
Trapped In A Fairytale: Surviving The First Empress of Ksin

Many stories start with once upon a time, but are the villains always the evil and hero's always righteous? Are demons always malevolent and dangerous? Yun Val Daiyu is a battle-hardened soldier fighting battle after battle to secure the resources to keep her planet and people safe. On the eve of an incredible victory, she is betrayed and dies at the hands of one of her closest friends. Then impossibly, she is reborn as another Yun Val Daiyu, a villainous sister in an ancient bedtime story. Can she survive the fate awaiting her? Through conspiracies and dark plots? Are her allies more dangerous than her enemies?

R_Castle · Kỳ huyễn
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37 Chs

Blood, Bonds, and Unyielding Resolve

Zalgras woke Daiyu when the sun had just started to lighten the sky, it decided to not inform its host about the trespasser. The young girl was already burdened by immense pressure, and the news would only add to her heavy load, as it had in the depths of the cave when the male had feigned sleep. The presence meant no harm, for the girl was in desperate need of rest and the restoration of her waning energy.

She drowsily sat up stretching and yawning like a kitten before pushing the thick dark green cotton curtains surrounding the bed aside and setting her bare feet onto the cold hardwood floor, sluggishly moving to return to her own room, letting the snoring Balam continue with whatever dream had him so enthralled. His soft lashes fluttered like a butterfly upon his thin, wan cheeks.

She deployed a K-box from her possession. Within its confines lay a selection of garments for each of them, meticulously arranged with the necessities for their daily voyage. A second backpack was filled with provisions for their journey aboard the ship. Cunningly concealed within the folds of each garment were a few spare gints, secured in hidden pockets, prepared for unforeseen emergencies. In her previous life, this was a skill the orphans had honed in their younger and more destitute days. Whenever they pilfered money, they would stitch it into the hems of their threadbare pants or tattered skirts, ready for a swift escape or other dire circumstances. It had proven invaluable countless times.

As the maid arrived to deliver the news of the individuals gathered by Tel Ver MoLi, Daiyu and her young brother, Balam, had already completed their morning rituals. They adorned themselves in garments that exuded noble splendor, reminiscent of a bygone era. Balam's shoulder-length, grey-blue hair was expertly styled in a top knot, lending him an air of height and dignity beyond his tender years. His pale blue skin, adorned with delicate hues of purple, emitted an ethereal grace. His silver-blue eyes, akin to shimmering starlight on a tranquil pond, held a hint of mild interest and cautious wariness.

Though young in age, Balam was draped in noble robes, resplendent in shades of grey and green. The fabric flowed with an ethereal elegance, adorned with intricate crane embroidery that symbolized longevity and wisdom. A porter attentively carried the young boy, ensuring that his regal nobility remained untarnished, despite his injury.

Daiyu, with her long and lustrous blue-black tresses, had her hair meticulously styled. Freshly coiled buns adorned her head, while some strands cascaded like a midnight waterfall down her back. Her soft violet skin, akin to the petals of a rare blossom, bestowed upon her an aura of otherworldly beauty. Her sapphire eyes, deep and resolute, sparkled with the watchfulness of a predatory cat, evaluating every angle of their surroundings with keen observation.

Once again, Daiyu chose to don a martial-cut robe, a testament to her preference for a fusion of elegance and practicality. The fabric, woven from the finest silk, was dyed in deep shades of crimson and onyx black. Intricate tiger embroidery adorned the vibrant red, emphasizing courage and power, while the contrasting black flowed like smooth, mysterious shadows.

The air surrounding Daiyu and Balam carried a delicate scent of lingering rose petals, a gentle reminder of the indulgent baths they had luxuriated in the previous night. The fragrance danced upon the breeze, intertwining with the siblings' aura of determination and purpose. It was as if the very essence of their beings harmonized with the natural world, creating an enchanting atmosphere brimming with potential.

Following the young girl's lead, Daiyu and Balam proceeded to a private viewing balcony adjacent to Daiyu's room. The space was generously proportioned, featuring a table and chairs accommodating up to eight individuals on one side, while the double doors leading to the connecting hallway provided an expansive view on the other. Fifteen men and women of diverse ages stood before them, respectfully maintaining a considerable distance. Seated at the table, Daiyu found herself opposite an elderly bald man dressed in regal purple trader's attire, embellished with graceful blue embroidered flowers adorning his sleeves. Beside her, the gentle and attentive male porter carefully settled Balam into a chair, ensuring his comfort and paying meticulous attention to his broken leg.

