
Back In The Future

If it ain't because of the long haired guy who knocked into the window of the car, she would probably experience her first time right there, at the age of 20 and with a random guy he met in club. She shivered to her disappointed thoughts as she quickly get up and went straight to take a shower…


Jacob and I have been traveling for hours now when suddenly, We have been shaken again, this time a really strong shake that causes me to flip and being thrown away into the surface of the portal. "Jacob! What is happening?" I shouted to Jacob as I have no idea at which part of the portal he was thrown. " Jacob! Jacooob! " I repeated, when I didn't get the response that I expected from him. The surrounding is still dark as a night sky without moon and stars, I couldn't see anything so I moved and walked through, when all of a sudden, I heard Jacob shouting from a far, "Master! I'm right here!" Jacob shouted back as an answer. "I have no idea what was going on…" A very strong shake appeared again this time, it is accompanied with an electric jolt all over the portal.

"Arrghhhh!'' They both groaned simultaneously. They felt as if they are falling from above as they made a loud thud the moment they hit the ground and the portal disappeared eventually, as the golden ball dropped and rolled over the floor and stopped right on the corner of the room. ''Did we arrive at the year 1900 already?'' I asked with a closed eyes still feeling the pain on my butt because of the hard fall. When I didn't hear Jacob's answer, I started talking again ''We've only been traveling for an hour now so that means… we are no------t…'' I was not able to finish my sentence and left my mouth open, when I finally opened my eyes, shocked flustered all over my face as I looked around me. I did not expect what my eyes are seeing just now. This was not our home that I remembered from years ago.

''What the hell!'' Jacob looked everywhere with mouth hanging and wide eyes. They landed into a random house, with no completely idea if they're in the past already or they're back in the future.

Awaken by the sound of water splashing inside the door in front of them that seemed to be a bathroom, someone appeared behind the door, wearing only her bathrobe while her hands were in her head drying her hair with a towel, with an eyes closed as she stepped out of the bathroom. She didn't pay much attention to her surroundings just yet, while savouring the freshness from her warm shower and went straight into her mini powder table.

Jacob and I turned to face each other and stared into the woman in front of us, as we both swallowed the drool that is about to escape from our mouth, I immediately covered Jacob's eyes using my hand the moment I realized who this woman was.

''Nathalie?'' I asked in a surprised manner.

Yes. They landed into Nathalie's home, specifically, HER room. What in the world is going on!? Is the travel portal broken or something? Or the timeline has been ruined while we stayed here in the future for so long? I couldn't stop the thoughts that are running inside my head and the skin on my forehead crumpled.

Just when she's about to face herself in the mirror, she heard someone called her name from behind. Her eyes widened when she saw the reflection of the two men in her mirror, one was covered in the eyes by the other man's hand. ''Peter!? W-what a-are…are you doing h-here?'' She stammered because of shocked and turned around to face them while holding her robe tightly as if these guys would attack her in no time.

She felt her face turned red when Peter moved his eyes from her face and downwards, remembering her current situation, without waiting for his answer, she run through her walk in closet and immediately changed into a decent clothes. After changing into a nice pair of black shirt and a pair of jeans, she then went outside hesitantly and asked Peter again the same question, ''What are you guys doing here? How did you know my place? And how did you get here?'' She asked breathlessly and without a pause. She then walked towards the men sitting in her bed. Her hair still messy, she tugged it and tied into a messy bun.

''Ahmm…'' I couldn't form a single word as to how I am supposed to answer to her questions that even I myself didn't know the answer aside from them coming into the time machine. For all I know, it would be hard for her to believe that it is even real. I felt Jacob elbowed me and realized that I am still covering his eyes. ''Oooops! Sorry…'' They both look at each other again and as if they understood in each other eyes. Are we supposed to say anything about the travel portal?

Occupied from his thoughts, they did not noticed the golden ball was now moving or shaking. Small rays of white and yellow lights are trying to escape from a small hole all over the ball. As he continued on analyzing his thoughts that he's going to say to Nathalie. A blazing light suddenly spread all over the room and couldn't help it but to cover my eyes with the back of my arms, a strong wind poured together with the light. As I looked into my both side, seeing Jacob with wide eyes who had also no idea, I then turned my gazed to the woman at the other side of me. I could see that she is frightened as the wind are slowly swallowing as into the inside of the portal. Nathalie being a thin woman, couldn't keep herself still, she was slowly blown away by the wind. I ran to towards her and she quickly held on to the hem of my shirt as I grabbed her waist with my hands.

The wind is getting stronger as they moved and held on to each other, with Jacob of course. The light that is shining than our sun was accompanied by jolts of electricity that looks like a lightning. It is as if they were pulled over the portal as wind are getting stronger and stronger that their strength couldn't stop it anymore from pulling them until such time that they were completely swallowed over the Portal all together, Jacob, Nathalie and I.

''Aaaahhhhh!!!!'' Nathalie screamed in horror. ''What is this?'' She asked again, completely surprised.

''We are currently…'' I hesitated. ''We are inside the traveling portal.'' I said while scratching the back of my neck and looked at her intently, waiting for her reaction.

''A traveling portal? Are you kidding me!?'' An unbelievable look flushed on her face as she looked at me and Jacob altogether.

'' Yes, no. Yes, a traveling portal and no, I'm not kidding.'' I winked and hold on to her as the portal suddenly shaken, meaning, they have passed through a decade already.

Nathalie couldn't believe that she is now inside the traveling portal. She have heard it from the elders, she knew that there is a traveling machine or something that would allow someone to travel through time and was also able to read books and have gone through researched about it. Of course, she didn't believe in all those things. Those are just rumors and no legitimate proof that it does really exist in today's time. It caught here interest that is why she've gone read and investigate about it but couldn't find any information about it.

She composed herself and looked around the traveling portal as what Peter called it. The looks of it kind of scared me especially, the darkness and a sudden jolts of electricity that would appear from time to time and add up with a sudden shakes.

"Where are we going?" She asked them when she finally snapped out of her own thoughts over her head. Short silence enveloped the area.

" I'm very sorry to say, Miss but…" Jacob apologized with a worried eyes. "We also have no idea as to where this portal would take us. We were here before and traveled for hours on our way back home to the past but we experienced a sudden strong shake inside the portal and the last thing we know… we landed inside your room." He added.

She nodded in return. 'So that is the reason why they're in my room.' she thought.

Meanwhile, they felt that the portal are slowly getting into its quickest pace, they could feel that they will he shaken from time to time. Peter and Jacob looked at each other with both questions in their eyes and frowned thinking that none of them knew what was happening.

Suddenly, their world have been shaken again, they did not anticipate it this time and felt that they are falling into the ground one by one.

So the adventure begins!!!!!

Can you guys guess their first adventure together? leave a comment if u can :D

Nazzy_14creators' thoughts