
Chapter 01: Meeting with Mirajane's Father

Daniel widened his eyes when he saw the word 'Baron Bunny' on Monica's tablet screen. As the Genshin Impact player, he obviously knew whose ability was that. It belonged to no other than the most bullied character in Genshin Impact community, Amber.

'Guess my bad luck in taking gacha continues.' He complained inside his heart for getting Amber's Baron Bunny. 'I mean why should Amber's Baron Bunny? Why aren't I given the better ability?'

Monica found Daniel's dissatisfaction through his expression. She smiled at him and said, "No need to be disappointed, Daniel. The abilities that you get randomly aren't that bad. Healing magic may heal your wounds, magical band may help you to immobilize your enemy, and Amber's Baron Bunny may distract them."

"Yea...You are right. I realize that I can't do anything even though I dislike those abilities. Your system is absolute. So, I can only accept what it gives to me." Honestly, Daniel wanted to switch the three random abilities that he got, especially that Amber's Baron Bunny technique. However, the system won't let him to change his abilities, just like Monica had said before.

The only way that e could do was doing some experiment with that Amber's mainstay technique. Probably he would doing some experiments with it in the future, such as infusing the lightning magic into it, so it might generate the greater explosion.

'It's actually pretty funny to think that the strong mages, such as August, Zeref, and Acnologia were got distracted by this technique. Their attacks would be literally deviated to hit that bunny doll instead of me.' Daniel smiled as he imagined if his thought became reality. So far, Amber's Baron Bunny had no limit. It wasn't an impossible thing if that ability might be casted to the strong mages from Fairy Tail world.

"You are smiling. Does that mean that you are okay with the abilities? Do you still have any questions about them before we jump to the next section?" asked Monica.

"No, I don't, Monica. I accept the abilities that are given to be. Being someone with superpower abilities is more than enough for me. Getting powerful and hilarious abilities in a package is a normal thing." Daniel thought that the abilities that he got were make senses. They were still be able to be used for fighting the enemies.

"Alright then. Since there was no question about the ability, we will proceed to the next section," said Monica. "The last thing that you should have before you begin your journey is guide. Guide may help you to improve your capabilities and also give you the useful informations about the Fairy Tail world."

When Daniel heard the word 'guide,' he thought that it was quite cool for having a guide. He remembered that the Traveler from Genshin Impact game had Paimon as his best guide. Several Fairy Tail characters also had companions that had the same function like guide. For the example, Natsu Dragneel had Happy that often gave guidance to the members of Team Natsu.

"So, who will become my guide?" asked Daniel.

"It's me," answered Monica as she posed like an expert worker.


"Yes! I am has been assigned by the Almighty One to be your guide. The Fairy Tail world is very wide. You need someone to guide you, so you will be able to live your new life as good as it can be."

"Okay okay. Now, I have you as my guide. So, what will we do next?"

"All of our preparations have been done. Let's go to the transmigration room now."

Daniel who was accompanied with Monica walked out from the room where they were before. They went to the transmigration room, the place where the transmigration tubes existed. It was a tool that was used by the Transmigration Center to send the travelers and their companions to the new world.

"So, you'll go to the Fairy Tail world along with this guy, Monica?" asked an old man. He was T-2, the guard of the transmigration room.

"Yes, T-2. It's my assigned job from the Almighty One. I don't have the right to refuse that," answered Monica.

"Okay then. Follow me." T-2 led Daniel and Monica to the transmigration tube. After that, he pressed the 'on' button on the monitor next to the tube, turning on the whole system of the device.

Monica took the initiative to introduce about the transmigration tube to Daniel. She looked to him and said, "This is the transmigration tube. It is used to transfered the travelers to the other world. Maybe it will feel a little hurt when we reached the Fairy Tail world. Please hold on."

"You needn't to worry about it, Monica. I'll surely be able to hold it," chimed Daniel.

Daniel and Monica entered the transmigration tube as they were ready to be transfered to the Fairy Tail world. Before that, T-2 warned Daniel not to break the contract. "Mr. Daniel, all of your abilities and affiliations has been recorded by our system as the contract. So, I hope that you'll be wise enough and live your new life based on it. I think Monica has already told you the consequences of breaking it."

"Yes, I'm fully aware about it, Sir," responded Daniel with a monotonous tone.

"Alright then. Please enjoy your journey, Young Traveler."

As there was no further conversation anymore, T-2 closed the transmigration tube's door. After that, he tapped the monitor next to the tube several times, setting it to transfered Daniel and Monica to the Fairy Tail world.

A red light appeared and gradually covered the tube. In seconds, Daniel and Monica were transfered to their destined place. The light began to disappear as soon as the two people inside the tube were gone.


