

"It's okay Julia. But you should also be careful. The people who are behind this; they're very dangerous and can eliminate those who try to get in their way. "William urged.

Julia nodded frightened and looked at me "Will you be okay by yourself? Do you want me to come stay with you? "

"No!! "William answered quickly and faced me. "No offense, Rosie but I think you should stay here with Julia till everything's safe for you ."

I nodded in agreement and Julia smiled approvingly. He handed her a burner phone. "If you find anything, call this number? "

"Yeah, I'll do that. But what about you? "She asked with a concerned voice.

"The person I suspect that's behind this; Carla West. I'm gonna try to get close to her personal assistant and best friend, Diana Jones. I know I won't get anything out of her but I have to try. "

"Okay " Julia said.

"Alright. Let me be on my way now. You both should take care and if there's any problem... Please call me" he said and left.

As soon as he left, Julia faced me.

"I feel like this is a dream. Of course I hate Jerry. He's too controlling and likes frustrating me but I want to wake up and find out that this is all a joke and that Jerry is outside waiting for me.. "

She took one look at my face. She saw that I wasn't in the mood for her jokes and she calmed down.

"But... Have you gone to, you know... Talk things out... ?"

"Do you think I haven't done that already. Do you think it's even easy for me to even understand that my husband was accused of killing a young girl? "

Julia sat beside me and gave me a small but warm hug.

"Missy . You need to rest up. Tomorrow is another day."

"Can you just for once stop calling me that? "

She laughed heartily.

"okay Missy. I'll stop calling you that. "

She led me to her bedroom and I slept off immediately.


I woke up the next morning to see Julia sitting up in bed, with Scrambled eggs, Sourdough bread and a cup of coffee. I smiled

"Good morning Missy "

I smiled "I'll forgive you for that ,because of the food. "

She laughed "I obtained a week's leave at work so I can concentrate on the case and I need to take Raymond to my mum's place, if you don't mind. "

"Let me come with you Jules. So I can also tell your mum and mine too " I said.

"Yeah. That's right. Eat fast and let's move "


We got to her mum's place and there was no one there. So we assumed that she should be in my mum's place. She parked her car in front of her mum's place but unbuckled her son from his car seat and we walked over to my place.

"Rosie darling. How are you doing? " Claudia Winters said as soon as they saw me.

"Sweetie!! " My mum said exuberantly. "You're practically glowing. I really need to appreciate Jerry. He's really taking care of you. "

Julia and I looked at each other. She handed her son over to her mother.

"Besides where is Jerry? He would never let you drive alone in this condition" Claudia said.

"Well, mum that's why we're here " Julia tried to search for the right words to use but I interjected coolly.

"Jerry has been arrested "

"What??!! " Two shocked old women screamed in horror. If it were a normal situation, Julia and I would have made a laughing stock of them but the situation at hand was too serious to be joked about.

"Well" Julia sat down "It's a setup. He was framed by one if his colleague who doesn't want him to be promoted. We're working towards getting him out. William and I are trying to make sure that he's back home before the end of the week. "

My mum faced her instantly.

"Which William? "

"The same one we both know. William Harrison" I replied.

Claudia's grip on my mum's hand tightened in reassurance. My mum's face changed instantly.

"Mum listen. Before you get all emotional. He's just helping me, that's all. Once this is all over and Jerry is out of prison, we're going our separate ways. "

I said and went to my old bedroom without waiting for her reply. From the look of things, it seemed like no one had entered the room because it was still very neat. I laid down on the bed.

"The question is, are you really going on your separate ways?"Julia asked as soon as she entered my bedroom.

"Honestly Jules, I'm confused. I just... " I laid my head back against the headstand. She patted my shoulders and smiled.

"Sleep tight Missy. I'm going to work on the case now and I'll let you know if anything comes up. Besides when's your next doctor's appointment? "

"It's next tomorrow and Jerry promised to be with me "I sobbed silently when I remembered that Jerry wasn't here with me. "Can you come with me? "I asked Julia desperately.

She frowned sadly. "I'm really sorry Missy. I'd have loved to come with you but I have to take Raymond for immunization tomorrow and then I still have to work on the footage. "

"It's fine. I'll manage "

I smiled to her reassuringly, but deep down within me, I was devastated. Julia touched my shoulders.

"Hey, Jerry would be out very soon, okay? So I don't want you to worry about yourself. I'm going to make sure he's out by the end of this week. "

I wish I had her faith. She seems to think he would be out before the week ends, but I don't even know what I even think.

"Thanks Jules. I honestly don't know how I'd have managed to still keep my sanity without you. " I smiled holding her hands but she quickly withdrew it, frowning.

"What is it? "

"William's got something " She said while bringing out the burner phone in her back pocket. She read it and stood up to leave "I'll see you later Missy. Take care "

I felt alarmed and worried and I didn't even know when I slept off.


I woke up around some minutes past 6 in the evening and my stomach grumbled in hunger. I stretched my hand to the other side of the bed to wake him up.

"Jerry, my own hurts. Could you please give me a massage? "

I sat up when I didn't get a response from Jerry.

I then remembered that Jerry was in prison and I wasn't even at home. I got up quickly and had my bath in my bathroom. I opened my wardrobe and luckily, there were still a few of my clothes there. I took one of them that was big enough to accommodate my large stomach and I put it on.

When I got to the parlour, I couldn't believe my eyes. My mum was not alone; Of course Julia and her mum had left long ago.

But this was different, she was surrounded by my sister and brother, Richard . I rubbed my eyes to be sure that I wasn't still sleeping.

"Rosie May!! " My sister called in the most sweetest voice I've ever heard. "I am sorry for everything that we did. The reason for everything will be shed to light very soon. But that still doesn't justify my actions, I know. I'm really sorry. Despite the way I treated you, you still had compassion and made sure my daughter and I were given proper treatment at the hospital about 10 months ago, I'm sure you still remember. I should have come sooner but I was just too consumed by my guilt and shame but from the bottom of my heart Rosie please forgive all of us. "

Richard stood up and came to me next. "You're really the nicest person I've ever met. Ana told me you've been sending her some money every month and I'm really grateful. I'm also sorry too. "

"Okay " I sighed "Let me get this straight. You both used the opportunity of thanking me for the good deeds I did to you , to apologize, right? "

"No. Well, we heard what happened with your husband from William and we know how you must be feeling about it. We just want to be reunited with you and our mum " Richard said and went to hug my mum. Ellie came to hug me, which was a difficult feat because of my round belly, but she understood all the same. I remembered how Jerry had always told me that a day like this would come. Now, the day has come but Jerry is in prison. I burst into tears and went outside. My sister followed suit.

"Rosie, what's happened? Is everything okay? The baby? "

She doesn't know I'm having twins.

"No. I'll be fine. I think i need to go now "

"Home? All by yourself? Let me drive you. " She offered solemnly.

"No. I'll drive home myself. " I smiled at her.

I bade my mum and siblings goodbye and upon my mum's insistence,i had spaghetti and meatballs before leaving.

I wanted to go to Julia's place but I changed my mind and told the driver to take me to LA straight. I got home at some minutes to 11 that night and then sent a quick text to Julia letting her know that I was back home safe and sound.