
travel with mysterious powers

The story of an ordinary teenager reborn into a different world with his powers and became the King of the Century step by step

getouto · Kỳ huyễn
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42 Chs

party 2

Calledo paused and tried to continue, but was soon pitied by Jesse into something else. It's obvious that they don't bother to learn Garon's and Effie's names, but the level of clothing they're wearing shows that they're not in the same league.

Weimar then stepped onto the platform in the middle of the banquet hall and announced the beginning of the feast, telling everyone to enjoy themselves. All the young men and women suddenly raised their glasses or juice and chuckled. With a few more words of emotion, Weimar got off the stage and returned to Calledo, replacing it with the orchestra.

"That's right. Visgar had just come back from Jindi, and the plane was passing through huai Shan to have a rest. I invited her to the banquet today, and she will drive here soon. I'm probably on my way now. We'll pick her up after dinner." Weimar took a sip of the plasma wine from her cup.

"Soon?" Calledo frowned. "I have friends here."

"What does it matter? I'll tell them. Let them go back alone. We haven't had a group together for years. This is a rare opportunity."

"Why don't you ask them to go with you? We're all friends of mine, so we can get to know each other." "Carledo hesitated.

A hint of disapproval flickered across Weimar's smile.

"Calledo, TONIGHT I wish it would be just us old friends getting together, and we'd better keep the others out of it." Looking at Calledo hesitantly, he continued, "Wasn't Visgar your favorite? Now she's here once, and you're not even gonna pick her up? Besides, there were only four of us, and there was no room for them."

"Now, don't be a wet blanket. If you don't know, I will."

Calledo is a little silent, he suddenly regret inviting Garon and Effie to the party, he did not expect that after years of absence, the weimar brother he used to worship has become a little hard to understand. For a while, the perfect image in his mind gradually fades away. But anyway, Weimar and he had been friends since childhood.

"I'll see how it goes later." He answered in a low voice, still hesitating.

Weimar frowned, his smile slowly subsided, and patted Calledo on the shoulder. "Think it over for yourself."

As soon as Garon and Effie enter, they each stroll around the table in the banquet hall, eating.

They didn't know anyone at the party except Calledo, and every now and then people would come in that they didn't know. Those who came in were all boys and girls aged 17 or 18. As soon as they entered, some friends would come up and talk and laugh.

Only two people do not know a person, watching other people talk happily, each gathered into a small circle to chat. Unconsciously, I have a feeling that I have more than enough.

"If you can't put it away, just eat. Callido is tied up now. It's impossible for him to leave all his friends behind, just the two of us." That's what Garon whispers to Effie as he picks up his plate and goes off to pick up some food in the distance.

Indeed, she felt uncomfortable standing there. Effie walked uneasily to the straw table, carefully picking up the dinner plate as others did, and carefully scooping the soup in the bowl.

Everyone else present, except her and Garon, is rich and wealthy, and the magnificent banquet hall is very dazzling.

By contrast, her dress of less than 200 yuan and her boots of about 100 yuan were conspicuous and out of place in the small hall. The random food on the table, many of which she had seen at the mall, was more expensive than the sum of her clothes.

Suddenly there was a faint laugh nearby.

"Sister, that soup is not for drinking, but for gargling." A young girl nearby burst out laughing.

Effie's face turned red and she almost choked. She put down her plate and picked up a paper towel to dry her mouth.

"I I may be wrong," she even neck are completely red into a, lower the head dare not look at each other's face.

"The soup bowl is so obvious. You haven't come across mouthwash before dinner, have you?" The girl laughed again, and another young girl came by. After a while of mumbling, the two of them immediately followed suit, covering their mouths and laughing.

Effie stood where she was, her head bowed, her cheeks and neck flushed. She felt hot, and she could neither walk nor stay on the carpet, and she wanted to crawl under it.

"What does it matter? Is mouthwash poisonous and undrinkable?" Garon walks over to the side and frowns slightly.

Dressed in hundreds of dollars' worth of clothes, he had no scruples at all, and all the young men and women present were nothing more than chickens he could crush to death. After killing someone, he looks at other ordinary people with a completely different mindset and perspective. Especially in a world where there is not much danger in killing people, Garon's mind gradually stabilizes, and he sees nothing but power as important.