"Greetings, I am Kotoyo La Kiri; I help match people to future employers like yourself. The proprietress has informed me you and the young master require skilled assistance. These are the people I currently have available. They all have their own unique sets of skills. I am sure we will be able to pair you with the appropriate talent." As the bald man, Kotoyo La Kiri, introduced himself, Daiyu couldn't help but notice his orange eyes were squinted to add gentle wrinkles to his aged face his subservient folded hands and gentle hunch of his shoulders did not diminish his slightly leering demeanor. He seemed to focus more on Balam, underestimating Daiyu's role in the decision-making process, assuming them to be mere children, and deferring to the male in the group perhaps seeing her as a bodyguard.

She glanced over at the people gathered scanning them carefully, noting fear, hope, and agitation in their collective demeanor. She sighed, glancing towards the pond. She observed a few ducks and cranes enjoying the rising sun, letting out soft sounds that filtered to the ears. Turning her attention back to Kotoyo, she spoke, feigning a slight distraction by the view.

Your courteous manner and dedication in this task are greatly appreciated. However, we would prefer to interview the candidates directly. Our personal impressions of them are of utmost importance, considering our unfamiliarity with this place. If you wouldn't mind waiting in the lobby, we will contact you once we are done." Her voice carried a melodic sweetness, like this honey, her face a mask of naivety befitting a young girl.

"Miss Yun, without the guidance of a knowledgeable elder, you may find it challenging to make an informed decision..." He began in an easy but authoritative way attempting to worm his way back into the situation; she cut him off, her voice even and cold.

"Master Kotoyo, today presents an opportunity for you to reap substantial rewards. We are in dire need, and time is of the essence. Rest assured, you will receive your fair share regardless of our selection. However, it must be done in a manner that satisfies our discerning taste and instills confidence in our choices. Please allow the delightful Madam Tel to treat you to a warm meal and the finest wine, all on our account, while we make our decisions." The man wanted to persist, but her smile and words left him with no leverage. Continuing to persuade her would only reveal his rudeness and arrogance, potentially jeopardizing the entire deal. Thus, he thanked her and departed to fetch the wine, leaving her with a price sheet containing the names of the individuals present.

"Ba Indu, please step forward," Daiyu announced into the small crowd. A small waif-like girl slowly moved from the back of the group, her shoulder-length green hair resting in braided tails on either side of her thin palm-sized face. Fear, apprehension, and determination were visible in her shining green eyes, instantly earning Daiyu's favor. She was the second most affordable candidate on the list, and Daiyu had a hunch that the brightness in her eyes might explain the lower price.

"How old are you?" She asked the girl, who looked up quickly and then flashed her eyes back to her feet.

"Greetings, Miss Yun. Blessings upon you and the young master. This humble one is thirteen lunar years old, as of three moon phases ago." The girl's voice was delicate and soft like temple bells on the wind; the color rising in her cheeks attested to how uncomfortable she was, but her steady words spoke her determination.

"Where do you hail from?" The girl furrowed her brows at the question but kept her gaze lowered.

"In response to Miss Yun, this one was born and raised here," she answered, confused by the personal nature of the question but remaining unwavering.

"Where does your family dwell, and how many family members do you have?" The question was spoken as if delving this deeply into an indentured servant's background was normal. The girl appeared perplexed; this was her fourth evaluation, and most people merely inquired about skills, checked teeth, and examined physical abilities. The intrusion into her private life was unexpected.

"In response to Miss Yun, this one only has her grandmother for support, and we live a few steps away from this location," she gestured in the direction aligned with the main street.

"What happened to the rest of your family?" Balam quietly observed his sister, contemplating the purpose behind her line of questioning. Pouring her a cup of fragrant tea, he keenly observed the reactions of those still present.

"In response to Miss Yun, my younger brother passed away due to illness two moon phases ago. My mother and father left town one evening three lunar years ago and have not been heard from since," the girl shared, her voice revealing the pain associated with these dark memories. Despite the emotional strain, she remained determined not to let it show. Daiyu nodded in approval; she had taken a liking to this girl.

"Why do you wish to leave this place, and what do you hope to accomplish in the Capital?" Daiyu inquired, raising her tea to her lips and sipping gracefully. The girl paused for a moment, then answered with conviction, her voice growing slightly louder, her eyes sparkling in the light of the dawning sun.

"In response to Miss Yun, my grandmother is unwell. I must work to afford her medical bills. I do not wish to leave, but I must earn the money she needs. She relies solely on me, and it is my duty to provide for her. That is why I wish to leave. My only aim is for my grandmother to live a few more peaceful years before returning to the embrace of the Maker, knowing she still has one caring family member." Emotion choked her words momentarily, tears glistening in her eyes, yet none fell.

"Thank you, Ba Indu. Please stand to the right side. We will inform all of you of our decision once we have heard from everyone," Daiyu instructed, her tone devoid of emotion. The girl raised her head quickly, a mix of confusion and gratitude on her face, before nodding and stepping away.

