
Trapped in the hands of a devil

Trapped in the hands of a Devil. "Why did you poison my drink?" He asked, his dark red eyes glaring down at her. Her eyes widened, her face paling at the accusation. "I... I didn't..." She stammered, shaking her head in denial. "it's not poison!" It couldn't have been. "Very well then." He grinned, his unusually long canines coming into view. "Drink up." There, she knew she'd gotten herself into trouble. . . . It was supposed to be an easy task but when the devilish Devon Dwayne accused her of spiking his drink, Leticia Andros found herself thrust into a completely different world at the mercy of a man she barely knew. And he had no intention of letting her go. He planned on tearing her apart, bit by bit but the more he tried, the harder he failed, making him realise she's a lot more than she looked. Perhaps she could be used to his advantage. But the longer Leticia stayed there, the more dangers lurked around her yet she must confront her emotions and fight her growing affection towards Devon. Will Leticia break free from his clutches and find a way to take control of her own destiny? Or will she give in to the threats that looms over her? . . " Call me a devil or whatever you wish to. But then know this. Once you're in, there is no way out. You are trapped in the hands of this devil. YOU ARE MINE".

Bleeding_Ink · Kỳ huyễn
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33 Chs

Runaway Princess.

"So, how about you just stick to me? I'll keep you safe," Devon said with a devious grin. Leticia didn't trust that charming grin on his stunning face,"Why? I tried to kill you, you know."

Devon nodded, almost his eyes rolling in exasperation. "I know, I remember clearly. But I did my investigation. You were used, Leticia. Partly because you're dumb and mostly because you're ignorant."

Leticia's face scrunched up in confusion, choosing to ignore that he'd just called eh dumb, "Ignorant of what?"

Devon shrugged and looked away, his expression unreadable.

"Tell me," she urged, her voice laced with curiosity. He raised a brow at her, a sly smile playing on his lips. "Bribe me."

Leticia sighed in frustration, her big opal eyes darting around the beautiful garden before landing on the flowers. She walked over to them, her face lighting up with excitement, something she hasn't felt in days.

Devon watched her, his mind wandering. 'Wow, she's so gorgeous.' She's damn charming without even trying. He thought, almost surprised by his own musings, but he didn't give it much thought.

Finally, she beamed and plucked a flower. She grinned and walked towards him, her right hand behind her back. She took a breath before making pleading puppy eyes, reaching out to give him the flower, "Tell me."

He looked away from her charming eyes and at the flower. It's a single daisy. He narrowed his gaze, "Why did you pick a daisy?"

Leticia smiled slightly at the flower, "It signifies warmth" before he could ask further, she said "I am giving you this so your heart would warm up and you'll tell me."

Devon smiled inwardly, impressed by her cleverness but then he just looked away from the flower, "I don't want it." His reply was suddenly cold and it was like he'd thought she was dumb. He'd said it anyway.

Leticia's hand fell, and so did her heart. "oh..." Sadness laced her voice. She honestly felt rejected even if she has no right to. Who was she? His slave that he could treat anyhow he wanted.

Devon noticed her reaction and asked, "You know why?" She didn't wish to, so she shrugged and turned away uncaringly.

Devon frowned at her attitude and he called her name, his voice firm. "Leticia!" She didn't answer. "Leticia! Look at me when I'm talking to you! How dare you ignore me?"He snapped, his voice dripping with a dangerous type of annoyance.

But Leticia didn't know where the courage came from. She didn't answer. Suddenly, he grabbed her shoulder and forcefully turned her to face him. She yelped a bit, surprised.

He wasn't looking very satisfied with her behaviour, 'Good. Now, he's gonna punish me. Good Leticia.' But to her surprise, he merely frowned and muttered, "You're seriously stubborn. I'll punish you if you're not careful."

"You know what? Punish me! Kill me, in fact! You are my master after all." She felt really annoyed that she didn't even know when she blurted that and she felt stupid immediately. She really needed to appreciate the fact that this guy isn't treating her as horribly someone else would. But the frustration of her being confined alone made her want to burst.

He frowned deeper, "Bolder, I see." Leticia blinked, wanting to apologise, "I..." but her words trailed off. He only nodded and let go of her. "Get out," he ordered, his voice firm.

Leticia wanted to say something, but he looked at her and growled coldly, "Get the hell out of my sight!!" She quickly rushed away. She rushed back to her room but on her way, she bumped hard into someone as she turned a corner and a cry left her lips.

