
Trapped in the hands of a devil

Trapped in the hands of a Devil. "Why did you poison my drink?" He asked, his dark red eyes glaring down at her. Her eyes widened, her face paling at the accusation. "I... I didn't..." She stammered, shaking her head in denial. "it's not poison!" It couldn't have been. "Very well then." He grinned, his unusually long canines coming into view. "Drink up." There, she knew she'd gotten herself into trouble. . . . It was supposed to be an easy task but when the devilish Devon Dwayne accused her of spiking his drink, Leticia Andros found herself thrust into a completely different world at the mercy of a man she barely knew. And he had no intention of letting her go. He planned on tearing her apart, bit by bit but the more he tried, the harder he failed, making him realise she's a lot more than she looked. Perhaps she could be used to his advantage. But the longer Leticia stayed there, the more dangers lurked around her yet she must confront her emotions and fight her growing affection towards Devon. Will Leticia break free from his clutches and find a way to take control of her own destiny? Or will she give in to the threats that looms over her? . . " Call me a devil or whatever you wish to. But then know this. Once you're in, there is no way out. You are trapped in the hands of this devil. YOU ARE MINE".

Bleeding_Ink · Kỳ huyễn
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33 Chs

Hate how you look at him


Leticia gazed at the orbs containing her and her elder sister's powers or energies as the Mythics called it. "So... I'm just supposed to swallow these?" she asked, her voice laced with confusion. They looked like glowing pearls and she's never seen anything like them.

Ethan nodded casually, his expression reassuring. "Hmn, yeah. Just make sure you take them before midnight."

Leticia's brow furrowed but she nodded in understanding. "Oh, okay... So, what's going to happen to me?" she asked, her eyes locked on her father's.

He offered a comforting smile. "Nothing, actually. Your system will just change a bit. But don't worry, Devon will handle it." He paused, his eyes scanning the luxurious area. "By the way, where is he?"

Leticia shrugged, her shoulders rising in a gentle motion. "Out, I guess. I haven't seen him all day."

Ethan's expression turned thoughtful, his eyes narrowing slightly. "Okay..."

Leticia's face scrunched up in a pout. "When are you going to come with Lilian? I've missed her."

Ethan chuckled, his eyes crinkling at the corners and he kissed her cheek lightly. "Next time, I promise. It's late. Goodnight, baby."

"Bye daddy!" Leticia smiled as he rose and she stood up too. He gave her another smile before walking out of the silent living room. Leticia watched as he left and a sigh escaped her lips.



Leticia strolled out of the library, her mind filled with newfound knowledge about Mythics and their energy-harnessing abilities. She suddenly couldn't wait to start her training sessions with Devon. Speaking of, she's not seen him for about two days now. The last time she saw him was when Manuel came. She sighed in irritation. He's always disappearing.

She made a metal note to ask him for her phone. It's definitely with him. She strolled leisurely to her room, recalling taking the orbs the previous night.

She had expected some transformation. Not that she's expecting herself to grow wings and fly or something, but she'd expected a tiny change...no matter how small, but nothing seemed to have changed. Shrugging it off, she continued her stroll until a familiar presence caught her attention. The scent of fresh camomile wafted through the air, and she looked up to see Luis approaching her.

With a bright smile, she embraced him. "Hey Luis, it's been a while!"

"Yeah, how have you been?" He asked, his warm smile matching hers. He was dressed casually and looking proper as usual.

Leticia stepped back, her eyes sparkling. "Good! But bored. Did you come back with Devon?"

Luis nodded, his smile growing wider. "Sure did. And he wants to see you."

Leticia's face lit up with excitement. "Ok, ok!"

Luis chuckled and gestured for her to follow him. They walked to the garden, where Luis stopped and said, "He'll be here." With that, he left Leticia alone, leaving her confused.

The cold, wet wind enveloped her, and she hugged herself, wondering why Devon wanted her to come out this late.The dark clouds obstructed the stars, and the only sound was the wind rustling through the trees. Suddenly, a familiar voice pierced the silence. "Leticia!"

