
Prologue, Act 2: Guild and Five Powers

"Where am I?" A young man appeared on a place that looked so huge. Its background was dominated with dark colors. There were only dim lights that brighten it.

A few moments later, that man sighed in pain as he held his hands and feet consecutively. He wasn't injured or something. He just felt a little pain and shock like being plunged into a container. Following his human intuition, he stood up and looked to his surrounding. He tried to find out where the hell he was now.

"Daniel Jay Aether, am I right," uttered an old man that stood behind the young man.

The young man who was none other than Daniel turned his body to the old man that just uttered his name. He felt shocked and threatened at once because the old man might know his identity. "Who are you? How did you know my name?"

"Of course I do. I am a data collector of the Transmigration Center. I know every identity of the persons that were about to be transmigrated," said the old man. Realizing that the situation was a bit awkward, he then decided to introduce his name. "Anyway, my name is T-1. Nice to see you, Daniel."

"Wh-Where am I?" asked Daniel who still felt shocked and threatened.

"No need to feel threatened, Young Man. I'm here not to kill you. Otherwise, I'm here to help you," said T-1 with a heavy monotonous voice. He didn't answer Daniel's question.

"You...You didn't answer my question. How can I trust you?!" Daniel felt annoyed because he felt like being ignored.

"No need to feel annoyed like that, Young Man. I will answer your question now. You are currently on Transmigration Center, a place where you will be prepared before you are transmigrated to the other world," answered T-1.

"Me? Being transmigrated to the other world? Are you kidding me?" Daniel didn't believe about the transmigration thing. He thought that it only happened on the fiction world, not on the real world. So, he had no reason for believing that he would experience that event in real.

"Haha. That is the common words that people said after they enter this place. However, you can witness it by yourself. Transmigration is a real thing." After replying Daniel's words, T-1 pointed his right index finger to the front. The old man then commanded Daniel to look at the direction where his finger was pointing at.

It was a man that walked to a tube. He was accompanied with an orange-haired floating child. After those two persons entered the tube, an old man pushed a red button next to the tube. The tube shone brightly.

In order to convince Daniel that transmigration is a real thing, T-1 brought him to get closer to the tube. As he and T-1 came closer to there, Daniel witnessed that the man and his orange-haired companion disappeared inside the tube. After that, it stopped shining.

"The travelers have been transmigrated." The words appeared on the small digital board above the tube.

"Now, do you still not believe in transmigration?" T-1 stared at Daniel as he wanted to know about the newcomer's answer.

"No...Now I believe that it is true," answered Daniel. "But, where were the man and his companion transmigrated to?"

"Sorry, Young Man. I can't tell you where they were transmigrated to because it may break the contract," replied T-1 with a serious gaze.

"Contract? About what?" asked Daniel.

"The contract about the transmigration. It is privately established between the travelers and the Transmigration Center itself. We would give them the chance to live in the other worlds based on their own choices. In exchange, they should live their 'gifted life' according to the set system. If they break the system, they will automatically be considered to have canceled the contract," explained T-1.

"System? Gifted life? I totally have no idea about that." Confused expression appeared on Daniel's face. He looked at T-1 with the hope that the oldman may give him some answers.

"No need to worry, Young Man. You will also be the traveler. I will explain every detail about the transmigation system to you, so you won't accidentally break it." T-1 walked into a room. He made a gesture by using his right hand to Daniel, instructing the newcomer to follow the old man.

Seeing T-1's gestrure, Daniel walked to follow him. Those two figures entered a room. Its size probably equaled to customer service room in a bank. There were some desks that were arranged like the layout of the bank's teller desks. Each desks were facilitated with computers

Many persons sat face to face with the customer services. Same with Daniel, those persons were also the humans from the real world that were transmigrated to the other world. Because of realizing that thing, Daniel then asked to T-1.

"T-1, those people....they are human too right?" asked Daniel as he pointed to the humans that he saw.

