
Chapter 113: A Canterlot Wedding 4

It was time for the wedding rehearsal, Shining Armor was standing to the right at the end of an aisle with a long red carpet inside one of the castle's halls that remodeled to fit the occasion.

Princess Celestia smiled softly as she guided the Elements of Harmony, the new Bridesmaids, as they walked up the aisle to stand to the left at the end.

"Very good girls," The Princess of the Sun smiled as she turned to the door at the entrance of the hall, "Now in comes Cadance," She said, a pair of guards standing beside the door silently pulled the large doors open with their magic, letting the Princess of Love enter and walk down the aisle, stand in front of her bridesmaids, across from the groom, and smile as the two locked horns in affection.

"I'll say a few words, and then we'll begin with the vows," Celestia told the ponies how the wedding was to go, "Shining Armor," She looked at the groom, "You'll get your ring from your best mare," Shining Armor turned to his best mare, only to find that she wasn't there.

"Hey, has any pony seen Twilight?" He asked with a frown, looking at the bridesmaids to see if they know anything.

As Shining Armor asked the question, the doors to the hall once again opened, revealing a tired-looking and haggard Twilight Sparkle.

"Oh no... She didn't sleep, did she?" Fluttershy whispered as she leaned closer to Rainbow Dash.

"Knowing Twilight? I don't think so..." Rainbow Dash looked on as Twilight opened her mouth.

"I'm here!" She yelled, her voice echoing in the hall, "And I'm not going to stand next to her! And neither should you!"

"Rarity, you said a good night's sleep will make things better for her," Applejack whispered to Rarity, eyes watching Twilight with worry.

"And it would have if she bothered to sleep at all!" Rarity quietly hissed back, "I should have known something like this would happen with her, I would have sent Pinkie Pie to make sure she was actually asleep!"

"Why are we all whispering? Is it because Twilight looks grumpy? I don't want her to make the Princess feel bad, that's going to make us look like horrible bridesmaids, right?" Pinkie Pie joined the rest of the girls in whispering.

Shining Armor smiled awkwardly as he looked around, "I'm sorry, I don't know why she's like this," He tried to salvage the situation, waving his hooves beneath him in an attempt to send a message to Twilight, telling her to stop whatever she planned to do.

"It's fine, Darling, I'm sure our dear Twilight is merely overreacting, you did say she was prone to do that," Cadance said with a scowl as she turned to look at the Element of Magic, "It's merely jealousy, nothing to worry about,"

"It's not jealousy!" Twilight walked forward before lifting a leg and pointing it directly at the Princess, "She's evil!"

"Twilight, Darling, the princess has been nothing but a gem to us, she's not evil," Rarity tried to speak, her voice drowned out by the rest of the girls murmuring about Twilight's accusation.

"She's been horrible to my friends!" Twilight teleported to the end of the aisle, horn pointing at Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, "She's obviously done something to her bridesmaids!" She continued as she walked towards Cadance, horn aimed at her face, forcing the princess to start walking backward and away from the sharp natural weapon, "And if that wasn't enough, I saw her put a spell on my brother that made his eyes go all-" Twilight turned to look at the rest of the room, making circle motions with her hooves as she stuck her tongue out, holding her legs over her eyes before she turned back to Cadance, a smug smile on her face as she looked into her eyes.

Twilight smugly watched as Cadance's facade of false perfection crumbled, now she will reveal to the world her real self and all the evil she- Is she crying?

"Why- Why are you doing this to me?" Cadance cried, tears rolling down her face as she turned away from Twilight and ran out of the room, crying all the while.

"Because you're evil! You're the reason Blueblood is missing, and you're going to ruin my brother's life!" Twilight yelled after her, but she was too far to hear.

And with a proud smile on her face, Twilight turned to the rest of the hall.

And was met with the disappointed face of her big brother.

"You want to know why my eyes went all-" Her spun his eyes around, "Because ever since I started having to perform my protection spell, I've been getting terrible migraines, Cadance hasn't been casting spells on me because she's 'Evil', She's been using her magic to heal me!"

