
Trapped In A Fairytale: Surviving The First Empress of Ksin

Many stories start with once upon a time, but are the villains always the evil and hero's always righteous? Are demons always malevolent and dangerous? Yun Val Daiyu is a battle-hardened soldier fighting battle after battle to secure the resources to keep her planet and people safe. On the eve of an incredible victory, she is betrayed and dies at the hands of one of her closest friends. Then impossibly, she is reborn as another Yun Val Daiyu, a villainous sister in an ancient bedtime story. Can she survive the fate awaiting her? Through conspiracies and dark plots? Are her allies more dangerous than her enemies?

R_Castle · Kỳ huyễn
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37 Chs

Lantern's Release, Memories and Resolve

In the tranquil embrace of the five-tiered pagoda, Daiyu found herself immersed in a solemn task, far removed from the opulence and intrigues of the royal court. As the golden sun of midday filtered through newly replaced lattice windows, delicate rays of light danced upon the smooth, polished floor, casting intricate patterns that seemed to pay homage to the delicate engravings on the memorial plaques before her.

She stood in the lowest level of the five-tiered pagoda, a serene sanctuary that seemed to hold its breath in reverence for the rituals being performed. Three newly carved memorial plaques lay on a small, ornate wooden altar, their pristine surfaces a stark contrast to the somber purpose they now served. Crafted from solid, smooth spruce, the plaques bore the weight of cherished names and memories.

Daiyu's nimble fingers traced the elegant strokes of each character, the sharp lines and graceful curves etching the names of her fallen companions into the wood. The central plaque, a masterpiece in itself, held the name "Yun Ver Chao." Its golden inlays glinted in the dappled sunlight, a symbol of honor, respect, and love for the warrior who had fought valiantly in life.

To the left and right of Ver Chao's plaque, the others stood with equal significance. "Yun La Huí" and "Yun Se Vanu" they read, immortalizing the lives of those who had left an indelible mark on her heart. As her fingers brushed over the engraved characters, Daiyu's mind was flooded with memories of mischief achieved, battles survived, the camaraderie forged, and the unbreakable bonds of friendship that had been tragically severed.

The air was filled with a sense of reverence, and a gentle breeze carried the faint rustle of leaves as if the spirits of the departed were whispering their presence. With practiced grace, Daiyu placed offerings of incense and delicate white chrysanthemums before each plaque. The incense smoke curled and spiraled, a bridge between the mortal realm and the ethereal.

A small, ornate censer emitted a soft glow, casting a warm light that seemed to hold the space between the living and the departed. Daiyu closed her eyes, her heart heavy but steadfast. She began to recite ancient verses, her voice carrying the weight of both grief and gratitude, a lament for those she had lost and a tribute to the enduring memories they had left behind.

Amid her somber rituals, Zalgras maintained an uncharacteristic silence. Its presence loomed, a silent observer, devoid of its customary mockery and sarcasm. It watched as Daiyu tenderly engaged in her solemn acts of remembrance and veneration, paying homage to the trio of plaques that stood before her.

Incense meandered in graceful tendrils, bearing her whispered words like secrets upon the breeze, ferrying them to distant realms. This was a ceremony steeped in ancient ways, a seamless union of tradition and personal reverence. Within the tranquil embrace of the pagoda's hushed sanctuary, time itself seemed to hold its breath, permitting Daiyu to forge a communion with the spirits of those she had lost. Though she recognized that the Maker wasn't a true deity, this ritual, which predated even the Maker's time, bestowed upon her a profound sense of connection. The chant transcended time, drawing her closer to the essence of those she mourned, within the sanctity of these timeless moments.

As the final verses drifted into the air, a profound tranquility enveloped the pagoda, an interlude as poignant as it was surreal. In this suspended moment, the demarcations between yesteryears and the present day seemed to dissolve, allowing past and present to intermingle. Daiyu's eyes, resembling sapphire pools brimming with sentiments, fixed upon the memorial plaques. A blend of sorrow and gratitude emanated from the depths of her gaze, like ripples on a serene pond.

Her veneration concluded, Daiyu's form straightened, a reverent bow underscoring her acknowledgment of those who had crossed the threshold from the realm of the living into the embrace of memory, forever cherished in the secret chambers of her heart.

