

There were still many questions whirling through my brain but I decided to go with the few ones I just voiced out before him.

"Well, we're all in this together. We're taking risks for your husband, okay? Just trust me " he said crossing his heart.

"Trust you?!! I'm tired Will. I'm exhausted and I sure as hell miss Jerry" I cried out.

Julia kept her laptop on the dining table where she was working furiously on and then rushed towards me.

"I'm leaving now. I'll let you know if there are any updates. " William said and before I could say anything, he walked out the door.

Julia rubbed my shoulders soothingly.

"It's okay Missy. We're getting to the end very soon. If Diane can get the information, we'll just add it to the evidence I have and take it to the LAPD. "

"Okay. " I nodded.

"Let me prepare hot water for you to bath because you really need one." She smiled in a way that reminded me of our childhood days.

I smiled gratefully to her and followed her to the bathroom.

I couldn't sleep throughout the night. I had a premonition that something was gonna happen -something big, but I couldn't pinpoint what exactly it was. I kept feeling pains all through the night - a reminder that I was nearing my due date.

The following morning, I heard voices from the living room. I slept in Julia's room so I quickly went through her closet and spent a substantial amount of time searching for any piece of clothing that could accommodate my big belly.

I found one and put it on.

I walked out and found my brother and Julia smiling. "Hey " I said to any one of them.

William beamed at me and pulled me to sit down.

"We have good news. Diane Johnson has it on tape. Carla West framed your husband because she was pining for the post of the Chief Justice, which is obviously being reserved for your husband considering the amount of cases he's won. She was overcome by jealousy and decided to take matters into her own hands... "

All his words seemed meaningless to me. The only thing that I could think about was the fact that my husband was being punished and imprisoned for a crime he didn't commit. I looked at the centre table and my car keys were there. I quickly stood up. I needed to think.

Before they could figure out what I was about to do, I grabbed my keys, went out, got into my car and sped out.

It was all exhilarating.

Jerry was in prison.

He was guilt-ridden and depressed. His reputation had been tarnished. Even when I finally give birth to our children, they would find out one way or the other. My husband's clean record had been soiled, all for a setup.

I don't know for how long I drove or even how far I drove but there was a lorry in front of me with powerful headlights. Everywhere was already dark and I couldn't see anything because of the tears that clouded my eyes and made my vision blurry. I heard shouts and screams. I heard a loud bang in front of me and I felt someone pull me put of the car and there was fire and I couldn't see anything else.


I didn't know for how long I slept but I wouldn't open my eyes. I didn't know what I would find when I did so. I couldn't even feel anything but when I heard some words I was familiar with like "Oxygenate her " . "Fractured bones ". "Comatose ". "Four days ". "Double heartbeat"

I knew all those terms and I knew I really needed to open my eyes . I did just that and saw a lady dressed in white. My ears were ringing loudly and I didn't hear much. The lady turned to me and smiled "I'm Doctor Lexi Todds, but you can call me Lexi. "

I could hear her clearly and I willed my mouth to open but couldn't say anything. Why couldn't I talk? I smiled at her warmly.

"Do you need anything? Are you hungry?" She asked me but I shook my head in the negative. I felt dizzy again and exhaustion took over and I drifted off to sleep.

When I woke up, there was a flurry of activity going on in the room. There were many people around me.

"Thank God she's alive. Rosie baby how are you? "

I recognized that voice.

"Mum " I said softly. She came and sat beside me. I looked round as I recognized everyone.

"Jules " I called out to my beat friend and she came and sat beside me with a look of worry on her face. "You gave us all a scare, Missy "

I laughed.

My sister and brothers, even William were also present in the room.

How the hell were they even able to get in?

Weren't hospital policies against crowd in a patient's room?

Even Jerry's eldest sister, Jolene also came in with her children. They played with me and I tried to fit in but I couldn't. I really missed my husband. I needed him to hold my hand, look into my eyes and tell me that everything was gonna be okay and that I should pull myself to gather because right now, I was falling apart.

Suddenly, all of them started filing out of the room except Julia and William. These two were up to something.

Julia sat by my bedside and held my hands.

"Okay Missy. There's someone we thought you'd like to see " she said and walked out of the room. William followed suit.

My heart started pounding.

Even before I saw him, I felt his presence

Just then, my husband, in flesh and blood walked in and sat on the bed.

"Jerry "I called out softly. I moved into a half sitting position.

"Yeah. It's me honey. " He smiled and then the his hands round my neck, hugging me so tight. I actually didn't mind.

I couldn't stop the emotions that clogged my throat and prevented me from speaking audibly.

"Is it... " I swallowed "Is it over yet? "

"Yeah honey. It's over. I'm out of prison and I sure as hell am never leaving you again. I'm never going to let you out of my sight. I love you so much Rosie "

He rubbed his hand on my belly. I smiled and we kissed.

"I love you TOO " I didn't mean to yell out the last word but the pain that hit me in my lower abdomen wiped put any ounce of self-control I might have had.

I groaned in agony and held Jerry's hand tightly.

He stood up immediately "Baby, are you alright? Is it the babies? Should I get the doctors? "

I laughed in spite of the pain I was feeling at his clumsiness. He wasn't the one in labour but he was overreacting to the situation. I calmly pressed an alarm beside me to alert the nurses at the station.

I looked down between my legs and felt the expected gush of liquid trickle down my legs. I looked at him and smiled.

"Seriously Rosie. How are you so calm? "

"Honestly, I think your kids are taking after you. They already have a few streaks of impatience"

He looked at me horribly "What do you mean?"

"What I'm trying to say is that you should.... OUCH... get the hospital bag that I've already packed."

I said hurriedly as the pain started getting more frequent.

I quickly counted the contractions as they were coming. They were four minutes apart

A part of me was happy to welcome my first children into the world. Another part was scared and worried about things that could go wrong. I'm a doctor and so I know how it is with multiple births. Things could go awry.

"No stupid thoughts Missy. They're about to get Amanda Meridia Felicia put so you can start feeling free "Julia whispered in my ears as I was being wheeled out in a gurney to the operating room .

I laughed again.

With my constant effort, my family's prayers and support, the doctors skills and then Jerry's soothing words of encouragements, I delivered my twin babies - a boy and a girl. Jerry couldn't stand by himself. He was jubilating and was so very happy. My very large family swarmed into the room to look at the twins.

They both weighed 4.8 pounds and very healthy. Our son was named Daniel Louis Winters and our daughter was named Daisy Nora Winters.

We were all discharged the following day, since we were being certified healthy by the doctor in charge. Everyone accompanied us to our home in Los Angeles. My siblings were stunned and in awe of the house my husband and I lived in.

My mum was so proud. She kept gallivanting round about like she owned the place, which in a way, she did.

Even Jerry's grandmother flew down to Los Angeles. She had a very good sense of humour and made everyone laugh. It was a pleasant occasion.

I strolled out to our swimming pool one evening. Some of the children were there so, nor wanting to disturb them, I went back to the garden. Jerry was making call there. I held him from behind and rested my head on his back. He turned to me with an excited expression on his face.

"I've been appointed as the Attorney General "

"That's great news baby"

"Yeah it is. Where are the babies? " he asked.

"Daisy is with your mum while Danny is with my mum. I've nursed them"

"It's alright." He put on arm around my waist and kissed me.

"Have I told you I love you ?"

"Yes. But you should say it again and again and again. "