Twilight's proud smile was gone from her face, replaced with a frown of worry.

"And she decided to replace her bridesmaids because she found out the only reason they wanted to be in the wedding was so they could meet Canterlot royalty, And if she hasn't been on her best behavior with your friends, it's because with me being so busy she's had to make all the decisions for the wedding herself!" Shining Armor took a deep breath to steady himself, "And the reason Blueblood isn't in the castle is because he was moved to a secure location only he and Princess Luna know about, Cadance has nothing to do with him or the threat against Canterlot for that matter!"

"And the reason she's done all these things is because she wants out big day to be perfect!" Shining Armor stomped his hoofs on the carpet before turning to angrily glare at his sister, "Something that obviously wasn't important to you!" Shining Armor scrunched his face as his leg moved to grab his head, another migraine hitting him.

"Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go comfort my bride," And with those parting words, Shining Armor started to leave the wedding hall, "And you can forget about being my best mare! If I were you... I'd forget about showing up to the wedding at all..." And with that, he walked away.

Twilight turned away from her brother's retreating form to look at her friends.

"...I'm gonna' go check on the princess," Applejack said sadly as she walked away, followed by Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, and Spike. Leaving Twilight alone with Rarity.

"I'm sorry..." Twilight whispered as she lowered her head, "You can go comfort Cadance, she needs it more than me," Twilight waited to hear Rarity's footsteps walking away, instead she felt her warm legs pull her into a hug.

"Cadance has enough comfort," Rarity whispered as she rubbed Twilight's back, "Someone needs to stay here to comfort you after this," She told her, Twilight felt her eyes getting wet.

"I messed up, didn't I?" She sniffed, tears starting to escape her eyes.

"You did," Rarity said softly, "But you messed up for a good reason,"

"...What?" Twilight sniffed, wiping some snot from her nose as she pulled out of the hug to look into Rarity's eyes.

"You thought you were doing good, even if you wound up messing it up, That means you messed up for a good reason," Rarity told her.

"But... I'm a horrible friend!" Twilight cried.

"No, you're not," Rarity simply shook her head, "I'm the horrible friend here,"

"Bwuh?" Twilight made a confused sound as she looked at Rarity.

"I know how you are, I should have tried harder to make you see how you were overthinking everything, instead I simply told you to sleep it off, That's not how a good friend should act," Rarity shook her head as she tried to pull Twilight back into a hug.

"Wha- no! I'm the horrible friend! I should have listened and trusted you all when you told me I was overthinking! Now the wedding is ruined!"

"Twilight, you didn't ruin the wedding, Your brother might be a bit angry at you, but he'll return to normal sooner or later, he's your BBBFF, isn't he?" Rarity rubbed Twilight's back.

"Y-Yeah, You're right," Twilight nodded at Rarity's words.

"Of course I'm right Darling, when have I ever been wrong?" Rarity let out a haughty laugh, lightening the mood in her usual dramatic fashion.

"I should go apologize to Cadance... I know she probably doesn't want to see me, but... I need to do this," Twilight rubbed the tears from her eyes, "Thanks Rarity, you're the best!"

"You know I am!" Rarity laughed, "Just don't tell the others I did this, I don't want them to get jealous hearing that I'm better than them," Her lips curled into a coy smile, "I know they probably think so already, but It's just rude to give them confirmation, you know? Haha, I'm merely kidding Darling, go tell the Princess you're sorry!"

"In a moment," Twilight smiled at her, "I need to think of a proper apology first,"

Rarity nodded to her, "You do that then, good luck," Rarity gave her one last nod before she too left the hall in search of the Princess.

Twilight watched her leave before she turned around once more, only to find herself staring up at the frowning face of "Princess Celestia! I didn't notice you were still here!" Twilight hurriedly said, "I'm sorry for-" She wanted to apologize, only for Celestia to place a hoof over her mouth.

"Shush," Celestia told Twilight, "I heard enough. Do not worry, I am not mad at you, I merely expected better, especially during a time like this," Celestia sighed as she sat down next to Twilight.

