
Trapped In The Game Of Souls

“Are you going to die or make it out alive?” Kado, driven by a desperate desire to save his dying mother, takes a wild chance and dives headfirst into a high-stakes game promising three magical wishes as the prize. Little does he know that the game is a twisted trap—dying in the virtual world means dying in real life. As the tasks grow increasingly complex and detached from reality, the true nature of his companions is revealed. In a race against time, Kado must navigate treacherous challenges, uncover hidden truths, and find a way to escape the game before the connection to reality ends.

Mirko_fox · Kỳ huyễn
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5 Chs

Goodbye To Reality

The air seemed to thicken as Kado contemplated the man's offer.

His mind raced with the possibilities, but his heart kept pulling him back to the frail figure on the hospital bed.

He clenched his jaw, steeling himself against his own emotions that were threatening to break free.

"I'll do it," he declared.

The man nodded approvingly, "Very well. Come along then."

He got up from his seat, his presence seemed to fill the room despite his non-threatening demeanor.

Kado followed him, his heart kept throbbing with a little bit of fear and anticipation.

As they neared the exit, Kado paused for a moment, casting one more look towards his mother's bed.

Her face was pallid, her chest rising and falling in a rhythm that was too slow, too shallow.

It was as if she was barely clinging to life, yet there was a certain peacefulness about her that tugged at Kado's heartstrings.

His gaze lingered on her, etching the image in his mind.

"I will win this bullshit for you," he whispered to his mother while saying his final goodbye to her.

He knew he was about to embark on a perilous journey, but if there was even a sliver of a chance to save his mother, he was willing to take it.

With that, he turned on his heel and followed the man out of the ward.

His resolve was as unwavering as his faith in his ability to win whatever game this mysterious man had in store.

For his mother, he would defy the odds, challenge the hierarchies, face the world, and emerge victorious… anything… Kado was willing to do anything.

The hospital corridor seemed colder than usual as they walked side by side, the sterile white walls reflecting their stark surroundings.

Kado's heart was pounding faster in his chest, echoing the rhythm of this new hope.

As the automatic doors of the hospital slid open, the bustling city greeted them with its vibrant energy, a stark contrast to the life he was leaving behind.

Kado squared his shoulders, ready to face whatever came his way.

He was no longer a helpless boy at the mercy of a cruel world, he was a warrior ready for battle. And he would not stop until he won his mother the life she deserved.

The man led Kado through a labyrinth of alleyways, their path illuminated by the neon lights that flickered from the towering buildings around them.

Finally, they arrived at a nondescript building, its exterior was blending seamlessly with the concrete jungle.

Inside, it was a different world. The sterile white interior was filled with state-of-the-art technology that Kado had only seen in sci-fi movies.

The hum of machinery filled the air, punctuated by the occasional beep and whir of computer systems.

A large cylindrical tank filled with clear liquid loomed in the center of the room, surrounded by an array of monitors and control panels. Numerous cables snaked from the tank, connected to various machines in the room.

The man gestured towards the tank. "This," he said, his voice echoed in the vast room, "is our virtual reality system."

Kado's heart pounded in his chest harder as he approached the tank.

He could see a suit hanging next to it, an intricate network of wires and sensors embedded into the fabric.

"We'll need to insert certain connections into your body," the man explained with a voice that was calm and steady.

"It's painless, I assure you. They will link your nervous system to the game, creating a fully immersive experience. Remember, once inside, heed the instructions of the system. Everything will be explained once you enter."

Kado nodded, his hand clenched into a fist at his side.

With a deep breath, he began to change into the suit, the cold fabric clinging to his skin.

The man moved forward, inserting the connections - thin, flexible wires ending in a needle-like point - into specific points on Kado's body.

True to his word, Kado felt nothing more than a slight pressure.

'I'm ready," he murmured to himself, then took the last look around this laboratory.

Once suited up, Kado stepped into the tank. The liquid inside was lukewarm, enveloping his body in a strange, surreal sensation.

As he submerged, his body felt lighter, almost weightless.

The man stepped to the control panel, his fingers were dancing over the keys. "Remember, Kado," he called out, "trust the system. Listen to it."

With a final nod, Kado took a deep breath, filling his lungs with the oxygenated liquid.

As the tank sealed shut, the world outside faded away.

The cables attached to his suit whirred to life, the small LEDs embedded in them glowing a vibrant blue.

His body started to feel detached, as if he was floating in an endless void.

The room outside the tank blurred and then disappeared entirely, replaced by a vast expanse of darkness.

Suddenly, a voice resonated in his head, clear and crisp, "Welcome to the game, Kado. Please follow the instructions carefully."

As his consciousness slipped into the virtual world, Kado steeled himself for the challenges that lay ahead, 'there's no way back now.'

He had entered a new battlefield, and he was ready to fight. For his mother. For himself. For a better life.

[Kado Bait]

[Age: 18]

[Soul connected]