"Next Ver An, please step forward." A curvaceous woman emerged, her sky-colored hair styled in an elaborate fashion that perfectly matched her intricate sky-blue gown. Her flawless pale skin resembled moonlit snow, indicating a life free from labor and nourished by a healthy diet. When she walked, her gate suggested she had at least one child. Her shining violet eyes never left Balam's quiet figure.

"Greetings, young master and Miss Yun. May your lives be blessed with a thousand years," the woman spoke, her voice intended to sound as sweet as honey, but to Daiyu, it felt more like thick, suffocating tar.

"Ver An, how old are you?" Daiyu asked, her tone maintaining the directness she employed with the previous candidates, masking her instinctual dislike for this individual standing before her.

"Responding, young master, this one is eighteen lunar years old," Ver An answered, her lie almost causing Daiyu to choke on her tea.

*Yun Val Daiyu, this female is telling you one of those lies; this one is unsure of the color.* Zalgras piped in its voice, sounding slightly confused.

*I know; she's in her late twenties if she is a lunar year. I am sure it will not be her last falsehood. Keep monitoring the practice will be helpful in the future.* She had a few objectives with her tactics; one side quest was to improve Zalgras' understanding of lies. A foolproof, invisible lie detector was a valuable thing. This woman unknowingly played a vital role in its training.

"Where do you originate from?" Daiyu inquired as she had of the previous candidate.

"Responding, young master, this lowly girl is an orphan from Ktni," Ver An replied, allowing her violet eyes to well with moisture. Daiyu almost applauded her performance and quick thinking. How dare she lie so well and even think of a way out of most of the other probing questions! Her improvisational skills were formidable.

"Why do you wish to leave this place, and what do you hope to achieve in the Capital?" Daiyu posed her final question.

"Responding, young master, this humble girl desires nothing more than to serve you faithfully in any capacity that requires her skills. I am a skilled cook and proficient in the four feminine arts, possessing excellent massage abilities..." Daiyu gently placed her teacup down, the sound reverberating in the air.

"Enough, Ver An; you may stand with the last girl." It was Balam who spoke before his sister. He wanted to humiliate this girl, who ignored his sister and spoke only ugly words. He knew that would affect his sister's tactics, so he would not add more. However, he, as the one she was pandering to, shutting her down blandly with no interest was also a way to slap her face.

"Uh, yes, of course, young master," Ver An stammered, taken aback by Balam's interruption. Daiyu nearly patted her brother's back in approval, but she restrained herself, allowing only a slight twitch of her lips to reveal her satisfaction before wiping her expression clean.

The interviews continued at a rapid pace. Many individuals had had time to craft their stories by the time their turn came, but it did not slip past her that all of the higher-priced people were stage-worthy liars. Many of the women were like Ver An, and Daiyu wondered how they thought such coquettish behavior would win them the favor of a child of only five lunar years old.

Even more surprising were a few men thinking they would win her with their attempts at charm. Whoever had given them such misplaced confidence clearly needed a thorough reality check. Discovering a few men and one woman had martial skills was an intriguing bonus; their military service was even more enticing.

"If I call your name, please step to the right side of the balcony," Daiyu announced in a measured tone, her voice cutting through the room. The candidates listened intently, their eyes darting back and forth, searching for signs of approval or rejection.

"Ba Indu, Na Binh, Fa Sai," Ver An, her chest puffed up with confidence, assumed that those whose names were called were the rejects. She and the other women shared knowing glances, believing that their beauty would surely win them favor. "Ba June, La Lei, Ja Chin, Se Enan, and Ai Zian. We would thank you for your time. If I did not call your name, you are excused." She coldly emphasized the word not. The excused men lowered their shoulders in defeat, their hopes shattered as they turned to leave. Ver An and the other women looked indignantly toward Balam, a slight plea in their pitiful, wronged expressions.

"How dare you speak for the Young Master! Miss Yun, you are too bold to make decisions for him!" Ver An protested, her voice laced with indignation. The crowd behind her grumbled in agreement, echoing her sentiment.

"Arrogant! Miss Yun is my benefactress! All the funds keeping this one alive have been kindly provided by her. She had even provided the clothes that kept out the wind and rain. If we were in the Capital, this one would have you rightfully beaten to death for such remarks! Leave while I am still feeling generous!" Balam's cold, authoritative voice filtered into the room, freezing the women and leaving them dumbstruck on a few accounts.

They realized their mistakes in underestimating the girl with violet skin and foreign features. First, they had assumed by her violet skin she was a foreign servant of the boys and, therefore, must not have much in the way of funds. They suddenly realized they had tried to hug the wrong thigh during the interview and had sealed their own death warrants by ignoring the girl. Second, they were shocked by the domineering air the young boy could produce, his murderous intent suppressing them in place with just a few words. He was absolutely not of common origin; they had indeed lost a great opportunity.