"The reason your brother is so busy, and why Cadance is acting stranger than you might remember, and even the reason Luna took Blueblood to a place away from the Castle, is because of something that happened roughly three weeks ago,"

"The threat to Canterlot..." Twilight whispered as she watched Celestia turn to look out the window, at the sparkling pink shield that surrounded the city.

"It's from an old enemy of mine, one who resurfaced months ago after I defeated her almost one thousand years ago, and now she's aiming for revenge," Celestia spoke, her eyes staring at the sky beyond the shield, "She has made several attempts on the Crown, and her recent attempt..." Celestia let out a tired sigh, "She almost killed Blueblood."

Twilight gasped at those words, words that explained so much of what was missing.

"He managed to fight her off, but he suffered great injuries and hasn't left his room ever since he returned, and now Luna moved him to a secure location away from the Castle," Celestia shook her head, "Cadance has a lot on her plate, Twilight, We both know she didn't mean to come off the way she did, but the stress of both the attempt on her cousin's life and the upcoming wedding, it really takes its toll on her." She moved a lug to pat Twilight's back.

"Don't worry about what happened here," Celestia turned to smile tiredly at Twilight, "You're still my pupil, Twilight Sparkle, a mistake like this isn't nearly big enough to change that," She pat her back once more before she stood up, "And do take some rest, and listen to your friends more often, they worry about you," She said before she walked away, leaving Twilight alone to think of an apology that would hopefully make Cadance forgive her.


Twilight was pacing around the wedding hall, thinking of ways to apologize, when she heard the clopping sound of hooves coming her way.

She paused her pacing and turned to see Princess Cadance closing the doors behind her.

Now was the time to apologize.

"Cadance, I- I shouldn't have called you evil, I was wrong, I should have listened to my friends more instead of trying to search for proof of a crime you never committed! What I'm trying to say is this, I'm sorry~" Twilight bowed to the pink Alicorn, hearing her hooves keep walking closer to her.

It was when she felt Cadance's legs gently hold her shoulders that she looked up, watching the soft and loving smile on the princess's face, "You're right,"

"Yes, I'm... What?" Twilight repeated Cadance's words, only to pause in confusion as they didn't make sense to her.

"You're right," Cadance repeated, her gentle eyes staring softly into Twilight's purple orbs, "You will be sorry~" her soft gaze turned malicious, "Because you were right," A green glow escaped her horn as suddenly all the windows of the hall got covered by the drapes, sigils of soundproofing magic surrounding the hall as Cadance's smile spread on her face, "I am evil~"

And that was all the warning Twilight got before she felt something impact her stomach, causing her to cough loudly as she fell to the ground.

She tried to teleport away, but Cadance grabbed her with her magic, holding her down on the ground.

"Why- ACK!" Twilight tried to ask Cadance what she was doing, but before she could finish the question, Cadance kicked her in the side, her ribs aching as her vision went blurry for a few moments.

"I was so close," Cadance spoke, her leg sharply kicking the downed Twilight in the ribs, a sadistic smile on her face, "So close to killing that bitch in front of an entire crowd, but you just had to dig your nose into where you don't belong," Another kick, another scream of pain that no one could hear, "I was finally going to get my revenge, and then I could finally begin the true plan, but you-" Another kick, "You stupid-" Another, "Insignificant-" and another, "Little wretch! Are you trying to get in the way of Its perfection?! Do you not realize the scale of my plan?!" Cadance kept kicking Twilight, who was currently too busy biting her cheek in an attempt to deal with the pain.

"I'm doing this for Love!" Another kick forced Twilight to open her mouth, coughing out a small pool of spit, "True Perfect Love! A hideous little wretch like you could never understand!"

"..." Twilight struggled to talk, her torso ached and her lungs felt like they were on fire, "I won't..."

"What was that? Are you trying to speak to me?" Cadance scowled at Twilight's prone body, "An insignificant little wretch like you dares to raise her voice? I must commend you, I was sure you would have understood that I care not for your words," She shrugged her shoulders, "But do not let it be said that It wasn't a merciful being, So as the one who shall become the truth that mirrors It's lies, I shall let you speak, puny wretch, go on then."

