
Trapped By The Untamed

"It's pointless to run because you're imprisoned!" It's difficult to sleep at night knowing exactly what you'll encounter in your dreams. Keeley has trouble sleeping at night, fearful of encountering an alpha wolf in her dreams who is merely there to taunt her. "Werewolves aren't real," she told herself, but what happens when a stroll in the woods leads to her kidnapping? "It's you!" she screamed as she backed away from him, a nasty grin on his lips as he watched her go. "Until now, I've just followed you in your dreams, but I'm never going to let you out of my sight." What could the Alpha possibly want from her at this point? Why would you kidnap or torture an innocent woman? "What are you doing?" She screamed as he ripped her clothes off, trying to conceal herself but he grabbed both of her wrists and stopped her. He stared at the mark close to her breast side and something sparked in his eyes, and she could see the sight of delight in his eyes. "Checkpoint," he said. "Who are you?" She eventually summoned the nerve to ask, and he stopped for a while before tilting her chin up to meet his stare, sending a shiver down her spine. "I may be your greatest nightmare; from now on, you're my property, a secret instrument; in other words, you've been captured by The Untamed." What does an Alpha male have in common with a human girl, and what is the significance of her birthmark? Will Keeley be able to break free from the untamed's grasp?

Sky_Li · Kỳ huyễn
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7 Chs

Normal Nightmare

It was pitch black.

I couldn't see or hear anything, the world was once again enveloped in it's gloomy darkness terrifying me to the depth of my soul.

Is this some kind of Abyss?, I thought absent mindedly surprised at how dark it was.

I crouched to my knees and groped around for anything familiar that would make me recognize the place I was in, I felt the cool breeze hit my skin, as it swayed some leaves tickling my palm.

"This is grass." I said to myself, when my eyes where finally starting to adjust to the darkness, I could see trees, tall dark trees like they were in a race to reach the sky, the sky looked gloomy as the cloud storm hid it's light indicating a great storm was coming, the full moon shun brightly but it wasn't enough to add even the tiniest bit of light to where I was.

It had an austere look and my heart raced, an alarm bell ringing in my head which signified nothing but trouble, where in the hell am I?!

I heard the snap of a twig almost making me jump out of my skin in fear.

"Whose there?!" I asked with a trembling voice, not like I was expecting an answer, I had nothing I could use to defend myself leaving me completely unarmed, which made me a lot more scared, something flashed past the bushes and I didn't miss that.

"I said whose there?" my voice echoed through the forest and the whole place went dead silent again, the only thing I could hear was the heavy thumping of my own heartbeat.

I glanced around, from left, right, my back like something or anything could attack me from any angle.

A sudden growl made me gasp, I flinched back, it came from behind the bushes and the leaves wouldn't stop rustling, the next thing I saw was a pair of golden eyes, stepping out slowly from the bush, I couldn't see it's body due to the darkness but with the look in it's eyes, I knew exactly what it was.

"A wolf." I breathed out, unable to believe it as it continued to make it's way towards me like a predator testing it's prey, I stepped back as well.

The look in it's eyes was something I couldn't quite fathom to but it gave me a sudden chill, it's aura was menacing and I knew, with no doubts it was definitely going to hurt me so I did the one thing that came into my mind at that moment.

"Arrrgh, someone help me!!" I screamed and made a run for it, it felt like the wolf had been waiting for me to run the whole time cause it wasted no time in going after me, it's eyes glowing in the dark.

"It's getting close, anybody!" I continued to scream out, no one in their right senses would end up in a place like this but it wouldn't hurt to call out to people.

I scampered through the dark forest and just when I thought things couldn't get worse, I tripped on who knows what and fell flat on the ground, it was too late to get back up cause the wolf was already closing in on me and just when it was about to pounce on me.....

My eyes flung open and I sat upright with a scream. "Arrghh!, please don't hurt me." I covered my face to avoid seeing what would happen next but then, realized the early morning sun had kissed my face, it's warmth made me tear my palm from my face and I was gazing directly at my glass window as the sun shun brightly against the early blue sky, totally different from the cold crispy dark forest i was in.

Wait, I glanced around to see where I was but was surprised to find myself in my room, on my bed, covered in my own sweat.

I let out a sigh and laid flat on my bed, placing a hand to my chest to calm my racing heart.

"It's nothing but the same nightmare." I comforted myself to ease my frightening state, taking each breath slowly and steadily. But it all felt so real like the wolf actually planned it all, the golden eyes in the dark was so beautiful but looked deadly at the same time, could it be...., I shook the thought away before it even escaped my lips.

"Werewolves aren't real, it's not possible, I'm just having a normal nightmare and nothing more, people tend to have the same nightmare countless of times so mine is no different the rest." I convinced myself and only got out of bed when I felt my body was strong again.

My first time writing a werewolf story, show me your support if you find it interesting!

Sky_Licreators' thoughts