~Unknowned Forest in Fiore, X776~


A red light appeared in the middle of an unnamed forest in Fiore, showing a brown-haired man with the dust on his clothes. That man was Daniel. Realizing that his body was dusty, he clapped his hands on it in order to clean himself from the dust.

Daniel stood up and started to observe his surrounding environment. The dense trees that covered the forest made the range of his sight narrowed. "Damn, I should get out of this forest now. This trees hamper my vision. I can't see anything."

When he was about to look for a way out of the forest, Daniel suddenly heard a voice inside his head. It was a voice of a woman that greeted him. Daniel obviously recognized that voice. It was Monica's voice, the woman who would be his guide.

[Hello there, Daniel]

"Oh, it's you, Monica. Where are you on? I thought that the one who just spoke to me was the spirit of the forest."

[Hehe. I'm not going anywhere. I'm just turned into the glove on your right hand]

Daniel looked at his right hand that had already been covered with red glove. On the part of the back of his right hand, there was a yellow orb inlaid within a spherical border.

[That yellow orb is the embodiment of your power. Once it is stuck onto you, it will not be able to be separated by any means. It means that you will own the gifted power forever.]

"I see. Then, where are you, Monica?"

[I turned myself into the glove that covers your right hand. Actually, it is the materialization of your guide system who is me. You can just communicate to that red glove on your right hand to talk with me.]

"Okay, I understand. Anyway, what will we do now? We were in the Fairy Tail world, right?"

[Yes, we have reached our destined world. However, you can't directly jump into the adventure. You need to master all of the elemental powers in this world.]

"I'm fully aware about that, Monica. As I began to search for the fractions from the elemental mages, I also need to seek the place to dwell."

Responding Daniel's words, Monica secreted a hologram map from the glove's orb. After the hologram map came out, she instructed to look at the red dot that was there. The dot flashed on an area that she considered as a village.

[Look at the red dot over the map, Daniel. It's right on the green-colored area. It means that the marked area is a place where the humans live.]

"Whoa...I don't know that you have cool technology like hologram map."

[Of course I have such technology, Daniel. Remember, I have already accompanied hundreds of people before you. I won't be able to do my job if I don't have sophisticated technology.]

"Yes, you right, Monica. Anyway, do you know the distance between our current place with that village?"

[Hmm...According to my hologram map, the village isn't far from our current position. It will only take about thirty minutes for us to head there. I suggest you to head to that area. There is nothing wrong in trying to check that area.]

"You're right, Monica. Let's head to that green-marked area. Probably it is really a village."

Daniel and Monica walked over the destined place to check whether it was a village or not. If it was a village, Daniel obviously planned to look for any dwelling places that were available to be rented. He didn't wanted to be a homeless man in this world.

The prediction of Monica's hologram map was true. Within the thirty minutes, Daniel and Monica managed to reach the green-marked area. It was a small village. Of course, it didn't have crowded population. There was no vehicle as well. People that dwelled in there just walked by foot if they want to transport to the other places.

Daniel then approached a white-haired man in order to ask several questions about the village. It was a normal thing that all people would do if they visited the foreign place. With the polite tone, Daniel asked, "Good morning, Sir."

"Oh yes. Good Morning too, Young Man. You looked like a foreigner. Can I help you?"

"Do you know a place of this village that is nice to be dwelled? I planned to rent it."

"So, you wanted to rent house here. Tell me, Young Man. Do you want to stay here?"

"Probably yes."

"Do you have already have any jobs, Young Man?"

"Job? No, I'm still new here, Sir."

"You don't have any jobs yet. So, how will you pay the rental cost?

"As soon as I make a deal with the rental house owner, I will do my best to get a job."

"You're such a youthful man. Guess a man like you is suitable to help my work. I'll hire you right now. Come with me to my house."

Daniel instantly felt happy when he heard that he would be hired by the man that he just met. However, he wondered about the man's occupation. So, in order to satisfy his curiousity, Daniel politely asked, "I feel happy because of your kindness, Sir. However, I'm curious about the kind of job that you have. You said that you wanted to hire me, aren't you?"

"Ah, I'm a grocer, Young Man. I sell many kinds of vegetables, fruits, meats, and seasonings. So, what's your answer? Do you accept my intention to hire you as my helper and worker?"

Daniel didn't directly answer 'yes' towards the man's offer. He thought about the positive and negative effects that he might reap if he accept the man's offer. He then looked to the man's face only to find that he felt familiar with that face.

'That man's face....It's similar with one of Fairy Tail characters.' Daniel tried to analyze the white-haired man's face carefully to prove his thought. He matched the man's face with the face of every Fairy Tail characters that he knew. ' If I'm not mistaken, his face, voice, hairstyle, and physique are similar with...uhmm...yeah, I remember it. This man is very similar with Elfman. This man could be his relative...Wait. If I was right, then this man would be the relative of Mirajane and Lisanna also. I need to ensure this.'

