
Transmigration: Lady Chi Woos The Ice cold Professor Jun

When Chi Lian dies on her earth, she wakes up in the body of another girl with the same name as her on a different earth. One with empires and royal families. Poor and desperate to survive, she is bound to a virtual pet system that can access technology from its home planet for her to use. There is just one catch. The only job she can do is that of a paparazzo. From there, she is determined to build herself a media empire and take back what her family lost. Her main news worthy targets are the most wanted but hard to get bachelors of the empire. They are rich, handsome and the media is afraid of publishing their pictures and information. But somehow, Chi Lian manages to do the impossible, she takes their pictures all the time. Which woman would not pay for their exclusive pictures and news after all. One in particular attracts her the most, The cold CEO and Professor Jun Muyang who everyone says is cold to women. With her technology and wits, Chi Lian and her adopted daughter find all ways to invade his space and in the process, steal his heart. But just how far is she willing to go to melt professor Ice cube's heart and keep her competitors at a distance? All those women in the empire who wanted Jun Muyang were waiting eagerly for her rejection. But it would be a long wait. Week one..." Jun Muyang, I bought you these flowers." Jun Muyang: "Get lost." Year one..."Baby I need another kiss." Chi Lian..."Get lost." Other works. Transmigrating from a zombie world to become the mecha kings wife[ongoing]

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Poor Mei-Mei

This woman was dangerous; he could not let her stay in house any further. "I have some work to finish up in my office.

You should go back to your house now, I am sure your parents are worried about you."

"I am a big girl, I can handle myself." She said. However this wooing thing was supposed to be taken slow. She needed to boil Jun Muyang slowly like a frog in warm water. If she pushed too hard, he would freeze her out. She got up and carried Mei-Mei. "Good night Muyang." She winked and walked out.

"A_da," Mei-Mei waved at him as they left and Chi Lian giggled.

"You really like him my girl, don't you?" she asked the baby who gazed at her in confusion. "Should mummy make him your daddy?"

As she walked the short distance home, she wondered if she could really succeed in making him fall in love with her. If she did, would he accept Mei-Mei? Perhaps the first thing she should be concerned with is how to ease the relationship between the two. As long as Jun Muyang fell in love with Mei-Mei, he would accept her as his daughter.

Her family was sitting down for dinner when she entered the house. "You are back." Her mother moved toward her and took Mei-Mei away. "I was just about to send Zimo to look for you. How can you take long to return knowing that your daughter has to eat? It's okay if you want to starve, but don't starve my grand-daughter as well." she complained.

"I did not mean to take so long, Mei-Mei was eating fruits and she refused to leave before that plate was empty." She lied.

"Sis, how can you use Mei-Mei like that?" Chi Wei asked. "You were busy wooing that man from next door just admit that you lost sight of the time." Chi Rui advised.

"Why should I admit to anything?" Chi Lian sat down and prepared a plated of rice, chicken and vegetables for herself. "It smells so good." She said.

"Mother, don't allow Mei-Mei to over eat. She has already stuffed herself on cookies and fruits." Mei-Mei was already complaining because she could not reach the chicken which was the target of her appetite.

"If everyone is free tomorrow, I was hoping that we would all take a trip to the orphanage now that everything has settled down."

"That's a wonderful idea; I have been waiting for you to bring it up." Mama Chi was excited to finally do something.

Everybody at the table agreed to go.

"Oh, and just so you all know, Jun Muyang may be coming along with us. Please don't embarrass me tomorrow. And I mean you Zimo." She pointed at him specifically.

"Heyyyy_" Zimo who was chomping on a chicken thigh complained. Why was he catching stray bullets out of nowhere?

"Don't act like a hooligan and stay off your phone. That man next door is not in our class, we have to be on our best around him." Her father said. He had already searched for Jun Muyang's information on the internet the moment Chi Lian went over to his house for the first time. He was a wealthy young man who was related to the royal family. He could not understand why that man was allowing his daughter to get close to him.