Following the ceremony, she gathered her belongings into a bundle, slinging it gracefully onto her back. She navigated the ladder with a fluidity born of familiarity, ascending to the pinnacle level. Stepping onto the narrow balcony, the vista that unfolded before her held was her empty courtyard, a canvas of solitude. The staff had been granted a respite, three days to both mourn and join in the festivities, leaving her with a tranquil expanse occupied solely by practice dummies, stoic sentinels in the stillness.

She did not feel vulnerable alone, due to Zalgras, who could warn her in danger approached as well as being an ever-present companion. She proceeded to the section where a petite table and chair stood, positioned to face the east. Directly beyond lay the rear expanse of Prince Nam Cal Liang's domain, the view obstructed by the imposing stature of an ancient cherry tree that ascended majestically from the heart of the prince's central courtyard.

With her bundle settled beside her, she extracted a cup and a generously proportioned bottle of wine. Carefully, she arranged three lanterns, each meticulously adorned in honor of her father and the two cherished friends who had embarked on their final journey. When night unfurled its inky embrace, she intended to scale the supporting beam, ascend to the rooftop, and liberate the lanterns, allowing their soft glow to become specks of luminescence within the vast night canvas.

But for now, she seated herself, a quiet observer of the cherry blossoms swaying in the delicate evening breeze. The sun, a molten orb on the horizon, cast a gentle golden hue upon the surroundings, imbuing the scene with a serene glow.

As the sun dipped toward the horizon, its golden fingers stretched longer, casting deeper shadows across the courtyard. Daiyu's unwavering gaze fixed upon the grandeur of the cherry blossoms. Their delicate petals caught the last shimmering glints of daylight, like soft whispers of color against the encroaching dusk. A quiet sense of anticipation hung in the air as if even nature itself paused in a respectful silence for the transition from day to night.

As twilight's gentle fingers embraced the surroundings, the first stars timidly emerged, studding the velvety sky with delicate, distant lights. Daiyu's fingers danced lightly across the intricate carvings adorning the side of the cup in her hand. Her thoughts wove a tapestry of contemplation and remembrance, each curve of the carvings a thread binding her to the memories she held dear. The names etched onto the memorial plaques echoed softly in her mind.

With the gradual fading of the sky into dusky hues, Daiyu's deft fingers uncorked a bottle of wine. Its aroma, rich and earthy, mingled with the heady scent of cherry blossoms, creating an intoxicating blend that seemed to mirror the mingling of past and present. The small, ornate censer nestled in a corner exhaled a soft, amber glow. Its warm light danced playfully with the shadows as if creating an ethereal bridge between the tangible world of the living and the enigmatic realm of the departed.

Gracefully, she poured the wine into the cup, its liquid catching the faint light like liquid moonbeams. As the cup rose to her lips in a silent, reverent toast, it felt as if her gestures reached out to touch the very souls she commemorated. Words lay dormant, suspended in the air like unspoken promises, but the weight of emotions was tangible, an unspoken language woven into the fabric of the evening.

Throughout this moment of quiet reflection, Zalgras maintained a discreet presence. Its usual playful nature seemed muted, replaced by a kindred spirit of solemnity. As the sky darkened, Daiyu's sapphire eyes shimmered with unshed tears. She cradled the cup with utmost care as if holding the essence of her feelings within its confines. A gentle breeze carried the delicate scent of incense – a mingling of sandalwood and cherry blossoms – as though bearing the very spirit of her memories and the emotions they carried.

With the fullness of night descending, her gaze shifted toward the lanterns she had diligently prepared. Rising gracefully, she gathered each lantern, their delicate frames glinting softly in the subdued light. Slowly, she made her way toward the support beam, each lantern cradled like a cherished memory in her arms. The ascent was nearly effortless, the practiced steps a testament to her commitment to this ritual.

Upon reaching the rooftop's zenith, Daiyu's heart swelled with a mix of determination and reverence. With meticulous hands, she released each lantern, watching them ascend against the backdrop of the star-studded heavens. Their warm, flickering glow soared like gentle spirits, melding seamlessly into the constellations that adorned the night canvas. Every lantern carried with it a whispered prayer, a heartfelt plea for peace and solace to reach the spirits of those she lovingly commemorated.

"A fitting tribute, Daiyu." Zalgras's voice cut through the hush of the night, breaking the silence.