"Yes. They were same with you. They were chosen by the Almighty One to live their new lifes on the other worlds," answered T-1.

"The Almighty One? Who is he?" Daniel reflexively threw a question about the Almighty One to T-1.

"He's the founder and the supreme leader of the Transmigration Center. He is the one who arrange and set the transmigration system," answered T-1. "Now, follow me to that desk."

T-1 appointed the desk which was awaited by a long blue-haired woman. Daniel followed him and sat in front of that woman. Seeing that Daniel and T-1 came to her desk, she welcomed them with a smile on her face.

"Hello, Mr. T-1, Young Man. Nice to meet you," greeted the blue-haired woman nicely.

"Nice to meet you too, Monica. I'm coming with Daniel. He is the new traveler. Please treat him well." After finished his words, T-1 walked away from Monica's desk.

"Wait! Where will you go, T-1? You said that you'll explain every thing about the transmigration system," said Daniel as he tried to prevent T-1 for going away from him.

"There are many tasks that I should do, Young Man. But, you needn't to feel worried. Monica will be able to answer all of your questions regarding to the transmigration stuffs. She is one of the best guides that we have," excused T-1.

After telling his excuse to Daniel, T-1 went away from Monica's desk. Feeling that Monica might be relied as his information resources, he directly looked to her and prepared to give her several questions about the transmigration system. However, before Daniel asked to her, Monica had already started a conversation with him.

"So, Daniel, what kind of help that I can give to you?" asked Monica as she brightly smiled to him.

"Uhm...I wanted to ask something about the transmigration system, Monica. Can I do that?" replied Daniel.

"Of course. Ask everything that you wanted to know about, Daniel."

"Alright then, Monica. T-1 told me about the contract, the system, and the gifted life. I don't have any idea about that. So, can you explain to me about those things please?"

"Fine then. Briefly, you and the other persons, who we called as traveler, will be transmigrated to the other worlds based on your choice. In your case, you have chosen the Fairy Tail universe. Before you are transmigrated, you should make the contract with us. The contract that you shall not break."

"The contract that I shall not break?"

"Yes. The contract encompassed the strengths and roles that are agreed by the travelers and the Transmigration Center side. Once those things have already been set, the travelers should live their lifes under that contracts. It is the indication that they appreciate the gift of the Almighty One, our master."

"So, what will happen if there is someone who break the system, Monica?"

"Those who break it will be considered to withdraw themselves from the agreed contract, so they won't be able to enjoy the gift anymore once. It means that everything that we have already given to them will be pulled back, including their lives."

Hearing the answers from Monica, Daniel felt a bit frightened. This was totally different from the other systems that he ever read on the webnovels. The contract thing was actually the thing with made this transmigration system was different with the other systems. On the other systems, there would be no 'pulling back' event for those who were considered as the rule-breaker. They were free to play any roles and make any events on their next lifes.

"Pulling back everything, including their lifes. What do you mean?" asked Daniel.

"Yes, Daniel. Once you came here, you are technically died in your previous world. However, the fact that you are currently sitting in this room indicates that you are chosen by the Almighty One to live your life on your next life," answered Monica with monotonous tone.

"Okay so, if I break the rule, I will die. Am I right?"

"Yes, you are right, Daniel."

"It's a bit scary actually. But, I guess that I don't have any choices besides living my second life based on the contract. So, I hope that you won't mind to tell me what things that may be considered as the violation towards the contract."

Of course, Daniel wanted to know the details about the transmigration contract. He felt that it was similar with an agreement. Failure to understand every detail about it might lead the signer to make the wrong decision which wouldn't give the signer a good result.

"It's simple, Daniel. Before you're transmigrated to the Fairy Tail universe, you will be equipped by several powers as well as be given the right to choose your role. The things that we'll consider as violations are; switching your role (for example from hero to villain, villain to hero, et cetera), and learning too much power until you become god in that world."

