
Trapped In A Fairytale: Surviving The First Empress of Ksin

Many stories start with once upon a time, but are the villains always the evil and hero's always righteous? Are demons always malevolent and dangerous? Yun Val Daiyu is a battle-hardened soldier fighting battle after battle to secure the resources to keep her planet and people safe. On the eve of an incredible victory, she is betrayed and dies at the hands of one of her closest friends. Then impossibly, she is reborn as another Yun Val Daiyu, a villainous sister in an ancient bedtime story. Can she survive the fate awaiting her? Through conspiracies and dark plots? Are her allies more dangerous than her enemies?

R_Castle · Kỳ huyễn
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37 Chs

House Warming

Consort Zheng Ba Aming held her young daughter, Daiyu, tightly in her arms, as if trying to merge their beings together. Tears streamed down her delicate pale lavender face, glistening like morning dew on delicate petals.

"I understand you have your reasons, my child, but it is difficult for this consort to let you venture out into the world alone once more," Consort Zheng whispered, her emerald eyes shimmering with emotion. Daiyu gazed into her mother's eyes and offered a gentle smile, touched by the love and concern in them.

"Lady Consort, my residence is just outside the Palace gates. We shall still be neighbors, and I promise to return for a meal every fourteen daylight cycles and write to you at least every three," Daiyu reassured her mother. The young girl's words brought a nod of understanding from Consort Zheng, though she still clung to her daughter, their embrace warm and tender amidst the fragrant blooms of the courtyard garden.

Inhaling deeply, Daiyu took in the surrounding scents—the sweet orchids, the comforting acacia trees, the warm morning grass, and the soft, inviting fragrance of her mother's floral perfume that wafted up from her robes, which held the colors of soft violet and sea green. As the tears fell, dampening Daiyu's own pale blue and yellow robes, she continued to soothe her mother with words of comfort and love.

"I know this is hard, Mother. I have missed you deeply during these years apart," Daiyu whispered into her mother's ear, her voice tender and comforting like a gentle breeze. "Yet, there are things I must attend to outside these walls to keep you and brother safe from harm. Please, you must control yourself. If Esteem Nam sees you this way, I may be forbidden from leaving your side." Her words were a private conversation, meant only for her mother's ears.

Consort Zheng nodded, sniffling gently as she took Daiyu's advice to heart. The love and understanding between mother and daughter were unspoken yet deeply felt. Sa Fai, ever attentive to their needs, stepped in, offering a cool cloth to soothe the slight swelling and redness in Consort Zheng's eyes.

"Very well, my child. This consort is sorry for her outburst," Consort Zheng said, regaining her composure with a shy smile. She ran her fingers gently through Daiyu's beautiful midnight-colored hair, the same color as her own soft locks, a gesture of love and reassurance.

"Your mother has immense faith in you and understands your heart. We will not hinder you from fulfilling your duty. Just remember your promise—you must visit us often and stay in contact," Consort Zheng said with affection, a mother's love shining through her eyes.

Daiyu smiled warmly and embraced her mother once more as Eunuch Lu Min stepped through the gate of the courtyard, moving to kneel before the two women with great respect.

"Eunuch Lu Min greets Her Highness, the Eighth Consort Zheng Ba Aming, and Goddaughter Yun Val Daiyu, honorary princess of Qinmay," he declared, his voice even and respectful, lacking any hint of derision. His light grey formal robes were adorned with delicate plum floral embroidery, reflecting the soft elegance of the palace.

*Well, it seems he has finally learned some manners,* Zalgras' mental voice remarked with a touch of snark, referring to the Eunuch's reserved behavior compared to their first encounter with the palace servant.

*He fell in line faster than I thought he would. Perhaps he is truly grateful for being spared from execution,* Daiyu agreed with a smile, sharing a moment of understanding with her ethereal friend.

"You may rise, Lu Min. Is it time for us to depart?" Daiyu inquired of the bald amber-eyed servant as he got to his feet, his gaze respectfully focused on the ground.

"Very well, Lady Consort. This unworthy daughter requests leave. We will send word soon and see you at the young prince's ceremony in a few days. Although, if the need arises, this child will return to your side when called," Consort Zheng conveyed her silent approval, waving her daughter away gently. She chose not to speak, ensuring her emotions wouldn't overwhelm her once more.

Fa Sai bowed to Daiyu as the young girl stood, Fa Sai would stay with Consort Zheng until they could find a suitable head maid to replace the traitor they had removed when the children returned to the palace. Daiyu felt reassured knowing that Fa Sai's clan possessed remarkable medical skills and formidable martial prowess, making her an ideal protector for the eighth consort.