"They deserve to be remembered, though I fear my efforts may not have done them full justice." A faint smile touched her lips, gratitude laced with sorrow.

"It's as if your thoughts and emotions are carried by those lanterns, joining the cosmos. This one is sure your feelings have reached them." Zalgras's voice murmured again.

"Perhaps they'll find their way, much like our memories do," she replied, a soft sigh escaping her as her gaze remained fixed on the lanterns, gradually becoming specks in the distance.

As the lanterns disappeared from sight, she turned her gaze upward to the stars. Retrieving the wine once more, she raised her cup in a solitary toast to her lost loved ones, her family, and all the departed souls scattered across the vast expanse of space and time.

"Thank you for being here, for understanding, my friend," she whispered to the unseen entity that stood by her side.

"In moments like these, words often fail. But I am here, Daiyu," Zalgras responded, its tone tender in the cool embrace of the spring night.

Amid the tranquil evening, enveloped in the scents and sensations of the memorial, Daiyu felt a connection that traversed dimensions. A bridge seemed to stretch between her heart and the spirits that lingered within the comforting enigma of the night as lanterns began to drift like moving stars from every location of the capital to join those she had released.


Perched high in the ancient cherry tree, Nam Cal Liang observed the world below. His unique appearance, pale blue skin, and hair like a wisp of ethereal smoke, set him apart from his royal siblings. He often found solace amidst the branches, away from the expectations that came with being the unloved seventh brother of the ruling Esteem.

Rice wine in hand, the delicate aroma mingling with the scent of blossoms, he took a sip, savoring the familiar taste. The cup felt cool against his lips, a soothing contrast to the warmth of the late evening. From his vantage point, he could see the lanterns rising from the city like a constellation of earthly stars, each carrying its own story, its own memory.

But it was Daiyu who held his attention, a figure of grace and grief amidst the courtyard. His sharp, silver-blue eyes followed her every move as she tended to the lanterns, a poignant ritual of remembrance. Her mourning held a weight that he understood all too well, the pain of loss that seemed to echo in his own heart.

As the lanterns floated upward, Nam Cal Liang's gaze remained locked on Daiyu. He watched her as she moved with a quiet determination, her actions a ritual of devotion and sorrow. The lanterns' soft glow cast a tender light upon her features, illuminating the delicate curve of her profile and the shimmer of tears in her sapphire eyes.

The sound of wind rustling through the leaves and the distant hum of the city below created a backdrop of bittersweet harmony. The wine in his cup seemed to hold the essence of the evening, a blend of nostalgia and yearning. He took another sip, the taste mingling with his thoughts as he continued to watch Daiyu.

Nam Cal Liang's mind wandered into the realm of speculation. The delicate lanterns she set afloat held a profound significance, he was sure of it. He sipped his rice wine again, the taste of it mingling with the tendrils of thought that wound through his consciousness.

The lantern with the image of a golden-red tiger was the most straightforward. It was undoubtedly a tribute to her father, Yun Ver Chao, a man who had left her life too soon. The tiger, a symbol of strength and protection, encapsulated the essence of her father's memory. It was a tribute that resonated with his own feelings of loss, having lost his mother, the late Queen, at a young age.

But it was the other two lanterns that puzzled him. The intricacy of Daiyu's emotions was evident in the meticulous effort she had put into these lanterns, each design a reflection of a specific memory or connection. He leaned back against the cherry tree, his gaze never leaving her.

Who could these lanterns represent? Her movements were infused with a sense of devotion and affection that extended beyond the usual rituals of commemoration. Her midnight blue hair caught the moonlight, a cascade of enigma that matched the mysteries of her heart. As the lanterns continued their ascent, he found himself musing on the possibilities.

Perhaps they were friends from her childhood, ones who had shared secrets under the same moonlit sky. Or maybe they were companions from her travels, individuals who had stood by her side through adventures known only to her. Whoever they were, their significance was profound enough for Daiyu to immortalize them in the delicate paper lanterns.

His fingers traced the intricate gold pattern etched into the surface of his wine cup, his touch gentle as he allowed his thoughts to intertwine with the breeze that rustled through the ancient cherry tree's leaves. Isolation had sharpened his perception, granting him a unique insight into the intimacies of human connections, and how delicately emotions held individuals together.