"Young Master, how can you be so fierce!" Ver An whined with tears in her eyes. Not willing to give up on being taken away from this place, she doubled her efforts and moved to fall onto the young boy, her actions so swift none of the remaining crowd had seen her dash forward. Except for Daiyu, who sprang from her chair like a lion protecting its cub, spinning her leg over the top of the table, and kicked the woman solidly in the side of the head, her foot stopping in mid-air, her shin almost touching the boy's nose.

Ver An crashed into the white clay wall with a cracking thud just as Kotoyo La Kiri reappeared a bit frantic. The men had informed him of her choices, and he was rushing to see if he could encourage a more significant purchase. Daiyu had not chosen any of his premium stock, only his second and third-grade people.

He was determined to up-sell her at least on some of the higher quality maids. Whoever they were, their backgrounds were not small. It would be useful to have one of his spies among them; he had to get one of them by their sides. However, the image of the broken Ver An and the quick-footed Daiyu was beyond his expectations upon what he thought he would find entering the balcony again. She was too violent, much too violent, and who knew what had set her off.

"Uhm, Miss Yun…" He began, his voice shocked and reticent Daiyu stepped forward, grabbing the man's hand irritably with her right while placing one gold and several silver gint coins into the man's hand with her left.

"Master Kotoyo, we have made our decisions. It is final; please prepare the contracts, and leave them with Madam Tel. We wish to employ these few for seven days, after which we will settle in the Capital and renegotiate the contracts with them directly. As for that one, I have damaged your merchandise. Please accept the additional funds as compensation. We have noted your goodwill and will remember you if we need assistance in the future." She lifted her chin slightly at the crumpled woman on the floor who seemed to be in a daze.

The other woman behind Kotoyo La Kiri shrank in fear at her use of violence; a faint urine smell permeated the space. Daiyu almost scoffed at how weak these few were, and they had the guts to try and lie to her? They were fortunate to have encountered her, for anyone else might have swiftly disposed of them for such an offense.

"Yes, of course. Thank you for your generous patronage; this one will forever be at your service…." His voice trailed off awkwardly, and he stared into the girl's cold gem-like eyes, mesmerized like a mouse under the gaze of a dangerous snake. He decisively clapped his hands, motioning for the other girls to grab the broken Ver An, and within moments they had struggled out of the room with it taking four women to carry the woman who fainted from pain at the rough treatment.

Daiyu turned her attention to those who remained — three women and five men. As her gaze fell upon them, she noticed a subtle shift in their demeanor. The men regarded her with a newfound respect, while the women became guarded, as if wary of revealing too much of themselves. Returning to her seat, Daiyu composed herself, the sound of her sipping tea filling the room, creating an atmosphere of restrained tension and unspoken anticipation.

In addition to Ba Indu, there was Na Binh. She couldn't help but be captivated by the girl's striking appearance and determined demeanor. Only fourteen lunar years old, she had been born into a family burdened by poverty and a patriarch's unyielding preference for sons. Na Binh, the youngest of eight sisters, had shouldered the weight of her father's expectations, channeling her frustrations into a crafty and resolute spirit. With her blue hair, pond-blue skin, and piercing black eyes, the girl came across resilient and determined. Despite her humble background, Daiyu sensed an undercurrent of intelligence and the way she spoke of The Maker outlined a devotion to the faith within the young girl, qualities she hoped would be of use to her and her brother in the future.

The final girl was Fa Sai, originally from Taihar, loudly attested to by her deep violet skin, her tale of being shipwrecked rang true, yet the rest of her story about being a former servant of a large clan did not. Daiyu could gauge she held no malice for the siblings and was interested in the fact that the girl smelled of herbs and moved without making a sound on the hardwood floor. Though only eighteen lunar years of age her eyes pale blue eyes held the haunted look she had seen in many soldiers over her two lifetimes. The girl held secrets and hidden scars Daiyu hoped she could help heal, and in so doing gain a strong companion for their battles to come.

As for the men, there was Ba June, a striking figure with his long, green-black hair meticulously bound in a tribal warrior's knot. His eyes, nearly black with delicate golden specks, seemed to hold a veil over his emotions, revealing little. His blue skin was tinged with pale green under his eyes and at his fingernails, attesting to him having mixed blood, though at first glance he appeared Quinmay, part of his heritage belonged to the nomadic Nanman people. Ba June candidly revealed that he had grown up as an orphan, spending countless years under the tutelage of a woodcutter as his devoted apprentice.

However, what intrigued Daiyu, even more, were his movements and imposing presence, prompting her curiosity about the woodcutter who had honed such remarkable fluidity in his disciple. As the nineteen-year-old stepped forward, he seemed to glide through the crowded space without making any contact, almost appearing to materialize at the forefront of the group moments after his name was called. His enigmatic aura and the seamless grace of his actions stirred a longing within Daiyu to uncover the secrets concealed within his past, intrigued by the untold stories that shaped this young man's extraordinary abilities.