"It's just mouthwash, and I like it that way. Funny?" Garon took a ladle of mouthwash in his soup bowl and gulped it down. The mouthwash was a bit sweet and minty, and it wasn't too bad to drink.

"It doesn't matter it doesn't matter" the girl saw Garon a natural face, but embarrassed to say more, look ambiguous looked at two people, "you continue, continue" the two girls slowly walk away, leave the time did not walk a few steps and can not help but chuckle.

Garon frowns as they walk away, then looks back at Effie.

"Well, don't worry about the others, do what you want."

Effie nodded silently.

"Why don't we go and talk to Calledo and go back. The place is well decorated, but not well staffed." Garon shrugs naturally.

Seeing Effie just nod, her cheeks red with shame, Garon turns around and walks toward Calledo without a word.

Calledo is having a conversation with a young girl with bright eyes. Most of the conversation is initiated by the young girl, but Calledo is perfunctory. Seeing Garon coming, the guy couldn't stand up.

"I'll check on my friend first. He may have come to see me about something. Excuse me." He just found an excuse to leave and walked straight to Garon without another word.

As they drew together, Calledo let out a deep breath.

"See, that brunette with shoulder-length hair is the guy I'm engaged to. How do you feel?"

"Not bad, isn't it?" Garon wondered.

"It's just so good that I feel so useless by comparison," calledo said with a look of frustration.

"Well, I just wanted to let you know that Effie and I want to go home, so you can spend more time with these friends."

"I would also like to introduce you," Caletto said. He was silent. "I'll see you off."

"No, we'll take Effie home. I'm used to running every night myself. But you shouldn't have asked me to come with Effie tonight. Don't you think so?" Garon's voice trailed off.

The expression on Calledo's face grew silent.

You know Effie's family is a lot worse off than mine. She was recruited by the distinguished students of the Academy. I'm sure you're not nervous on such an occasion. She's a girl."

"It's my fault." Calledo whispered. "I thought it would just be a few people talking and it wouldn't be too much trouble. I didn't expect the scene to be so big."

"I don't blame you. You meant well. Well, we'll go first, you have fun." Garon patted him on the shoulder and said no more. The latter opened his mouth to say something more, but nothing came out. Garon came back to Effie, and together they went out quietly at the door of the small hall. No one noticed them. Except for himself.

Garon Effie and Garon exit the hotel, walk along the side of the busy street, and walk slowly along the sidewalk toward the suburbs.

Effie became a changed and withdrawn person after her gaffe. I didn't say a word the whole way.

"It's no big deal, don't take other people's eyes too seriously, after today they and we don't have much to do with each other, we slowly forget each other." Garon is consoling. "Don't blame Calledo, he's just too slow to see this coming."

"I don't blame him." Effie straightened her red ponytail. "It's a joke I didn't see coming. Why blame anyone else?"

"Don't think about it." Garon patted her on the shoulder, "You're still you, the same as before, don't let this little thing affect your mood." As a matter of fact, he was walking around the city these days and stumbled upon Effie's secret.

The headstrong redheaded girl had only an ailing mother, a younger sister and a younger brother to take care of, and her father ran away from gambling debts, leaving her to pay them off slowly. Fortunately, as a special student of The Oriole Academy, I take scholarships to go home every year to support my family, plus I do odd jobs after school to earn some money, which barely enough to maintain the tuition money of my younger brother and sister and the medical money of my mother.

In fact, the girl has been trying to persevere. For other students, school study may be mechanically boring, but for her, it is a hard time to relax.

"Now, don't be depressed." Garon was about to say something when his eyes suddenly froze and a familiar and strange figure suddenly flashed across the corner of his eyes. Suddenly she closed her eyes and withdrew them. "Let's go. I'll take you home soon."

"Need not actually, I a person go back line, need not you send." Effie shook her head. Subconsciously, her eyes suddenly flickered and she gave Garon a suspicious look. "Go home alone. I can do it myself."

Garon can see that she doesn't want anyone to know what's going on in her home, and he has some business to attend to, and nods. "That you pay attention to some, go home directly, don't wander outside for a long time, may not be safe."

Effie nodded silently and turned left along the intersection of the street.

Garon stood behind her and watched her leave until she was completely out of sight around the corner. Then he tugged at his collar and headed down a dark alley, and soon disappeared into the shadows.