As the lanterns released by Daiyu ascended into the night, disappearing like distant stars, a sense of kinship with her settled within Nam Cal Liang. He could feel the weight of her stories, the echoes of her scars, resonating with his own. The delicate fragrance of rice wine mingled with the blossoms, adding to the surreal atmosphere.

His contemplations took a turn towards regret. Would she ever forgive him for his actions during their separate journeys to the capital? With each glimpse he caught of her, he wished he had exercised more prudence, perhaps even attempted to bring her to his side. The memory of how he had spread rumors and manipulated the Capital guards against her and her brother lingered as a shadow of shame.

A chance encounter had brought her into contact with him, nursing him back to health without knowing his rank or status. Her compassion had saved his life, offered without any ulterior motive, a simple repayment for the shelter his mountain abode had provided during a ferocious storm. Regret weighed heavily on his mind, a reminder that certain deeds couldn't be undone.

He understood that redemption wasn't a medicine easily obtained. If he intended to regain her trust and possibly forge a new connection, he had to be cautious and strategic. She was no pawn to be maneuvered thoughtlessly; her strength and character demanded respect. The question of how to fit her into his larger plans lingered like an unsolved puzzle. Could their goals align in a way that wasn't exploitative? Could she be his ally without sacrificing her own agency?

Nam Cal Liang found himself circling back to the crux of his dilemma: regaining her trust. She was a crucial player in the unfolding events, her potential immense. But his desire to have her on his side wasn't merely driven by strategy; a genuine admiration for her strength and resilience had taken root in his heart.

As Daiyu settled on the rooftop, her silhouette illuminated by the lanterns' gentle glow, he sipped his own rice wine, his eyes fixed on her. Determination and a growing certainty settled within him. She was destined for greatness, and he intended to be a part of it. She would be a key figure in the struggles that lay ahead, a force to be reckoned with. And he, too, needed her by his side, not as a pawn, but as a formidable ally in a game of power and intrigue.


In the quiet embrace of the night, Ai Zaun stood among the shadows beneath the sweeping branches of the willow tree. The moon's soft radiance cast dappled patterns on the ground, and the gentle rustle of leaves seemed to echo the hushed rhythm of his heart. Green eyes, like fragments of emerald in the darkness, were fixed intently on Daiyu as she released the lanterns.

The lanterns, delicate vessels of memory and emotion, ascended to the sky with quiet grace. Each one carried a piece of her heart, a tribute to those she had lost. He could feel the weight of her emotions in the air, a tender mixture of love and longing that touched something deep within him. Though he stood in the shadows, he was as much a silent witness to her grief as he was a guardian.

The Festival held a different significance for him. A noble lineage stripped away, his family branded as traitors, their name tarnished. The allegations of treason were baseless, yet he remained trapped in the shackles of false accusations, unable to clear his family's name or his own. The festive air of the occasion was a stark contrast to the burdens he carried.

Ai Zaun's background as a falsely accused thief, now a slave weighed heavily on his shoulders, dark marks that seemed impossible to erase. And yet, amidst the somber symphony of lanterns and memories, there was a beacon of light in his life - Daiyu. She had seen past his tainted history and offered him a place of belonging. She called him brother, a bond that surpassed societal divisions.

As Daiyu's every movement played out before him, he was struck by her resilience, her strength to commemorate those she had lost, even as her own heart bore the scars. And as she released the lanterns one by one, he found himself wishing for the power to erase the past, to mend what was broken in his own story.

Amidst the delicate dance of lanterns and moonlight, a pang of regret tugged at his heart. He thought of his family, those he had lost, and how he had never been able to create lanterns to honor their spirits. The weight of unspoken words hung heavy in the air, a silent lament for the memories he couldn't properly cherish.

But amidst the sorrow, there was a glimmer of hope. As the lanterns soared higher, disappearing into the tapestry of stars, he wished for a future where he could clear his family's name, where he could once again make lanterns for them. The thought fueled his determination, a silent promise to his own heart.

The willow's branches swayed gently, casting shifting shadows over him. He remained in the embrace of darkness, his green eyes capturing every nuance of her being. In that poignant moment, the lanterns' ascent symbolized more than remembrance; it embodied hope, the wish for a brighter tomorrow, not only for Daiyu but for himself as well. And amidst the unspoken wishes, he found solace in knowing that even when masked by shadows, he was not alone.