
Chapter 77: A Joke of a Visit 1

It was shortly after sunrise that Princess Luna of Equestria found herself flying out of her window on the top of her tower, a small grey creature held in her hooves.

"Sister! Sister!" Luna yelled as she knocked on her sister's bedroom window, "Sister! Open up!"

Putting her face close to the window in order to search for her sister inside, Princess Luna couldn't ready herself for the window to suddenly slide open, letting her fall onto her face as the glass she was leaning on disappeared from her legs.

"Sister! You need to-" Luna pushed herself from the floor as if nothing happened as she turned her head to look at the other pony in the room, only to pause as she came face to face with an unamused Prince Blueblood.

"Oh..." Luna quieted down as her eyes quickly flickered around the room, seeing maps and designs on the wall, pictures of different ponies and creatures taped onto a board, a full-length mirror, and a walk-in closet right beside a bathroom.

"This isn't Celly's room, is it?" She asked, her face flushed in embarrassment.

"No." Blueblood answered blankly, "Celestia is two doors to the right." His eyes twitched as he fought off a yawn.

"We see..." Luna nodded in understanding before she spread apart her front legs to show him what she held, "Friend Blueblood, Look! An Opossum!"

Held close to Princess Luna was an Opossum, covered in gray fur with a white head and a long pink bald tail, small pink paws at the ends of its limbs.

"We have decided to call him Tibbles! It is short for Tiberius, Clever aren't we?" The Princess of the night smiled proudly at her choice of pet, closing her eyes and waiting for her friend to agree with her.

"Luna..." Blueblood tiredly said.

"Yes, Friend Blueblood?"

"Do you know what time it is?"

"Why of course!" Luna nodded her head, and with her eyes still closed and a smile on her face, she said "It's Five-thirty in the morning."

"Good," Blueblood said as he turned away from her and went back to bed, "Wake me up in Ninety minutes." He told her.

Slowly opening her eyes, Luna noticed that the Prince was no longer standing before her.

Seeing as he returned to sleep, A mischievous grin crossed Luna's face as she sneaked out of his room, not bothering to close the window she came in from, and started her masterful prank.

"Now where did we keep those petals..."


My eyelids twitched as I heard the sound of someone snickering above me.

"Oh this is going to be so good," I heard Luna whisper with a snicker before I felt something gently touch my forehead.

And then I fell off the bed.

Quickly opening my eyes, I sat up to see that I wasn't off the bed. I was inside it. Princess Luna lay on her back as she laughed out loud at whatever it was that she'd done to me.

I stood up, my legs wiggling slightly as I tried to find my balance while I walked through my bed as if it were an illusion, and stood above Luna.

"Oh, this is so funny!" She laughed as she rolled on my floor, the disease-carrying pest she decided to keep was hanging on to her mane.

"Yes, Very Funny," I answered in a monotone voice as I stared down at the Alicorn lying on my floor.

"We know," Luna smiled as she looked up at me from her spot on the floor, "Do not worry Friend Blueblood, the cure for your condition should be ready by the evening,"

I froze at that. My eyes quickly flicked to the calendar hanging on my wall.


Oh wait, this is a Prank. Of course.

"Ahaha, Yes what a funny Joke this is Luna, now let's be serious, where's the antidote to whatever it is you gave me," I asked with a smile, She almost got me with that joke of hers, I was really starting to panic for a moment.

How unbecoming of me.

"The ingredients for the cure will arrive in the evening," Luna said with a smile, the Opossum in her mane turning to look at me before it returned to playing with her hair.

I waited for her to say Sike, because of course she would.

And then I waited some more, A relaxed smile on my face as I stared down into Luna's Cyan eyes, Still waiting for her to say the words and give me the cure.

 "Are you not going to laugh some more?" Luna asked, acting as if we were having a totally normal interaction as if she wasn't lying on her back on the floor of my bedroom.

"I fail to see what I should be laughing about?" I told her, still waiting for her to drop the act and give me the cure.

Because there is a cure, for obvious reasons.

Who in their right mind would drug someone without an antidote on standby? You always need an antidote for the victim, and an extra antidote in case something happens to the first antidote. That's the basics of Poisoning 101.