Leticia froze immediately. That's not Devon! She spun around to face Manuel, her eyes widening in surprise. Before she could react, a hand grasped her from behind, holding her firm. "I'll be the one talking to her," a low voice growled in her ear, turning them red.

Leticia's gaze darted between Manuel and Devon, her heart racing. "W-what is Manuel doing here, Devon?" she stuttered, her eyes locked on Devon's.

But Devon's eyes had changed. The red was gone, replaced by an unsettling blackness that made her flinch. Even his iris were do dark she wasn't sure if they'd turned black too. "You invited him, didn't you?" Devon's voice dripped with sarcasm.

Leticia shook her head, her voice barely above a whisper. "I did not."

Devon's brow arched and Leticia's voice grew more urgent. "Seriously, Devon. I never told him to come. Don't you believe me?"

Devon's face softened, his eyes never leaving hers. "I do. But tell that to him. He claimed you wrote him a letter..."

Leticia turned to Manuel, her voice gentle. "Manuel..." she began, but Manuel's glare at Devon made her pause. The tension between the three of them was obvious, and Leticia's heart raced with uncertainty. Were they going to get into a fight?

Manuel's smile faltered, his eyes clouding with confusion and anger. "What? No, Leticia, you did! Can't you remember? The letter you sent on Monday?"He asked, taking a hold of her hands.

Leticia's voice remained soft, but firm. "I didn't, Manuel. I wanted to tell you before, but I couldn't. I didn't write any letter to you."

Manuel's grip on her hands tightened, his eyes pleading. He knew Leticia wouldn't lie to him but maybe Devon had forced her to, "Did this guy tell you to say that? You can tell me Leticia." She said nothing and he hastily added, "But... but you still love me, right?"

Leticia sighed, her heart heavy with empathy. She hated to break his heart, but she couldn't pretend to feel something she didn't. Manuel's face contorted in a pitiful scoff, as if he already knew her answer.

The rain began to drizzle, and the wind got harsher. Devon stepped closer, his arm wrapping around Leticia's waist in a protective gesture. "I think you understand her, Manuel. You can stop this charade now."

Manuel's jaw clenched, his light red eyes flashing with anger. He gazed at Leticia, who looked away, feeling awful. She suddenly wished she'd told him she hadn't sent any letter the day he first said it.

"It's not like she has any feelings for you either."Manuel snapped back at Devon, his anger very noticeable.

Devon's smirk grew wider, his eyes glinting with amusement as the rain dripped down his face, "Even she can't deny that. Or do we have to show you?"

Manuel's fists clenched, his face twisted in a snarl. "I haven't given up on her yet."

Devon's smirk never wavered. "You might want to. It's not too late."

Leticia's eyes flashed with annoyance. It was raining and they were arguing like two teenagers! "Don't be so mean, Devon."

Devon's eyes rolled back to their normal red color, his expression unrepentant. Manuel could have attacked Devon, but even as powerful as he himself was, Devon would kill him a hundred times. Effortlessly.

Manuel shot Leticia one final, longing glance before turning away. He began to walk away and despite wanting to comfort him, Leticia could only watch him go. All her life, she's never thought Manuel could have feelings for her!

As soon as Manuel was out of sight, Leticia's gaze snapped back to Devon,"You wrote that letter, didn't you?"

Devon's expression turned sly,"I want him away from you. Why would I write a letter to make him come to you?"

"You could have talked to him in a nicer way," Leticia chided. "He looked broken, Devon!"

A frown descended unto his face and he glared, "I wonder if you actually have feelings for him too. You're being excessively caring..."

Leticia cut him off, her voice rising. "And so what?! He's my friend, that's why I care, Devon. It's not like you've ever cared about anyone but yourself, so why should you sound so angry just because I feel bad for him..."

Her voice trailed off as she noticed the wind got even colder and it had nothing to do with the heavy rain. "You really think I don't care about you, Leticia?" he scoffed. "If I didn't care, you think you'd still be alive?"