Acknowledging the maid's presence with a nod, Daiyu followed the Eunuch through the labyrinthian walkways and halls, making their way out of the palace and over the long bridge.

As Daiyu stepped onto the other side of the covered walking bridge, a familiar sight greeted her, reminiscent of the first time she had inspected her new home. All nine of her maids and guards, along with the new addition of a large, heavy-set palace maid recently gifted to Daiyu, knelt respectfully. They greeted her loudly and in unison, their grey and plum-colored uniforms immaculate and pristine, exuding an imposing and grand presence.

"We greet our master, Her Highness Yun Val Daiyu. May we serve you for many peaceful days," the kneeling group announced in unison.

*They certainly are loyal and eager to serve. Daiyu, they seem like small animals desperate for your care and attention, have you been neglecting them?* Zalgras observed with an amused tone, though it was a sentiment Daiyu also shared.

Suppressing the urge to roll her eyes or rub her forehead, Daiyu maintained a stoic demeanor and motioned for the group to rise.

"Let us return home. Today is a day of celebration, and you have all served me well," Daiyu responded, allowing the group to rise and fall into formation around her. The maids stood respectfully behind, while the guards flanked her protectively. Lu Min led the way as they walked the short distance to her new residence.

City guards and citizens observed the scene with curiosity as the entourage encountered a man in dark grey and green palace robes, his short-cropped sand-colored hair glistening in the early midday sun. His pale yellow eyes respectfully scanned the young maiden as he bowed, addressing Daiyu with reverence.

"Princess Yun Val Daiyu, welcome to your new residence. May the heavens bless you and grant you prosperity in this new chapter of your life. This lowly servant is called Master Li, and we have been sent by the Esteem to ensure your housewarming will be blessed by the Maker and grant you peace and prosperity while you reside within these walls," the man's voice rang out strongly, eliciting a murmur of excitement from the watching crowd.

"Thank you, Master Li. This one is honored by your presence and the Emperor's grace," Daiyu responded with an equal measure of respect, bowing gracefully to the official.

Master Li gestured towards the entrance, and Daiyu stepped over the threshold. As she entered, the crowd erupted into applause, and the sound of firecrackers echoed in the background, symbolizing the official start of the housewarming ceremony.

The main hall of the residence was adorned with silk banners, intricate tapestries, and elegant flower arrangements. The guests took their seats as Daiyu stood in the center. Her guards had dispersed, and her maids fluttered about, overwhelmed by the number of unknown officials who had been invited by the palace to celebrate at her residence.

Daiyu couldn't help but notice Nam Cal Liang's broad, stoic figure among those seated, receiving sumptuous meat and wine. She also caught sight of Captain Chen, who sat on the opposite side. She had expected some circus of intrigue, but the gathered crowd of dignitaries was even more extensive than she had imagined.

"Today, we gather to celebrate the Goddaughter of our benevolent Esteem as she moves into her new abode. Let the ceremony commence!" With a wave of Master Li's hand, Daiyu knelt respectfully before an elaborate tea ceremony. With graceful and delicate hands, Master Li prepared the fragrant tea as the guests observed the proceedings.

*All this for flowers boiled in hot water? Are the flowers blessed, or the water?* Zalgras inquired sarcastically at Master Li's elaborate show of etiquette.

*Probably neither, though I am surprised you're not warning me it's been poisoned,* Daiyu replied dryly. Master Li finally completed the elaborate preparation and offered her the fragrant liquid he had meticulously crafted.

"Princess Mei Lin, as you partake in the tea ceremony, may you find peace and harmony within these walls." Daiyu respectfully reached for the cup with both hands and made a small bow of acknowledgment. Once she had finished drinking, she returned the cup to the official.

"Thank you, Master Li, for your wise words and hard work. This one truly feels blessed by your presence." Daiyu gratefully replied.

"Let us raise our cups in honor of Princess Mei Lin and her new home! May it be filled with joy, prosperity, and everlasting happiness!" Master Li announced.

The guests echo Master Li's toast and joyfully clink their cups together. Laughter and chatter fill the dining hall, creating an atmosphere of merriment and unity.

With the ceremony completed, the air filled with the sound of traditional instruments, and musicians began to play a joyful melody. The celebratory atmosphere engulfed the hall, and the festivities continued in honor of the esteemed Yun Val Daiyu.

With that the feast truly began, as tradition dictated the gathered crowd would eat the evening meal then be allowed to wander through the front courtyards and side rooms as they pleased as snacks and tea were set about the property for guests to enjoy the festive new home.

