
Trapped In The Game Of Souls

“Are you going to die or make it out alive?” Kado, driven by a desperate desire to save his dying mother, takes a wild chance and dives headfirst into a high-stakes game promising three magical wishes as the prize. Little does he know that the game is a twisted trap—dying in the virtual world means dying in real life. As the tasks grow increasingly complex and detached from reality, the true nature of his companions is revealed. In a race against time, Kado must navigate treacherous challenges, uncover hidden truths, and find a way to escape the game before the connection to reality ends.

Mirko_fox · Kỳ huyễn
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5 Chs


As Kado surveyed the surroundings, he quickly grasped the harsh reality that each individual in this competition was left to fend for themselves. It was a race to victory, and he knew he had to rely solely on his own abilities.

However, amidst this realization, another thought struck him: there must be a purpose behind the presence of vulnerable individuals within each team.

As the groups gathered and assembled at their designated positions, all five teams were brought together, merging into a single location. The once separate factions now stood side by side, united in their uncertainty.

Kado observed the formation of three-person squads within each team, their members chosen by some unseen force.

Suddenly, without warning, the ground beneath them gave way, and they were swiftly plummeted downward.

The sensation of descending into a dark abyss overwhelmed Kado as he found himself transported to a place reminiscent of a dungeon.

A putrid stench filled the air, a horrifying blend of decay and excrement, as if someone had been soiling themselves in that wretched place.

In the dimly lit chamber, Kado's eyes met with those of a young girl and a determined young man.

To his astonishment, they were the only ones left from their respective teams.

The others had vanished, leaving no trace behind.

It was an eerie sight, amplified by the flickering lights and the distant echoes of dripping water.

Just as confusion and unease settled in, the room's system abruptly sprang to life.

A mechanical voice echoed through the chamber, announcing their next steps.

"Welcome, participants. You have been brought here for a test of strength and survival," the system declared, its tone devoid of warmth or empathy. "You are now in the Dungeon of Trials. Only the strongest will emerge victorious."

Kado's heart raced as he listened to the system's instructions, his mind was filled thoughts of apprehension and determination. The mechanical voice continued, "Choose your weapons wisely. The monsters will be approaching soon, and you must be prepared to defend yourselves."

A display materialized before them, showcasing an array of weapons.

Kado's gaze darted from one choice to another, weighing the pros and cons of each option.

The pressure to make the right decision intensified with every passing moment.

With a deep breath, Kado made his selection, his voice sounded steady despite the rising tension. "I choose the sword," he declared, gripping the hilt tightly.

The mechanical voice acknowledged his choice. "Sword selected. Prepare for the impending onslaught. May the strongest prevail."

Kado exchanged glances with the girl and the young man, their shared resolve was noq evident in their eyes.

They knew the challenges ahead would be arduous, and none of them knew about each other's skills.

In this grim dungeon, where the scent of fear mixed with the nauseating odor, Kado steeled himself for the battle that lay ahead, determined to get rid of these challenges and emerge victorious in this treacherous competition.

As the trio made their way through the labyrinthine dungeon, their footsteps echoed in the dimly lit corridors, an eerie silence enveloped the air.

Suddenly, an otherworldly growl reverberated through the depths, shattering the stillness.


The ground trembled, and the walls seemed to groan under the weight of an unknown presence.

Before their eyes, a monstrous figure emerged from the shadows, towering over them like a behemoth.


It was a hulking creature with gnarled muscles and jagged fangs, its crimson eyes gleaming with malevolence.

This was the big monster, a formidable adversary that exuded an air of raw power and danger.

Beside it, a smaller creature scuttled forth, its form was more agile and nimble.

It had sleek, scaled skin and razor-sharp claws, which it clicked together menacingly.

This small monster possessed an unsettling speed and a predatory aura that sent shivers down the trio's spines.

But the most horrifying sight was yet to come. From the depths of the dungeon emerged a massive, grotesque monstrosity, its grotesque form oozing with vile, putrid slime.

This massive monster was a horrifying amalgamation of twisted limbs, dripping fangs, and oozing tentacles. Its presence alone was suffocating, and the stench it emitted could make even the bravest soul wretch.

The girl, overwhelmed by fear, felt her legs give way as tears welled up in her eyes.

"Please don't fucking cry now!" The guy shouted at her.

Her body trembled, and her sobs turned even louder, mirroring her terror.

She clung to Kado, seeking solace and protection from the horrors that loomed before them.

Meanwhile, the guy's face hardened with determination.

"Screw you two!" His eyes locked onto the menacing creatures.

With unwavering belief in his own prowess, he made a decision that defied reason.

He decided to charge headlong at the monsters, believing he could take them all on at once.

As he sprinted toward the beasts, his heart pounded with adrenaline, drowning out the clamor of his companions' cries.

"Fuck you! I'm gonna win this shit!"

Unleashing a battle cry, he swung his weapon with reckless abandon, striking at the smallest monster.

The clash of steel against scale echoed through the chamber as he landed a fatal blow, felling the creature with a single, swift strike.

"That's how it's done!" He shouted as he jumped, removing the small amount of sweat coming from his forehead.

Kado and the girl stood stunned, their breaths caught in their throats.

They watched as the lifeless body of the smallest monster slumped to the ground, the victory looked bittersweet.

The weight of their situation pressed heavily upon them, the realization sank in that they were now left to face the massive monsters, the ones with incomparable strength and ferocity.

Kado's eyes darted between the fallen monster and the remaining foes, his mind raced to formulate a plan.

"This son of a bitch…"

The pressure of the system, the responsibility to protect his little companion and navigate through this treacherous dungeon, bore down on his shoulders.

The weight of their survival rested upon him, and he knew he had to act swiftly and decisively.

As he inhaled a deep breath, steeling his resolve, Kado took a step forward, standing tall beside the girl, ready to face the looming threats that awaited them.

"Just stay behind me. I will find a way to get us out of here."