength is respect, that's why women look for the strongest men, and to their liking.

We continued at this speed, without saying a word, and we wanted to enjoy the moment.

When I was running, and I felt a presence, I would deviate from the route, I did it to avoid unnecessary problems.

Without realizing it, several hours had passed, and the sky was darkening. I was running at high speed without stopping. During all this tour, I had not stopped, we only ate a pill of food.

We had already entered the lands of the land of fire, and the base site was nearby. Konoha village was far away.

Kurenai had told me the route of a ninja base in Konoha, where her father would be, so I continued in this direction.

When we were near the Konoha ninja base, I could sense from far away, various squads that were patrolling.

I knew immediately that we were close. My speed had slowed it down, and it was stopping me.

Kurenai and Yugao looked at me and immediately asked me.

"What happened?" - Kurenai, she ask with doubts.

"Enemies?" - Yugao, she asked seriously.

"We are near the base of your village, and further on… there were several groups on patrol." - I spoke calmly.

"So fast ..." - Yugao with a surprised voice.

"I had specialized in Chakra control, so I was very good at speed." I thought as I watched their reactions two.

"....." - Kurenai didn't speak, and she hugged me tighter, fearing that she would lose me if she let me go.

I kept quiet, as it was time to part, and the partings were a bit sad. I could only sigh, and thought "Remember my terrible strength, I still could not fight with all the villages, and impose my authority ... I will have to become more powerful.".

I lowered Yugao to the ground, and when she stood up, she hugged me tightly; they knew what was going to happen now.

Both Kurenai and Yugao had hidden their faces. Kurenai didn't want to get off my back.

After a moment, Kurenai got off my back, and I could see in her eyes, they were red, she wanted to cry, but she was holding on. I pulled her into my arms, and Kurenai hugged me tightly, hiding her face from me. I had them hugging each arm.

At this moment, three people could be seen embracing, and a sad atmosphere, as it was the time of departure.

I could only caress her back to comfort them, it had affected me too, I felt reluctant to part with them, but they had chosen this, I could not impose myself, and I was not going to take away their freedom.

When I looked at their faces, I could see tears in their eyes, and I wiped the tear away.

"Remember, in the future, I will go to your village, to collect them.... If necessary, I will face your entire village for you, I will, just to bring you to my side." - I spoke seriously, as I did not intend to leave much time in this village.

"When that time comes, I will be able to step on the entire Konoha village… what I lack is only time." I thought as I looked at the two women.

"Max ... I'll go with you next time, I don't mind becoming a rogue ninja." - Yugao, she speak with a serious tone.

"Don't forget about us ... I'll be waiting for you." - Kurenai, she speak with a soft voice.

I could only hug the two beauties from the Konoha village, many in their village will envy me, for having taken them away.

"It was worth the risk on that occasion to go in the explosion, until now I think, what would have happened, if I had not gone to check the situation. From that event, I was able to get two women." I thought...

"They should be together, and take care of each other until I come back ..." - I spoke seriously, and I thought "They treat each other like sisters, they are going to protect each other, I feel relieved since Kurenai can help to Yugao. "

"We will become strong to be on your side in the future ...." - They spoke at the same time, I liked that, they spoke at times like twins.

I hugged them tightly, and thought "Not only was I with them for their beauty, I liked their personalities."

"It's time, I'm going to seal your memories ..." - I spoke with a bit of pity.

"Wait a minute ... I want to stay a moment by your side." - Kurenai, she speak with a sad voice, since she will not be able to see me, and she does not know when I will return.

Right now, the two of them were doubting her decision, if it was the best option is going to Konoha. But since she knew his decision, she did not want her to doubt his decision.

"Be very careful in the future ... what we had talked about ... Your village is not very trustworthy ... I hope you remember, your lives are more important than your village ... In my eyes, the village of Konoha is not worth it. nothing, you are more valuable than them .... "- I spoke seriously.

"…" They made a small gesture of approval, which I had said, since they were not going to give their lives, for a village that almost killed them.

"I already started with the seal ... You must take care ..." - I spoke, and the two women hugged me tighter, without saying a word. I talked….


To be continued...

If you like, comment, this ends today's chapter.

This chapter is the penultimate of this saga if this saga ends with the next chapter.

This chapter contains the spoiler for the next saga.

I hope you have a good day.

Janjo24creators' thoughts