Entrance to the back half was not permitted to male guests, though Diayu had denied access to the backyard to the official's wives as well on the grounds that she could not escort them since she had no male relative to stay forward and host the event if she departed. She had posted two guards and the new palace 'nanny' at the door to ensure no one trespassed on her private space during the event.

As evening approached Diayu directed Ba Indue and La Lei to set up tables in front of the manor to provide food and wine to any citizens who wished to offer blessings to the new homeowner.

As the soft rays of the setting sun painted the residence in warm hues, Daiyu strolled into a small courtyard outside the main study, through the serene space, its beauty enhanced by the shimmering reflections of the pond. The housewarming ceremony was in full swing, but in this corner, away from the bustling crowd, she noticed a figure seated on a stone bench, looking somewhat disheartened.

Zhang Se Xiu was a woman of striking appearance, though not in the traditional sense of beauty. Her dark blue skin and frail yellow eyes spoke of the passing years and the wisdom she had accumulated. A cascade of aged white hair adorned her head, and she wore simple, yet elegant, traditional robes, a reflection of her esteemed position within the Mao family.

The Matriarch of the Mao family, known for her noble status and dedication to the city. She seemed different in the defused light of the setting sun, vulnerable, and withdrawn. Daiyu approached her quietly, sensing the unease that clung to the older woman.

"Matriarch Zhang," Daiyu's gentle voice broke the silence, and the Matriarch turned to face her, surprise and mild embarrassment etched across her face.

"Princess Yun Val Daiyu," Zhang Se Xiu replied, trying to muster a composed smile, but her unease was evident in her eyes. The older woman began to stand and Daiyu waved off the action signaling for her to be at ease.

"I hope I am not intruding," Daiyu continued, taking a seat beside the Matriarch. "You seemed a bit withdrawn, perhaps some company might help?" Daiyu inquired her voice soft and gentle. The Matriarch glanced away, her fingers fidgeting with the fabric of her robe.

"It's just... the rumors, you know," she murmured, her voice barely above a whisper. Daiyu nodded, understanding the weight of gossip and how it could affect even the most resilient of individuals.

"I can only imagine how difficult it must be to hear such things," she said softly, placing a comforting hand on the Matriarch's shoulder. Zhang Se Xiu sighed, her vulnerability becoming more apparent.

"I know it's foolish, but I can't help but feel embarrassed by all this. It's my family's reputation that's at stake," she admitted, her voice tinged with emotion.

Daiyu listened attentively, her heart going out to the woman before her. She knew the truth behind the rumors, how Mao Na Wei had engaged in corrupt practices. However, she did not hold the Matriarch responsible for her young man's actions. In fact, she admired the woman's dedication to her family and the city, it took a lot of courage for her to come to the housewarming for the Esteem's Taiharn goddaughter.

"Matriarch Zhang, I want you to know that you are not to blame for private Mao Na Wei's situation," Daiyu said firmly, looking directly into the older woman's eyes. "You have always shown unwavering support for this city, and I believe that your family's reputation will remain intact no matter what the investigation reveals."

Zhang Se Xiu looked touched by the Princess's words, tears glistening in her eyes. "Thank you, Princess," she said, her voice catching slightly. "It means a great deal to hear you say that."

Daiyu smiled warmly, understanding the power of reassurance and kindness. "You are welcome, Matriarch Zhang. And please, you may call me Daiyu. We are friends now, are we not?"

The Matriarch blinked in surprise, but a small smile graced her lips. "Friends?" she repeated, her voice filled with gratitude, her eyes shimmering with tears at the girl's simple kindness. Daiyu nodded, her own smile widening.

"Yes, friends. I believe that we can support and understand each other, especially during challenging times like this." The older woman nodded with a delicate smile, her face relaxing with relief.

For a long moment, the two women sat in silence, watching a few small fish swim in the pond beside them. After a time, the Matriarch stood, her body less tense than before.

*You were kind to her, was it a ruse or genuine?* Zalgras inquired, unsure if Daiyu had an ulterior motive for approaching the elderly woman.

*Genuine. By all accounts, the woman bears much of the family's responsibilities due to her husband's irresponsible behavior. She holds up the family honor alone, attending official events and doing charity work, while her husband spends his time elsewhere, with a new mistress and companions wasting their resources on failed business ventures, forged paintings, and the new mistress*, Daiyu explained to her companion.

*He squanders his personal income while thanks to her financial acumen, and dowery shops she keeps the family afloat, but she receives little respect for her efforts. It's a heavy burden for an elevated third wife,* Daiyu continued, expressing her heartfelt concerns for the Matriarch.

