
Chapter 629: Is There a Connection_1

Capital, Zhou family estate, Chang Lian helped Lady Dong off the carriage, and as Lady Dong looked at the grand doors of the Zhou estate, she said, "It's truly a residence befitting of royal favor, such grandeur."

As Rongchuan dismounted from the carriage, Chang Lian said, "Let's go in and talk about it."

Lady Dong was excited at heart, for this was the West City district, "Alright."

The group entered the estate, which had already been arranged for them. Lady Dong looked at the courtyard they would reside in, "Will we also be living in this courtyard in the future?" The courtyard here was much larger than the one in the Jinzhou Residence.

Chang Lian sounded surprised, "This is the courtyard arranged by mother, we will be living here from now on. Take a look, do you like it? If you find anything unsuitable, feel free to make changes."