

WARNING: MATURED CONTENT.... Do you love me Lockshay?.... Lockshay blinked severally.....he captured her lips again and her whole being stilled... Lost of words at his actions and beautiful kisses she just like this new side of him...

Peterson_89 · Kỳ huyễn
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22 Chs

What's his problem?

Lockshay beamed in satisfaction staring at the status of her house it looked ethereal, infact the look of the house gave her a warm welcoming feeling and she couldn't help but gawk at her most presided handwork.

just as she stood looking in admiration, she suddenly felt someone's familiar aura she looked around, that aura was reeking aimlessly and she smiled

"is that you Mr Yun?

immediately Yun Zaki materialized, and Lockshay pressed her lips tight as she stared at his poker face.

"What's your problem?

"um... actually Mr Yun am really sorry but I can not longer stay there I hope you don't mind..... I have already made up my mind*** Lockshay said and Yun Zaki suddenly smiled

*am really sorry for not understanding you* he suddenly apologised

but Lockshay immediately changed the topic

... welcome to my house.... I did all the handwork, I made sure I arranged it my self" Lockshay said proudly

Yun Zaki stretched his fingers and when the green light suddenly dazzled, all her handwork fell to the drain because, everything came back to the square one where she started from.

Nooo!!!!! Lockshay screamed as Yun Zaki stared at her

*come back now*

it sounded as if he was commanding her that if she couldn't do as he said there was going to be a dire punishment but Lockshay was stubborn

"not gonna..... please just go" Lockshay said Yun Zaki stared at her for long before finally teleporting of.

Lockshay sighed staring at the pile of work that was before her again. She spread out her fingers intending to use her magic that whatever be the consequences she was ready to take it, but all of a sudden someone pushed her door open and that caused her to stop whatever she planned on doing she turned abruptly and she saw Carlos and she quickly ran to him

"oh..mi..gosh how did you find me?

Carlos threw the bag to her

*you're a complete fool*


"next time don't forget something so Important in my car ever again*...

*thank you* Lockshay said simply

can I have my earpod now, oh let me advice you.... please stop stealing.. Carlos said and Lockshay smiled

" I didn't steal you Know"

*then what can we call that?

*oh please, I liked it and I took it, so we can call that a simple taking, besides I planned on returning it... Lockshay said and gave the earpod back to Carlos.

Carlos stared around.....so this is your house? Carlos asked and Lockshay nodded simply

"common let me help you" Carlos said sternly and immediately Lockshay's eyes lit up hearing him offer his help

..thank you so much...

her smile slowly faded as she remembered about Brittney

..um Brittney?

Carlos frowned "can we not talk about her for a minute? Carlos said angrily

.. common she's having a wrong impression about you, she thinks you're cheating but you're not" Lockshay said

Carlos eyes suddenly looked intense

"what if I was? huh! he asked as he slowly took a step forward to her. Quickly Lockshay picked a glass vase...stay back or I would...

*fool* Carlos said as he walked to the pile of boxes.

Some minutes later

Carlos was really pressed

"um... bathroom? he asked

upstairs.... she replied and he left.

immediately he left Lockshay saw Yun Zaki and she frowned....what again now?

Yun Zaki didn't reply but he used his magic and suddenly the house was well arranged.

What the?... what is wrong with you? Carlos would suspect* Lockshay screamed

*I don't care, just come back now..... suddenly he teleported and Lockshay turned only to see Carlos looking around in utter disbelief

..how did this happen?

Lockshay smiled ...uh what if I tell you that I don't know.... she smiled weirdly and Carlos knitted his brows but he left quickly anyways without asking anymore questions.

Mr Yun.. please stop! I need my freedom, I was once a normal human before I got the magic, please don't trap me in the Academy"

angrily Yun Zaki dragged her hands

.. come with me...

"let go of me... ahh! you're hurting me.. Lockshay cried


*listen you're been so unreasonable*

immediately Yun Zaki teleported and Lockshay found her self back at the academy, and she pulled away from him angrily

You are staying here....

*am not gonna, I hate you all you all are just being hostile towards me, I don't want to learn anything and you can't force me" Lockshay said angrily.

It was the first time Yun Zaki witnessed Lockshay really angry

*I am leaving this place, and there is nothing anyone of you can do about it...

Lockshay said her anger had already created a scene

Lock her up in the dungeon....the council members instructed..

Mimi, Xiao, and Ashli laughed.

Lockshay realized that been locked in the dungeon might be quite risky for someone like her "oh no...if I get locked in the dungeon, I won't be able to leave....and it is also magic protected I have to do something..... Lockshay said and her eyes lowered and he saw the magical lock in Yun Zaki's hands, suddenly her fast reflexes kicked in and in the next second, she was with the key.

Lockshay stared at them as her head lifted up in triumph "I am not going anywhere...

*Lockshay please think this through**

suddenly Zaki stretched out his hands and it dazzled

"give me the lock?

No!... Lockshay said and a protective light dazzled around her hand and bounded on the key

Suddenly her voice softened...let me go please...

*you Know I can't do that* Yun Zaki said and came closer to her and as he got closer, her protective light dazzled brighter.

Fine listen, I will let you go free you can go to Y City....but you have to come and learn here also, about your magic... Zaki said. The light instantly diminished after she heard him say that... although the council wasn't happy about Yun Zaki's decision but since he is the head, they couldn't go against him.

"Mr Yun...are you serious? Lockshay asked as that cute look around her face showed and Yun Zaki smiled sighing in relief before her finally replied


can I hug you? Lockshay suddenly asked

*No* he said still with his relived look

ok... Lockshay said.