Footsteps announced a new presence in the secluded courtyard, and Daiyu rose from the bench with a cold smile.

"Princess Yun Val Daiyu greets her Goduncle, Prince Nam Cal Liang," Daiyu greeted the tall figure that stepped through the entrance, surprising herself with the lack of noticeable sarcasm. This was the man she had once saved, but he had repaid her and her brother's kindness by attempting to get them arrested when they entered the capital city.

"It is our first official meeting, princess, yet we have no tea or wine to commemorate this moment," the man's soft voice drifted into the early evening air as Ai Zian stepped in carrying a lantern, he bowed respectfully.

"Mistress Lu Min instructed us to help assist with lamp lighting," Ai Zian stated, his tone holding no emotion as he remained bowed respectfully.

"Very well, Ai Zian. Please do so, then instruct Ba Indu to bring wine and two cups to the main study," Daiyu instructed as the man stood, swiftly lit the courtyard lamp, and left the space to carry out her order.

"You are not worried about rumors about us being alone?" the man asked, his soft blue robes shuffling as he made his way to a bench a little in front of her and to her left.

"It is an open courtyard. We are now family as well as neighbors. I see no reason to be concerned over random and baseless rumors, especially since my maid and one of my trusted guards are near enough to observe us," Daiyu responded just as Ba Indu returned with Ai Zian. The guard placed a table between the two and Ba Indu sat down two porcelain glasses and a small tray of sweet snacks before pouring a delectable-smelling wine.

Silently, the guard returned to the entrance to the courtyard, stationing himself at the entrance in a position that allowed him to see if anyone approached as well as the activity within. Ba Indu stood closer to the study door, like a shadow, holding the wine and waiting to serve the next glass. Liang smiled at the servant's actions of protecting their master while reaching for the wine. Daiyu did the same.

*You should have let him die in that cave,* Zalgras said to her, his mental voice filled with angry contempt.

*It is not in my nature, though his future actions will determine how I respond going forward. My goodwill is no longer free after what he did,* Daiyu told her ethereal friend.

"When did you know who I was?" Nam Liang inquired with a chuckle, dropping all polite speech as Ba Indu moved forward and refilled the glasses.

"I encountered assassins when I went hunting for dinner who were talking about killing a prince. I originally believed they were after my brother. However, I discovered in the course of sending them to the depths, they were after a very different prince," Daiyu told him truthfully as the two once again lifted their wine glasses, a gentle breeze lifting a strand of Daiyu's beautifully decorated hair, letting it dance in the wind for a moment.

"Yet you said nothing upon your return?" Liang pressed.

"You did not see fit to introduce yourself honestly. I saw no reason to instigate or worry a man I had just put back together with a needle and a thread. The agitation would have affected your healing and served no purpose. If I knew how you would replay that kindness, I would have never left you follow-up medication or the note," Daiyu stated, her voice turning as cold as an arctic wind while Ba Indu refilled the wine glasses. Liang had the chagrin to flinch at her harsh words, his face flushing with mild embarrassment.

"I did indeed miscalculate, and for what it may be worth, I am very sorry for my actions. They were dishonorable," the prince's silver-blue eyes stared at his wine glass for a moment before he brought it to his lips and finished it off.

The atmosphere in the courtyard shifted subtly as Prince Nam Cal Liang finished his wine, but the tension remained palpable. Daiyu's guard was up, and she kept a careful watch on the prince, her sapphire eyes showing no sign of wavering.

"Princess, I know my actions were unbecoming, and I regret my ill-advised choices. I am truly sorry for the pain I caused you and your brother."Liang sighed softly, appearing genuinely torn between guilt and wanting to salvage the situation.

"Apologies do not erase the past, nor do they undo the harm. My brother and I had no ill intentions when we arrived in the capital, and yet we were treated as enemies by you and your guards. It was a betrayal of trust, one I cannot easily forget." Daiyu's expression remained stoic, and her voice was steady when she responded.

Ai Zian, sensing the tension, discreetly stepped closer, his hand resting on the hilt of his sword. Liang noticed the subtle movement but didn't seem threatened by it.

"I understand that you may find it difficult to trust me now," Liang admitted, his eyes showing a flicker of regret. "But I hope you will consider that people can change, and I am genuinely trying to mend my ways."

"Change takes time and consistent actions that prove one's sincerity. Words alone hold little weight. If you truly seek a truce, show it through your deeds, not empty promises." Daiyu's gaze didn't waver, Liang nodded, seemingly accepting her condition.