"So, being powerful is forbidden in this transmigration system?" Daniel obviously felt a bit enraged after he knew the things that were considered as violations. Learning too much power was forbidden. Just what kind of joke was that.

"Nope, it doesn't mean like that, Daniel. You are obviously given the right to enhance your power until you become a powerful person. However, you are forbidden to master many kinds of power. Later, you will be given the maximum slots of the powers that you may possess."

"Oh I see. Anyway, about my role, you say that I can freely choose it. So, when can I choose it, Monica?"

"Oh actually, you have already chosen your role. It is as the Sabertooth member." Monica simply answered Daniel's question with a bright smile. However, Daniel as the questioner gave her a surprised expression.

"W-What? Sabertooth? When do I make my choose?" A shocked expression rose on Daniel's face as he felt that he didn't undergo any sections in the Transmigration Center. He just entered the place and then Monica told him that he already made a choice about his future role in Fairy Tail Universe.

Monica calmly sighed and then she patiently explained to Daniel about the time when he chose his future role. "Remember the moment when you pick the flashdisk outside your house and then input it inside your Central Processing Unit. After that, you open the application and answer several questions in which one of them ask you whether you like the Fairy Tail series or not. You answer [Yes]."

In a short time, Daniel managed to remember the moment when he accessed the foreign Fairy Tail application and answered several questions there. One of the question asked him what was his favorite guild in Fairy Tail series. He then answered that his favorite guild was Sabertooth.

"Don't tell me that the moment when I answered the question in my computer is..."

"You are right, Daniel. It is the moment when you already set your choice. So, you can't change it," said Monica interrupting Daniel's words.

"Oh alright. Guess that I have no choice besides undergo my role as a Sabertooth's member then. There's no information that those questions that I answer will determine my fate in the Fairy Tail universe." Daniel felt a bit annoyed to the transmigration system as he thought that he was like to be tricked.

"Hehe don't be annoyed, Daniel. Sabertooth is one of the strongest guilds in Fairy Tail series. You may become the S-class wizard or even the master of that guild. Moreover, you also have the special thing for choosing that guild."

"Special thing?"

"Yes, Daniel. Before the Grand Magic Games Arc, it's a kind of anti-heroic due to its difference of perspective with the heroic Fairy Tail, while after that arc, it became like heroic which often support Fairy Tail. The special thing is you have the chance to affect or even fully control the fate of yourself and Sabertooth whether you want to remain being anti-hero until the story finished or you want to follow the canon and turn yourself to be the heroic figure."

Daniel felt two kinds of feeling recently. He felt that his ideal if he was transfered to the Fairy Tail world might be realized. He always wanted to be a cool anti-heroic characters like Sting Euclide, Rogue Cheney, or Jellal Fernandes.

If he made Sabertooth remained as an anti-heroic guild, he would obviously be the rival of Fairy Tail. This might be no good for him if he wanted to be close with or even date Ultear, Mirajane, and Lucy who were the member of Fairy Tail. Those three were his favorite characters and honestly, they were the characters that he wanted to date if he was transfered to the Fairy Tail world.

Mirajane and Lucy were the members of Fairy Tail. Meanwhile, Ultear, along with Crime Sorciere, would be on the same line with the guild which was founded by Mavis Vermillion. So, being the rival of Fairy Tail would automatically made Daniel be their rival too. Therefore, he also felt a bit unsatisfied with this situation.

However, he didn't have any other options. He couldn't change the choice that he had already set. So, he should undergo his choice willingly or unwillingly. "I see then. I would live my live as the Sabertooth member. Anyway, how about the pairs that I could get in the Fairy Tail world? Is it limited with the number of female characters that I answered previously on my computer?"

"You needn't to worry, Daniel. You may date as many woman as you can in that world. The question about that only test whether you like Fairy Tail series or not. A person who like a series would have many favorite characters from it right?"

"Ah, I see. So, that question won't limit the numbers of woman that I can date in the Fairy Tail universe. Guess that I can establish my harem in there."