He often wondered if the man was planning to just use and dump his daughter.

"We will leave in the morning at around nine. The vans with all the supplies will meet us there. If any of you wants to make personal contributions to the orphanage you can talk to Principal Wang when we get there." Chi Lian reminded them.

After the beautiful Daosi paid her, she had sent five hundred thousand to each of their personal accounts. She would continue sending them money until they started earning salaries, after all, she was the one who told them not to look for jobs or abandon the jobs they had.

"Chi-Chi," her father called, "I have been meaning to ask why you bought so many cars?" "One car for each member of the family, those are not too many dad." Her father looked at her like as if he was trying to make sense of her, even in the old days; they had only three cars in the family.

"But that brat Zimo does not need a car, he will stay in the dorm when school resumes and my leg is injured so I don't need a car as well."

"I am planning to hire a driver for you. If Mei-Mei needs to go for play dates or parks, a car, driver and nanny are all required. I have already found suitable candidates; they will be arriving on Sunday to resume their duties."

Mama Chi's face drooped; she was offended that her daughter did not trust her to care for Mei-Mei that she had found a nanny without talking to her.

Chi Lian noticed and told her mother, "Mum, I am going to need your help at work. You cannot stay at home and take care of Mei-Mei all day. That's why I am getting a nanny."

When her father heard that he looked at her like a toddler being left at home unwillingly while the adults went out to have fun. "You too dad, I am going to need your help." He smiled happily, "That's wonderful." Finally, he would be helpful to the family again.

Mama Chi left the table to give a yawning Mei-Mei her bath and put her to bed. Chi Lian, who still had to go out and do her paparazzo work personally because she could not access her drones until the punishment ended left the table reluctantly.

"I will be back soon." She announced as she left.

She got into her new car and drove off. How she longed for her motorcycle.

As she drove around aimlessly, she wondered where she could possibly find paparazzo worthy shots at this time of the night.

"You have an inspiration capsule." T4 reminded her. "Right! "she had not stored her capsules in her virtual storage. She carried them around candies in case of emergency. She took an inspiration capsule and waited to see what miracles it could work. Over thirty minutes passed and she could not feel any difference.

"T4, I think this capsule doesn't work."

"Give it time." He said.

A few minutes later, an expensive Rolls Royce went by speedily and Chi Lian felt the desperate urge to follow it so she did. The Went through security and entered an exquisite building.

"T4, what's inside this building?" "A law firm that deals with divorce and a cosmetic surgery hospital." Chi Lian pulled out the one camera she had and observed the environment around her. Two more cars showed up and went through security.

Chi Lian decided to head in and when the guard asked where she was going, she claimed that she had an appointment with the law firm so she was let in.

With T4's help, she took pictures of all the three women who had entered the building. Using facial recognition, T4 identified them as, Zhang Lili a wealthy madam of the Zhang family, Su Qing a top actress and Miss Chu who wanted to marry Jun Muyang. She left the building, parked her car and posted.

The mighty little peep star: [A wealthy madam, a top actress and an heiress walk into a building in the dead of night. Each of the three visited either a divorce law firm or a cosmetic surgery hospital. The question is who visited where?]

The attached pictures were foggy so that people would guess who was who.

The post went viral immediately.

Peep star 1: [That is a certain actress whose name starts with S but if I say the name her fans will kill me.]

The mighty lion: [Making a list of all heiresses in the empire right now]

Fire baby: [I am sure the actress is visiting the cosmetic surgery hospital]

Jun Muyang's wife: [Who cares? Just tell us if Jun Muyang is dating Lady Chi or not]

Sasha die hard:[Cant you mind your own business you nasty paparazzo?]

Peep star fun 1: [ I am not afraid to say that is the actress Su Qing. Kill me if you can, I am at home in my bed.]

The lovely baby;[ I went to school with Chi Sihua, I would know her figure from anywhere.]

Fire baby;[ Show us their faces clearly. A paparazzo should have no fear]

With her mission for the night accomplished, she went home and slept off immediately.