"I understand, and I will do my best to earn back your trust, Princess. Let us start anew, without the shadows of the past clouding our interactions." Daiyu remained guarded but gave a slight nod in acknowledgment.

"Very well. But know this, if you cross me or my brother again, there will be no second chances." The prince looked solemn as he replied.

"I will tread carefully, and I hope we can find common ground in time." His starlight-colored eyes met her gaze yet she could not tell how sincere he was being, only time could tell.

With that, the conversation came to an uneasy conclusion. Ai Zian discreetly stepped back, and Daiyu returned to her seat, keeping a measured distance from Liang.

After the tense conversation with Prince Nam Cal Liang, Daiyu sought solace in the dining hall, where she found herself in the comforting company of Master Li and Captain Chen. As she entered, Master Li's kind eyes immediately caught her gaze, and he approached with a warm smile.

"Princess, your housewarming was an excellent event, and your new residence is a splendid manor. May the Maker's blessings continue to shower upon you and your home," Master Li said with genuine enthusiasm, offering a small bow of respect.

"Thank you, Master Li, your presence here made the ceremony even more special. This one greatly appreciates your well wishes. May the Maker bless you today and every day," Daiyu replied with heartfelt gratitude, bowing respectfully in return.

With a gracious nod, Master Li bid his farewells, leaving Daiyu to face Captain Chen, who stood nearby. He approached her with a respectful yet friendly air, bowing in greeting, his aqua-green eyes softening with genuine concern.

"Princess, congratulations on your housewarming. It was a wonderful event," Captain Chen said with a gentle smile.

Daiyu shook his hand and replied, "Thank you, Captain Chen, for your kind words and for ensuring security during the ceremony. Your presence was very reassuring."

"This humble servant was only following the Esteem's orders, Princess. Though if you find yourself requiring my assistance in securing the property or anything else, please don't hesitate to ask," he offered earnestly.

Daiyu appreciated the sincerity in his voice and smiled softly. "We appreciate the offer, Captain, but the staff can handle it for now. It's been a long day, and we think we can manage without any further trouble."

Captain Chen's keen eyes noticed the hint of despondency in her expression, and he gently inquired, "Is everything alright, Princess? You seem a bit weary."

Daiyu appreciated his concern but didn't want to burden him with her troubles. She gave him a reassuring smile.

"Just tired from the day's events. It's been quite a journey getting to this point, but we are grateful for everything. Please don't worry; tomorrow will find us in bright spirits."

Captain Chen seemed to open up a bit more, his formal tone giving way to a genuine desire for connection. "In that case, I hope that in the future, we can be friends. I am here if you ever need someone to talk to or if you need assistance."

Daiyu was touched by his sincerity and honesty. Her smile widened, and her sapphire eyes shone with gratitude. "Thank you, Captain Chen. Your support means a lot. I would be honored to have you as a friend."

As Captain Chen bid her goodnight, Daiyu couldn't help but feel a sense of relief. It seemed that she had made progress in building a genuine connection with him, and the weight of suspicion and secrecy had eased.

She took two bottles of wine and a cup and began the journey to her personal courtyard. Ba Indu met her in the center of the main courtyard and silently took the wine bottles from her master as they continued to a small door hidden in a hallway in the corner of the yard. The large palace maid and La Lei bowed in greeting before La Lei opened the courtyard gate for her. He was careful to keep the left side of his face ducked so as not to present his master with the long ugly scar that ran from his left ear to his chin. Daiyu just nodded in approval as weariness set in.

She walked past the large weeping tree that seemed to guard the pond as she reached the halfway point in the courtyard her new target range came into view in front of her and to her left stood combat dummies in a sparing pit. It took her a moment to understand what she was seeing then she just gaped.

"Ba Indu are those the trees Se Mali had brought in?" She inquired her voice filled with disbelief.

"Yes Mistress, depths only knows how they managed it, that man seems like he couldn't keep two copper gint if his life needed him two but somehow he managed this. Truly mind-boggling." The young maid responded as she to stood in wonder at the almost two-story tall trees and elegant vines that now towered over the new sparing range. Daiyu could not even fathom how they had gotten the trees through the manor let alone were able to replant them solidly enough that they were not going to fall over and crush the courtyard.

Daiyu felt laughter explode from her chest as she tried and failed to figure the riddle of the two trees out. She had thought the trees would be saplings of some kind, not monstrous old-growth monstrosities.

"How in the depths?" Daigh whispered again to herself as she sat down at a small table in the yard under the mood light and allowed Ba Indu to serve her glasses of the potent alcohol. While she marveled at the trees with a relaxed smile.