
Transmigration Destiny Encounter

Li Rong, a talented young cultivator with a prominent family background, finds himself unexpectedly transmigrated into the body of a weak and poisoned young man in a mystic era. Struggling to come to terms with his new reality, Li Rong must navigate the unfamiliar world around him while grappling with the loss of his previous identity and capabilities. Upon awakening in his new body, Li Rong discovers that he is slated to be married off to the young master of the Ling family, a revelation that leaves him bewildered and uneasy. As he endeavors to adapt to his new circumstances, he faces challenges both internal and external, contending with the limitations of his new form while navigating the treacherous politics and intrigues of the mystic era. With his innate arrogance tempered by the harsh realities of his situation, Li Rong must confront his own prejudices and preconceptions as he strives to carve out a place for himself in this unfamiliar world. Along the way, he forms unexpected alliances and confronts formidable adversaries, all while seeking to unravel the mysteries of his transmigration and unlock the true potential hidden within him. As Li Rong embarks on a journey of self-discovery and transformation, he must confront his own demons and confront the challenges that lie ahead. Will he succumb to the pressures of his new reality, or will he rise above them to forge his own destiny in this ancient and enigmatic world ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This is my first novel, so I apologise if there is any grammar or spelling issues!! This will be a slow burn R-18 work, so dont give up on me yet just because it's not that spicy in the beginning ;) I will be updating 2-3 times a week, chapter amounts will vary though.

DaoistBLLover1123 · Kỳ huyễn
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26 Chs

Meeting The Wife

As Xuan Liang observed Li Rong from afar, a mixture of emotions stirred within him. He couldn't deny the allure of the young man before him, whose features mirrored those he had seen in the portrait sent to him all those years ago. There was a sense of familiarity that tugged at Xuan Liang's heart, mingled with a newfound desire that he struggled to contain.

Silently, Xuan Liang watched as Li Rong gracefully disrobed, his movements fluid and unhurried. Each garment fell away, revealing a physique that was both captivating and delicate, stirring something primal within Xuan Liang's soul. He found himself mesmerized by the sight, unable to tear his gaze away from the beauty before him.

As Li Rong eased himself into the warm waters of the medicinal bath, Xuan Liang made a subtle shift in his position, ensuring that his presence would be noticed. He watched as Li Rong's gaze flickered in his direction, a hint of curiosity gleaming in his eyes as he requested for his new acquaintance to join him.

Xuan Liang approached, his movements calculated and deliberate. "Don't mind if I do" he said, his voice smooth and charming as he settled into the water beside Li Rong.

Li Rong glanced at him, his expression neutral as he nodded in acquiescence. "Of course," he replied politely, though Xuan Liang could sense a hint of wariness in his demeanor.

With a silent nod of gratitude, Xuan Liang introduced himself with a fabricated name, borrowing that of his family's steward. "I'm Lin Fang," he said, offering a friendly smile as he extended his hand in greeting.

Li Rong returned the gesture, his eyes studying Xuan Liang with a mixture of curiosity and reserve. "Li Rong," he replied simply, though there was a flicker of uncertainty in his gaze.

Xuan Liang sensed an opportunity to further ingratiate himself with Li Rong, hoping to gain his trust and discern his intentions. "What brings you to Jiang Bei, Li Rong?" he inquired, his tone casual yet inquisitive.

Li Rong hesitated for a moment before responding, his voice guarded. "I'm here to attend the Ji family auction," he explained, though there was a note of uncertainty in his tone. "I plan to sell some items, but I don't have any connections at the auction house."

Xuan Liang considered this information carefully, his mind already formulating a plan. "I may be able to help with that," he offered, a hint of warmth in his voice. "I have some acquaintances within the Ji family. I could introduce you to them before the auction begins."

Li Rong's eyes widened in surprise, a glimmer of hope sparking within them. "That would be greatly appreciated," he said gratefully, his guard beginning to lower in Xuan Liang's presence.

As they continued to converse, Xuan Liang made a mental note to use this opportunity to further assess Li Rong's character and motivations. There was something about him that intrigued Xuan Liang, something that he couldn't quite put into words.

For now, however, Xuan Liang would bide his time, content to play the role of a friendly acquaintance while he unraveled the mystery that surrounded Li Rong. It was time to chase his wife, but he knew that patience and cunning would be his greatest allies in this endeavor.

The following day dawned with a sense of anticipation lingering in the air as Xuan Liang awaited Li Rong outside his hotel room. They had made arrangements the previous evening to visit the Ji family auction house together, and Xuan Liang was eager to see how Li Rong would fare in the world of high-stakes bidding.

As they set out, Xuan Liang's mind was abuzz with plans and strategies. He had sent a messenger to Ji Yang the previous evening, arranging a meeting under the guise of his alias, Lin Fang. He knew that no member of the Ji family would pass up the opportunity to establish a connection with someone of his stature, even if they were unaware of his true identity.

Together, Xuan Liang and Li Rong made their way to the auction house, the imposing structure looming before them like a fortress of wealth and power. An aura of grandeur emanated from the building, its size seemingly endless to the naked eye—a clever illusion crafted by the intricate array surrounding it.

As they entered, Xuan Liang could sense Li Rong's apprehension, though he hid it well behind a facade of composure. With a reassuring nod, Xuan Liang led the way, guiding Li Rong through the bustling crowds until they were greeted by Ji Yang himself.

"Welcome, Master Lin Fang," Ji Yang exclaimed, his voice filled with deference and respect as he bowed deeply to Xuan Liang. "It is an honor to have you grace our humble establishment."

Xuan Liang returned the greeting with a polite nod, his expression unreadable as he gestured towards Li Rong. "Allow me to introduce Li Rong," he said, his tone gracious. "He is a talented cultivator with a selection of wares he wishes to present at your esteemed auction."

Ji Yang's eyes lit up with interest as he turned his attention to Li Rong, a smile playing at the corners of his lips. "Ah, a cultivator with treasures to share," he remarked, his voice tinged with excitement. "Please, follow me. We have prepared a private room where you may showcase your goods."

With a grateful nod, Li Rong followed Ji Yang deeper into the auction house, his heart pounding with anticipation. This was his chance to prove himself in the world of cultivation, to establish his name and reputation among the elite.

As they entered the private room, Li Rong was greeted by a sight that took his breath away. The room was elegantly furnished, with plush chairs and ornate decorations adorning the walls. A table had been set up in the center of the room, ready to display Li Rong's wares to potential buyers.

With a steady hand, Li Rong laid out his foundation pills, each one gleaming with an inner light that spoke of their potency and quality. He spoke passionately about the ingredients and techniques used to create them, his words painting a vivid picture of their value and efficacy.

Ji Yang listened intently, his eyes sparkling with interest as Li Rong spoke. When Li Rong had finished his presentation, Ji Yang applauded, his smile warm and genuine. "Truly impressive," he exclaimed. "I have no doubt that your wares will fetch a handsome price at our auction."