
Trash, To be deleted

With two powerful Alphas as mates, one whose family annihilated her pack and the other a ruthless power monger, Renee Walker must navigate her life battling with revenge, love and lust

Lilly11 · Kỳ huyễn
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7 Chs

Chapter 7: The Starving Wolves Club

I stared into Jayden's deep blue eyes almost losing myself into its enchanting depth, his arm was wrapped around my waist and I was close up to him, my wolf was heated up but I couldn't help but notice something was missing, I don't know what but this feeling isn't complete, a sweet lily fragrance wafted it's way to my nose but it was missing the dark and spicy musk scent, it was missing Jordan

"Why....why do I feel this way?" I muttered, still staring into Jayden's eyes

"Your wolf is heated up, just like mine, it wants to be mated but the feeling is incomplete, you feel like something is missing don't you?" Jayden asked and I nodded

"I feel the same way too, and that's because Jordan isn't here, you need both our touches to feel complete, if we ever do mate, you'll need both of us to fill you up at the same time for your wolf to be satisfied" Jayden uttered, the words rolling off his tongue effortlessly

The angst I felt was soon cut short when someone along with a lady bumped into me as they jostled through the dancing crowd

"Oh my goddess! That's her! It's Chloe!" I exclaimed pointing at the lady being dragged by the man that brushed past me

"The red-haired lady beside that man?" Jayden asked and I nodded

"This just got complicated" Jayden uttered as he placed his fingers on his temples

"What do you mean? What are you doing?" I asked as Jayden closed his eyes in concentration for a minute

"I contacted Jordan, come with me" Jayden said, dragging me out of the dance floor

"Contacted Jordan? How did you do that by just touching your temples?" I asked

"It's a telepathic connection only twin wolves share, it's like we are inside each other's head so we can easily communicate without any medium, but that isn't important that right, the man that took the girl you are looking for, that's the son of the Alpha of The Blood Moon pack" Jayden announced

"He's a ruthless wolf though he's of no match for us" Jordan said as he joined us

"I checked brother, they went into The Room" Jordan added

"The Room? What room?" I asked

"Its a large room and only sons of Alphas are allowed entry, you bring in the female wolf you want to have a fill of and you have your fun while chatting with fellow wolves of your rank" Jayden explained

"Sometimes they bring in one wolf and they are all have a fill of her simultaneously, it's more like an orgy" Jordan said

"Orgy? What's an orgy?" I asked confused

"How clueless can you be" Jordan shook his head

"Doesn't matter Lorraine, what matters is we have to find a way to gain entry into The Room if you want to save that girl" Jayden said

"But shouldn't that be easy? You said only sons of Alphas are allowed entry and you are sons of the Lycan pack's Alpha right?" I asked

"We are Lorraine but we never go in there to do anything" Jayden said

"Maybe you didn't take your history lessons but the Lycan pack has been the oldest, most powerful and primal packs of all werewolf packs, most of the packs feels intimidated by us and our presence and the man that took your friend, he's going to be the next Alpha of the Blood Moon pack and do you know how arrogant that pack is?" Jordan asked and I nodded

Of course I know, my number one bully in school, the self acclaimed beauty queen of Werewolf High, Lisa, she's the daughter of the Blood Moon pack which makes her that man's sister, she's mean, arrogant and full of herself so I can only imagine how her brother will be, the arrogance not only runs in their family but the whole of the Blood Moon pack, if not for the Lycan Pack's existence, I'm sure they'll have long proclaimed themselves King of all Werewolves

"His name is Dylan and he has proclaimed himself the leader of all the wolves that enters The Room and we will never succumb to such rule so we've never tried to gain entry in there" Jayden said

"Perhaps what use are prying eyes when you take and dominate a female? That moment is for you to enjoy alone" Jordan uttered

"And let's just say we are doing all the wolves a favor by not going in there because whenever our paths crosses with Dylan's, a fight always breaks out" Jayden said

"And it's always bloody" Jordan added

"But.... why? Why does such a man have Chloe with him? How am I going to save Chloe now?" I fretted

Jayden glanced at Jordan and he sighed

"How lucky you are that our wolves won't allow us abandon you" Jordan said

"We'll go into The Room but you'll have to come along with us" Jayden uttered

"Of course, of course I'll come along" I said quickly and Jordan shook his head

"You don't understand do you? What my brother means is that you'll have to come along with us as a wolf we picked up to have fun with, that's the only way we'll be allowed entry because that is what The Room is meant for, it's for sons of Alphas to destroy the cunt of any weak wolf they find fanciful" Jordan said, his words rolling off his tongue and jolting down my being, making me wonder why he always has to be so raw with his words

"Can you play that act with us?" Jayden asked

"Yes Lorraine, can you act as a whore craving for us to fill you up in front of everyone in that room to save your friend?" Jordan uttered and I couldn't stop my head from shaking in dismissal of that idea

Chloe was no friend of mine, she was never really nice to me too so why should I go to such extent just to save her? I wanted to say no, I wanted to leave this buzzing place and return to the calm lake in the pack's territory where I usually take my baths, but I couldn't, I wanted to turn around and leave but my wolf wouldn't allow me to, it has always been this way, my wolf won't defend me or help me fight when I need it but it also won't allow me abandon a person in need of help either, regardless of whom it is, my wolf always wanted me to help and I had no say in the matter

"I'll do it" I heard myself say before I could try to stop myself

"I'll act as a whore craving for you two to fill me up in front of everyone" ....