"...I won't let you marry my brother!" Twilight, through grit teeth and inflamed lungs, managed to bark out.

"...Heh..." Cadance chuckled softly, her eyes staring down at Twilight, "...Hehehe... Hehehehehahahaha! Hahahaha! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! MARRY HIM?!" She yelled, "Why would I ever want to marry a useless little wretch like him?!" She continued to laugh, looking down at the unicorn at her feet as if she told the funniest joke in the world.

"You... You actually thought I was marrying him because I wanted to? Oh! Don't make me laugh! He's a tool! A tool to get close to Celestia, you idiot! The only creature remaining in this world that is worthy of marrying It is currently held in my captivity, but don't worry, he's not alone!" Cadance laughed loudly as a circle of green fire surrounded Twilight, "WHY DON'T YOU GO SAY HI?! HAHAHAHAHA!!!!"

Twilight couldn't do anything as the circle of flames turned into a dome, a bubble of green magic that surrounded her as she sunk into the ground, forced to watch in silent horror the sadistic look on Cadance's eyes as she sunk deeper into the earth.

And then she was gone.


Princess Cadance smiled softly as she exited the wedding hall, not noticing the invisible pair of eyes that stayed in the corner of the hall since the moment the rehearsal began.

"We got our confirmation," Starlight Glimmer smirked under an Illusion of invisibility, all the time she spent training with Blueblood finally paying off as she silently teleported away from the hall, ready to deliver the news to the Princess of Dreams.


Twilight gasped in pain as she opened her eyes, finding herself inside a cave surrounded by sharp crystal protrusions.

"I need to get to Celestia!" She told herself, using her horn as a light source as she painfully stood up, deep and pained breaths leaving her as her ribs ached at her attempts to move.

Without looking where she was going, Twilight Sparkle blasted a hole in the crystal wall that surrounded her as she started to make her way out of wherever she was.

Whenever she encountered a wall, she would blast a hole through it, uncaring of the stability of the cave walls around her.

Lives were in danger, she had to hurry!

It was after blasting another wall open, that her eyes shrunk into pinpricks as she spotted the mare that sent her here in the first place.

"Wait! Twili-" She didn't let her finish speaking as she fired a beam of magic at the evil Alicorn, only to be tackled to the ground from the side, watching her beam miss Cadance entirely and blow a hole in the wall behind her.

"Librarian! What in the world do you think you're doing?!" She heard the Pony above her shout, and her eyes widened in recognition.

"Prince Blueblood?!" Twilight exclaimed, "But-" she turned to look at Cadance, thin and haggard, as if she had barely eaten anything in days, "But-" Her words were stuck in her throat as her mind placed two and two together.

"You almost collapsed the entire cave over us!" The Prince yelled in her ears, but she wasn't listening, her eyes were tearing at the sight of the princess.

The Real Princess.

"Cadance..." Twilight sniffled before she dashed ahead, pushing the Prince off of her as she leaped into the princess, pulling her into a hug, "You're not evil!" She cried happily, tears of relief rolling down her face as she hugged the real Alicorn of Love.

"Why would I be evil?" Cadance asked as she rubbed Twilight's back, "No, never mind that! Bluey! Twilight blasted the wall open!"

"If what you meant to say was break every rule of mining and excavation safety in the book, then yes, she blasted the wall open..." Prince Blueblood grumbled as he stood up from where Twilight threw him, allowing Twilight to get a look at him.

He looked like Cadance, tired and filthy, thinner than normal, and worst of all, injured.

"An attempt was made on his life," Her brain reminded her, "But the one who returned to the castle was an Imposter! The Real Blueblood never got the medical treatment he needed!"

"We need to get out of here now! We need to stop Cadance- The Impostor Cadance, from doing what she plans to do!" Twilight told the two ponies, "Let's get out of here, now!" With a yell, she turned to the hole she created in the wall and started running, hearing the two ponies run after her.

They had a wedding to crash.