Looking up, she realized it was Quynn, his lavender scent giving him away. She almost fell, but he immediately held her and steadied her with a tiny frown. "You should watch where you're going," he spoke quickly, yet without rushing.

Leticia nodded and said, "Thanks," before quickly walking away. She didn't notice Quynn looking at her. He looked away, then down at his own hand, which was now a glowing red. The pain came along with the glow too.

He remembered the sting he felt when he held her, a sensation that spread all over his body and the hotness of his palm. He stared, wondering, "What is that supposed to mean?"


Declan frowned when the door of his office burst open and someone barged in. He glared, ready to reprimand the intruder, but his gaze softened as he took in the lady's displeased expression.

Her coily blonde hair cascaded down to her waist, and her ocean blue eyes flashed with irritation. She looked nothing less than beautiful in the red dress she wore.

"What do we have here, a runaway Princess? Are you fleeing again? Need this prince charming's help?" He teased, running his fingers through his dark hair.

She rolled her eyes, "Seriously, Declan?"

He grinned, unfazed. "Oh, okay. What did I do this time?"

She took a seat, her expression unyielding. "What the heck did you and your psycho cousin do to my sister?"

Declan's smile faltered, and he paused,as if taken aback. "I'm pretty sure you have two brothers. Or has the royal family been hiding another beautiful princess?"

She eyed him, her gaze piercing. "I'm talking about Leticia."

Declan's frown deepened, his expression confused, "You know her?" She nodded, her voice low. "She's my Aunt's daughter.

Declan stared at her, his expression puzzled. "Aunt..." he trailed off, but she cut him off, her tone firm.

"Look, I'm really not here to chitchat. Where are you keeping her?" Declan grinned, his eyes glinting with amusement. "That question should be directed at Devon." Her glare intensified, her eyes blazing with annoyance but Declan only chuckled because he was used to it.

"I know, but I want you to go to him and tell him to release her. Why, in fact is he keeping her? Does she look like an asset to him?"

Declan shrugged, his shoulders rising in a casual gesture. "How would I know?"

Her voice dripped with sarcasm. "You should. You're his other half of a psycho."

Declan raised a brow, his expression mock-offended. "How'd you find out?"

"Her father. He's my uncle." Alisha replied, glancing around the neat office.

"Well, Leticia tried to poison Devon so..."

"... What? When?" Alisha was shocked, her eyes wide.

"Of course. She was used. You know anyone named Manuel?" Declan asked, his tone casual. She thought for a moment, her brow furrowed in concentration. "I don't think I do..."

Declan nodded, his expression thoughtful. "Hmn... well, Manuel has a plan, and it's to send Leticia to Devon and just leaving her there. Because if he actually planned on killing Devon, he would have sent a skilled person. So he obviously sent Leticia there to be killed."

Her eyes narrowed,"Why?" Declan smirked, his eyes glinting with mischief. "But then, your sister is one of a kind, Princess. She literally saw through our eyes."

"How? Uncle Ethan said there shouldn't be anything left." She asked, her brow furrowed in confusion. Immediately, Declan knew what she was talking about.

"Which is why I'm shocked. You know Erez?" Declan asked, his eyes serious.

She nodded, "Yes. Lord Erez. Lady Jacinta's husband. Any problem?"

"We really want to get her out." Declan said and Alisha stared at him incredulously. "She's weakening and she needs our help. To defeat someone like Erez and to get away with it without any problems, we need a royal backup. You know, if we just kill him, another round of shitty war."

"Yes. Yes." Alisha nodded, listening intently and wondering where Declan was taking it to.

"We need a mythic's help, and none of you except your king has the right to kill an important mythic like Erez. So, since Leticia doesn't know anything about anything, it'll be easy to get her help. If she helps us with Erez, she won't be punished because she doesn't know the law and we'll prevent war. "

She raised her brows, her expression disapproving. "You're using her."

"In an innocent sort of way. Besides, she has every right to say no." Declan defended, his grin mischievous.

She nodded, her eyes still skeptical. Declan grinned, "Well, Princess Alisha. How is your papa?"

"Good," she replied, her tone curt.

"Ha. He wouldn't be happy to find you here. With someone like me, together, in a closed room." Declan teased, his red eyes darkening with amusement.

"You think beyond, Declan. Besides, you're not my type." She retorted, rolling her eyes.

"So... You like cat boys?" Declan asked, his tone playful. She threw a stapler at his face, but he caught it swiftly. "Rude," he laughed.

She stood up, her expression stern. "I'll see you soon. I want to see Devon."