"It's a dream of thousand travelers haha." Monica laughed after she heard about my dream. She took a tablet and then used it to scan Daniel's body. Suddenly, a red light came out from the flesh of our main character.

"Uhm...what happens to my body?" Daniel groaned as he felt something entered his body.

"This is the power injection section. By using this tablet, I will insert five slots of power to your body. You may request two kinds of power to me, while the rest of the slots would be chosen randomly. So, do you have any requests of power that you want to own in the Fairy Tail world?" said Monica which was ended by an offer.

Daniel felt confused when he heard Monica's offer. He had more than two favorite powers that he wanted to master in the Fairy Tail world. However, he should realize that the system wouldn't let him to possess too many abilities. Simply, the system didn't let him to become too overpowered.

'So, I'm not allowed to request more than two abilities. It's such an annoying system. However, it doesn't mean that I can't become a powerful person in Fairy Tail world. Hmm...it's right. I can choose two most powerful powers that I ever know,' thought Daniel. After he finished thinking, he called Monica and said that he was ready to request two powers that he wanted to own.

"I'm ready, Monica," said Daniel.

"So, what kinds of power that you want to choose, Daniel?" asked Monica.

"I want to own Arc of Time from Fairy Tail series and a custom power, can I?" With a firm tone, Daniel answered Monica's question.

"A custom ability? Fine. I mean why not. The other travelers also asked that. So what kind of custom ability that you want?" asked Monica.

"I want to own an Adaptive Power. It is inspired by Traveler's Adaptive 'Vision' from the Genshin Impact Game which allows the Traveler to master the elemental powers from the Archon Statues that he/she touches.

I want the similar ability to be added to my power lists. However, since there will be no Archon Statues in Fairy Tail world, I need to request the similar but different power. The Adaptive Power that I request will allow me to possess the elemental magics by touching and absorbing the fractions of the users' magic power," answered Daniel as he explained the kind of custom ability that he wanted to own.

"Ho...So, you want to become the Traveler-like person in Fairy Tail world. Not bad. You are quite smart for requesting such ability. However, I will warn you that the requested custom ability will take a lot of your body's capability. Besides that, you will also feel exhausted if you use your custom power too often," warned Monica.

"Therefore, I want to request for the immense strength, immense durability, immense speed, and immense magical power. Please make my body's capabilities to become like Irene, Zeref, or August."

"But, you have already made two requests? You should cancel one of the abilities that you have chosen previously, Daniel. Otherwise, you will be considered as the contract violator."

"Alright then. I will cancel choosing Arc of Time in order to obtain immense body capabilities, so I may possess my custom Adaptive Power."

"Okay, then. So here we are."

Monica tapped her tablet several times. She made Daniel's custom power. It took several minutes, but it didn't take more than an hour to be made. After she finished making it, she inserted it along with the immense body capabilities to Daniel's body by using her tablet.

"A custom power and immense body capabilities have been added to Daniel Jay Aether. Since the custom power hasn't had name yet, I will give it a name, id est Adaptive Magic. Now let's we jump to the next section. The lottery to determine the three other abilities that you may own!"

Monica then set her tablet and then she showed its screen to Daniel. She convinced Daniel that the lottery had been set fairly and she didn't do anything to manipulate it. As the proof that she didn't do something fraudulent, I will keep showing the screen of my tablet to you while I shuffle the lottery.

Daniel felt that his heart pulsed a bit faster. His eyes were hooked to the screen of Monica's tablet. Deep in his heart, he prayed to be blessed with the good powers. He wanted to be prevented from getting the useless abilities. It didn't take too long time for the lottery section. Three lines appeared on Monica's tablet screen, displaying the three abilities that he might possess.

"Healing Magic,

Magical Band,





Baron Bunny."

Thinking that the MC's custom power has been very powerful enough, I decided to change the three randomly-given powers

ElectricEye21creators' thoughts