While Ba June professed a simple desire to explore the world, there was an indescribable undertone that sparked a lingering doubt in Daiyu's mind. Whether it was the influence of his nomadic heritage or a concealed agenda yet to be uncovered, she couldn't fully trust his seemingly straightforward declaration. There was an unspoken complexity to Ba June that beckoned her to delve deeper into his motivations, hopeful that by doing so, she could unveil a formidable companion with untapped potential for the challenges that lay ahead.

Standing alongside Ba June was La Lei, a figure of imposing stature, matching Ba June in age. The young man's sheer size commanded attention, while his unique skin tone resembled Ba June's, albeit with a distinct violet hue intertwined with subtle blue highlights. La Lei's admission of hailing from a disgraced Taiharn military clan and his previous life as a soldier betrayed a deep-seated pain, evident through the intensity burning within his violet eyes. Determined to forge a new path, he had chosen to sever his ties with his homeland, shaving his light blue hair to a close crop and embarking on a new journey as a sailor.

Fate intertwined his story with that of Fa Sai, as they found themselves shipwrecked on the shores of QinMay, their shared hardships leading them to venture together towards Uptol in search of work and a fresh beginning. Daiyu recognized in La Lei the unmistakable signs of a soldier who had endured profound betrayal, left scarred by the shattered remnants of his beliefs. It was an anguish she could not ignore nor forsake. To witness a warrior of his caliber, abandoned and damaged, within a community steeped in prejudice and suspicion, stirred an unwavering determination within Daiyu. She resolved to offer her support and companionship, guided by the conviction that she could aid in healing his wounded spirit and provide solace to a soul yearning for redemption.

Ja Chin, a man of twenty-five lunar years, embodied an enigmatic presence that left Daiyu both intrigued and fascinated. Despite his claim of being an orphan hailing from the vicinity of Uptol, his ethereal light blue skin, cascading pale blue hair, and an aura of refined elegance betrayed a lineage intertwined with the esteemed nobility of QinMay. His reserved nature and penchant for guarding his past only added to the allure, offering glimpses of untold tales yearning to be unraveled.

In contrast to the previous candidates who wove deep webs of deceit, Ja Chin's words resonated with sincerity, devoid of any trace of avarice or hidden motives when he expressed his unwavering desire to embark on their shared journey and serve their cause. Daiyu, bewitched by this beguiling blend of enigma and genuine intent, found herself ensnared by an irresistible curiosity. Although his true intentions remained veiled in ambiguity, she detected no malice aimed at her or her brother. This intriguing amalgamation kindled an insatiable desire within her to unveil the enigmatic man's true identity, silently contemplating whether his concealed past would prove to be a valuable asset or a formidable obstacle in their pursuit of survival.

Yet, there was an undeniable yearning in Ja Chin's eyes, a longing for purpose and a desire to be of use, compelling Daiyu to extend her unwavering support and embrace him as an indispensable companion on their path forward.

Se Enan, a beacon of unassuming honesty, shared the essence of his humble existence with unabashed transparency. Throughout his fifteen lunar years, he had called Uptol home, nestled within the embrace of a modest merchant family. However, tragedy had befallen his life, as the brutal hand of fate snatched away his parents in a ruthless bandit raid while they were transporting their wares. Despite this sorrowful chapter, his light blue skin bore witness to a pampered and nourished childhood, a testament to the love and care bestowed upon him. His vibrant violet eyes, mirroring the hue of his lustrous hair, radiated an ardent yearning for adventure, an insatiable hunger to break free from the confines of their small mining town.

While his physical stature leaned towards the slender side, almost bordering on scrawniness, the callouses adorning his palms whispered of tireless toil and an indomitable work ethic. Daiyu found herself instantly drawn to his candid and vivacious demeanor, enamored by his authentic and infectious enthusiasm. In Se Enan, she discovered a hint of her dear friend Shine, within his genuine zest for life. His unwavering determination and untainted spirit spoke volumes, evoking a sense of kinship and camaraderie within Daiyu's heart.

She finally turned to the last of her new hires, Ai Zian, having traversed twenty lunar years. While sharing certain parallels with La Lei, Ai Zian hailed from the QinMayn lineage, a fact that set him apart from his counterpart. Both men exuded an imposing presence, their frames crafted with brawn and dominance. An intriguing scar traced a path through his eyebrow, casting an aura of intimidation upon initial observation. Yet, beneath this surface, a contradiction unfolded as his quiet, pistachio gray-green eyes harbored a gentleness and tenderness that belied his formidable exterior.