A glimmer of hope appeared inside Daniel's heart as he felt that being close with the white-haired man might ease him to know Mirajane. Yes, Daniel saw that the offer of that man might be profitable for him. Mirajane was one of the Fairy Tail female characters that Daniel desired. So, he wouldn't waste such opportunity.

[Hehe I know what you planned to do, Daniel.]

'Oh please don't disturb me, Monica. I just want to ensure something.'

[Let me guess. You want to make sure that the white-haired man is Mirajane's father. After that, you want to befriend with him and use this condition to approach her daughter.]

'But that only happened if my thought was right. Therefore I will go with him to ensure that. Moreover, that is not my only goal. I need money and dwelling place. I don't transmigrate to here to become an unemployed homeless man.'

[Oh I'm glad for hearing about that. I think you'll only care about the harem thing.]

'Of course not. How can I support my harem girls if I don't have money and dwelling place. Now, we should stop our conversation. Otherwise, that man would be confused for seeing me silent for a long time.'

[Alright then. I will talk to you later. Goodbye, Daniel.]

After he ended his conversation with Monica, Daniel responded to the white-haired man's option. "Sir, uhm...about your offer, I think I will accept that. Being the worker and helper of a grocery isn't bad. I think I would accept it because I need money to rent a house."

"Oh, I'm glad for hearing your respond. I finally may get the person that may help my job. Anyway, you needn't to rent a house. You may live in my house. There is an empty room that you may use."

"Is it true, Sir? Thank you very much for your kindness."

"You're welcome, Young Man. Now, let's head to my house."

Daniel followed the white-haired man to his house. When they got there, they were greeted by a long white-haired girl. Daniel's guess was right. The white-haired man that would become his boss was the father of Straus siblings and the girl that greeted him was Mirajane.

'Oh my god. It's just like a dream. I meet with one of my favorite Fairy Tail characters,' said Daniel in his mind. In order to avoid it being suspicious, he set aside his current happiness and looked to Mirajane. He then politely greeted her back.

Mirajane's Father then welcomed Daniel and brought the newcomer to the empty room inside the Straus Family's house. He then told to his guest that he might use that room as the place to rest. "So, here is your room, Young Man. I hope that you may enjoy our modest house."

"Thank you very much for your kindness, Sir. Ehm...anyway, my name is Daniel. Sorry for my carelessness. How I can forget to introduce myself to a kind man like you," apologized Daniel as he bowed his body to Mirajane's Father.

"Don't take it too serious, Daniel. It is partially my mistake also for forgetting to initiate doing the introduction section," burbled Mirajane's Father as he rubbed his back head. "My name is Timothy Straus. I am the head of Straus Family."

"My name is Mirajane Straus. You can call me as Mira. I am the oldest child of my father," said Mirajane as she introduced herself to me.

"Greetings, Mr. Timothy and Mira. Nice to meet you." I felt a bit awkward since I'm still embarrassed with Mirajane. It was like when you met your crush for the first time. However, I should be able to press myself. Afterall, the current Mirajane was still underage. I wasn't going to start my love story with her now.

"Nice to meet you too, Daniel. Anyway, you may start working tomorrow. Today, you can rest in here. Guess you've taken a very long journey to get here. Now, I will leave. I should deliver some meats to Magnolia Town."

"Alright, Mr. Timothy. Please be careful."

"Be careful, Father."

Timothy waved farewell to me and Mirajane. Then he went out from the Straus Family's House, leaving me and Mirajane alone inside that building.

"Uhm, Mr. Daniel. I will sort out the vegetables and fruits that are just distributed to my father. I'll do it in the kitchen. So, if you need any help, you can go there and find me," said Mirajane as she warmly smiled to me.

"Thanks for your kindness, Mira. But, please stop call me 'Mister.' I'm only 16 years old. I'm much younger than Mr. Daniel. Just call me by my name. It's okay."

"I'm sorry, Daniel. I will call you as you wish from now on."

Mirajane walked over the kitchen to do her task. Meanwhile, Daniel decided to go to his room. He lied himself on a mattress that was there. 'So, this is the Fairy Tail world. It's wonderful. I may meet with one of my favorite female characters. But, I have to prepare myself also. I don't come here to become an ordinary man. I was gifted with the superpower. From tomorrow, I will start to train my power.'

Timothy is an OC character that I make as Mirajane’s father. Her parents’ name are actually unknown. In order the complexity in mentioning her parents, so I then decided to make an OC character and positioned him as one of her parents.

ElectricEye21creators' thoughts