Still waiting for Luna to tell me she was just pranking me before giving the cure, I went to open my closet.

Only to have my hoof pass through the handle.

With a twitch of annoyance to the eye, I used my magic to open the closet and levitated out a suit.

I had to make sure I looked good, I had several meetings today and I couldn't afford to give off a bad impression.

My eye twitched once again as the sharp, charcoal grey suit with gold buttons that I picked passed through my body as if it were an Illusion.

"Luna," I started, my eyes looking at myself in the mirror as I magically picked up my suit from the ground, "this isn't that funny," I stared at her reflection in the mirror, "Give me the cure."

Luna's smile seemed to lower as she sheepishly rubbed the back of her neck.

"Emm, We already said it'll be ready in the evening." She smiled sheepishly as she looked away.

"You're joking, please stop. I'm being serious." I stared at her intently through the reflection, "Give me the cure,"

"We can't, We already said-" Whatever Luna planned to say was cut off as my hoof passed through her head.

I stared at the hoof I raised before I retracted my limb, staring at the leg as I hummed to myself.

"Intangibility... Shit."


Princess Luna felt her breath stop in shock as the hoof passed through her face.

"Intangibility... Shit." Luna's ears flicked as she heard her friend say those words.

"Blueblood... Did you just-" Luna tried to speak but Blueblood didn't seem to hear her.

"Shit Shit Shit," Blueblood said, staring at his hoof as he walked around his room.

"Shit Shit Shit Shit Shit Shitting Shit Fucking Dammit Fuck Fuck Shit Fucking Shit Shit Fuck Fuck Fuck Fucking Fuck God Dammit Fucking Shit Fuck!"

Luna watched with wide eyes as her Friend fell to his knees, the tirade of curses leaving his mouth seemingly with no end spilled from his mouth as he kept cursing before he shouted out,


Holding his head in his legs for a couple of moments, only to quickly stand up and shake his head, his face clear of any anger or hint that something was wrong.

"Luna?" he called simply, His eyes staring at the door to his Bedroom.

"Yes, Friend Blueblood?" Luna answered, sitting up from her spot on the floor.

"You are going to help me do my job today. Understood?" He said more than he asked, a glow of his horn pulled several papers from his table and put them into a small bag before an Illusion of the suit he wanted to wear appeared over him.

"We understand..." Luna sighed as she stood up, grabbing the bag with papers that Blueblood handed her before the two left the room.

It was as the two were walking down the corridor, that Luna asked him the question she meant to ask him five minutes before.

"Did you try and punch our face?" She asked incredulously, Tiberius holding on to her mane as he two stared at Blueblood with amazement.

"Of course I did, I had to prove whether whatever you did to me made me intangible to living beings as well as inanimate objects." He explained.

"Wha- So why punch our face? You could have tapped our shoulder."

"Because I had a perfectly good excuse to Punch a Princess in the face without facing any consequences for it, I saw an opportunity and I took it." He told her, a small smirk appearing on his face as he started to return to a more cheerful mood.

"Oh." Luna nodded in understanding before another thought popped into her head.

"What would have happened if you weren't intangible to Living Creatures?"

Blueblood simply stared at her, before his horn glowed as a miniature illusion of Luna lying on her back appeared before her eyes, followed by a miniature illusion of Blueblood punching her in the face, the force of the hit cracking the illusionary floor beneath her head as her eyes were replaced with two spinning swirls.

Luna stared blankly at the knocked-out Illusion before scoffing and turning to look at Blueblood, "It would take more than that to take us down," She told him with a smirk, her eyes staring into his as if inviting a challenge.

A Challenge Blueblood was all too eager to accept.

"Tomorrow we'll see how true that is," He smiled widely at her, his toothy grin seeming somewhat feral in the light of the sun coming through the window.

"Very well," Luna nodded at her friend, "Tomorrow we shall spar, We have not fought any creature since Nightmare Moon returned, and we do not wish to become rusted."

"Haha!" Blueblood barked out a laugh, "I aim to please," He smirked his feral smile at her before he continued walking.

And seeing him walk away, Luna nodded to herself.

"You aren't as complicated as you look," She thought to herself as she watched him walk away before she started trotting after him. Her little Tibbles still holding onto her mane.