Ai Zian possessed a unique blend of strength and agility, evident in the fluidity of his movements and the swiftness with which he navigated his surroundings. The grace he emanated spoke of countless hours dedicated to rigorous training, honing his skills with unwavering determination. The calluses etched onto his hands bore testimony to his intimate familiarity with blades, yet a subtle curiosity lingered regarding his proficiency with the bow, a facet that remained concealed and yearned to be unveiled.

As Daiyu indulged in the aromatic essence of her freshly brewed tea, a soothing sensation permeated her being, enveloping her in a cocoon of tranquility. Her eyes traversed the gathering of eight individuals, each bearing their own intricate narrative, brimming with untapped possibilities. In this serene moment of reflection, a flicker of uncertainty danced at the corners of her consciousness, a subtle reminder of the weight of her choices. With a fervent wish, she silently prayed that she had not erred in her discernment, trusting that these diverse paths converging before her held the promise of a future aligned with their shared destiny.

"I am Yun Val Daiyu, and this is my younger brother, Yun Se Balam, You will refer to him as 'young master' until we arrive in the capital." She declared with a resolute tone, her words resounding through the room. The mere mention of her full name caused La Lei and Fa Sai's eyes to widen with a mix of astonishment and hope, while the others remained unperturbed until the second half of her statement, which instantly straightened their postures.

"Our mother holds a cherished position as a consort of the QinMay Esteem, and we are on our way to reunite with her in the Capital. However, we have encountered unforeseen adversaries during our journey and found ourselves in need of new allies. The eight of you will assume this role. I hereby assign Na Binh, Ja Chin, and Se Enan to the care and protection of Balam. Among you three, does anyone possess culinary skills?" As she posed the question, Se Enan and Na Binh both raised their hands, silently indicating their abilities.

"Excellent. Each of you will have the opportunity to showcase your culinary prowess for the young Master. The one who performs more adeptly will be entrusted with his meal preparation upon our return to the Capital, should you wish to continue your employment, the other will remain with me. Now, Ba Indu, Ba June, and La Lei,"

"Pardon me, Miss Yun, but will you abandon us once we reach the Capital?" Fa Sai interrupted, her voice devoid of meekness or arrogance, her eyes meeting Daiyu's without averting her gaze, her head tilted in thoughtful contemplation.

Daiyu, unruffled by the interruption, met Fa Sai's gaze head-on, her voice clear and unwavering as she addressed the concerns raised. "Rest assured, Fa Sai, I have no intentions of abandoning you upon our arrival in the Capital," she began, her words carrying a reassuring tone. "Once we reach the city, I shall personally ensure that each of you receives your rightful wages and severance, granting you the freedom to chart your own course. Should you choose to continue in my service, however, I offer further training, a stable wage, and provisions for your basic needs—shelter, sustenance, and clothing. The choice, my dear companions, rests in your hands." A subtle shift transformed the atmosphere as her voice grew sterner, her words cutting through the room like a winter wind, eyes as cold as ice shards as she continued.

"But let it be known that disloyalty and betrayal have no place within the confines of my employ. Such transgressions shall be met with swift and decisive action. Death, without exceptions, shall be the consequence. You may cross me at your own peril outside of my employ, though I may let you live, no one will escape justice." Her tone expressed that living may not be preferable to death if they decided to sell her out. A collective gulp resonated through the room, like a chorus of distant thunder, as Daiyu's gaze pierced through each individual, freezing them in place with its cold intensity. The weight of her words settled upon them, their implications seeping into their very being, and the room fell into a pregnant silence.

"Thank you, Miss Yun, for the clarification," Fa Sai said, her voice more docile and her tone solemn as she stepped back, minimizing her presence.

"As I was saying," Daiyu resumed, her voice carrying a commanding yet composed tone, "Ba Indu, Ba June, and La Lei, the three of you shall serve me directly until our arrival in the Capital. Your loyalty and dedication will be crucial during this journey." She paused, allowing her words to sink in before continuing.

"Fa Sai and Ai Zian, on the other hand, I have a different task for you. You must remain hidden and unseen throughout our voyage. Your very presence should go unnoticed by anyone except for myself. Be vigilant, for your success will determine the level of support I provide. I expect nightly reports on the ship's activities, and if our safety is directly compromised, you are authorized to respond with force. Can I rely on your confidence to accomplish this mission?" Daiyu reached into her bag and retrieved two pouches, filled equally with glimmering silver and copper gint. Placing them deliberately on the table, she locked her gaze on Fa Sai and Ai Zian. The weight of the coins symbolized the gravity of their responsibilities.

Fa Sai and Ai Zian, understanding the unspoken pact, silently picked up their respective pouches, bowing deeply in acceptance. Daiyu's approving nod and the hint of a smile conveyed her satisfaction with their commitment.