Leticia stared at him, taken aback. Devon ran his fingers through his wet hair, his eyes flashing with frustration. "And I'm not angry. I just hate how you look at him with so much pity. It makes my blood boil. It makes me so... jealous, Leticia!"

Leticia's eyes widened, her mind racing. Did he just say jealous? What makes him so jealous? Why is he jealous? In fact, what kind of person would admit to being jealous so straightforwardly.

The wind blew harshly, and Leticia sneezed. Devon sighed and wrapped his arms around her, his warmth enveloping her immediately . "I want to go inside," she glared at him.


"I can take care of myself, you..." Leticia's words trailed off as another sneeze escaped her lips. She's changed out of the wet clothes but Devon was still in his. Leticia secretly appreciated the view though.

He wrapped a hot towel around her shoulders and poured her a steaming cup of mint tea her mai Karina, had brought . "You're not supposed to fall sick. Your human side hasn't fully adjusted yet. Don't worry, you'll soon be full mythic with a little training."

He handed her the teacup, and she smiled gratefully. She took a sip feeling the menthol soothe her throat. Devon watched her with a small smile that even he didn't know was there.

All his centuries on earth, he had never been drawn to a woman like he was to Leticia. And he is going to keep her safe and to himself.

"Better?" he asked, his hand on her forehead, checking her temperature.

Leticia yawned, her eyes heavy with sleep. "Hm. Thank you."

Devon smiled and set the teacup aside. "I'll leave you to sleep, Dear Kitten. Goodnight."

Leticia's eyes fluttered shut, but she wanted to ask him something... Ah, well, it could wait till morning. With a contented sigh, she drifted off to sleep.


Deep in the forest, a small familiar cottage stood,green lights reflecting from the inside. Two figures stood outside the cottage, in front of the main entrance as they spoke. One was veiled and the second was masked.

The veiled figure smiled, her voice dripping with malice. "He's met him, and soon he'll discover the letter was a fake."

Their partner in crime nodded,"What's our next move?"

As you know, I intend to annihilate Devon completely. And I always get what I want..."

Her company paused, "But he's not ordinary, killing him is nearly impossible."

"Nothing is impossible for me. Every lion has a weak spot, and I'll find Devon's." She then added, "And very soon, we'd visit my master. He demands your presence."

The guy only nodded as the veiled woman continued, "We can use Ethan's second daughter to get to him. She's already caught his attention."

"And what do you plan to do with her?"

A wicked smile grew wider under the veil, her eyes glinting with malevolence. "Leave that to me. Your focus is on helping me with your father, not her."

"Of course."

"When do we infiltrate Devon's mansion? You'd said you'd find a way to break the barriers."

"Preparations are being made. Very soon."


The veiled figure swept into the cottage. Her company had left and she decided to see Hecuba before leaving. Hecuba looked up, her brow furrowed in frustration. "You're taking too long to gather the ingredients."

"You try navigating the treacherous paths to the Elsyria, then come lecture me about delay."She spat irritatedly.

Hecuba sighed, "The Black Roses—"

"... Will be available soon" She finished, turning to the door and walking out.


Devon groaned inwardly, his patience wearing thin. "Stop bothering me, Cecil." His tone was firm, but Cecil's kept on pestering him.

"Pleeeeeeaseee..." Cecil's blue eyes sparkled with excitement, his voice dripping with persuasion.

Devon sighed, his resolve weakening. "Why?"

Cecil's grin was mischievous. "It's an experiment, Devon. Trust me, you'll be impressed."

Devon raised an eyebrow, skeptical. "Since when did you start conducting experiments in my garden?"

"You'll see when I'm done. It'll be worth it, I promise. And I'm not staying for long. Just to get this and that." Cecil promised, gesturing lightly.

Devon eventually relented, his expression softening before quickly turning cold. "Fine. Do what pleases you, but be quick. I'm training Leticia there later."

Cecil's face lit up with a triumphant smile. "Thanks, Devon! You're the best!"

As Cecil skipped away, Devon watched him go and he sighed. When will this boy grow up? He thought leisurely, crossing one long leg over the other. Although he was close to Luis, Cecil was the closest to him. His blood ran through his veins.

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