Declan nodded, "Just call me." She nodded and walked to the door, then turned to smile at him for the first time ever since she's entered the office. "Bye. And thanks."

A soft smile grazed his face. "Anytime, Princess." She smiled and walked out. Declan breathed out and breathed in again, then picked up his phone to call Devon.



Alisha sighed, her mind racing with thoughts of rescuing Leticia. Maybe she should have just burst into Devon's house and fled with her, but knowing Devon, that wasn't the best option.

So, she had to seek out Declan, a friend she shouldn't have, given their families' rivalry. His father was a wealthy lord from a neighboring country that had long been at odds with their own country.

She met Declan the previous year, when her father tried to marry her off to some prince as a peace pact, but Alisha had protested vehemently. With only three days to go before the wedding, she had taken matters into her own hands and fled.

Leaving the castle had been an accomplishment in itself. "Okay, just get out of this place and hide until the stupid wedding passes," she had murmured to herself, looking around in the deep forest. It was already dark, and she knew she wasn't safe, but to her, it was better than marrying a womanizing, bloodthirsty prince.

Suddenly, a group of men surrounded her, their crazy red eyes fixed on her. "Oh, isn't she their Princess?" one of them sneered, his eyes roving over her. "She's one rare beauty," another one leered, licking his lips.

Alisha's heart raced as she realized the danger she was in. She had to think fast if she wanted to escape alive. Little did she know, this encounter would change her life forever.

"Let's have fun with her!" another suggested, and they all agreed. Alisha shuddered, knowing their idea of fun was far from innocent. They would rape her and leave her for dead. "You wouldn't dare," she snarled, raising her hands, and the sand around them began to swirl harshly. The men had to hold onto something to avoid being swept away.

"Be careful, she controls the five elements," one of them warned, but another just screamed, "Get her!"

The twelve of them charged at her but the sand threw two of them back,leaving only 10 left.

Alisha fought back, but she was outnumbered. Just as she was about to give up and send for her brother through the crystal necklace she wore, two of the men fell dead.

Alisha gasped, watching a male shadow kill the rest. She wanted to run, but her feet wouldn't move. Before she knew it, all rest of them were dead and like a flash, the killer turned to her turned to her.

"Hmm, a Princess. I see," he chuckled darkly, walking towards her. Alisha was about to take a step back, but then she saw his face. She froze, thinking, "Death for me tonight."

His bright red eyes scanned her from head to toe, and a sly smile graced his pink lips. "I'm Declan. Nice to meet you,"

Alisha narrowed her gaze, not trusting him one bit, "Thank you for your help, but I must go," Alisha said, trying to sound cool despite her shaky voice. She's never met one of them before! And tonight, she's met thirteen!

"It's pretty risky," Declan replied, his red eyes gleaming with amusement. "Who knows who would try to kill you again? I have no idea why you aren't asleep in your room, on your silk bed , but it seems serious."

Alisha looked away, trying hard to control her heartbeat so he wouldn't hear her fear. The wind was harsh and cold and she shivered.

" Wait, aren't you marrying Prince Rocco tomorrow?" His eyes lit up with understanding and a mocking smirk dominated his beautiful face. "Don't tell me you're running away."

Alisha glared, her cheeks flaming red. "And what are you going to do?" she snapped.

"Be a good Samaritan and return you to your father," Declan said, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

Alisha shook her head vigorously, her heart starting to race again, "Anywhere but there."

Declan moved forward, and she took steps back, her eyes fixed on him warily. If she dropped her guard for a second, this red-eyed guy would waste her. They weren't to be trusted.

"How about I take you to the city? I believe you have a place there," Declan suggested, his eyes glinting with mischief.

"H... How'd you know?" Alisha stammered, her mind racing.

"Should I? Yes or No," Declan replied, sounding like he had more important things to do

Alisha was disturbed. If she said no, he'd leave her stranded here, and if she said yes, he could just decide to kidnap her. After a long thought, she reluctantly said, "Fine."

Declan squatted before her, his back to her, čHop on!"

Alisha gawked down at him, her face burning. "I... I can't do that..."

Not looking at her, Declan said, "The force of pulling you at such speed might kill you. So, choose one."

Reluctantly, she climbed onto his back, and he stood up effortlessly, his hands supporting her. To her surprise, he actually took her to her house, and from that day on, he became a good friend, helping her escape her arranged marriage to Prince Rocco in a way she didn't even wish to talk about...

So, what do you think? Please let me know.

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