"Very well, Na Binh," she spoke, her voice tinged with warmth. "I have a task for you. Can you read and write?" she inquired, handing her the board Kotoyo La Kiri had inadvertently left behind. A stick figure with numbered body parts adorned the bottom of the board, and Daiyu placed a piece of charcoal and a soft tailor's tape on the table.

"In response to Miss Yun, this one indeed possesses those abilities," Na Binh confirmed with a curtsied, her excitement and determination shining in her black eyes. Daiyu nodded approvingly and outlined her next request.

"Take everyone's measurements for me quickly, please," she instructed. With grace and efficiency, Na Binh assumed her role, organizing the measuring tools and directing the group to line up. She displayed a touch of awkwardness when dealing with the taller men, but her determination and lack of self-consciousness prevailed. The girl's steady hands and focused efforts left no room for hesitation or delay.

"Take everyone's measurements for me quickly, please." The girl curtsied again, taking up the items and instructing everyone to line up as she began to organize their measurements, placing their numbers in order beside their names on the board. She was quick and efficient; though a bit awkward with the taller men, she managed unabashedly steady in her task. Daiyu smiled at the girl's eager and determined attitude.

"Ba Indu, please inform Madam Tel to serve our meal here and prepare enough for ten people. We will dine together to save time and also retrieve the contracts left by Master Kotoyo. You all can sign them while we wait for the food," Daiyu spoke, her tone easy-going and straightforward. The young girl, without hesitation, curtsied and swiftly departed to deliver the message.

"La Lei, you and Ba June, go to room seven, directly behind me, and retrieve the balcony chairs. Place them against the far wall when you return," Daiyu instructed, handing La Lei a small silver key. Both men acknowledged the command with a fist palm before setting off on their task. Moments later, they returned with the chairs and arranged them as instructed.

Shortly after, Ba Indu returned, prompting everyone to find a seat. A palpable silence hung in the air, creating an uneasy atmosphere. Fa Sai was the first to break the stalemate, confidently taking a seat opposite Daiyu. Sensing the tension ease, Daiyu passed around the charcoal pen for everyone to sign the contracts. Those who were unable to write resorted to biting their fingers and leaving a bloody thumbprint as their mark. Although slightly taken aback, Daiyu maintained her composure, concealing any surprise from her expression.

When the food arrived, the aroma of braised pork, fried fish, beet soup, chicken stew, steamed vegetables, rice, and tea wafted through the room, large platters of food arrived, tempting the senses. Na Binh and Ba Indu swiftly moved to serve their new young masters, while the rest of the group stared hungrily, their mouths watering in anticipation. Once again, Fa Sai took the lead, helping herself to a generous portion of rice and fish. Observing that Daiyu and the others did not reprimand her, or kick her into a wall, the remaining members gradually followed suit, succumbing to their hunger.

During the meal, La Lei and Fa Sai stole glances at Daiyu, attempting to be discreet but failing miserably. Daiyu sensed their unspoken questions, but she intentionally avoided the topic, leaving it up to their courage to broach the subject directly. She focused on enjoying the meal and the company, silently hoping that bonds would form naturally within their group.

After finishing her own meal, Daiyu took the board with the measurements and instructed the group to continue eating while she attended to another matter. She requested that Se Enan carry her brother back for a nap when he had finished his meal. Balam looked slightly apprehensive but did not protest his sister's instructions, knowing she had a task she wished to accomplish secretly.

Alone in her room, Daiyu retrieved three K-boxes and a clothing fabricator. She scrolled through various preset designs, making minor adjustments for style and size using the meticulous guide created by Na Binh. Placing the necessary resources into the fabricator, she began programming it and then cleaned up two of the K-boxes. With a press of the command button, a soft whirring noise filled the space as the machine diligently started bringing her requests to life.

While the fabricator worked its magic, Daiyu quietly entered her brother's room. Sa Enan dutifully stood guard outside, leaving the adjacent rooms primarily empty and tranquil, save for Balam's gentle breaths. Approaching the bed with the green curtain, Daiyu drew back the curtain, revealing Balam's crystal-colored apprehensive eyes. Uncertainty tinged his words as he began to speak.

"Sister, about my behavior earlier, I know it was shocking…." The boy was terrified, his words small and uncertain. When he had reprimanded the servants earlier, he had not disguised his true self behind the cute facade. So what would his sister think of him now? Had he wholly shattered her idea of him? She cut off his thoughts by flicking his forehead.

"My little brother is the best; you did very well. It is important for you to show your cute, sweet side only to your elder sister and mother. But to the rest of the world, you must be strong and resilient. Seeing you today, I have one less worry in my heart about our return," Daiyu reassured him, her smile radiating pride.

Her words pierced Balam's heart, warming him from within and eliciting a sweet, cheeky smile. The relief washed over him like a physical wave, lifting the heavy burden off his young shoulders and leaving him relaxed and weary. With his sister rubbing his head gently, he drifted into a peaceful sleep.

