
Chapter 29: Outsmarting_1

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Qian Yixiu had just put down the mirror when she heard her little aunt shouting for dinner outside.

Finally, she could go to the main room to eat, and Qian Yixiu was overjoyed. She went to pull her little mother, but Cheng Yue's tears came out, "Scared, won't go out."

The little mother was terrified and had never left her small room since she was injured.

Qian Yeejin also came in to persuade, "Mother, with your son here, no one dares to bully you."

Cheng Yue still wouldn't go out.

Qian Yixiu said helplessly, "Then mother should stay in the room and wait nicely, Yixiu will bring the food to you."

Qian Sangui was also lying in bed unable to get up, so only Lady Wu, Qian Manxia, and the younger siblings Qian Yeejin had dinner in the main room.

The meal was very simple, sweet potato gruel, salted vegetables, and they even saved on cornbread.