*You knew the youngling was putting up a false front, yet you encouraged the facade? This one does not understand.* Zalgras piped into her musings as she stood to return and supervise the fabricators. They had only a few hours before midday, and she still needed to organize everyone and acquire transportation to the harbor.

*He is young; he has been through so much and has been rejected by so many. He deserves to be allowed to act his age, even if he, himself, sees it as an act. Those moments will provide him memories that may ground his actions in the future.* She responded simply.

*I still do not understand.* She smiled as its use of 'I' it was learning to be more individual every day. It didn't even realize it occasionally changed how it referred to itself.

*No, but you will eventually, I'm sure.* She smiled cryptically, her hands beginning to organize the pile of garments the fabricator had already completed.

A few hours before midday- or 'blaze' as it was called on this planet, four men dressed in pristine dark gray metal armor over matching dark gray battle robes stood before the inn. When they moved, a hint of midnight blue could be glimpsed from their inner robes. They looked imposing and confident. Each man had a steel blade forged locally in Uptol in their left hand as they stood tall and domineeringly beside two carriages.

The two maids, dressed delicately in light blue with pink embroidery accents, had their appearances refined. Ba Indu's braids were tightly done, adorned with soft blue ribbons that framed her childlike face. Na Binh's short dark blue hair was neatly held back by a midsize light blue ribbon tied into a bow above her left ear. Both girls emanated diligence and grace. Daiyu couldn't help but be impressed by their overall transformation, though the curiosity about the matching clothes and equipment lingered among the group, none dared to inquire directly.

"I can hardly recognize this group from when they arrived this morning; it is truly magnificent!" Madam Tel exclaimed, surveying them from the inn's double doorway.

"We both feel much more secure and at ease, which is hugely due to your exhaustive efforts, Madam Tel. We can not express how grateful we are for all of your remarkable assistance. Truly we were Maker blessed to have stumbled into your care." Daiyu impetuously took the older woman's hands and beamed up at her with sparkling eyes filled with warmth.

"I wish you would have let me book you on The Saling Serpent. You will be so cramped on the Eating Fish that it breaks my heart." Daiyu smiled at the woman, gently patting their joined hands.

"We have troubled you; please do not fret. It is only a few days, and then we will be fine and reunited with our families once more." She assured the older woman before stepping down the stone stairs and towards the waiting carriages. Balam had already been placed securely in the lead carriage, and she entered the one behind with her maid. Se Enan was driving Balam's carriage while Ba June was driving hers. Ja Chin and La Lei took up lead and flank positions in front and behind the carriages respectfully on horseback, and with that, the group was moving towards the docks.

She felt the carriage making several slow turns swaying violently from side to side as they shifted positions. She focused on the sounds, not the rolling sensation in her stomach, the clanging of a local blacksmith, and the smell of furnace fire. The astringent scent of a clothing dyer drifted by, and the roads shifted faster, she heard waterfowl and a small pond splash before the road started to even out and become more maneuverable.

"I never realized how many twists and turns this road had until now. It's like a journey through the Dragon's Spine." Ba Indu exclaimed, suppressing a slight giggle as another bumpy turn occurred. Daiyu only smiled in response. Mentally she was cursing her small child-like body. Unfortunately, the girl's core strength was not developed enough to keep her balanced during the rough turns, which was embarrassing. She hadn't been flung around this much during a journey since she was six and took her first shuttle transport. She swore by the Maker when she finally was able to settle, she would train this body properly.

*Zalgras, can you tell if Balam is in pain due to this turbulence?* She found herself very worried about the happiness and well-being of this 'brother' she had gained in this new life.

*He was, I eased it a bit, and he has fallen into a rest cycle.* She smiled with gratitude letting the emotion filter into it.

"I have never been out of the city. Do you think the whole road to the harbor is like this?" Ba Indu inquired with amazement in her voice.

"A map I saw of the area showed the road as straight with no turns once you were out of the town limits," Daiyu informed the excited young girl; Ba Indu nodded with deep consideration as the children's laughter began to get closer.

As they ventured further toward the outskirts of town, a fiery pit settled in the depths of Daiyu's stomach. Her gaze pierced through the curtained window, her eyes shrouded in darkness. The tranquil faces of the townsfolk outside belied the treacherous path that lay ahead. Each step they took brought them closer to the capital, to their mother, and to the looming threat of those who sought to brand them as villains, willing to spill their blood to carve their own twisted chapter in history. But Daiyu was resolute. With unwavering determination, she vowed to protect her newfound family. She would unleash the strategic prowess honed through two lifetimes of warfare.

Mercy would be a luxury reserved for the deserving, for those who stood in their way would be met with unrelenting force. The Maker herself would tremble at the force she would unleash upon any who dared to stand in their way.